The Left has become dangerously unhinged.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
In the end analysis I have come to the conclusion that, the opinions (posts) of far-leftists, atheists/agnostics, and posters who say they are Christians, but in truth, are not, are not worth the time and effort to read what they have to say or to argue with. They're all starting to sound the same and I have no intention of reading anything they have to say. From now on, I'll ONLY read what members of the Body of Christ are saying.


like marbles on glass
In the end analysis I have come to the conclusion that, the opinions (posts) of far-leftists, atheists/agnostics, and posters who say they are Christians, but in truth, are not, are not worth the time and effort to read what they have to say or to argue with. They're all starting to sound the same and I have no intention of reading anything they have to say. From now on, I'll ONLY read what members of the Body of Christ are saying.

Bookmarking for future reference. :)


Well-known member
There were no personal attacks aimed in your direction.

And you think that means you didn't engage in personal attacks? :chuckle:

This is what I'm talking about. You on the left cannot even man up enough to admit you do exactly what you're accused of doing.

Saying that your qualifiers were silly wasn't a personal attack, it wasn't even an insult.

"Silly" is what children say...."childish". :chew:

Grown-ups usually talk like adults. :chew:

It was certainly silly to maintain the premise when the obvious flaws in it were pointed out. Again, not a personal attack and not an insult. You'd have to have one hell of a thin skin to think otherwise. Haven't a clue why you highlighted the following bit about childish insults because I simply said you hadn't been on the receiving end of any.

Yep, the fact that you haven't a clue is what I'm talking about.

Where it comes to JR then the guy is a religious zealot. Anyone who goes on about having laws that kill people for being gay and bringing back stoning is hardly a "moderate" are they? AFAIC, anyone who would curtail the rights and civil liberties as he would is a zealot and a crackpot. Hopefully, with some years on the clock he'll mature and develop some humanity about him.

It's clear what JR is saying has gone over your head. Your idea of "civil liberty" is to let everyone do whatever they want....except those who disagree with you.

Where it comes to "okdoser", then he is a sadact with his juvenile stalking and trolling. So that isn't name calling, it's simply an observation.


Naturally, and it's an "observation" of mine that you keep a tutu and ballet slippers close at hand. I can tell by the way you snivel. I suppose you know what tit for tat means?

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
And you think that means you didn't engage in personal attacks? :chuckle:

This is what I'm talking about. You on the left cannot even man up enough to admit you do exactly what you're accused of doing.

"Silly" is what children say...."childish". :chew:

Grown-ups usually talk like adults. :chew:

Yep, the fact that you haven't a clue is what I'm talking about.

It's clear what JR is saying has gone over your head. Your idea of "civil liberty" is to let everyone do whatever they want....except those who disagree with you.

Naturally, and it's an "observation" of mine that you keep a tutu and ballet slippers close at hand. I can tell by the way you snivel. I suppose you know what tit for tat means?

don't know why you even waste your time reading the retarded drivel he posts :idunno:

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
Too many boobs in Washington.

two fewer since mary jo's killer went to stand before the judgement throne:

warning! barf alert!


Well-known member
With this thread, you certainly were the one to do everything you claimed that "leftists" were going to fling your way. Don't really get this odd fixation that you and others have for a certain sexual act that isn't exclusive to homosexual men as all I advocate is that gay men and women should have the same rights as anyone else so not really seeing what's vulgar about that. Most normal people feel the same way and that's reflected in society at large. You're the one in "Lala land" if you think that most folk would go along with the likes of your buddy JR's proposals and you know it.

Good Lord. Do you have to always bring up vulgar sexual things? Give it a rest.

I'm talking about the loony left here in America who think they can force people to shut up and become a Democrat sheep. Haven't you been paying attention to the Antifa mob rule and the refusal to serve anyone who dares to support the Republican party? You can flap your gums about homosexual sex in some other thread. :rolleyes:


Well-known member
All true and then some

It seems they are changing their tactics now. Now they pretend to talk about issues. The problem is, they just lie when they talk about them.


Very true. I honestly don't think they know what truth is anymore. They know all the Dem talking points quite well, though. The odd part is that they seem shocked that so many people aren't falling for their rubbish. When we laugh at them, they call us hard-hearted and evil.

Is there no joy left on the LEFT?


Well-known member
The Trump administration made trade threats to Ecuador over … breastfeeding

The US got Ecuador to back down from a breastfeeding resolution by threatening trade retaliation and pulling military aid.

The United States threatened to hit Ecuador with retaliatory trade measures and to pull military aid over the South American country proposing an international resolution that encouraged breastfeeding. The US eventually agreed to the resolution — when Russia backed it.

American officials surprised international delegates at the United Nations-affiliated World Health Assembly in May when they opposed a widely popular resolution to promote breastfeeding, according to a report from Andrew Jacobs at the New York Times on Sunday. Specifically, they pushed to remove language asking governments to “protect, promote, and support breast-feeding.” They also took issue with a passage that called for policymakers to restrict the promotion of food products that may harm children.

It appears the Trump administration sided with corporate interests — in this case, the $70-billion infant formula industry — over the health and well-being of kids around the globe. The baby food industry is primarily based in the US and Europe.

The Americans were so ardent in their opposition they made serious threats to Ecuadorian delegates, who were going to introduce the resolution. According to the Times, the Americans said if Ecuador didn’t drop the proposal, “Washington would unleash punishing trade measures and withdraw crucial military aid.”

The resolution ultimately made its way through thanks to Russia, which decided to step in because “we feel that it is wrong when a big country tries to push around some very small countries, especially on an issue that is really important for the rest of the world,” a Russian delegate told the Times. The US didn’t make the same threats to Russia as it did Ecuador, and the resolution was passed mostly in its original form.

New York Times. :rotfl:

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
And you think that means you didn't engage in personal attacks? :chuckle:

This is what I'm talking about. You on the left cannot even man up enough to admit you do exactly what you're accused of doing.

In your case yes. What personal attack have I made against you on this thread? None is what but if you wanna infer one then be my guest. It seems to annoy you that nobody has actually done anything of the sort in your direction but that's nobody else's problem but yours if you actually want to make it one...

"Silly" is what children say...."childish". :chew:

Grown-ups usually talk like adults. :chew:

Then, start taking your own advice?


Yep, the fact that you haven't a clue is what I'm talking about.

Oh, do educate then.

It's clear what JR is saying has gone over your head. Your idea of "civil liberty" is to let everyone do whatever they want....except those who disagree with you.

Um, no, that religious zealot advocates laws that would do away with civil liberty and freedom and has said as much as clear as day. If he were "king" then he would enact the very same so don't even try to play dumb on this GD. Your buddy would do away with the constitution in a second and kill folk who didn't live up to "moral standards". That's the reality with your little buddy so don't shy away from it.

Naturally, and it's an "observation" of mine that you keep a tutu and ballet slippers close at hand. I can tell by the way you snivel. I suppose you know what tit for tat means?

Oh, tutus yet again? Seriously, get some new material else you'll start going on about Elton John again...


Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Good Lord. Do you have to always bring up vulgar sexual things? Give it a rest.

I'm talking about the loony left here in America who think they can force people to shut up and become a Democrat sheep. Haven't you been paying attention to the Antifa mob rule and the refusal to serve anyone who dares to support the Republican party? You can flap your gums about homosexual sex in some other thread. :rolleyes:

You were the one to say I was vulgar for accepting homosexuality as "normalcy" along with sexual acts. Keep track of your own posts GD...



Well-known member
In your case yes. What personal attack have I made against you on this thread? None is what but if you wanna infer one then be my guest. It seems to annoy you that nobody has actually done anything of the sort in your direction but that's nobody else's problem but yours if you actually want to make it one...

I DID NOT specify the personal attacks would be aimed at me. That aside, you have done nothing but mock my entire OP from the start. This is exactly what I'm talking about. You can't see your own fault in anything. You are the worst kind of hypocrite, and like every liberal I've ever met.

Luke 18:10-12
10 Two men went up into the temple to pray; the one a Pharisee, and the other a publican. 11 The Pharisee stood and prayed thus with himself, God, I thank thee, that I am not as other men are, extortioners, unjust, adulterers, or even as this publican. 12 I fast twice in the week, I give tithes of all that I possess.​

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
I DID NOT specify the personal attacks would be aimed at me. That aside, you have done nothing but mock my entire OP from the start. This is exactly what I'm talking about. You can't see your own fault in anything. You are the worst kind of hypocrite, and like every liberal I've ever met.

Luke 18:10-12
10 Two men went up into the temple to pray; the one a Pharisee, and the other a publican. 11 The Pharisee stood and prayed thus with himself, God, I thank thee, that I am not as other men are, extortioners, unjust, adulterers, or even as this publican. 12 I fast twice in the week, I give tithes of all that I possess.​

Oh, so you're just smarting because you weren't on the receiving end of any? Tell ya what, if you agree with JR on what the laws should be in the West then you're just as much of a zealous nut as he is if you agree that stoning should be brought back and gay people killed.

Feel better now?