Hmmm, never knew that. I'm going to have to go back and read the Holy Q'uran, and the few Hadiths I have on hand that specifically deal with Black Liberation Theology. I wanna see where the Prophet SAW said that Islam was going to further the advancement of a specific race and teach that one race was inferior to others. Before I do that, can you point me in the direction of the correct Sunnah that states this? You seem keen on Islamic teachings, so I'm assuming you've been well eductated on my faith.
Reread the post, specifically this part:
Islam and BLT are theologies that have a political goal of making all politics submit to their demands. Submission is the political goal.
Islam and BLT are both based upon the principle of duality. The Koran divides up humanity into Muslims and the kafirs (unbelievers). BLT has a god that divides humanity into blacks and whites. But the duality is not the division, but a complete separation that is ethical, political, cultural and religious. The believer has nothing in common with the kafir/white. Allah loves the Muslim and a black god loves the blacks.