The New Rep System Is A Joke

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New member
We were repping each other. It doesn't take any sort of genius to figure that out. And it's obvious you're no sort of genius.

You have already been told exactly what happened. You're just too lacking in reasoning skills to get it through your thick skull.

I don't know anyone much thicker at times than myself and I realize you're going to consider me even more obtuse with this question but can you please smack me with the Truth of Yeshua in either of these comments?

BTW, I love the Duke brothers and the General Lee. Nice choice of avatar.


The Dark Knight
Gold Subscriber
Hall of Fame
I don't know anyone much thicker at times than myself and I realize you're going to consider me even more obtuse with this question but can you please smack me with the Truth of Yeshua in either of these comments?
Truth is truth, regardless of the source.

BTW, I love the Duke brothers and the General Lee. Nice choice of avatar.
Thank you.


New member
I don't know anyone much thicker at times than myself and I realize you're going to consider me even more obtuse with this question but can you please smack me with the Truth of Yeshua in either of these comments?
Truth is truth, regardless of the source.

Whose truth are Truth Smackers supposed to put forth, man's or God's? I'm a bit confused on this score now. We're so badly flawed, how can we possibly consider anything of ours to be even remotely correct unless God is in it and God is not in sin so when we put forth something sinful, how can we call it Godly? The source counts immeasurably for those in Yeshua.

Thank you.

You are very welcome. :)

patrick jane

"America is like a cafeteria, you can have whatever you want but you have to pay for it".

If you want to run up a huge rep then go for it.
What are the rules again? 60 reps a day with three people before hitting the same person again?
So get three friends (or buy or rent three friends, or failing that make three sock accounts) and sit there and rep farm yerself to the top.

You get to rep each of your friends 20 times per day, and they are repping each other and you, so you're bringing in 60 a day as are they.


You could start a satellite rep farm of four more sock accounts and when you've maxed out your primary group move on to that group and have them rep each other until they have enough points to start hitting your primary.


Multiply your rep farms until you have 100 sock accounts and you're clicking 6,000 times a day with yourself as the top of a pyramid, like Amway.

The key is to buy all the socks monthly subscriptions so the management doesn't get suspicious.

if i was only a millionaire -


Before anyone starts flinging mud etc, let me just say that I had no problem with all reps being reset to zero, or even if the whole thing had just been scrapped altogether. What I object to is the latter of the following if this was supposedly the actual intent:

Yes there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth. But with a new fresh start it will give a new, more accurate representation of user reputation moving forward.

How? By gaming the system behind the scenes so that those privy to such can have rep scores escalated through the roof while everyone else can only give a paltry few points or so? How is that honestly representative of user reputation or the actual contents and merits of a persons posts? If it had been reset to zero and everyone was on a level playing field then that would have been representative of users. As it is it's anything but, and as such is a joke.


It is truly sad that an exclusive focus on Jesus and a moral Christian life is so disruptive and alarming for TheologyOnline.

Shame on TOL for banning voices they don't agree with! The mark of any tyranny is the inability to deal with diversity. It is only the dictatorial, authoritarian who look at any challenge to their autocratic rules as dangerous and in need of annihilation.

The victimization, the anger covering up shame and the immaturity of most folks on this website is truly astonishing to me.

Nevertheless, I will continue to stress the authentic parabolic teachings of Jesus as well as connecting myself and the world to the great moral epic of the Hebrew Bible and the New Testament.

patrick jane


It is truly sad that an exclusive focus on Jesus and a moral Christian life is so disruptive and alarming for TheologyOnline.

Shame on TOL for banning voices they don't agree with! The mark of any tyranny is the inability to deal with diversity. It is only the dictatorial, authoritarian who look at any challenge to their autocratic rules as dangerous and in need of annihilation.

The victimization, the anger covering up shame and the immaturity of most folks on this website is truly astonishing to me.

Nevertheless, I will continue to stress the authentic parabolic teachings of Jesus as well as connecting myself and the world to the great moral epic of the Hebrew Bible and the New Testament.


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Arthur Brain

Well-known member
We were repping each other. It doesn't take any sort of genius to figure that out. And it's obvious you're no sort of genius.

:duh: Of course it doesn't, it was blatantly obvious you were repping each other. It was also just as obvious that you were doing so in SOOTS as much as on the regular forum so give it up man. Where it comes to 'genius' then I highly doubt that TH would be so darned stupid as to link to a page showing a supposedly "secret" clubs contents like somebody did...oh yeah, you...:dunce:

Or maybe just a desire to waste time giving out reps to each other.

Well hey, if you've got the perks then you're gonna use them. You've got them in SOOTS so it's obvious you're gonna boost each other's rep.

And if we did? So what? Our rep power is no stronger in relation to how many points we give with each rep: our rep power/points. [1:100].

Oh give it up already. Anyone who knows about SOOTS knows that you can spread far higher rep when doing so within it. Don't forget that you're the bright spark that linked to his own rep page showing the 'rep shack' and 'rep rampage' threads...:rolleyes:

You have already been told exactly what happened. You're just too lacking in reasoning skills to get it through your thick skull.

What's happened is obvious, and it's pointless trying to bluster away otherwise. You lot have been boosting your scores with the advantages that come with being members of SOOTS. It's been obvious for a long time before the reset as well so hey. Get a grip and quit being so defensive about it.


New member
Hall of Fame
Now Chrys, if you want to go on record as long as youve been here, to say you have never seen a thread in "and the rest" that had the express purpose to rep the person above you, then its actually YOUR credibility at stake, weve all seen them.

I have already said that I haven't
I have also denied ever starting a rep thread
I know and then had it shown to you, your rep war 3 thread.

it is your credibility that is at stake

any reasonable person would not make that statement
they could not back it up

you are not a reasonable person

Positive Reps: The Game with the express purpose to rep the person above you.

So Chrys, now both statements ive made have been backed.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
Well hey, if you've got the perks then you're gonna use them. You've got them in SOOTS so it's obvious you're gonna boost each other's rep.

Oh give it up already. Anyone who knows about SOOTS knows that you can spread far higher rep when doing so within it. Don't forget that you're the bright spark that linked to his own rep page showing the 'rep shack' and 'rep rampage' threads...:rolleyes:
It is the same, want to bet me? :eek:


Mockery and sarcasm are just "cover emotions" for anger. I don't mind anyone expressing anger. I just wish folks could express it respectfully and openly like any other adult.

I have been banned twice for being disruptive. I do not call others idiots, make fun of their icons or mock them or their quality of their faith.

I will continue to separate and explore the difference between faith as Jesus knew it and theology as the church insists on.


It is truly sad that an exclusive focus on Jesus and a moral Christian life is so disruptive and alarming for Theologyonline.

Shame on you, TOL !!!

The victimization, the anger covering up shame and the immaturity of most folks on this website is truly astonishing to me.

Nevertheless, I will continue to stress the authentic parabolic teachings of Jesus as well as connecting myself and the world to the great moral epic of the Hebrew Bible and the New Testament.

My faith is secure.


New member
Mockery and sarcasm are just "cover emotions" for anger. I don't mind anyone expressing anger. I just wish folks could express it respectfully and openly like any other adult.

I have been banned twice for being disruptive. I do not call others idiots, make fun of their icons or mock them or their quality of their faith.

I will continue to separate and explore the difference between faith as Jesus knew it and theology as the church insists on.


It is truly sad that an exclusive focus on Jesus and a moral Christian life is so disruptive and alarming for Theologyonline.

Shame on you, TOL !!!

The victimization, the anger covering up shame and the immaturity of most folks on this website is truly astonishing to me.

Nevertheless, I will continue to stress the authentic parabolic teachings of Jesus as well as connecting myself and the world to the great moral epic of the Hebrew Bible and the New Testament.

My faith is secure.

How many threads are you going to post this tirade on?
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