The Politically Incorrect Truth About Martin Luther King Jr.


Hmmm, never knew that. I'm going to have to go back and read the Holy Q'uran, and the few Hadiths I have on hand that specifically deal with Black Liberation Theology. I wanna see where the Prophet SAW said that Islam was going to further the advancement of a specific race and teach that one race was inferior to others. Before I do that, can you point me in the direction of the correct Sunnah that states this? You seem keen on Islamic teachings, so I'm assuming you've been well eductated on my faith.

Reread the post, specifically this part:

Islam and BLT are theologies that have a political goal of making all politics submit to their demands. Submission is the political goal.
Islam and BLT are both based upon the principle of duality. The Koran divides up humanity into Muslims and the kafirs (unbelievers). BLT has a god that divides humanity into blacks and whites. But the duality is not the division, but a complete separation that is ethical, political, cultural and religious. The believer has nothing in common with the kafir/white. Allah loves the Muslim and a black god loves the blacks.


New member
Reread the post, specifically this part:

Islam and BLT are theologies that have a political goal of making all politics submit to their demands. Submission is the political goal.
Islam and BLT are both based upon the principle of duality. The Koran divides up humanity into Muslims and the kafirs (unbelievers). BLT has a god that divides humanity into blacks and whites. But the duality is not the division, but a complete separation that is ethical, political, cultural and religious. The believer has nothing in common with the kafir/white. Allah loves the Muslim and a black god loves the blacks.

Not for nothing, but have you thought about seeking professional help in the education department? That load of dribble made my head spin, and all I'm gonna do now is pray for you. Islam was founded on the principle that all people were born sinless, and choose to sin in life. No man is greater than another. Even the Prophet SAW chastised Muslims for not being good enough, while he praised Non-Muslims for their charities. You know nothing about my faith, nor about Islamic history. So please, before you start piping up how my faith is in league with some race based ideaology, actually have something substantive to go along with it.


Not for nothing, but have you thought about seeking professional help in the education department? That load of dribble made my head spin, and all I'm gonna do now is pray for you. Islam was founded on the principle that all people were born sinless, and choose to sin in life. No man is greater than another. Even the Prophet SAW chastised Muslims for not being good enough, while he praised Non-Muslims for their charities. You know nothing about my faith, nor about Islamic history. So please, before you start piping up how my faith is in league with some race based ideaology, actually have something substantive to go along with it.

I know plenty about the hatred that comes from your false religion.

Christianity vs Islam

Muzzie aggression/Jihad


New member
I know plenty about the hatred that comes from your false religion.

Hatred? Seems to me that the only one spewing hatred, is you. I've not shown resentment towards any Christian or your religion at all and that's how 99.99% of all Muslims are. You might wanna check again on your "facts" and what they're teaching you.


Hatred? Seems to me that the only one spewing hatred, is you. I've not shown resentment towards any Christian or your religion at all and that's how 99.99% of all Muslims are. You might wanna check again on your "facts" and what they're teaching you.

Islam: Making a True Difference in the World - One Body at a Time

Syria: Young Christian Man Beheaded On The Spot After Islamists Notice Cross Necklace

(Don't cha just feel the love?).
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New member
First co-recipient of the Margaret Sanger/Planned Parenthood baby butcher award, violent sexual degenerate, communist sympathizer, plagiarist, fraudulent Christian, you name it, Mike King did it all.

You are relying on Alan Stang for your opinion? Is this the same Alan Stang who believes this:?

Man is a biochemical, bioelectric being. What Hahnemann was doing without knowing it in his laborious search for cures, was finding a medicine with the same frequency as the disease he was treating. We are all familiar with the opera singer whose note shatters the glass. Why? Because her note and the glass emit the same frequency and establish a mutual resonance. In the same way, because “like cures like,” a medicine that has the same frequency as a pathogen will kill it when they collide.

Electronic medicine is the art of developing machines that create the frequencies needed to restore health. Some 75 years ago, a scientific genius named Royal Rife developed such a machine. Monopoly Medicine used gangster government to drive him out of this country. Rife had to hide out in Mexico, where so many other healers have fled.

Over the years, people using the Rife technology have been raided, imprisoned, driven to suicide and insanity. Government goon squads seized and smashed Rife equipment and pressured recovered patients to recant about the relief they had enjoyed. The foreman in one jury that convicted a Rife practitioner was an AMA doctor. The other jurors were kept in ignorance. An Ohio doctor named Stafford was hounded so badly he gave up medicine and became a salesman. Of course all this is standard Communist federal goon procedure whenever someone develops something Monopoly Medicine does not control.

All technology is primitive when it is first introduced. The original computers were even bigger than Rosie O’Donnell, which you can’t lift, but could not do as much as your calculator, which you can. Today’s electronic medicine is seventy five light years more sophisticated than Royal Rife’s monumental technology.

from here.

He sounds like he was a class one crank, not someone to have opinions to trust.

Catholic Crusader

Kyrie Eleison
If you believe racism wasn't present in this thread you are a bigger fool than you thought.
Who cares. Racism is everywhere, and I dare say it is most prevalant in the black community. Believe me, I know, as a long time resident of Oakland CA.

Its everywhere and that's life. Don't use it to distract from the topic.


You are relying on Alan Stang for your opinion? Is this the same Alan Stang who believes this:?

Alan Stang is one of many sources that I've used to expose the fraud Martin Luther the King Jr.

If it weren't for the late great Alan Stang, I wouldn't have known that Ronald Reagan was instrumental in promoting homosexuality in CA by defeating the Briggs Initiative.

That being said, let's review his article "Uncelebrate Martin Luther King Day" and you can tell me what isn't true in his article.

Since I was talking with the Muzzie Soldier last night about his false religion, let's take an up close look at what this "Christian Reverend" views on Christianity were.

"Now let’s look at Mike King’s Christianity. Mike was a “Reverend.” He had a “doctorate” in theology. As we have seen, his degree was a fraud, like Mike Huckabee’s, but Christianity, we are told, was the inspiration for everything he did. What did he believe? What kind of Christian was he?

Among the papers with his name on it is one entitled, “What Experiences of Christians Living in the Early Christian Century Led to the Christian Doctrines of the Divine Sonship of Jesus, the Virgin Birth, and the Bodily Resurrection.” The title itself tells us something is wrong. These doctrines came not from anyone’s “experience,” but from history and from what Jesus said. But, “Dr.” King comments, “these doctrines are historically and philolophically untenable.” (sic)

Here is how Jesus got to be divine, according to “Dr.” King: “The first doctrine of our discussion which deals with the divine sonship of Jesus went through a great process of developement. (sic) . . . How then did this doctrine of divine sonship come into being? We may find a partial clue to the actual rise of this doctrine in the spreading of Christianity into the Greco-Roman world. . . . Anything that possessed flesh was always underminded (sic) in Greek thought. And so in order to receive inspiration from Jesus the Greeks had to apotheosize him.

“. . . As Hedley laconically states, ‘the church had found God in Jesus, and so it called Jesus the Christ; and later under the influence of Greek thought-forms, the only begotten Son of God.’” In short, according to King, it was the Greeks who made Jesus “divine.” My guess is that King really did write this, because it is so incompetent. This is the writing of a mediocre high school sophomore, not a man with a doctorate.

Here is King on the virgin birth: “First we must admit that the evidence for the tenability of this doctrine is to (sic) shallow to convince any objective thinker . . . .” So, according to Mike, there was no virgin birth.

Finally, consider that the resurrection is the master doctrine of Christian belief. Catholics believe it. Protestants believe it. Without the resurrection, there is no Christianity; there is just another “wise man.” If you don’t believe in the resurrection – if you don’t believe that Jesus died, was dead and then rose – then go your way in peace, but you are not a Christian.

So, what does “Dr.” King believe about the resurrection? “The last doctrine in our discussion deals with the resurrection story. This doctrine, upon which the Easter Faith rests, symbolizes the ultimate Christian conviction: that Christ conquered death. From a literary, historical, and philosophical point of view this doctrine raises many questions. In fact the external evidence for the authenticity of this doctrine is found wanting. . . .” Indeed, according to King, the apostles made it all up because they loved Him so much..."

I'd pointed out last night that King embraced "Black Theology". A true Christian is color blind, King saw everything in (literally) black and white.

If there is anything else in Stang's article that you would like to question, please do so.


New member
Since Stang has managed to mangle his view of reality so much that he has a belief in a bunch of crazy things that are even too crazy for you, I wouldn't put it past him to be selectively quoting MLK to within an inch of his life, as the YECs on TOL do with scientists.

King himself professed to be a Christian, but you reject him as not your sort of Christian. Well, whoopie-do. Given your loathsome views on several topics, I'm sure he wouldn't have rated you as much of a Christian, either. So, two Christians disagree on the true nature of a disputed text and tradition.

Nothing to see here, move along ...


New member
If you Muzzies have your way, that will be cease for us Christians.

(Note my avatar, we didn't lose then, we won't lose now).

Didn't lose? Those Holy Lands sure don't look too purely Christian. The fall of Acre in 1291 marked the expulsion of Christendom from the holy lands. Seems like a loss to me.


Since Stang has managed to mangle his view of reality so much that he has a belief in a bunch of crazy things that are even too crazy for you, I wouldn't put it past him to be selectively quoting MLK to within an inch of his life, as the YECs on TOL do with scientists.

I'm interested in the truth, if you can find something in Stang's article that isn't factual, by all means come forward with it and we can discuss it.

King himself professed to be a Christian, but you reject him as not your sort of Christian. Well, whoopie-do. Given your loathsome views on several topics, I'm sure he wouldn't have rated you as much of a Christian, either. So, two Christians disagree on the true nature of a disputed text and tradition.

As I've pointed out in another one of my threads: There are those that believe Christianity can be anything they want it to be (i.e. proud and unrepentant homosexual "Christians"), so just because Martin Luther the King Jr. called himself a Christian, doesn't make him one.


Here's an interesting article written by a Black woman questioning Martin Luther the King's Christianity (I personally think that it was written by Alan Stang who was pretending to be a Black woman, but I have no proof of that).


Early this year (1998), my little sister asked me to look up some stuff on the internet for a paper she was doing on Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. As I surfed, the Lord put a thought in my mind, "Did this man ever testify of Me?" I thought to myself, "Mmmmm. The world loved this man. If he was preaching the gospel, the world would have hated him." I started looking up Martin Luther King's writings. As I read, I realized that he was a stranger, a foreigner to me. Whenever he mentioned Jesus, it was along with mere mortals like Socrates or Ghandi. In his jailhouse letter, King lumped all religions into the same class. I could not find one "sermon" where he preached Jesus Christ and Him crucified. What I saw is that this man "preached" a social gospel using Black churches as his springboard..."


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