The New Rep System Is A Joke

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i speak for me. i never really neg repped under the old system but i will try harder not to now. it does nothing anyway and it takes away a rep you could use for good - we only get 60 reps each to give in 24 hours. when you give out 60 you have to wait to get more

Most members are accepted by the forums and they will not get neg reps. And you are one of them. They are the majority.

There are some minority and some are getting neg reps on a daily bases.

I don't know if I am still getting them because I don't want to see neg reps so I put all of them on ignore. But I can assure you if release them, my userCP will be full of red marks.


Christianity is not a popularity.

Jesus was not a popular that's why He got killed.

Jesus wants us to seek God's approval, not man's approval.


Jesus says make every effort to inter kingdom because narrow is the gate that leads to life and only a few find it.

So if you are one of popular ones, you better watch out.

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
Jesus says make every effort to inter kingdom because narrow is the gate that leads to life and only a few find it.

So if you are one of popular ones, you better watch out.
Well, Jesus is pretty popular, so I'm not sure you got the right lesson out of that.

Seriously, the most abused bit of scripture ever. If everyone who loves Christ marched through that gate, compared to the larger part of humanity, it would be a pretty narrow gate. But no, that's not narrow enough for some. They have to restrict it to those who pass their litmus and meet their judgment, won't be comfortable to that narrowness perfectly matches the dimensions of their minds.

Well, nuts to that. I say, love'em all and let God sort it out, to borrow from De Montfort, after a fashion. :D


Well, Jesus is pretty popular,

True Jesus is not popular. What we see in the world is not true Christianity.

True Christianity is not accepted by the world, that includes popular churches.

They spread perverted gospel to gain popularity and it has been working ever since Christianity started.

True Christianity don't approve of killing their enemy which most churches do.

Jesus says to love your enemy. Killing your enemy is not of Jesus.



seeking to be popular is not for sincere Christians. It is for politicians.

And it shows how so many Christians are political. Take a look at politics board.

It is also against Jesus' word of "His followers are not of the world". Politics are of the world.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame

seeking to be popular is not for sincere Christians. It is for politicians.

And it shows how so many Christians are political. Take a look at politics board.

It is also against Jesus' word of "His followers are not of the world". Politics are of the world.

Hello Milkshake!

It is a wonderful thing, and if you are very good this time, you may have a nice treat.

Oh, I am not mocking you by calling you Milkshake, I am tired of names I cannot remember and spell:chuckle:


Hello Milkshake!

It is a wonderful thing, and if you are very good this time, you may have a nice treat.

Oh, I am not mocking you by calling you Milkshake, I am tired of names I cannot remember and spell:chuckle:

Sorry getting your approval is not my goal.

BTW, are you still claiming to be saved Christian with this kind of attitude?


Get your armor ready!
Hall of Fame


Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
True Jesus is not popular.
No, you mean your version, your narrowing so that you can exclude and judge. But the Jesus I read about was wildly popular, except with the powers that be. How many came to hear him speak before the miracle of loaves and fishes? He had so many wanting to see him and hear him that he had to escape them on occasion.

What we see in the world is not true Christianity.
Sorry, but I don't think that job is yours. I'm pretty sure it belongs to Christ. The good news is that you do have a job, to love God first and your neighbor as yourself and to spread the good news. :D

True Christianity is not accepted by the world, that includes popular churches.
I'm sure everyone gets something a bit wonky. That's the nature of imperfect beings approaching the perfect. If it weren't we wouldn't need grace or the cross. But instead of pointing out the next fellow's imperfection in approach I think it might be more productive to set the right example in love and wait and see if those who watch the impact of that in our lives respond to it...they might even find our examples helpful, might eventually ask, "How do you..."

They spread perverted gospel to gain popularity and it has been working ever since Christianity started.
I don't see any love in that at all. It sounds hard and superior. But if that's the standard you want for yourself I guess it's up to you.
True Christianity don't approve of killing their enemy which most churches do.
We aren't to commit murder. The Bible doesn't say thou shalt not kill though. Which is why capital punishment as a penalty for those murders wasn't an exercise in hypocrisy.

I don't believe for a second that you would let some crazy person kill a classroom of children if you saw a gun on the ground as he rushed toward them with a sword in hand.

Jesus says to love your enemy.
He does. To pray for those who persecute you even. And we should. He doesn't say we should let crazy people slaughter others while we fact, I can't think of anything less Holy than that.

No, I think David is a good illustration of what we'd be expected to do.

Killing your enemy is not of Jesus.
Killing someone seeking to murder absolutely is, unless your version of Jesus delights in allowing iniquity, which wouldn't make much sense.
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