The Left has become dangerously unhinged.


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You have mentioned child rapist-murderers several times now. Have there been many such convictions lately. or at all?

You mention paying all the expenses for 'lifers', how do you feel about the expenses of executions? I understand that each execution (in the USA) can cost millions of dollars..... ?
And it's as painless as they can make it. What a waste of money. Just have the victims and any volunteers pick up some larger stones and stone the criminals. Anyone know what a couple of large stones go for on the market...?

Would you charge such expenses to a convict's family like the Nazis did?

Does this even need a response?

Oh, and one last question: Do you agree with this thread's title?

Could not, would not, would refuse to take part......

"Could not" is not the same as "would not" or "refusing to."

Could not? no, I would not force someone to take part in the execution if they could not partake, even if willing. Would not, or refuse to?

The only ones who would take part in executions would be those who are officials of the government, aka employed by the government, first, then the victims and/or their families/friends second, who are indirectly victims of the crime, and then if necessary, volunteers third.


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I had to return to your post........

On the News (UK) this evening it was reported that a Nurse in a UK hospital in the county of Cheshire, England, has been arrested over the unexplained deaths of several babies that were being cared for there.

In such a situation, if a murder conviction might be found, would you support a public torture/death sentence?

If I were king, I would have the execution broadcast publicly.

Same here, it's just as well JR isn't ever going to have the chance to do what he would so willingly volunteer to do. "Funny" how religious zealots have so little compassion and love about them at times...

It's "funny" how liberals such as yourself punish the victims and love the criminals, and then mock those of us who want to love the victims and punish the criminals.

It's because of my love for the victims that I want to see criminals punished appropriately, and the victims compensated.

Arthur, a couple of questions for you:

What should be the punishment for theft?
God says it should be restitution, but I want to know what you think.

What should the punishment be for someone assaulting someone else and causing the victim to, say, lose an eye?
God says "eye for eye," but I want to know what you think.

What should the punishment be for someone who kills an innocent person?
God says the murderer should be executed, but I want to know what you think.


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Same here, it's just as well JR isn't ever going to have the chance to do what he would so willingly volunteer to do. "Funny" how religious zealots have so little compassion and love about them at times...
Oh, and by the way, come Judgment Day, if you haven't repented and accepted Christ as your Savior by then, I have one verse for you to think about...

Do you not know that the saints will judge the world? - 1 Corinthians 6:2a

Meaning I'll be right up there with Jesus judging.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
It's "funny" how liberals such as yourself punish the victims and love the criminals, and then mock those of us who want to love the victims and punish the criminals.

You don't have the first clue what love entails. I doubt you've ever even felt such an emotion. I've no interest in "punishing" the victims of crimes as you absurdly suggest whereas you would be quite happy to pull the plug on people simply for being gay. What would you do to comfort the loved ones of the "homo" after executing them whilst wearing an NBC suit?


It's because of my love for the victims that I want to see criminals punished appropriately, and the victims compensated.

What a complete crock.

Arthur, a couple of questions for you:

What should be the punishment for theft?
God says it should be restitution, but I want to know what you think.

What should the punishment be for someone assaulting someone else and causing the victim to, say, lose an eye?
God says "eye for eye," but I want to know what you think.

What should the punishment be for someone who kills an innocent person?
God says the murderer should be executed, but I want to know what you think.

Have you even heard of the New Testament? You were born thousands of years after your time...


Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Oh, and by the way, come Judgment Day, if you haven't repented and accepted Christ as your Savior by then, I have one verse for you to think about...

Do you not know that the saints will judge the world? - 1 Corinthians 6:2a

Meaning I'll be right up there with Jesus judging.

What does the bible say about those who are unloving and unmerciful? I wouldn't wish anything on you that you would do and judge to others as I only care about the judgements made from people I respect. All of those exhibit care and compassion for others. So guess what I think about yours...


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You don't have the first clue what love entails. I doubt you've ever even felt such an emotion.

Ad hominem much?

I've no interest in "punishing" the victims of crimes as you absurdly suggest

Hence why I asked what you think the punishments should be for different crimes.

Could you answer my three questions please?

whereas you would be quite happy to pull the plug on people simply for being gay.

Because homosexuality is an ABOMINATION, and God says that homos should be put to death because of that fact.

What would you do to comfort the loved ones of the "homo" after executing them whilst wearing an NBC suit?

What would you say to the loved ones of the murderer after executing him for killing an innocent person?

What a complete crock.

More ad hominem attacks.

Have you even heard of the New Testament? You were born thousands of years after your time...

Hey Artie, I asked what YOU think, not what God thinks, because I know what God thinks. Even the New Testament affirms the death penalty.

But I'm asking what YOU, Arthur Brain, think the punishment should be for theft, assault resulting in permanent injury, and murder.

So go ahead, tell me what the punishment should be for the criminal commits those crimes.

What does the bible say about those who are unloving and unmerciful?

It says that judges should no show mercy to criminals.

I wouldn't wish anything on you that you would do and judge to others as I only care about the judgements made from people I respect. All of those exhibit care and compassion for others. So guess what I think about yours...

Again, my questions remain:

What do you think should happen to a thief?

What do you think should happen to someone who assaults someone causing permanent injury?

What do you think should happen to a murderer?

You claim to be more loving than I am, so let's hear how loving you are.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Ad hominem much?

It was an observation. Like many religious zealots, you lack or display anything resembling love, compassion or empathy but cold and callous judgement.

Hence why I asked what you think the punishments should be for different crimes.

If you were genuine you wouldn't have made the asinine statement that you did.

Because homosexuality is an ABOMINATION, and God says that homos should be put to death because of that fact.

Oh, and typical of the zealous little fundamentalist, he latches onto a bit of text from the OT to justify his putrid attitude towards his fellow beings who just don't happen to be straight. Not only that, you have to accentuate how you'd have to "protect" yourself while killing them. You know nothing about love or compassion at all. Just another crackpot.

What would you say to the loved ones of the murderer after executing him for killing an innocent person?

A homosexual isn't a murderer and you're deflecting. What would you say to the loved ones of a homosexual you've just killed? How you're sorry for their loss after taking your protective suit off?

More ad hominem attacks.

Um, nope.

Hey Artie, I asked what YOU think, not what God thinks, because I know what God thinks. Even the New Testament affirms the death penalty.

You think it condones stoning? You don't know squat, maybe a few years and some much needed experience will shake you up a bit.

But I'm asking what YOU, Arthur Brain, think the punishment should be for theft, assault resulting in permanent injury, and murder.

Pretty much what the law already has in regards to such.

It says that judges should no show mercy to criminals.

You're not a judge, you're just an indoctrinated, naive and callous kid. I just hope that life shakes that out of you.

Again, my questions remain:

What do you think should happen to a thief?

What do you think should happen to someone who assaults someone causing permanent injury?

What do you think should happen to a murderer?

You claim to be more loving than I am, so let's hear how loving you are.

Over here, what the law already dictates. I'm anti DP more for the inevitable miscarriages of justice than anything and lashing and stoning?

Get real and grow some empathy and individual thinking. It's not a crime.


"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
You have mentioned child rapist-murderers several times now. Have there been many such convictions lately. or at all?
There've been too many of both.

You mention paying all the expenses for 'lifers', how do you feel about the expenses of executions? I understand that each execution (in the USA) can cost millions of dollars..... ?
How do I feel about it? I feel like; for blanked-y-blank, could you have chosen to not commit a capital crime instead? And how expensive is a rope and a timber gallows? Or a couple ounces of potassium chloride solution and (no need for it to be sterilized of course!) a syringe?

Capital crimes themselves are the biggest problem. We need less of them, we need none of them---one is one too many.

And for capital crimes, it's legitimate to be against the death penalty, and it's also legitimate to support the death penalty. I support it.
Would you charge such expenses to a convict's family like the Nazis did?
That might lower the inherent injustice of having a murderer's victim's families and friends pay taxes in order to feed, clothe, and shelter the predator for the rest of his life; would you concede that?
Oh, and one last question: Do you agree with this thread's title?
I've got no use for 'left' as a descriptor. Democrats are unhinged right now; hysterically paranoid. I hope not dangerously so.


"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
I had to return to your post........
On the News (UK) this evening it was reported that a Nurse in a UK hospital in the county of Cheshire, England, has been arrested over the unexplained deaths of several babies that were being cared for there.

In such a situation, if a murder conviction might be found, would you support a public torture/death sentence?
I can't. I mean---I could, but no. The Church counsels on torture, and I need to heed what she teaches, in order to conform my thinking to the thinking of Christ, which is something that I like the idea of, more than I like the idea of horrifically torturing a child predator, like perhaps this nurse is.


Well-known member
Same here, it's just as well JR isn't ever going to have the chance to do what he would so willingly volunteer to do. "Funny" how religious zealots have so little compassion and love about them at times...

Fair enough.
But I need to discover more about all this.
There are many offences in the 613 which carry the death penalty, so I need to discover if any are repealed, etc.


Well-known member
If I were king, I would have the execution broadcast publicly.

The above sent in connection with a suspected child murderer, a nurse at a Cheshire (UK) hospital.
of the bible
The OT laws in the first five books, the 507 (I'm not including the 106 sacrificial laws) cover several/many criminal offences that carry the death penalty, execution methods varying according to offences.

Because of your previous answers here, would I be correct in guessing that you might support execution for all such crimes, like adultery? There must be many others as well?

The Barbarian

It was an observation. Like many religious zealots, you lack or display anything resembling love, compassion or empathy but cold and callous judgement.

1 Corinthians 13:1 If I speak with the tongues of men, and of angels, and have not charity, I am become as sounding brass, or a tinkling cymbal. [2] And if I should have prophecy and should know all mysteries, and all knowledge, and if I should have all faith, so that I could remove mountains, and have not charity, I am nothing. [3] And if I should distribute all my goods to feed the poor, and if I should deliver my body to be burned, and have not charity, it profiteth me nothing. [4] Charity is patient, is kind: charity envieth not, dealeth not perversely; is not puffed up; [5] Is not ambitious, seeketh not her own, is not provoked to anger, thinketh no evil;

[6] Rejoiceth not in iniquity, but rejoiceth with the truth; [7] Beareth all things, believeth all things, hopeth all things, endureth all things. [8] Charity never falleth away: whether prophecies shall be made void, or tongues shall cease, or knowledge shall be destroyed. [9] For we know in part, and we prophesy in part. [10] But when that which is perfect is come, that which is in part shall be done away.

[11] When I was a child, I spoke as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child. But, when I became a man, I put away the things of a child. [12] We see now through a glass in a dark manner; but then face to face. Now I know in part; but then I shall know even as I am known. [13] And now there remain faith, hope, and charity, these three: but the greatest of these is charity.


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The above sent in connection with a suspected child murderer, a nurse at a Cheshire (UK) hospital.
of the bible
The OT laws in the first five books, the 507 (I'm not including the 106 sacrificial laws) cover several/many criminal offences that carry the death penalty, execution methods varying according to offences.

Because of your previous answers here, would I be correct in guessing that you might support execution for all such crimes, like adultery? There must be many others as well?

God said do not murder, do not commit adultery, do not steal, and do not bear false witness.

Do any of those laws not apply to any person?

No, they all apply to everyone equally.

Therefore, the punishments for them should be as God commanded.

Death, death, restitution, and whatever is at stake, respectively.


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I recommend Bob Enyart's "God and the Death Penalty," and "God's Criminal Justice System" (along with the PDF as well) resources.
Fair enough.
But I need to discover more about all this.
There are many offences in the 613 which carry the death penalty, so I need to discover if any are repealed, etc.


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The above sent in connection with a suspected child murderer, a nurse at a Cheshire (UK) hospital.
of the bible
The OT laws in the first five books, the 507 (I'm not including the 106 sacrificial laws) cover several/many criminal offences that carry the death penalty, execution methods varying according to offences.

Because of your previous answers here, would I be correct in guessing that you might support execution for all such crimes, like adultery? There must be many others as well?
Moral laws are for everyone. Ceremonial laws, sacrificial laws, and laws only meant for Israel are not and should not be applied to the rest of the world.


Well-known member
God said do not murder, do not commit adultery, do not steal, and do not bear false witness.

Do any of those laws not apply to any person?

No, they all apply to everyone equally.

Therefore, the punishments for them should be as God commanded.

Death, death, restitution, and whatever is at stake, respectively.

Rather more than your list, I think?
Sentences for most of the following crimes are most severe, I think:-
Sacrificing to gods other than YHWH
Worshipping Baal
False prophecy
witchcraft in general.
Sabbath breaking
Rape by a man of a betrothed woman in the countryside
Being either participant in consensual sexual activity, in which a betrothed woman consensually loses her virginity to a man
Adultery with a married woman
Loss of virginity by a woman prior to marriage, to someone other than her husband while falsely representing herself as a virgin before the marriage ceremony
Marrying one's wife's mother
Certain forms of incest, namely if it involves the father's wife or a daughter-in-law
Male on male sexual intercourse.
Prostitution by the daughter of a priest
Negligent homicide, specifically by ox-goring, if already warned about the behavior of the ox. Death punishment is no longer required if the interested party requires payment of a fee. The death penalty does not apply to ox-goring of slaves.
Smiting a parent
Cursing a parent
A son who persists in disobeying his parents
Contempt of court
False witness to a capital crime


Well-known member
Moral laws are for everyone. Ceremonial laws, sacrificial laws, and laws only meant for Israel are not and should not be applied to the rest of the world.

I already excluded the sacrificial laws, as you know.
But do you keep all the moral laws?
There are 507 laws that strengthen, secure, make stronger, cohese (hold together) and protect from sickness...... for all the people. How many do you actually follow and obey? None of them are merely 'moral laws', they are all facilitators towards the above conditions. But you might not have bothered with all of them?


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Rather more than your list, I think?
Sentences for most of the following crimes are most severe, I think:-
Sacrificing to gods other than YHWH

Law for Israel only.

Worshipping Baal


False prophecy




witchcraft in general.



Law for Israel only.

Sabbath breaking


Rape by a man of a betrothed woman in the countryside

Man is executed for rape, woman is presumed innocent.

Being either participant in consensual sexual activity, in which a betrothed woman consensually loses her virginity to a man

The punishment for fornication is that the fornicators should be forced to marry and never allow them to divorce.

Adultery with a married woman

Both participants should be executed.

Loss of virginity by a woman prior to marriage, to someone other than her husband while falsely representing herself as a virgin before the marriage ceremony

Prior to marriage, then it's fornication. Same as above punishment for fornication.

Marrying one's wife's mother

Is incest. Execution, for all three.

Certain forms of incest, namely if it involves the father's wife or a daughter-in-law

All incest should result in execution, as it is a form of rape.

Male on male sexual intercourse.

An abomination. Punishment is execution.


Execution of both the person and the animal.

(Note that many of the sexually transmitted diseases we have today have come as a result of people having sex with animals.)

Prostitution by the daughter of a priest

Prostitution itself should be a crime, and the punishments for adultery and fornication apply. If a single woman has sex with a single man, they should be forced to marry without divorce. A married woman and or married man having sex is adultery, and both should be executed.

The "priest's prostituting daughter" scenario punishment, however, has been repealed, because it was only intended for Israel.

Duh, execution.

Negligent homicide, specifically by ox-goring, if already warned about the behavior of the ox. Death punishment is no longer required if the interested party requires payment of a fee. The death penalty does not apply to ox-goring of slaves.

Negligent homicide should result in execution, and anyone who could have avoided an otherwise accidental homicide should be flogged.

Smiting a parent


Cursing a parent


A son who persists in disobeying his parents



Is a capital crime, and the kidnapper should be executed.

Contempt of court


False witness to a capital crime

The punishment for false witness is whatever is at steak. False witness concerning a theft? Restitution. False witness concerning bodily injury (for example)? Corporal punishment. False witness concerning a capital crime? Execution.

Was that name not convicted or tried for child abuse of some kind, in the past?

He went to prison for a few months because he spanked his stepson, 5 swats on the backside. If you use the liberal's definition of child abuse, sure, it was child abuse. In reality, he was following the biblical model of disciplining his child.

Tagging [MENTION=510]Bob Enyart[/MENTION] just in case he'd like to add anything.

I already excluded the sacrificial laws, as you know.
But do you keep all the moral laws?

I keep no law.

There are 507 laws that strengthen, secure, make stronger, cohese (hold together) and protect from sickness...... for all the people. How many do you actually follow and obey?


None of them are merely 'moral laws', they are all facilitators towards the above conditions. But you might not have bothered with all of them?

Christians are to love God and their neighbors. If a christian does that, he will not violate any (righteous) law.
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