The Most Dangerous Teaching


Literal lunatic

Don't get him salivatin'. :granite:


Get your armor ready!
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We cannot compel Jesus by what we do.
He is sovereign and the decision is solely up to Him.
We can influence His decision by what we do, but we can never compel Him.
Why are you arguing against something I never said????
Do you see me telling anyone to "compel" Jesus Christ to do anything He did not promise He would do????

Grosnick Marowbe

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My obedience and righteousness has nothing to do with God's decision to grant Jesus the power to give eternal life to whomsoever He chooses to grant it to.
God's decision was based solely on the obedience and righteousness of one person: Jesus.

However, Jesus is now the judge and Jesus will judge each of us to see whether He will choose to grant us eternal life.
Jesus does judge us on our obedience and righteousness.

We have NO righteousness of our own. The righteousness the "true believer" has comes from the indwelling Holy Spirit.


Literal lunatic
says you, not Jesus.

I reckon Jesus said we have to believe God sanctified him and sent him into the world.

He also said there was nothing wrong with honoring the son as the Father.

Paul said honor elders.


It will now be interesting to see if all the Greek scholars will show up tellin' us the different words and meanings of the word/words for honor that Jesus and Paul used. :)

Grosnick Marowbe

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Anyone relying on their own righteousness and obedience is relying on the wrong one.

Romans 5:18-19 KJV
(18) Therefore as by the offence of one judgment came upon all men to condemnation; even so by the righteousness of one the free gift came upon all men unto justification of life.
(19) For as by one man's disobedience many were made sinners, so by the obedience of one shall many be made righteous.

It's interesting how people like GT who trust in their own personal righteousness and obedience have NO real ability to gauge how much righteousness and obedience is enough to guarantee their entrance into eternal life? Do they ever stop to contemplate, what if, at the conclusion of my life, I find out what I did, said, and thought wasn't enough to EARN my way into the presence of God for eternity? Does this possibility ever strike fear into their hearts?

God's Truth

New member
It's interesting how people like GT who trust in their own personal righteousness and obedience have NO real ability to gauge how much righteousness and obedience is enough to guarantee their entrance into eternal life? Do they ever stop to contemplate, what if, at the conclusion of my life, I find out what I did, said, and thought wasn't enough to EARN my way into the presence of God for eternity? Does this possibility ever strike fear into their hearts?

You are not speaking the truth about me. I have told you to trust Jesus and his words. Jesus will save you when he accepts you.

I believe Jesus when he says to obey him. I believe it that his blood washes away my sins.