The New Rep System Is A Joke

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:thumb: You go girl!


Eclectic Theosophist
Taking it with a grain of salt.......

Taking it with a grain of salt.......

The neg system is encouraging to getting trolls not to make idiotic statements

Of course I give out way more pos reps than 'negs', but its really about one 'approving' or 'disapproving' a particular post...AND it doesn't have to be taken personally,...since the critique is supposed to be on the 'content' of the post, not necessarily the 'poster'. Now people can make these comments or 'reps' personal more or less,..but I think it ought to be more about the content, attitude and spirit of a post.

Update: The TRS club is doing well,...just a few of us and with the rep-system recommendations intact.....we are really boosting reps within the membership, systematically. Like we've covered here already, maybe one aspect of the rep-system is a 'joke',...but its what you make it,...and if you're not in the 'red', theres nothing really to worry about or even take serious about what your TOL rep-power is, as if it mattered in our every-day real world outside of the forum.


Eclectic Theosophist
use it for good only.............

use it for good only.............

neg system is not encouraging.

that's what some posters do on a regular bases and it is not discouraged; they are even encouraged and get more pos reps for giving neg reps..

shame on you.

I agree somewhat with the above,....and as shared before, neg reps don't really have that much weight anymore, pos reps having much more boosting power. This was changed so people wouldn't engage in malicious intent to knock people into the red zone where they would get so deep that they could not recover and get into the green again. So,...the rep system is mostly for compliments and spreading good will around. Using it only for good, is most commendable of course, while people can still choose to give neg reps from time to time.



Well-known member
Ok, here's my observations about this whole silly 'rep-points' business.

1. Only a person of low character would want to artificially pump up their own rep numbers so they could appear more popular than they are.

2. Only a person of very low character would hide the fact that they're doing this from those who would call them out in it, because that proves that they know better, but choose the low and selfish path, anyway. (This is especially true if they outright lie about it.)

3. Only a person of exceptionally low character would artificially pump up their own rep numbers so they could increase their effect on other people's rep numbers; thereby "rewarding them" for agreeable posts, or "punishing them" for daring to disagree or criticize.
And the lesson to be learned in all this, I believe, is that when confronted with our own less-than-stellar behavior or motives, what really matters most is how we respond. Do we deny, and hide, and lie, and justify it to ourselves? Or do we accept our own fallibility; admit to it (not in shame but simply and honestly and perhaps even with a sense of humor about it, after all, who among us is perfect?) and then avoid the activity?

Whichever of the paths we choose, they have more serious consequences than we might realize. Because each time we deny and excuse ourselves it will become just that much easier for us to do it the next time. And likewise, each time we step up and accept our flaws, and deal with them honestly, that, too, will become just that much easier to do, next time. So that over the course of our lives, a pattern begins to develop that will determine the kind of person we are, and the kind of person we are becoming.

So although the rep issue itself is really pretty insignificant. How people are responding to it, isn't.

I'm just sayin' … these things matter.


New member
Hall of Fame
I have ONLY neg repped when someone has done it to me instead of actually participating in the thread, which is why I say it is misused.

Liar, youve negged me before when i didnt do a thing to you. Then i negged you back to tell you how much i apreciated it, then you negged me 4 times in a row in retaliation and i ignored them.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
Ok, here's my observations about this whole silly 'rep-points' business.

1. Only a person of low character would want to artificially pump up their own rep numbers so they could appear more popular than they are.​

You are making too much out of it and being way too judgmental.

2. Only a person of very low character would hide the fact that they're doing this from those who would call them out in it, because that proves that they know better, but choose the low and selfish path, anyway. (This is especially true if they outright lie about it.)
You are making too much out of it and being way too judgmental.

3. Only a person of exceptionally low character would artificially pump up their own rep numbers so they could increase their effect on other people's rep numbers; thereby "rewarding them" for agreeable posts, or "punishing them" for daring to disagree or criticize.

You are making too much out of it and being way too judgmental.

And the lesson to be learned in all this, I believe, is that when confronted with our own less-than-stellar behavior or motives, what really matters most is how we respond. Do we deny, and hide, and lie, and justify it to ourselves? Or do we accept our own fallibility; admit to it (not in shame but simply and honestly and perhaps even with a sense of humor about it, after all, who among us is perfect?) and then avoid the activity?
You are making too much out of it and being way too judgmental.
Whichever of the paths we choose, they have more serious consequences than we might realize. Because each time we deny and excuse ourselves it will become just that much easier for us to do it the next time. And likewise, each time we step up and accept our flaws, and deal with them honestly, that, too, will become just that much easier to do, next time. So that over the course of our lives, a pattern begins to develop that will determine the kind of person we are, and the kind of person we are becoming.

So although the rep issue itself is really pretty insignificant. How people are responding to it, isn't.

I'm just sayin' … these things matter.

They only matter to obtuse folks with inept personalities who are given to melancholy, or mournful temperaments. in other would, a sad-sack, which about sums you up here. No substance, not worthy of much response.

Now aren't you a bit embarrassed? Do you lie when faced with the obvious?

You are making too much out of it and being way too judgmental.:chew:​


Get your armor ready!
Hall of Fame
Ok, here's my observations about this whole silly 'rep-points' business.

1. Only a person of low character would want to artificially pump up their own rep numbers so they could appear more popular than they are.

2. Only a person of very low character would hide the fact that they're doing this from those who would call them out in it, because that proves that they know better, but choose the low and selfish path, anyway. (This is especially true if they outright lie about it.)

3. Only a person of exceptionally low character would artificially pump up their own rep numbers so they could increase their effect on other people's rep numbers; thereby "rewarding them" for agreeable posts, or "punishing them" for daring to disagree or criticize.
Ummm, I didn't give myself one single rep point. Every single one of my rep points came from others, including you.

So although the rep issue itself is really pretty insignificant.
WHAT!? You mean it doesn't really mean anything?

How people are responding to it, isn't.
I agree!



Well-known member
Good to know its not only a laundry detergent, but cleans up other things too.
Actually, they don't make toilet paper, as this clip seems to be implying. They only make laundry soap, and fabric softener. Someone may have mislabeled the clip on YouTube.

However, many years ago, I had a water cooler made by a company named "purex". The name was on the cooler, nearby where my computer was set up at the time, and I thought it fit me, so I used it. At that time I did not know there was a laundry soap of the same name.

So that's the way these things go - they're never quite what we think.


New member
Liar, youve negged me before when i didnt do a thing to you. Then i negged you back to tell you how much i apreciated it, then you negged me 4 times in a row in retaliation and i ignored them.

Well as all those are gone now, I can't show it, but that is not accurate. Of course you won't admit it just like you don't admit anything you are found wanting about.

Funny how people who use truth in their user name always do the least amount of truth saying, and are the first to call others a liar. :nono:


Well-known member
Ummm, I didn't give myself one single rep point. Every single one of my rep points came from others, including you.
I was not aiming that post at you, at all. Or anyone in particular. Sorry if it appears that I was. I didn't mean for it to appear that way.
WHAT!? You mean it doesn't really mean anything?
I think it does to some people. Especially the neg-reps. That's why I won't give them. I think some people feel hurt by them.
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