The long nightmare has just begun: Inauguration of a fraud.


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U.S. Intelligence Officials Reportedly Warn Israeli Counterparts Against Sharing Info With Trump Administration

Shared information could be leaked to Russia and onward to Iran, American officials implied to Israelis in closed meeting, saying Kremlin has 'leverages of pressure' over Trump, Ronen Bergman reports.

Israeli intelligence officials are concerned that the exposure of classified information to their American counterparts under a Trump administration could lead to their being leaked to Russia and onward to Iran, investigative journalist Ronen Bergman reported by Israeli daily Yediot Ahronot on Thursday.

American intelligence officials expressed despair at the election of Trump during a recent meeting with their Israeli counterparts, Bergman reported. They said that they believed that “leverages of pressure” over Trump, though they did not elaborate.​

These intelligence officials are political and corrupt. They are there solely to undermine trump.


like marbles on glass
Humorous but not funny because it's all too real:



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Hall of Fame

U.S. government scientists go 'rogue' in defiance of Trump

Employees from more than a dozen U.S. government agencies have established a network of unofficial "rogue" Twitter feeds in defiance of what they see as attempts by President Donald Trump to muzzle federal climate change research and other science.

Seizing on Trump's favorite mode of discourse, scientists at the Environmental Protection Agency, NASA and other bureaus have privately launched Twitter accounts - borrowing names and logos of their agencies - to protest restrictions they view as censorship and provide unfettered platforms for information the new administration has curtailed.

"Can't wait for President Trump to call us FAKE NEWS," one anonymous National Park Service employee posted on the newly opened Twitter account @AltNatParkService. "You can take our official twitter, but you'll never take our free time!"

The @RogueNASA account displayed an introductory disclaimer describing it as "The unofficial 'Resistance' team of NASA. Not an official NASA account." It beckoned readers to follow its feed "for science and climate news and facts. REAL NEWS, REAL FACTS."

The swift proliferation of such tweets by government rank-and-file followed internal directives several agencies involved in environmental issues have received since Trump's inauguration requiring them to curb their dissemination of information to the public.

Last week, Interior Department staff were told to stop posting on Twitter after an employee re-tweeted posts about relatively low attendance at Trump's swearing-in, and about how material on climate change and civil rights had disappeared from the official White House website.

Employees at the EPA and the departments of Interior, Agriculture and Health and Human Services have since confirmed seeing notices from the new administration either instructing them to remove web pages or limit how they communicate to the public, including through social media.


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Hall of Fame
WASHINGTON — When President Obama relied heavily on executive orders to push through policies that had no chance in Congress, Republicans called him a dictator who abused his power and disregarded the Constitution. They even took him to court.

“We have an increasingly lawless presidency where he is actually doing the job of Congress, writing new policies and laws without going through Congress,” Representative Paul D. Ryan, then the Budget Committee chairman, said in a 2014 television interview after Mr. Obama made clear in his State of the Union address that he would readily take unilateral action to get his way.

Now President Trump, at the start of his tenure, is relying heavily on executive actions not just to reverse Obama administration initiatives, but to enact new federal policies covering immigration, health care and other areas in ways that could be seen more as the province of the House and Senate. And he is doing that with clear Republican majorities in Congress.


The flurry of administration edicts flowing from the Trump White House puts some top Republicans in the awkward position of welcoming aggressive executive muscle flexing from a president of their own party after castigating Mr. Obama for using the same approach.

I read an article earlier about another role reversal. Prior to this the Republicans were the party for states rights and the Democrats were the federal power party. Now Democrats may push back against Trump using arguments for state power. Sometimes using the same logic that Republicans used against Obama. And Republicans will be pushing for things at the federal level now that they are in power. It will be a test to see which Republicans actually care about states rights or who used it for political reasons. Integrity in politics is so rare.


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Hall of Fame
The problem for Dems is that everytime they mention hacking everyone is automatically reminded that Hillary ran The State Department from a private server that she wiped when it was subpoenaed. If her organization was still so careless after that whole train wreck that they were compromised again then how on Earth are we supposed to believe they weren't compromised the first time like they say they weren't?
I don't know why that's a problem for Dems. They are two different issues. :idunno:


New member
Really? Who did He say was gonna pay for the wall?

The Mexican government. He already established a 20% tariff on Mexican goods. That will pay for the wall in two ways. There will be extra money collected in tariffs. The Mexican economy will suffer as a result. Their lost revenue would be the same as writing a check for the same amount.


New member
Then why are the American people gonna pay for it? Because Trump said just today that is his plan. 20% tariffs on all imported stuff from mexico.

Not all American people; only those who buy Mexican products. There are also American workers who will profit from such a tariff.


Well-known member
The Mexican government. He already established a 20% tariff on Mexican goods. That will pay for the wall in two ways. There will be extra money collected in tariffs. The Mexican economy will suffer as a result. Their lost revenue would be the same as writing a check for the same amount.

You still didn't answer the question though. Americans will still pay the tax by paying higher costs.

What he is doing is saying if you Americans want to buy Mexican products, sorry bout your luck, your paying for the wall.


Well-known member
Not all American people; only those who buy Mexican products. There are also American workers who will profit from such a tariff.

And that isn't wrong to you. What did the American consumer do to warrant such an attack? Only those who buy Mexican goods huh? Buy a car lately, buy a computer lately etc....A majority is made in Mexico.