So she began from an assumption born of a lack of consideration, establishing a certain bias before she ever looked for something to confirm it.
Re: did she take a poll?
Again, King is largely and mostly celebrated for his work in freeing his people from the yoke of injustice. He understood that being at the front of that movement could likely end with his death but continued until it did, as it had with more than a few.
One only assumes that he didn't. As to how people's beliefs can change and evolve, I noted Harry Truman once as an example of a man who went from Klansman to President without carrying that stupid baggage along for the ride. Look narrowly enough at anyone and you can form nearly any opinion you desire.
It's sad but telling that you think that's worth repeating, that she's black. And odd given how often you recite statistics painting people of that color in the worst possible light.
So it's only a noteworthy, near virtue when the end game is to taint and harm?
There's not a pastor in any Christian church who could survive that practice, especially not a minister in his time and community.
How many sermons did King deliver? How many did she have on hand? How many have you ever read?
Social justice? From the pulpit? Heaven forbid...wait, it doesn't, does it...

So having attacked the seminal figure in that community you're now eager and ready to similarly distort and "examine" the race in this country? Will wonders never cease.
No, I'd rather you get the first thing right before moving answering that idiotic question you've run from since the first time I noted its irrationality. You know, this one:
Because I just know everyone is waiting to find out why a black man would accept recognition from someone actively supporting the Klan and the genocide of his people...I'll wait while you keep running from that under thought attempt to taint gone awry.