The Politically Incorrect Truth About Martin Luther King Jr.


Hall of Fame
I would not suggest an abortion as you would. Because, you are pro-choice and I am not. (you can also stop using that fake picture every time you are exposed as pro-choice).

^ This ... also, utilizing these types of graphics is a common tactic that pro-abortion advocates use for shock value.


New member
Promise me this Aaron: that you and your imaginary world will have a nice day.

(Just say no to drugs people, just say no to drugs).
No answer. Telling.

The questions are there if you ever muster the courage. Ducking and dodging the tough questions has become quite a habit for you.


New member
^ This ... also, utilizing these types of graphics is a common tactic that pro-abortion advocates use for shock value.

Yup. alaCarte keeps posting that fake picture to gain sympathy and help rationalize his pro-choice position.

If the girl is a young rape victim, aCW is pro-choice. That much is indisputable.

Which is why he's now running away from the thread.


^ This ... also, utilizing these types of graphics is a common tactic that pro-abortion advocates use for shock value.

And this coming from someone who voted for the most pro abortion President in US history.


Now that we've gone over that again (and again and again and again), tell us what you like about Martin Luther the King Jr.


Does your vote for Romney make you a sodomite lover?

Since you've gone from abortion to buggery, it appears that Martin Luther the King Jr. was a homosexualist himself.

"Few people are aware that it was an openly gay [i.e. homosexual] man that Dr. King tapped to organize the Montgomery Bus Boycott and the 1963 March on Washington (where King gave his famous "I Have A Dream" speech).

King recognised the advantages of [Bayard] Rustin's knowledge, contacts, and organizational abilities. As King's special assistant, Rustin assumed a variety of roles, including proofreader, ghostwriter, philosophy teacher, and non-violent strategist.

During the Bus Boycott, Rustin became King's main adviser and together they formed the Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC)..."



New member
Since you've gone from abortion to buggery, it appears that Martin Luther the King Jr. was a homosexualist himself.

We can keep the discussion on the subject of abortion as you also said this:

Did you also fall off the pro-life wagon by voting for Romney? I guess that really isn't an issue since you've admitted to being pro-choice if the mother-to-be is young enough and a victim of rape.

I've met many TOL'ers that are all of the above, yet claim i.e. pretend to be pro life when they're really not.

You're describing yourself.


Did you also fall off the pro-life wagon by voting for Romney? I guess that really isn't an issue since you've admitted to being pro-choice if the mother-to-be is young enough and a victim of rape.

To be quite frank Aaron, your obsession with me is quite scary. Here, repeat this for 20 minutes, take a break and then do it again for another 20 minutes.



New member
To be quite frank Aaron, your obsession with me is quite scary. Here, repeat this for 20 minutes, take a break and then do it again for another 20 minutes.

If you are not up to presenting an actual counter-argument, I understand.

Wear your pro-choice button proudly

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
To the readers of this thread: Your guess is as good as mine as to what my white liberal guilt riddled friend just said, but my guess would be something along the lines of...
So, being unable to address a simple question, aCW chose, instead, to call me a name no more supportable in fact than the inference he advanced against MLK, Jr. I am neither liberal nor conservative and I have no reason to feel guilty over treatment I never engaged in or supported, as some did and still do, directly or indirectly.

Here was the question aCW asked:

Why would a supposed man of God associate with someone like this?
He followed that with a picture of Planned Parenthood founder (Sanger) at a Klan rally.

So I noted:

That's the question you'd have to answer​


to sustain the irrational notion that a man who died in the struggle for civil rights for his people would knowingly associate with someone who felt right at home among the Klan and who thought of abortion as a means of racial genocide.​

aCW didn't try to answer that because there's no reasonable way to connect the dots he wants to. There's no reason a black man would pal around or give any support, accept any support, from the Klan. And that's what his "point" boils down to.

He meant to demonize King in every possible way and in his rush to do that tried to make the sort of connection/association that simply doesn't withstand any sort of thinking the point through.

There are any number of legitimate criticisms of King, however inappropriately raised on a day commemorating his accomplishments, but they don't do the hack job aCW wants to see done, so he can't help himself.

Was King a plagiarizer? I think it's hard to argue against it. Was he a womanizer? There's every reason to believe so.

Was he also (and this is the point of the day honoring him) a fearless advocate of non violent civil disobedience aimed at the end of social justice and a reformation of tyrannical and evil law and exclusion? Yes, he was that too.

But he lived in an age that didn't have internet geniuses "discovering" any number of facts about people like Sanger and trying desperately to cobble an irrational point out of the information. King saw the public face of Planned Parenthood and took its recognition, thereby putting even more attention on his cause.

All of which is why I concluded:

See, a reasonable person could only come to one conclusion. That you don't is the best argument against ever taking you seriously.​


But he [King] lived in an age that didn't have internet geniuses "discovering" any number of facts about people like Sanger and trying desperately to cobble an irrational point out of the information. King saw the public face of Planned Parenthood and took its recognition, thereby putting even more attention on his cause.

Ah but TH, they had things back then
called "newspapers", "magazines" and "books" where the writings of Margaret Sanger and Alan Guttmacher could easily be seen by either King or his large group of advisers (government officials included).

"See, a reasonable person could only come to [this] conclusion."

On a side note: Why don't you run to the mall and have this printed on a t-shirt, you'll be the hit of all the other liberals at your afternoon meeting of the garden club.



New member
So, you have a problem with Dr. King getting an award from a pro-abortion organization, his adultery and his constant quoting of historical religious and non-religious figures? Do you also protest the birthdays of Lincoln who believed blacks were inferior to whites, and Washington who was a slave owner and approved of the slave trade? How about Andrew Jackson and his idea that all Native Americans should be killed.


So, you have a problem with Dr. King getting an award from a pro-abortion organization, his adultery and his constant quoting of historical religious and non-religious figures?

you forgot:

"and given a national holiday in his name, something George Washington and Abraham Lincoln don't have, so that guilt ridden white liberals can sit around feeling better about themselves."

Yes I have a problem with that, what gave it away?

Do you also protest the birthdays of Lincoln who believed blacks were inferior to whites, and Washington who was a slave owner and approved of the slave trade? How about Andrew Jackson and his idea that all Native Americans should be killed.

Obviously you're ignorant about the above men. Don't you think your time could be better spent worshipping your pedophile prophet?

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
Ah but TH, they had things back then
called "newspapers", "magazines" and "books" where the writings of Margaret Sanger and Alan Guttmacher could easily be seen by either King or his large group of advisers (government officials included).
You show me that her views were popularly understood by most people and you'll have a point. Else, unless the New York papers carried it most people in New York wouldn't know it, and so on. And King's advisers were dedicating their time to their mission. I doubt they had roving vetters and even less reason to suspect that a national organization would want to give an award to someone they hated and a people that organization was in large part working against.

It's counter intuitive.

"See, a reasonable person could only come to [this] conclusion."

Right. The Klan doesn't sponsor the NAACP. There's literally no reason anyone in Kings position would have knowingly associated with Sanger knowing what you do.

And it's worth noting that, once again, aCW can't answer his own question.

On a side note: Why don't you run to the mall and have this printed on a t-shirt,
On a direct note, why don't you grow up, learn how to differ honestly and try to think your next point all the way through before you run it up the flagpole. Stopping when you get to the point where it appears to give you another handful of mud is worse than lazy, it's intellectually dishonest.

you'll be the hit of all the other liberals at your afternoon meeting of the garden club.
Might as well say I have wings while you're at it.


Let's put white guilt ridden liberals in a real quandary here and point out that the Kennedys (not known for being ultra conservative) had problems with Martin Luther the King Jr. as well.

Remember that because of King's communist ties, he was an adamant opponent of the Vietnam war.


(Oops, wrong picture).

"The communists were manipulating the civil rights movement in directions that benefited them, such as by influencing King to be critical of the war against communism in Vietnam and the system of free enterprise capitalism in the U.S."