The Politically Incorrect Truth About Martin Luther King Jr.


Your 'crusader push back' seems to have happened two centuries before the loss I described!

To quote your link: "And Jerusalem would never again be in Crusader hands. In fact, by 1291 [the date I gave!], the Crusader kingdom had been wiped off the map."

(My good friend gcthomas appears to be in one of his anal retentive moods today).

This post with a video explained Muzzie imperialism and what happened when Christendom "pushed back".

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
Here's an interesting article written by a Black woman questioning Martin Luther the King's Christianity (I personally think that it was written by Alan Stang who was pretending to be a Black woman, but I have no proof of that).


Early this year (1998), my little sister asked me to look up some stuff on the internet for a paper she was doing on Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. As I surfed, the Lord put a thought in my mind, "Did this man ever testify of Me?" I thought to myself, "Mmmmm. The world loved this man. If he was preaching the gospel, the world would have hated him."
She took a poll, did she? :plain:

The reason many in the larger world admire King has everything to do with his work as an advocate of civil rights, a man who led the effort to free a people from the tyranny of unjust law and did so nonviolently. I wouldn't expect Muslims or Hindus, atheists or Jews, etc., to celebrate his faith.

"Nothing in all the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity." Martin Luther King, Jr.


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
Here's an interesting article written by a Black woman questioning Martin Luther the King's Christianity (I personally think that it was written by Alan Stang who was pretending to be a Black woman, but I have no proof of that).


Early this year (1998), my little sister asked me to look up some stuff on the internet for a paper she was doing on Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. As I surfed, the Lord put a thought in my mind, "Did this man ever testify of Me?" I thought to myself, "Mmmmm. The world loved this man. If he was preaching the gospel, the world would have hated him."

She took a poll, did she?

She didn't need to. Martin Luther the King Jr., in the eyes of many pagans, atheists and ignorant Christians, was the greatest thing to come along since sliced bread (except for sliced bread didn't get a national holiday in it's name).

The reason many in the larger world admire King has everything to do with his work as an advocate of civil rights, a man who led the effort to free a people from the tyranny of unjust law and did so nonviolently. I wouldn't expect Muslims or Hindus, atheists or Jews, etc., to celebrate his faith.

"Nothing in all the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity." Martin Luther King, Jr.

One would think that Martin Luther the King would celebrate his faith though.

As the Black woman wrote:

"Whenever he mentioned Jesus, it was along with mere mortals like Socrates or Ghandi. In his jailhouse letter, King lumped all religions into the same class. I could not find one "sermon" where he preached Jesus Christ and Him crucified. What I saw is that this man "preached" a social gospel using Black churches as his springboard..."

That being said: If you would like to turn this discussion in the direction of how wonderful those in the Black community are doing today (high abortion rate, high incarceration rate, high fatherless home rate) I'll gladly do so.

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame

Early this year (1998), my little sister asked me to look up some stuff on the internet for a paper she was doing on Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. As I surfed, the Lord put a thought in my mind, "Did this man ever testify of Me?" I thought to myself, "Mmmmm. The world loved this man. If he was preaching the gospel, the world would have hated him."
So she began from an assumption born of a lack of consideration, establishing a certain bias before she ever looked for something to confirm it.

Re: did she take a poll?
She didn't need to. Martin Luther the King Jr., in the eyes of many pagans, atheists and ignorant Christians, was the greatest thing to come along since sliced bread (except for sliced bread didn't get a national holiday in it's name).
Again, King is largely and mostly celebrated for his work in freeing his people from the yoke of injustice. He understood that being at the front of that movement could likely end with his death but continued until it did, as it had with more than a few.

One would think that Martin Luther the King would celebrate his faith though.
One only assumes that he didn't. As to how people's beliefs can change and evolve, I noted Harry Truman once as an example of a man who went from Klansman to President without carrying that stupid baggage along for the ride. Look narrowly enough at anyone and you can form nearly any opinion you desire.

As the Black woman wrote:
It's sad but telling that you think that's worth repeating, that she's black. And odd given how often you recite statistics painting people of that color in the worst possible light.

So it's only a noteworthy, near virtue when the end game is to taint and harm?

"Whenever he mentioned Jesus, it was along with mere mortals like Socrates or Ghandi.

There's not a pastor in any Christian church who could survive that practice, especially not a minister in his time and community.

In his jailhouse letter, King lumped all religions into the same class. I could not find one "sermon" where he preached Jesus Christ and Him crucified.
How many sermons did King deliver? How many did she have on hand? How many have you ever read?

What I saw is that this man "preached" a social gospel using Black churches as his springboard..."
Social justice? From the pulpit? Heaven forbid...wait, it doesn't, does it... :plain:

That being said: If you would like to turn this discussion in the direction of how wonderful those in the Black community are doing today (high abortion rate, high incarceration rate, high fatherless home rate) I'll gladly do so.
So having attacked the seminal figure in that community you're now eager and ready to similarly distort and "examine" the race in this country? Will wonders never cease.

No, I'd rather you get the first thing right before moving answering that idiotic question you've run from since the first time I noted its irrationality. You know, this one:

Why would a supposed man of God associate with someone like this? [in conjunction with a photo of Planned Parenthood founder Sanger at a Klan rally]
Because I just know everyone is waiting to find out why a black man would accept recognition from someone actively supporting the Klan and the genocide of his people...I'll wait while you keep running from that under thought attempt to taint gone awry.


New member
So she began from an assumption born of a lack of consideration, establishing a certain bias before she ever looked for something to confirm it.

Re: did she take a poll?

Again, King is largely and mostly celebrated for his work in freeing his people from the yoke of injustice. He understood that being at the front of that movement could likely end with his death but continued until it did, as it had with more than a few.

One only assumes that he didn't. As to how people's beliefs can change and evolve, I noted Harry Truman once as an example of a man who went from Klansman to President without carrying that stupid baggage along for the ride. Look narrowly enough at anyone and you can form nearly any opinion you desire.

It's sad but telling that you think that's worth repeating, that she's black. And odd given how often you recite statistics painting people of that color in the worst possible light.

So it's only a noteworthy, near virtue when the end game is to taint and harm?

There's not a pastor in any Christian church who could survive that practice, especially not a minister in his time and community.

How many sermons did King deliver? How many did she have on hand? How many have you ever read?

Social justice? From the pulpit? Heaven forbid...wait, it doesn't, does it... :plain:

So having attacked the seminal figure in that community you're now eager and ready to similarly distort and "examine" the race in this country? Will wonders never cease.

No, I'd rather you get the first thing right before moving answering that idiotic question you've run from since the first time I noted its irrationality. You know, this one:

Because I just know everyone is waiting to find out why a black man would accept recognition from someone actively supporting the Klan and the genocide of his people...I'll wait while you keep running from that under thought attempt to taint gone awry.

If only....If only he, ASC, would listen to the words of our Lord Jesus Christ when He asked "Let those among you who are without sin cast the first stone...."
It is so easy to gouge a pound of flesh here and there from one with whom we disagree until that person can no longer function at all, including the use of his/her God given talents for good.
No one is without sin, no, not one!
And also, very few among us are without some redeeming social value.

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
If only....If only he, ASC, would listen to the words of our Lord Jesus Christ when He asked "Let those among you who are without sin cast the first stone...."
It is so easy to gouge a pound of flesh here and there from one with whom we disagree until that person can no longer function at all, including the use of his/her God given talents for good.
No one is without sin, no, not one!
And also, very few among us are without some redeeming social value.
I don't mind people noting flaws. But you need a context that encompasses, illustrates a real breadth of understanding and some measure of compassion/recognition that we all fall short, by a mile or by a step. Either way it's a chasm we can't cross without grace and that should carry a measure of gratitude. Instead, so many of us are like the man forgiven much, out shaking others by their shirt collars for the pennies we think they owe.

He's about as one sided and blinkered as people who view the founding fathers as near writers of scripture.

Good on you, bybee, as ever. :cheers:


Now that my two white liberal friends have said their piece, let's discuss something that guilt ridden white liberals never want to discuss:

The effect that their liberal policies have had on the Black community.

Abortion in the Black community (from two websites: Black Genocide and Klanned Parenthood).

72% of Black American's born to unwed mothers.

The impact of high Black male incarceration rates

Black Incarcerated Males

For the past two decades, the criminal justice system in the United States has been undergoing a tremendous expansion. There are now more than one million black men in jail and that one out of every four black males will go on prison in there lifetime..."

Booker T. Washington come back, your community needs you more than ever (in the meantime, Blacks shouldn't trust white guilt ridden liberals to "help" them anymore).

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
Now that my two white liberal friends
A knowing far so consistent.

Followed by evasion, again...okay, thanks for reminding me why I so rarely bother with posting in one of your threads.

I'll leave you to your half cocked rumor and fourth tier rationalizing then, since you can't and won't attempt to deal with your own question, to no real surprise.



New member
Now that my two white liberal friends have said their piece, let's discuss something that guilt ridden white liberals never want to discuss:

The effect that their liberal policies have had on the Black community.

Abortion in the Black community (from two websites: Black Genocide and Klanned Parenthood).

72% of Black American's born to unwed mothers.

The impact of high Black male incarceration rates

Black Incarcerated Males

For the past two decades, the criminal justice system in the United States has been undergoing a tremendous expansion. There are now more than one million black men in jail and that one out of every four black males will go on prison in there lifetime..."

Booker T. Washington come back, your community needs you more than ever (in the meantime, Blacks shouldn't trust white guilt ridden liberals to "help" them anymore).

I am about as conservative as they come you dimwit!


New member
First co-recipient of the Margaret Sanger/Planned Parenthood baby butcher award, violent sexual degenerate, communist sympathizer, plagiarist, fraudulent Christian, you name it, Mike King did it

well, if all this is true (i read through some of it)

it is a fine example of the hogwash we are all taught in public schools...

just another reminder of how we need school vouchers.. but will not get it with Pres O



like marbles on glass
Now that my two white liberal friends

I am about as conservative as they come you dimwit!

A knowing far so consistent.

Followed by evasion, again...okay, thanks for reminding me why I so rarely bother with posting in one of your threads.

I'll leave you to your half cocked rumor and fourth tier rationalizing then, since you can't and won't attempt to deal with your own question, to no real surprise.


He lies all the time... and then lies about not lying.

Doesn't your book also tell you not to lie?
Yep, and I stick to that command.


well, if all this is true (i read through some of it)

it is a fine example of the hogwash we are all taught in public schools...

just another reminder of how we need school vouchers.. but will not get it with Pres O


It goes deeper than public schools TSF. I've attended several pro life rallies in Olympia around this time of the year, because it's around the anniversary of Roe v Wade (I see that it was held today: ). Nothing is more embarrassing than hearing speakers praise Martin Luther the King Jr. as some kind of "hero", either not knowing that he was the first recipient of the Margaret Sanger/Planned Parenthood award, or ignoring the fact that he was praised by baby murderers because it's the politically correct thing to do. Bus loads of children, mostly from parochial schools are there, being brainwashed that this evil man was some kind of Saint.

On a positive note: My pastor quit talking about King (and didn't mention him this past Sunday, which was Sanctity of Life Sunday:

after I sent him some information on him.


He lies all the time... and then lies about not lying.

I'm pleased that you're following my WHMBR! thread anna. In fact, so pleased that I'm thinking of renaming it:

"How sodomites live so quietly that no one would ever know that they are".

Speaking of my thread: I was hoping you'd represent the anti Phil Robertson brigade and tell us what options women have besides marriage and abstinence.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
First co-recipient of the Margaret Sanger/Planned Parenthood baby butcher award, violent sexual degenerate, communist sympathizer, plagiarist, fraudulent Christian, you name it, Mike King did it all.

I thought I'd start a new one.
:chew: Maybe you should have jumped in a lake?
Why would a supposed man of God associate with someone like this?

It appears that a former First Lady wasn't a fan of King either:

In a surprising interview from 1964 that appears in a new book about White House life, former first lady Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis described Martin Luther King Jr. as "phony" and "tricky," Politico reports.

The commentary can be found in Jacqueline Kennedy: Historic Conversations on Life with John F. Kennedy, a book that will be published next week.

The 1964 Q&A session includes Mrs. Kennedy's allegation that King mocked the funeral mass of her husband, John F. Kennedy, ............

The book also reveals that the FBI tapes that captured the married civil rights activist in a hotel room with another woman contributed to Mrs. Kennedy's negative impression of him, .......

Why the Martin Luther King Jr. Holiday Should be Repealed

He was a substantial leader to many severely oppressed and mistreated, disenfranchised people; he was a great voice of rational and hope, a better way, he visioned, was possible, if only people would release their own minds from the conditioning of racial prejudice.

You do not know anything about racialism, I know you do not know the difference between racism and racialism, and you are not worth teaching the difference, because you are well confined to a general state of ignorance, not just racial and moral.

Only a person of internal hatred would state what you have stated here.


More white liberal guilt:

He was a substantial leader to many severely oppressed and mistreated, disenfranchised people; he was a great voice of rational and hope, a better way, he visioned, was possible, if only people would release their own minds from the conditioning of racial prejudice.




like marbles on glass
I'm pleased that you're following my WHMBR! thread anna. In fact, so pleased that I'm thinking of renaming it:

"How sodomites live so quietly that no one would ever know that they are".

Speaking of my thread: I was hoping you'd represent the anti Phil Robertson brigade and tell us what options women have besides marriage and abstinence.

You changed my words - you substituted yours for my own and put it in quotation marks as if I'd said it. How dishonest of you.

Thanks for illustrating your inability to be truthful, you've proven my point beautifully.

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
You changed my words - you substituted yours for my own and put it in quotation marks as if I'd said it. How dishonest of you.
Though in fairness there's no honest defense of much of his stuff.

Thanks for illustrating your inability to be truthful, you've proven my point beautifully.
Has he called you a guilt ridden liberal yet?

It's one of his go-to moves. You should stick around at least until he throws that bad boy into the mix. :plain: