The long nightmare has just begun: Inauguration of a fraud.


Well-known member
Just watched the CNN Town Hall on "Obamacare - What comes next?" with Tom Price, the Health And Human Services Secretary.

Felt totally lied to. His and the Republican's premise is health insurance should be a choice and the federal government should not cram down people's throats health care. They promote it like a Chinese restaurant menu. "I want this and I don't want that" AS IF you know what disease you might get. What incentive do young healthy people to get any insurance - UNTIL it is too late?

No insurance works like this. We get home owners insurance and the insurance company can keep down the price and stay in business because they have enough homes that are not requiring pay outs. Same with car insurance. Good drivers cover those who have had misfortune. Healthy people cover those who have had a misfortune.

Insurance companies will have exorbitant rates or fail if they only get sick people signing up especially if the Republicans keep the pre-existing clause.

Republicans say if the Democrats don't buckle under they will let Obamacare collapse under its own weight and fail. Well, the position they are promoting with Trumpcare is essentially that plan but it may include hurting the insurance companies. I think Obamacare would outlast Trumpcare.

The Republicans should just be honest. They do not want a replacement. They should just put up a repeal bill. That has been the 7 year plan and why they got nothing now. Why pretend they have a heart? Just do another 60 repeal bills until it is gone.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
I want the truth.


In his decision blocking the second travel ban, Judge Watson quoted one of Trump's tweets.

thus proving that so-called judge watson of the ninth circus court is a retard :idunno:
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like marbles on glass
This is an interesting analysis:

Why Trump won’t quit. He can’t.
Chuck Stanley

Trump’s problem is that he cannot step down or resign. Impeachment or the 25th Amendment might even have drastic consequences for him far beyond removal from office. To borrow a line from an old Tennessee Ernie Ford song, Trump “owes his soul to the Company store.”

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame


like marbles on glass