The Left has become dangerously unhinged.


"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
Yes......... the 507 laws either, secured, protected, made stronger, more cohesive, more successful, more healthy the whole people. There is not one exception.

But you 'keep no laws' whilst promoting various sentences for breaching some of these laws..... I don't get it.

And now many Christians ignore most of these while sticking steadfastly to others. Don't get it.
Half of all Christians are Catholics.

The Barbarian

Half of all Christians are Catholics.

Slightly more than half.


About 62% of all Christians remain apostolic Christians. That does not include Anglicans, which continue to have the apostolic succession instituted by Christ.


"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
Slightly more than half.


About 62% of all Christians remain apostolic Christians. That does not include Anglicans, which continue to have the apostolic succession instituted by Christ.
I know the Catholic Church considers the Orthodox Holy Orders (and therefore their other sacraments too) valid, but I didn't think the Anglican Holy Orders are valid, did you hear different?

The Barbarian

I know the Catholic Church considers the Orthodox Holy Orders (and therefore their other sacraments too) valid, but I didn't think the Anglican Holy Orders are valid, did you hear different?

They do not accept Anglican Holy Orders as valid, although that remains controversial, since Anglicans preserve Apostolic succession. The official position of the Church is that once the former Catholic Bishops of the English reformation died, there were no valid successors. However, every Anglican bishop traces his office from an apostle.

Does that help? This is why I didn't include them as apostolic Christians, even though they maintain that succession.

It varies a bit. For example, Anglican baptisms are considered vaild.


"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
They do not accept Anglican Holy Orders as valid, although that remains controversial, since Anglicans preserve Apostolic succession. The official position of the Church is that once the former Catholic Bishops of the English reformation died, there were no valid successors. However, every Anglican bishop traces his office from an apostle.

Does that help? This is why I didn't include them as apostolic Christians, even though they maintain that succession.
It does; thank you, and thank you for clarifying. :e4e:


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I just do not understand your 'I keep no law' claim.
If you cling to the laws, rules and guides of the OT then you must certainly keep to laws?

Nope. I'm a Christian.

Yes......... the 507 laws either, secured, protected, made stronger, more cohesive, more successful, more healthy the whole people. There is not one exception.

But you 'keep no laws' whilst promoting various sentences for breaching some of these laws..... I don't get it.

You should study Romans.

And now many Christians ignore most of these while sticking steadfastly to others. Don't get it.

Go study Romans.


Well-known member
Nope. I'm a Christian.

You should study Romans.

Go study Romans.

Ahhhhh! So your Christianity is based upon Paul rather than Jesus.
So why did you quote Genesis earlier to justify a sentence?

Surely you will just quote Paul and other NT books?
In the meantime I will loook up what Paul wrote about death sentences.


Well-known member
Nope. I'm a Christian.

Go study Romans.

Nope....... Paul wrote nothing about executing folks for anything.
But in James, Matthew, Luke, John and Mark it clearly tells us 'Thou shalt not kill' . Where and how do you get to ignore such laws?


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Ahhhhh! So your Christianity is based upon Paul rather than Jesus.

No, it's based on Jesus' death burial and resurrection. I just imitate Paul as he imitated Christ.

So why did you quote Genesis earlier to justify a sentence?

Because I use the whole Bible for my theology, not just the New Testament or the Old Testament.

Surely you will just quote Paul and other NT books?

I wonder why that is... *cough*MAD*cough*

In the meantime I will look up what Paul wrote about death sentences.

Good :)


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Nope....... Paul wrote nothing about executing folks for anything.

Which is why I told you to read Romans. What did he say about the law in regards to the lawless?

But in James, Matthew, Luke, John and Mark it clearly tells us 'Thou shalt not kill'. Where and how do you get to ignore such laws?

God never said "thou shalt not kill," or a few verses later, He would have contradicted Himself.

He said "Thou shalt not murder." There's a different word used in Exodus, and it's not the word for kill.


Well-known member
No, it's based on Jesus' death burial and resurrection. I just imitate Paul as he imitated Christ.
You could go directly to Jesus, surely? Then it would be you who is imitating Christ, rather than imitating an imitator?

Because I use the whole Bible for my theology, not just the New Testament or the Old Testament.
Well then...... in that case you would need to read and follow the 507 OT laws? You're already wanting to follow one from Genesis, and another from Leviticus....... what's wrong with all the others?

OK.... I checked Paul out........ no death sentences mentioned. You're back in the OT, but denying it because you're a Christian...... that doesn't seem to hang right....?


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You could go directly to Jesus, surely? Then it would be you who is imitating Christ, rather than imitating an imitator?

Well then...... in that case you would need to read and follow the 507 OT laws? You're already wanting to follow one from Genesis, and another from Leviticus....... what's wrong with all the others?

Romans 6:14.

OK.... I checked Paul out........ no death sentences mentioned. You're back in the OT, but denying it because you're a Christian...... that doesn't seem to hang right....?

Again (and I know you haven't replied to my second post yet, which asks this, so you only have to answer this once), what does Paul say about the Law concerning the wicked?


Well-known member
Which is why I told you to read Romans. What did he say about the law in regards to the lawless?
What? Romans Romans 13:4....? That's to be afraid of God, surely?
or Romans 13:1 to obey civil laws?
But these don't lay down details of executions!

God never said "thou shalt not kill," or a few verses later, He would have contradicted Himself.

He said "Thou shalt not murder." There's a different word used in Exodus, and it's not the word for kill.
Ah, but surely what Jesus said has more weight for a Christian, yes?


Well-known member
Romans 6:14.
{6:14} For sin shall not have dominion over you: for ye are not under the law, but under grace.
So where do you get to execute anybody by put this up?

......EDIT It's late here.... I must to bed.
Will read any posts in the morning.....


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What? Romans Romans 13:4....? That's to be afraid of God, surely?

or Romans 13:1 to obey civil laws?

But these don't lay down details of executions!

Christians should respect the authority that God has placed over them, but they are not required to keep (or observe, or try to conform themselves to) the law. If a Christian does what is good, he will never break the law.

Ah, but surely what Jesus said has more weight for a Christian, yes?

Jesus' words are included in Scripture, which is God's word. Everything in the Bible (all 66 books) is God-breathed, or inspired by Him.

{6:14} For sin shall not have dominion over you: for ye are not under the law, but under grace.

In other words, Christians are not under law. We're under grace.

So where do you get to execute anybody by put this up?

The law is for the lawless, those who are wicked, and we (Christians) establish the law.

......EDIT It's late here.... I must to bed.
Will read any posts in the morning.....

Sleep well, and think on these things.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Funny, the thread OP goes on about the "left" being unhinged but it's the far right that would enact laws that would do away with personal freedom and liberty as we know it and turn the West into some nightmarish "theocratic state"...


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
Funny, the thread OP goes on about the "left" being unhinged but it's the far right that would enact laws that would do away with personal freedom and liberty as we know it and turn the West into some nightmarish "theocratic state"...

A true economic conservative would not be liked much. One thing they would not like is trade tariffs!!!

"The more free the market, the freer the society"


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Hall of Fame
The idea of an economic conservative is rather an obscure concept, which is only valid in the reactionary sense, we had very little taxes before WWI and W. Wilson, the doctor of political Science.