The Politically Incorrect Truth About Martin Luther King Jr.


New member
The photo is a fake.

Here is the real photo and the fake photo:


Couldn't you tell how badly photoshopped the picture is?

Do you really think the KKK members would have saluted her?

Wow the Rabbit Hole is getting deeper and deeper


Forward by Martin Luther King Jr.


This Charming Manc

Well-known member
nah no going to merit you with an answer .......

your ideas are not worth it

Welcome to the thread TCM. Before we continue I never did thank you for your negative rep where you stated:

"you really area racist hateful retard".

The floor is all yours my friend. Refute the information provided from various sources that shows that Martin Luther King Jr. (Michael) was a sexual degenerate, a communist sympathizer, a plagiarist, and a fake Christian. While you're at it tell us that MLK Jr. really didn't know anything about the racist-murdering views of Margaret Sanger when he accepted her award.


New member
Did he plagiarize Communist sources? Look at his speeches. Did he ever endorse the Communist Party or espouse communist views?

he plagarized Protestant preachers.

But you can't tell what someone is about by their carefully crafted public image.

You need to study their associates, background, education, hangouts, etc.

If you took bikers and mobsters at face value,
you'd have to say they are great humanitarians, patrons of the arts,
and children's hospital sponsors.

What do you think?

Do you think ANY person with a looming public image is real?


The Berean

Well-known member
he plagarized Protestant preachers.

But you can't tell what someone is about by their carefully crafted public image.

You need to study their associates, background, education, hangouts, etc.

If you took bikers and mobsters at face value,
you'd have to say they are great humanitarians, patrons of the arts,
and children's hospital sponsors.

What do you think?

Do you think ANY person with a looming public image is real?

So if MLK was really a communist then why didn't he espouse communist views or join the Communist Party? If you respond that he didn't do these things because he was afraid of the public and political backlash then MLK being a communist is meaningless and unimportant. It would only be important if he espoused communist views publicly and tried to implement communist ideology in black communities. I'll ask again. Did MLK espouse communist views in public? He made hundreds of speeches throughout his life. It would be easy to show if he did espouse communist ideology.


New member
So if MLK was really a communist then why didn't he espouse communist views or join the Communist Party? If you respond that he didn't do these things because he was afraid of the public and political backlash then MLK being a communist is meaningless and unimportant. It would only be important if he espoused communist views publicly and tried to implement communist ideology in black communities. I'll ask again. Did MLK espouse communist views in public? He made hundreds of speeches throughout his life. It would be easy to show if he did espouse communist ideology.

How do you think the Communist party has historically worked in the USA?

By announcing publicly all their members,
and outing their own spies and shills?

google: betrayal of Atomic secrets to Soviet Union.

google: Cambridge Five.

I'll ask you again:

Do you think ANY person with a looming public image is real?


The Berean

Well-known member

How do you think the Communist party has historically worked in the USA?

By announcing publicly all their members,
and outing their own spies and shills?

google: betrayal of Atomic secrets to Soviet Union.

google: Cambridge Five.

And their way of doing things didn't work so well did it? The US never became a communist nation or even come close.

I'll ask you again:
Do you think ANY person with a looming public image is real?

Are you asking if they exist? :idunno: I don't know what you mean?


No one is disputing that Sanger spoke to the KKK.

The video I posted using the words of Sanger from her book confirmed that.

However, the picture is a fake.

Same evil person speaking to the same evil organization, only a different venue.

King was a Republican.

His socialist views alone debunk that lie.

"Apostle of Socialism

In 1997, Professor Larry Hofford of St. Mary's University lamented: "Naming a national holiday after the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. has proven to be a mistake." Professor Hofford, a self-described "progressive," complained that King's image "has been so watered down that the picture of him is that of a 'mainstream reformer' who led a movement to end legal segregation. The result is that no person in a position of authority in the United States could possibly experience any discomfort with this image."

Hofford continued: "What is missing from most of the Martin Luther King Jr. Day celebrations is any discussion of the radical King ... [who] put forth a philosophy and theology stressing the need to balance individual will with community will." Hofford recalls that King was a strident opponent of capitalism, a Marxist liberation theologian who preached that "'the problem of racism, the problem of economic exploitation and the problem of war are all tied together.'" King sought not only an end to legally enforced racial segregation, but also a radical restructuring of American society.

In a September 1967 speech in Atlanta, King condemned capitalism as an inherently unjust economic system and declared that his movement was devoted to "restructuring the whole of American society." In Where Do We Go From Here: Chaos or Community?, a book published in that same year, King endorsed the time-honored socialist demand for a guaranteed minimum annual wage, which would be "pegged to the median income of society" and would "automatically increase as the total social income grows." In this particular example of literary "borrowing," King was merging his voice with that of Karl Marx, who coined the phrase "from each according to his ability, to each according to his need."

King also bared his socialist inclinations in a lengthy interview he granted to Playboy, a strange pulpit for a man of God to employ. In the porn magazine's January 1965 issue, King moralized that "all of America's wealth today could not adequately compensate its Negroes for his [sic] centuries of exploitation and humiliation." Anticipating the contemporary movement demanding "reparations
" for slavery, he insisted that black Americans be given preferential economic treatment. Of course, this would provoke similar demands from "the disadvantaged of all races" -- a prospect King welcomed: "I do not intend that this program of economic aid should apply only to the Negro.... We must develop a federal program of public works, retraining and jobs for all...."

Many claim that the Kennedy's and J. Edgar Hoover made up all kinds of lies about King.

I'm aware of those claims, hence the thread.


New member
Nazaroo: Do you think ANY person with a looming public image is real?

Are you asking if they exist? :idunno: I don't know what you mean?

Lets not play coy, please.

I'm saying plainly that the public image of a celebrity is pure BS.

Churchill was not just an alki. He was a co-conspirator with Stalin.

Elvis wasn't tough. He was an actor.

Reagan wasn't anything but an actor.

International bankers aren't gentlemen.

Female Popstars are really owned and operated by Freemasons and Biker gangs.

and Martin Luther King wasn't a pacifist.

Ghandi was a racist, who hated Pakistanis.

Televangelists are usually crooks.

Welcome to the real world.



Tomorrow many evil people (and many good people who are ignorant) will be celebrating a holiday that should have never been.

Pray for the millions of unborn babies that this evil man helped murder, many within his own community.



Will someone pass the crackers?

zoo22 is that you? I haven't received a negative rep from you in ages, so I didn't know if you still haunted the threads of TOL with your eggnostic lies.

That being said, I'd like to share a post from another thread about MLK Jr., as some believe that he didn't know that Planned Parenthood was pro abortion (the author of the thread, Catfish Crusader being one of them).

Originally Posted by This Charming Manc
He received an award from an organisation at the time time was pro life, founded and currently led by a person who hated abortion is your evidence that MLK was pro abortion?

hmmmm seems rather thin to me.

You need understand what PP was in 1966 not what PP is now.

Also guilt by association isn't best way of working out someone views. isn't that what the Pharisees tried to do with Jesus?

Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior

Although the racist/eugenicist/founder of Planned Parenthood Margaret Sanger is on record for making statements against abortion, she spoke in favor of infanticide:

"The most merciful thing that the large family does to one of its infant members is to kill it."
-Woman and the new race

Did Martin Luther King Jr. not know of Sanger's racist/eugenicist views before accepting the award?

Did Martin Luther King Jr. not know that Klanned Parenthood had been working on the legalization of abortion as far back as 1956, 12 years before his death?

"In 1962, Alan Guttmacher, M.D., begins his 12-year tenure as Planned Parenthood president. He is a strong advocate for a woman's right to safe and legal abortion at a time when Americans are increasingly angered by the dire consequences of abortion restrictions.

From 1956 to 1962, hundreds of women in the U.S. and Europe who took the drug thalidomide while pregnant give birth to children missing arms and legs. Sherri Finkbine, an American mother of four who used thalidomide, is refused an abortion. More than 60 percent of Americans disapprove of the refusal. Mrs. Finkbine flees to Sweden for a safe, legal abortion. (The fetus is gravely deformed.) Her case and others involving women who have taken thalidomide convince many Americans that anti-abortion laws need reform.
In 1966, an epidemic of rubella, which, like thalidomide, causes a high incidence of fetal deformity, heightens public anger against abortion bans.
These two tragedies, combined with women's growing demands for the right to control their own fertility, bolster public support for legal and safe abortion."


New member
According to the Boston university that gave MLK a PhD, "King received satisfactory grades at Boston University, later analysis would reveal that many of King’s essays and his dissertation relied upon appropriated words and ideas for which he failed to provide adequate citations. King’s plagiarism escaped detection during his lifetime."

Did Boston revoke King's PhD? Of course not, they were too cowardly for that. But, King does not deserve to be called Dr. King. He's a glorified two-bit icon for a glorified two-bit people.