The "Me Too" List


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He might be a little busy on a job search. He just lost his job as head of Baylor University over a (ahem) sex scandal for his part in a coverup of sexual assault by some football players.

the former special prosecutor who spent three years chasing the right-wing ghost before become infamous for his dogged investigation into former president Bill Clinton's sexual improprieties in the White House is now caught up in a sex scandal of his own -- accused of all things, failing to vigorously investigate allegations of sexual impropriety.

After an independent investigation of widespread allegations of campus sexual assault, Baylor University president Ken Starr has been demoted by the University's board of regents on Thursday.

Along with the head coach of the school's famed football team, Art Briles, Starr was specifically faulted for essentially ignoring complaints of sexual assault from female students, specifically charges stemming from the school's storied football team.

A report released on Thursday found that under Starr's leadership, Baylor failed “to identify and train responsible employees under Title IX” -- a federal law meant to protect female students. The damming 13-page report cited a “lack of strong institutional management and control on a number of levels.”

You couldn't write a script like that.
School football players are treated similarly to what we are seeing in politics and Hollywood.
Football teams are a benefit to schools as they gain revenues and community support.
As long as someone is of benefit to the whole, then indescretions are overlooked in the guise of being 'good' for the whole to let it slide.
'Bad apples are considered untouchable (to an extent) as long as they are beneficial.

We are seeing this same scenario played out with men like Al Franken and his bunch & Roy Moore and his bunch.
They might be bad apples, but are still seen as beneficial to their bunch (instead of the old 'one bad apple spoils the whole bunch').

We could ask ourselves if this type behavior has been prevelent throughout history, and if it is instinctual (natural) to allow a sacrifice of an few innocent victims to perserve the welfare of the whole, or to risk the whole to protect a few.
If I were a gambling old woman, I would bet that the former happened much more often than the latter.


like marbles on glass
NBC has fired Matt Lauer after a complaint was filed against him regarding "inappropriate sexual behavior in the workplace." NBC has "reason to believe this may not have been an isolated incident."




Hall of Fame
Where are the sordid details? All I'm seeing in this New York Slime article is the sexual predator's co-workers talking about how heart broken they are over the allegations.

:plain: Since, unlike Moore, it was ADULTS and not kiddies, I don't need to know the details. Unlike Moore, he isn't being rewarded for his predatory behavior. Then again, my standard has always remained the same ... ADULTS who sexually prey on children deserve the DP. I don't give them a pass because they hate the same people I do.


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
Where are the sordid details? All I'm seeing in this New York Slime article is the sexual predator's co-workers talking about how heart broken they are over the allegations.
:plain: Since, unlike Moore, it was ADULTS and not kiddies, I don't need to know the details.

The lies about Roy Moore were vividly displayed for the world to see, now let's hear about left winger Matt Lauer's predatory acts towards females.

Unlike Moore, he isn't being rewarded for his predatory behavior. Then again, my standard has always remained the same ... ADULTS who sexually prey on children deserve the DP. I don't give them a pass because they hate the same people I do.

Can you imagine if Roy Moore were elected to the US Senate Sandy, he might even question the constitutionality of Lawrence v Texas (GASP!).

I can understand why you're so focused on him losing the upcoming election.

Let's speculate what sexual predator Matt Lauer might have done: Do you think he fondled the breast of a sleeping woman like Al Franken, the leftwing Senator from MN did?

Like Al Franken, could Lauer have stalked a woman that he worked with? I guess we'll never know, as this story will disappear as fast as it came.


like marbles on glass
Where are the sordid details? All I'm seeing in this New York Slime article is the sexual predator's co-workers talking about how heart broken they are over the allegations.

I realize it's the sordid details you're after (and I'll bet I know why) but the story's only a few hours old, so go easy on the keyboard while you're doing your mad Googling.


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
Where are the sordid details? All I'm seeing in this New York Slime article is the sexual predator's co-workers talking about how heart broken they are over the allegations.

I realize it's the sordid details you're after (and I'll bet I know why) but the story's only a few hours old, so go easy on the keyboard while you're doing your mad Googling.

Why waste time and effort on something that won't be found? (Details from Matt Lauer's accusers about how he sexually harassed and/or molested them).

Now do as your ally Sandy has done: Don't waste time on the sordid details of left winger/sexual predator Matt Lauer, as there's a huge election coming up that could in the long run change beloved rulings such as Roe v Wade, Lawrence v Texas and Obergefell v Hodges...

Let the smear job against Judge Roy Moore continue!


Hall of Fame
And the momentum keeps on. I wonder if even good men really understood the magnitude of the problem.

Well, it starts with understanding that there *is* a problem. As I stated on several occasions, one of the main problems with dealing with sexual crimes is that they go unreported. WHY do they go unreported? Well, let's see. Men in powerful positions supported by women who couldn't care less about victims. The "blame the victims" game. Like victims are not traumatized enough ... let's attack them and support the groper/rapist, etc.


Well, it starts with understanding that there *is* a problem. As I stated on several occasions, one of the main problems with dealing with sexual crimes is that they go unreported. WHY do they go unreported? Well, let's see. Men in powerful positions supported by women who couldn't care less about victims. The "blame the victims" game. Like victims are not traumatized enough ... let's attack them and support the groper/rapist, etc.

Surely you don't think that the baby murdering/same sex sodomizing left is throwing their own under the bus so that their lies against Judge Roy Moore stays alive until the Dec. 12 election do you Sandy?

I do.


It appears that Matt Lauer is not only a sexual predator (the sordid details still haven't been published), but a manipulator. I believe that another word for manipulator is "blackmailer" isn't it anna?

Details emerge on Matt Lauer's alleged history of sexual misconduct following 'Today' firing

And now we return to our regularly scheduled programming of smearing Judge Roy Moore...


like marbles on glass
Well, it starts with understanding that there *is* a problem. As I stated on several occasions, one of the main problems with dealing with sexual crimes is that they go unreported. WHY do they go unreported? Well, let's see. Men in powerful positions supported by women who couldn't care less about victims. The "blame the victims" game. Like victims are not traumatized enough ... let's attack them and support the groper/rapist, etc.

Yeah. And we see that right here on TOL. Women supporting the groper because he's their groper who, while he's not groping, is supposedly fighting the battle for truth, justice and the American way. So they circle the wagons. Blaming women for where they were or what they were wearing, or they didn't fight back enough or they didn't report it in a time frame acceptable to the victim blamers.

That doesn't just happen at TOL, though. Sadly, it happens in real life. I know someone personally who was pressured by the perp's family to stay quiet, so as not to "bring shame on the family." So many times this happens in families. And professionally too. Just suck it up because "we don't want the team/organization/church/school/admin/producer/restaurant/political party to get bad publicity. That's bad optics. :plain:


As I said, the story's only a few hours old. Be patient, your sordid details will arrive in due time.

Those who stand for perverted ideology will often times be perverts themselves anna; Matt Lauer, Harvey Weinstein, Al Franken, Bill Clinton and Donald Trump are proof.


Yeah. And we see that right here on TOL. Women supporting the groper because he's their groper who, while he's not groping, is supposedly fighting the battle for truth, justice and the American way....

We see a lot of things that are Unchristian here on TOL.

I pointed out that a TOL'er had discussed in two different threads the lack of necessity for sexual age of consent laws (i.e. she endorsed child rape).

No one came forward to condemn that child rape enabler, in fact, they attacked me for pointing it out.


like marbles on glass
We see a lot of things that are Unchristian here on TOL.

We do. I've watched you lie about others repeatedly here for years.

I pointed out that a TOL'er had discussed in two different threads the lack of necessity for sexual age of consent laws (i.e. she endorsed child rape).

No one came forward to condemn that child rape enabler, in fact, they attacked me for pointing it out.

I saw that you'd brought her up, but I think you were answered satisfactorily in that the poster tended to sexualize things. I'll add that I think she did it to push buttons for her own amusement. I'm not at all sure she was serious, or to what extent she believed what she was saying. In any event, I find it a lot more problematic that some Christians here support the idea of a very young marriage (a la Phil Robertson's ideal), using the same argument that one of Moore's supporters used, which was "well, it was okay for Mary and Joseph..." because those very same ideals are being pushed in some churches and some families as a way to hand off the young daughter straight from the father's authority to the husband's authority, before the girl can get too uppity. It's a patriarchal, covenantal power trip. Often supported by the women who support the patriarchs, even when the patriarchs are known for being "a little funny that way" or "just being affectionate."


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
We see a lot of things that are Unchristian here on TOL.

We do. I've watched you lie about others repeatedly here for years.

Speculating that many of those who ardently defend homosexuality are practicing homosexuals themselves is not a lie anna, it's using the evidence put before me to come to a reasonable conclusion.

Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
I pointed out that a TOL'er had discussed in two different threads the lack of necessity for sexual age of consent laws (i.e. she endorsed child rape).

No one came forward to condemn that child rape enabler, in fact, they attacked me for pointing it out.

I saw that you'd brought her up, but I think you were answered satisfactorily in that the poster tended to sexualize things.

It's been well established that the LGBTQ movement has "sexualized" children.

I'll add that I think she did it to push buttons for her own amusement. I'm not at all sure she was serious, or to what extent she believed what she was saying.

Eeset is a devout LGBTQ flag waver like yourself anna. Don't try to downplay her truthfulness even though openly wanting to legalize child rape is very very bad PR for the rainbow movement.

And now the typical leftwing attack on Christian men like Phil Robertson and Roy Moore:

In any event, I find it a lot more problematic that Christians here support the idea of a very young marriage (a la Phil Robertson's ideal), using the very same argument that one of Moore's supporters used, which was "well, it was okay for Mary and Joseph..." because those very same ideals are being pushed in some churches and some families as a way to hand off the young daughter straight from the father's authority to the husband's authority, before the girl can get too uppity. It's a patriarchal, covenantal power trip. Often supported by the women who support the patriarchs, even when they're known for being a little "funny," or "overly affectionate."

Your lies, while they get old fast, are always amusing.