The Left has become dangerously unhinged.


"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
The discovery that an enlarged amygdala (part of the brain that mediates fear, threat awareness, and hostility) is a better predictor of conservative orientation than even family history (previous best predictor)provides some insight into the mindset that makes people believe we are about to be killed by atheistic Muslim Hispanic Jewish Catholics
I only believe we are going to be killed by murderers, and that we are going to be raped by rapists, these people are real, and so 'if you want peace, prepare for war,' and 'the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.'
, or suppose that the deficit will go away if we just give more money to rich people.
The deficit is 700 billion dollars a year, which is 22% more than revenues.

Take income of 100k per year, but you spend 122k per year.

How is this a 'rich people' problem, given that they are the ones shouldering most of the burden for the 3.3 trillion dollars in revenue anyway, and I include in that almost all income tax from industry, since those people wouldn't have jobs if not for the 'rich people' you seem hellbent against.
Interestingly, enough, an enlarged anterior cingulate gyrus (fold in the cortex) is a good predictor of liberal orientation. So if you believe that the police often abuse minorities
What? You're impugning all law enforcement now? There are bad actors. As I mentioned above, murderers are real, and some of them find their way into careers in law enforcement.
, that most people are decent and well-meaning regardless of their religion or race
No Christians are murderers, and no murderers are Christians.
, and that poor people are poor largely for reasons that don't have anything to do with their intelligence or work ethic
It has to do with how we're reared.
, you likely have a big ACG.

If you think that either of these mean that one outlook or the other is a mental disorder, you probably should get some help.


Well-known member
1st John 3:15 KJV

"no murderer hath eternal life abiding in him."

Ah....... I see.
So all Christians are good, and if any does a bad thing then they just were never a Christian...... something like that? In this way, if any among your Church or Creed are bad, then you can just deny that your Church ever does anything bad because any perpetrator never was a Christian.....?

This could help you to see all outsiders as heathens, thus unholy or worse, which could then give you more freedom in how you treat them? For instance........ do you support death penalties for Capital Crimes?

Is that about right?


"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
Ah....... I see.
So all Christians are good, and if any does a bad thing then they just were never a Christian...... something like that? In this way, if any among your Church or Creed are bad, then you can just deny that your Church ever does anything bad because any perpetrator never was a Christian.....?

This could help you to see all outsiders as heathens, thus unholy or worse, which could then give you more freedom in how you treat them? For instance........ do you support death penalties for Capital Crimes?

Is that about right?
I'd like to see us bring back the breaking wheel for certain crimes.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
Isaiah 5:20 "Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!" That verse appears to FIT the far-left pretty well.

Jerry Shugart

Well-known member
Isaiah 5:20 "Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!" That verse appears to FIT the far-left pretty well.

Yes, as witnessed by Maxine Waters, the new face of the Democratic Party!


Well-known member
If it is the just sentence, then why not?

Are you a pacifist?

So yiour kind of Christians don't murder but would kill in self righteous judgement, and not only kill, but kill with the utmost torture.

Yeah..... got that. I'm learning.


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So yiour kind of Christians don't murder but would kill in self righteous judgement, and not only kill, but kill with the utmost torture.

Yeah..... got that. I'm learning.

God says to punish criminals swiftly and painfully, and that if you don't (such as America doesn't today), you will have a crime epidemic (such as America does today).

Restitution for theft. (Amount owed depends on the circumstances of the theft.)

Corporal punishment for physical (ie, bodily harm) crimes. (Up to forty lashes, and "eye for eye, hand for hand," etc., punishments.)

Death penalty for capital crimes.

Torture is never authorized for punishment, nor are prisons, except to hold criminals until their punishment.


Well-known member
God says to punish criminals swiftly and painfully, and that if you don't (such as America doesn't today), you will have a crime epidemic (such as America does today).

Restitution for theft. (Amount owed depends on the circumstances of the theft.)

Corporal punishment for physical (ie, bodily harm) crimes. (Up to forty lashes, and "eye for eye, hand for hand," etc., punishments.)

Death penalty for capital crimes.

Torture is never authorized for punishment, nor are prisons, except to hold criminals until their punishment.

Yeah....... but some Christians cling to some commands from God, but ignore or discount others ...... as they please, it seems.

Now....... would you say that the idea of returning to your chosen commands from God, presumably capital and corporal punishment, tends to be more of a ring-wing or left-wing opinion. Which, for instance, are you..... right or left wing, politically?

Jerry Shugart

Well-known member
Now....... would you say that the idea of returning to your chosen commands from God, presumably capital and corporal punishment, tends to be more of a ring-wing or left-wing opinion.

It is not an "opinion" for Bible believing Christians:

"Whoever sheds man’s blood, his blood will be shed by man,for God made man in His image" (Gen.9:6).​
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Yeah....... but some Christians cling to some commands from God, but ignore or discount others ...... as they please, it seems.

Now....... would you say that the idea of returning to your chosen commands from God, presumably capital and corporal punishment, tends to be more of a ring-wing or left-wing opinion. Which, for instance, are you..... right or left wing, politically?

Politics has nothing to do with it, nor is it opinion. It's what the Bible says.


"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
So yiour kind of Christians don't murder but would kill in self righteous judgement
I call it 'justice.'
, and not only kill, but kill with the utmost torture.
I can think of nothing better to do to a hypothetical person, who rapes and then murders a baby, for example, that to strap him to a device, break every one of his bones, and then leave him out in the elements to be eaten by birds. Literally nothing.
Yeah..... got that. I'm learning.
Are you? I hope so.

Are you a pacifist?


"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
Yeah....... but some Christians cling to some commands from God, but ignore or discount others ...... as they please, it seems.
That is because there is no unity in the Church right now, there are all manner of political opinions out there, and Christians are not a bloc of voters. But no Christian is a murderer, and no murderer is a Christian, you can count on that.
Now....... would you say that the idea of returning to your chosen commands from God, presumably capital and corporal punishment, tends to be more of a ring-wing or left-wing opinion. Which, for instance, are you..... right or left wing, politically?
If you equate 'right-wing,' with supporting capital punishment/death penalty, then you're answering your own question, aren't you? Do you believe that this position can only be reasonably held by religious people?


Well-known member
It is not an "opinion" for Bible believing Christians:

"Whoever sheds man’s blood, his blood will be shed by man,for God made man in His image" (Gen.9:6).​

An opinion is an opinion........ if you have a more exact word, would you share it?

Do you believe in that 'torture wheel' mentioned earlier?
Would you go to a public execution of a convicted criminal? ........... say, a murderer, or a gay maybe?

Do you tend to find that many unhinged-leftists would support you and Gen 9:6?

Would you describe yourself as right-wing politically.......... or possibly a moderate?

I'm only asking......... :idunno:


Well-known member
Politics has nothing to do with it, nor is it opinion. It's what the Bible says.

I've only just found this reply, but please do reply to my post before this one.

The Jehovah Witnesses might follow what the bible says about murder, so I can see how you might consider them as you ally in such matters?