The Left has become dangerously unhinged.


Well-known member
Christians should respect the authority that God has placed over them, but they are not required to keep (or observe, or try to conform themselves to) the law. If a Christian does what is good, he will never break the law.

Jesus' words are included in Scripture, which is God's word. Everything in the Bible (all 66 books) is God-breathed, or inspired by Him.

In other words, Christians are not under law. We're under grace.

The law is for the lawless, those who are wicked, and we (Christians) establish the law.

Sleep well, and think on these things.

Your post, above, seems to propose that:-
No Christian has ever broken any law.
This suggests that you personally have never done a bad thing in your entire Christian life.
As a Christian you couldn't possibly have ever broken a law, committed any crime.

The only people that I have ever heard about before who think something like this are psychopaths.
They also cannot see that any of their actions can possibly be or ever have been bad.
Now you belong to the 'zealous right' I seem to remember, and this thread is all about the 'unhinged left'.


Well-known member
Funny, the thread OP goes on about the "left" being unhinged but it's the far right that would enact laws that would do away with personal freedom and liberty as we know it and turn the West into some nightmarish "theocratic state"...

.......... where some of them think that they themselves, if Christians, cannot possibly have ever done a bad thing?

This is amazing..... where the leaders fall out with somebody, they can decide that this person is not a real Christian, ergo, is wicked and thus not protected by God's grace...?

Back in the day, if a man coveted his neighbour's land and if she was a widow he could make allegation that she took part in witchcraft.......... bingo! He would soon be able to take over a deserted piece of land. And that action could not be wicked, he was just carrying out God's will.


"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
A true economic conservative would not be liked much. One thing they would not like is trade tariffs!!!

"The more free the market, the freer the society"
You have to pay the piper, iow 'death and taxes,' why isn't taxing imports a good way to raise public revenue?


like marbles on glass
.......... where some of them think that they themselves, if Christians, cannot possibly have ever done a bad thing?

This is amazing..... where the leaders fall out with somebody, they can decide that this person is not a real Christian, ergo, is wicked and thus not protected by God's grace...?

Back in the day, if a man coveted his neighbour's land and if she was a widow he could make allegation that she took part in witchcraft.......... bingo! He would soon be able to take over a deserted piece of land. And that action could not be wicked, he was just carrying out God's will.

Yeah. On another thread about abortion is the usual claim that although the majority of women obtaining abortions identify as Christians - because they got an abortion, they couldn't really be Christians. It's this same attitude that lets people be as bigoted and uncompassionate as they feel like because they literally feel no guilt.


Well-known member
Yeah. On another thread about abortion is the usual claim that although the majority of women obtaining abortions identify as Christians - because they got an abortion, they couldn't really be Christians. It's this same attitude that lets people be as bigoted and uncompassionate as they feel like because they literally feel no guilt.

This has to be a kind of Psychopathy, surely?

A few posts back, one member explained that Christians do not commit crimes, break laws.
A few posts back, another member explained that more than 50% of all Christians are Catholics.

These two points, when placed side by side, contend with each other, because Catholics take confession on a fairly regular basis........ what are they confessing, their lawfulness? Either that or some 'God's grace' Christians do not acknowledge Catholics as Christians.

...... and the Left is unhinged.


like marbles on glass
This has to be a kind of Psychopathy, surely?

Maybe file it under self-serving delusion?

A few posts back, one member explained that Christians do not commit crimes, break laws.
A few posts back, another member explained that more than 50% of all Christians are Catholics.

These two points, when placed side by side, contend with each other, because Catholics take confession on a fairly regular basis........ what are they confessing, their lawfulness? Either that or some 'God's grace' Christians do not acknowledge Catholics as Christians.

...... and the Left is unhinged.

Well, as a lifelong but currently non-practicing Catholic, I can assure you that you won't find this idea of absolving oneself from culpability of sin, Catholic doctrine teaches the polar opposite - in fact, as a non-practicing Catholic, I'd be considered to be right now in a state of mortal sin.

Add to that: many Christians (not all, but many) don't even consider Catholics to be Christians. Then you have the 'gospel of grace' Christians and you can understand why they like Trump so much - he bragged he could stand in the middle of 5th. ave and shoot someone and his base would still vote for him. He's right. They would. And these will be among the most ungracious Christians you can encounter online if you don't adhere to their 'gospel of grace.'

It's just so self-serving. They do what they want, say what they want, be as without mercy as they want - because they're incapable of sin. What a system.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
Yeah. On another thread about abortion is the usual claim that although the majority of women obtaining abortions identify as Christians - because they got an abortion, they couldn't really be Christians. It's this same attitude that lets people be as bigoted and uncompassionate as they feel like because they literally feel no guilt.

In what way are these people "bigoted"?

How is recognizing that an innocent child is murdered being "uncompassionate"?


Well-known member
Maybe file it under self-serving delusion?

Well, as a lifelong but currently non-practicing Catholic, I can assure you that you won't find this idea of absolving oneself from culpability of sin, Catholic doctrine teaches the polar opposite - in fact, as a non-practicing Catholic, I'd be considered to be right now in a state of mortal sin.

Add to that: many Christians (not all, but many) don't even consider Catholics to be Christians. Then you have the 'gospel of grace' Christians and you can understand why they like Trump so much - he bragged he could stand in the middle of 5th. ave and shoot someone and his base would still vote for him. He's right. They would. And these will be among the most ungracious Christians you can encounter online if you don't adhere to their 'gospel of grace.'

It's just so self-serving. They do what they want, say what they want, be as without mercy as they want - because they're incapable of sin. What a system.

......... but the left is unhinged..... :D
I still seek to discover exactly which Laws of the OT, (the 507 with the other 106 sacrificial laws excluded,) that these various Christian Creeds accept and reject, with reasoning. At this time the more zealous types can seem to be a bit unhinged.


Well-known member
In what way are these people "bigoted"?

How is recognizing that an innocent child is murdered being "uncompassionate"?

Are you prepared to support all children for free medical treatment and education until adulthood?
.......And children born out of rape for all welfare expenses until adulthood?
.......And all people born disabled for whole-life, including all medical, educational and welfare costs?


New member
Are you prepared to support all children for free medical treatment and education until adulthood?
.......And children born out of rape for all welfare expenses until adulthood?
.......And all people born disabled for whole-life, including all medical, educational and welfare costs?
If I say yes are you willing to criminalize all abortion?

Or is the above just a red herring?


Hall of Fame
Are you prepared to support all children for free medical treatment and education until adulthood?
.......And children born out of rape for all welfare expenses until adulthood?
.......And all people born disabled for whole-life, including all medical, educational and welfare costs?

Well ... that does go hand in hand with supporting life.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
If I say yes are you willing to criminalize all abortion?

Or is the above just a red herring?

Why would eider's free welfare for all, regardless of need, stop at adulthood?

Why not just support all citizens from cradle to grave, free food, housing, clothing, entertainment, travel, vacation, education, health care etc?

Why shouldn't other people pay for all of my needs and wants?

Wouldn't that be the best way for eider to demonstrate his compassion for me?

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
Are you prepared to support all children for free medical treatment and education until adulthood?

we have that in the US already, based on need

.......And children born out of rape for all welfare expenses until adulthood?

define "all wefare expenses"

and would that include children born out of rape to mothers who were financially secure?

.......And all people born disabled for whole-life, including all medical, educational and welfare costs?

regardless of financial need?

and if I (or society) am unwilling to provide financial support for those particular (and peculiar) classes of citizens, is it, in your estimation, a just alternative to kill them in the womb?

and as long as I mentioned "citizens", why should my financial responsibility end with my citizens? Shouldn't I be required to financially support all chlidren, wherever they may be on the planet?

eider - how much money do you personally send to impoverished children in Guatemala, Somalia, Chile, bangladesh, blackpool...?

Catholic Crusader

Kyrie Eleison
I do mean dangerous. These out of control haters are fast becoming mobs who will stop at nothing to destroy this country. They are vulgar and proud of it. Where does this evil come from? Blame this on Trump, too, I suppose?

The new tactic is a blatant war on anyone who is not a member of their mob. Danger is here.

Watch the haters zoom in with their personal attacks. :popcorn:

You are 110% correct


Well-known member
Maybe file it under self-serving delusion?

Yes, delusion is something the left is well versed on. That's why they're so dangerous.

Then you have the 'gospel of grace' Christians and you can understand why they like Trump so much - he bragged he could stand in the middle of 5th. ave and shoot someone and his base would still vote for him. He's right. They would.

This is a perfect example of their delusion. Trump's joke about being able to shoot someone in the middle of 5th Avenue was a JOKE...having NOTHING to do with the Gospel of Grace. :rolleyes:

And these will be among the most ungracious Christians you can encounter online if you don't adhere to their 'gospel of grace.'

Says another hypocrite who counts on her heart remaining unseen by God.

It's just so self-serving. They do what they want, say what they want, be as without mercy as they want - because they're incapable of sin. What a system.

A "system" that only exists in the minds of the delusional left. Good show, Anna.


Well-known member
Why would eider's free welfare for all, regardless of need, stop at adulthood?

Why not just support all citizens from cradle to grave, free food, housing, clothing, entertainment, travel, vacation, education, health care etc?

Why shouldn't other people pay for all of my needs and wants?

Wouldn't that be the best way for eider to demonstrate his compassion for me?

They talk big, but not a one will open their own home to those in need. :chuckle:


Well-known member
Well, apart from none of the OP having any actual substance to it and no personal attacks or vulgarity being aimed in GD's direction but rather and somewhat ironically being flung by GD herself, then sure.

Threads a winner.


I wouldn't expect this thread to appeal to you, Artie. But you haven't been able to resist proving what I said to be true. The problem is that you're so far out there in LaLa Land you can't see what's so obvious to normal folks.