The long nightmare has just begun: Inauguration of a fraud.

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
Why should you?
I didn't say I did. To walk you through this:

1. You brought the quote up, ostensibly because you believed it.

2. Anna offered a rejection by the government named. Which at best put your bit in stalemate.

3. You asserted the limited option that Nap lied.

4. I noted your overlooking another, that he had bad intel.

5. You affirmed your initial position, starting the circle over again. :plain:

But there remain three options: Nap got bad intel, Nap and his source(s) are correct and a man who wasn't up for reelection broke laws to keep an eye on a guy no one thought was going to amount to anything by colluding with the British Secret Service, or it's a load of hooey.

Now Nixon proved that anything is possible, but the Right has gone on and on about how blindsided the Dems and media were by Trump's success. Well, that argues for hooey, not worry.
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like marbles on glass
Trump’s defense of his wiretapping claim is an incredible word salad

Forced to explain his allegation that President Barack Obama “wiretapped” Trump Tower, President Donald Trump misquoted the New York Times, said he “wouldn’t be here if it wasn’t for Twitter,” and talked about how much money Celebrity Apprentice made for NBC.

The explosive charge is looking more and more like purely invented bogus — White House officials are under fire for refusing to provide evidence, and even congressional Republicans are stuck refusing to defend Trump’s claim.

After his rally in Nashville, Tennessee, on Wednesday night, Trump sat down for an interview with Fox News’s Tucker Carlson. Pressed by Carlson, here’s how Trump justified his accusation that Obama committed a felony and illegally “tapped” his phone lines right before the election (transcript via NBC’s Bradd Jaffy):

TRUMP: Well, I've been reading about things. I read in, I think it was January 20 a "New York Times" article where they were talking about wiretapping. There was an article, I think they used that exact term. I read other things. I watched your friend Bret Baier the day previous where he was talking about certain very complex sets of things happening, and wiretapping. I said, ‘Wait a minute; there's a lot of wiretapping being talked about.’ I've been seeing a lot of things.
. . . .

CARLSON: Every intelligence agency reports to you. Why not immediately go to them and gather evidence to support that?

TRUMP: Because I don't want to do anything that's going to violate any strength of any agency. We have enough problems. And, by the way, with the CIA, I just want people to know, the CIA was hacked, and a lot of things taken — that was during the Obama years. That was not during us. Mike Pompeo is there now doing a fantastic job.
. . . .

Carlson later asked Trump to explain if he sends wild allegations over Twitter before checking in with his staff. That set off an unprompted 127-word digression into the kind of coverage he was getting from CNN, Fox News, and NBC.

That was followed by an explanation that “most of” his tweets “are good,” so it wouldn’t be that big a deal if he makes “one mistake in a month” — not that this one, mind you, was sent in error (emphasis mine):

TRUMP: Well, let me tell you about Twitter. I think that maybe I wouldn't be here if it wasn't for Twitter, because I get such a fake press, such a dishonest press. … I think Fox has been fair to me, but if you look at CNN and if you look at these other networks, NBC — I made a fortune for NBC with The Apprentice. I had a top show where they were doing horribly, and I had one of the most successful reality shows of all time. I made — and I was on 14 seasons. And you see what happened when I was not on. You saw what happened to the show was a disaster. I was on — I was very good to NBC. And I — they are despicable…
So, the news is not honest. Much of the news. It's not honest. And when I have close to 100 million people watching me on Twitter, including Facebook, including all of the Instagram, including POTUS, including lots of things — but we have — I guess pretty close to 100 million people. I have my own form of media. So if I tweet two or three or four or five times a day, and if most of them are good — and I really want them all to be good — but if I make one mistake in a month — this one, I don't think is going to prove to be a mistake at all.



like marbles on glass
Senate Intel Chairs: ‘No Indication’ That Trump Tower Was Under Surveillance

The leaders of the Senate Intelligence Committee said Thursday that there is “no indication” Trump Tower was secretly surveilled during the presidential election, as President Donald Trump has claimed without evidence.

“Based on the information available to us, we see no indications that Trump Tower was the subject of surveillance by any element of the United States government either before or after Election Day 2016,” Chairman Richard Burr (R-NC) and Vice Chairman Mark Warner (D-VA) wrote in a statement.

This reinforces the assessment House Intelligence Committee leaders made Wednesday. Chair Devin Nunes (R-CA) and ranking member Adam Schiff (D-CA) agreed there is “no evidence” to support Trump’s claims that former President Barack Obama had Trump Tower wiretapped during the final weeks of the 2016 race.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond


New member
Hall of Fame
Senate Intel Chairs: ‘No Indication’ That Trump Tower Was Under Surveillance

The leaders of the Senate Intelligence Committee said Thursday that there is “no indication” Trump Tower was secretly surveilled during the presidential election, as President Donald Trump has claimed without evidence.

“Based on the information available to us, we see no indications that Trump Tower was the subject of surveillance by any element of the United States government either before or after Election Day 2016,” Chairman Richard Burr (R-NC) and Vice Chairman Mark Warner (D-VA) wrote in a statement.

This reinforces the assessment House Intelligence Committee leaders made Wednesday. Chair Devin Nunes (R-CA) and ranking member Adam Schiff (D-CA) agreed there is “no evidence” to support Trump’s claims that former President Barack Obama had Trump Tower wiretapped during the final weeks of the 2016 race.
And Spicy says Trump is standing by his accusation.


New member
Hall of Fame
I didn't say I did. To walk you through this:

1. You brought the quote up, ostensibly because you believed it.

2. Anna offered a rejection by the government named. Which at best put your bit in stalemate.

3. You asserted the too limited an option that Nap lied.

4. I noted your overlooking another, that he had bad intel.

5. You affirmed your initial position, starting the circle over again. :plain:

But there remain three options: Nap got bad intel, Nap and his source(s) are correct and a man who wasn't up for reelection broke laws to keep an eye on a guy no one thought was going to amount to anything by colluding with the British Secret Service, or it's a load of hooey.

Now Nixon proved that anything is possible, but the Right has gone on and on about how blindsided the Dems and media were by Trump's success. Well, that argues for hooey, not worry.

I'm certainly interested in how this pans out. :think:

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
I'm certainly interested in how this pans out. :think:
Like a Chiefs season, I'm thinking. First it gets your attention and you think, "That could turn into something."

Then a little time goes by, things start to break down, fingers point.

Before you know it you're wondering why you thought that to begin with...and if the guy calling the signals is always going to be the problem for your team.


New member
Hall of Fame
Like a Chiefs season, I'm thinking. First it gets your attention and you think, "That could turn into something." Then a little time goes by, things start to break down, fingers point, and before you know it you're wondering why you thought that to begin with...and if maybe someone else calling the signals is always going to be the problem for your team.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
Did FISA grant a warrant to watch the server in Trump Tower that was talking to Russia or not?


like marbles on glass
Trump is his own worst enemy. I listened to him respond at his 'rally' to the news of the hold on the travel ban, figuring he wasn't likely to be scripted. And when he said his revised ban was a "watered-down version" of the first travel ban, I wondered about that coming back to bite him, since it sounded like he knew it wasn't reworked to be non-discriminatory, just less sweeping.

So today, NYT:
At the rally, Mr. Trump offered more verbal ammunition to support the critiques of the travel ban. The president called his latest effort to restrict entry merely “a watered-down version” of his first attempt, which was also blocked by the courts.

Those words could easily serve to undermine his own lawyers, who have argued strenuously that Version 2.0 of the travel ban is different enough that it should pass legal muster.

In the near future, the president may find an appeals court judge once again citing his words in support of a ruling that he doesn’t like.


And Spicy says Trump is standing by his accusation.
If Trump were to tweet that tomorrow is Saturday, would Sean Spicer spend the next month "spinning" as to what the President really meant to say and would the nation require several congressional committees to determine that "Saturday" really means "Friday?"


New member
The hypothesis that the present day ideology of the Marxist Left is correlated with a lack of creativity in health care options is much more substantive and interesting than the Left's claim that Trump is racist, is a Russian agent, or puppet for the New World Order.

Why would the Left not be as creative in offering options for prevention and cures for degenerative diseases at a time when the conventional American medical system is ranked among the lowest nations of the industrial world?

Look at the history of creativity in the visual arts and in literature. Back about 75 years ago the more creative edge in painting, sculpture and in literature was dominated by bohemians who might be called a form of the Left. But as the Counterculture turned into the Me Generation and Generation X arrived on the scene and then the generation which are the grandchildren of the World War II and Korean War parent generations became of age, where is that bohemian creativity in the visual arts and in literature? It does not exist. Marxism and its political correctness has replaced the art bohemians and the Marxists are destructive and not creative like the bohemians of 60 years ago or more.

Creativity in general is now more associated with the New Counterculture of the Patriot and Populist Alternative Media, especially as concerns supplements, herbs and other things for increasing health. This is fairly recent, mostly within the last ten to fifteen years. It is true that the popularity of supplements and herbs depends upon researchers who develop and test these supplements and herbs and bring them to market - in spite of some opposition from the pharmaceutical and medical establishments. Some of those researchers are associated with the Patriot and Populist Counterculture.


like marbles on glass
It points to a larger issue regarding truth about news. We never ever get to the Gods honest truth unless you can know all details of a story.

Well, it looks like the U.S. has had to make a formal apology to Great Britain for accusing them of wiretapping Trump.

Talk about the tweet heard round the world...

Spicer, in an attempt to prop up Trump's unsupported wiretapping claims, implicated Britain, using as a source Fox New's Napolitano - which led to the GCHQ issuing a rare public statement in response, saying the claims were "nonsense. They are utterly ridiculous and should be ignored."

Let that sink in for a moment, CS. One of our closest and staunchest allies has told the world that the White House has spoken nonsense and should be ignored.

What a shame McMaster had to share in the apology, it's a sure bet he had no hand in this embarrassing mess. There was hope McMaster would bring some much-needed sanity to Trump's NSC, but it appears he's being made irrelevant by Bannon and the shadowy Strategic Initiatives Group. I mentioned that group earlier in this thread but hadn't thought about it in a while. Time to take another look at what's going on at the back of the circus tent.


New member
Well, it looks like the U.S. has had to make a formal apology to Great Britain for accusing them of wiretapping Trump.

Talk about the tweet heard round the world...

Spicer, in an attempt to prop up Trump's unsupported wiretapping claims, implicated Britain, using as a source Fox New's Napolitano - which led to the GCHQ issuing a rare public statement in response, saying the claims were "nonsense. They are utterly ridiculous and should be ignored."

Let that sink in for a moment, CS. One of our closest and staunchest allies has told the world that the White House has spoken nonsense and should be ignored.

What a shame McMaster had to share in the apology, it's a sure bet he had no hand in this embarrassing mess. There was hope McMaster would bring some much-needed sanity to Trump's NSC, but it appears he's being made irrelevant by Bannon and the shadowy Strategic Initiatives Group. I mentioned that group earlier in this thread but hadn't thought about it in a while. Time to take another look at what's going on at the back of the circus tent.

Yeah, but you know Trumpers - "there's no weeds in my garden, there's no weeds in my garden, there's no weeds in my garden..."

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
If Trump were to tweet that tomorrow is Saturday, would Sean Spicer spend the next month "spinning" as to what the President really meant to say and would the nation require several congressional committees to determine that "Saturday" really means "Friday?"

tomorrow is saturday :idunno:


Well-known member
NY Times comment
Trump insults the prime minister of Australia and hangs up on him. He says Paris is no longer Paris and Sweden is attacked by terrorists. He says Angela Merkel is making a big mistake by letting in refugees. Now he says Great Britain bugged Trump Tower.
He says nothing but good things about Putin.
Notice a trend here?

I beginning to think Trump hates America. He only cares about himself and manipulating others. But we all knew his character and morality were base.