The Left has become dangerously unhinged.


Well-known member
I call it 'justice.'
I can think of nothing better to do to a hypothetical person, who rapes and then murders a baby, for example, that to strap him to a device, break every one of his bones, and then leave him out in the elements to be eaten by birds. Literally nothing.
Are you? I hope so.
..... so would you ignore what Jesus said about killing in this matter, but pick earlier laws?

Are you a pacifist?
Is 'pacifist' a label which you might apply to anybody who would not or could not turn that wheel, throw that switch?


"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
..... so would you ignore what Jesus said about killing in this matter, but pick earlier laws?
Sometimes the safest thing for humanity is to crush a rapist and murderer mercilessly, wrap his broken limbs around the spokes of a wagon wheel, and hoist that wagon wheel up on the top of a post, and rain or shine, let the birds and rats eat him alive. Jesus agrees.
Is 'pacifist' a label which you might apply to anybody who would not or could not turn that wheel, throw that switch?
No. It's someone who would not see it as their duty to arm themselves so that they could defend their loved ones, neighbors, and friends, from a murderer or rapist. If such a terrible thing were to occur to a pacifist, the pacifist's loved ones, neighbors, or friends, would be more likely to be murdered and raped, than as compared with someone for whom it is a duty to keep and bear arms.


Well-known member
That is because there is no unity in the Church right now, there are all manner of political opinions out there, and Christians are not a bloc of voters. But no Christian is a murderer, and no murderer is a Christian, you can count on that.
Opinions....... absolutely.
I'm just trying to discover whether there are any 'leftist' Christians who would support your opinions about Justice and sentencing.

If you equate 'right-wing,' with supporting capital punishment/death penalty, then you're answering your own question, aren't you? Do you believe that this position can only be reasonably held by religious people?
Oh no! I expect that you be together with all manner of other religions, atheists, agnostics etc in this.
Many Muslim sections (Shia, Sunny, Amadiha) would be right there with you. Fundamentalist Muslims have been crucifying criminals in recent years. You're holding hands with them in this matter, I guess?


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I've only just found this reply, but please do reply to my post before this one.

The Jehovah Witnesses might follow what the bible says about murder, so I can see how you might consider them as you ally in such matters?

Even a broken clock is right twice a day. That doesn't make them correct in all things though.

An opinion is an opinion........ if you have a more exact word, would you share it?

How about what God's law says?

Do you believe in that 'torture wheel' mentioned earlier?

Already addressed this, but I'll repeat it:

God did not authorize torture for any reason.

Would you go to a public execution of a convicted criminal?
If he had committed a capital crime, yes.

say, a murderer,

Yes, and I would even volunteer to perform the execution myself.

or a gay maybe?

You opened this can of worms, not me.

Yes, and as with the murderer, I would voluntarily (though taking plenty more precautions not to get any of their bodily fluids on me) execute the homo.

Do you tend to find that many unhinged-leftists would support you and Gen 9:6?

A wise man’s heart is at his right hand, But a fool’s heart at his left. - Ecclesiastes 10:2

God is a "right wing" God.

Would you describe yourself as right-wing politically.......... or possibly a moderate?

I'm only asking......... :idunno:

As I said above, politics has nothing to do with this. But no, I'm (as my profile says) what you would call a right-wing zealot...

[JESUS]“I know your works, that you are neither cold nor hot. I could wish you were cold or hot.So then, because you are lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will vomit you out of My mouth.[/JESUS] - Revelation 3:15-16


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..... so would you ignore what Jesus said about killing in this matter, but pick earlier laws?

Is 'pacifist' a label which you might apply to anybody who would not or could not turn that wheel, throw that switch?
A rapist murderer should be stoned to death. Not tortured.

There's a reason God said "up to forty lashes," for certain crimes. It's because going beyond forty lashes runs the risk of killing the criminal, which would be unjust for a non-capital crime.


"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
Opinions....... absolutely.
I'm just trying to discover whether there are any 'leftist' Christians who would support your opinions about Justice and sentencing.

Oh no! I expect that you be together with all manner of other religions, atheists, agnostics etc in this.
Many Muslim sections (Shia, Sunny, Amadiha) would be right there with you. Fundamentalist Muslims have been crucifying criminals in recent years. You're holding hands with them in this matter, I guess?
If it's justice, absolutely. How else can criminals possibly understand how merciful we are being to them, when we grant them 'life in prison,' which is, for the rest of their life, WE pay ALL their expenses, in exchange for them committing an egregious crime against an innocent person. They can't possibly understand how blanked-y-blank lucky they are, to be receiving such blanked-y-blank mercy, when they are guilty of raping and murdering a baby, for example, unless we break some of them on the wheel, and put em out for the birds. To remind the rest of them. The rest of the child rapists + murderers. The scum of the earth, that which the earth cries out to us, to extinguish them.


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If it's justice, absolutely. How else can criminals possibly understand how merciful we are being to them, when we grant them 'life in prison,' which is, for the rest of their life, WE pay ALL their expenses, in exchange for them committing an egregious crime against an innocent person. They can't possibly understand how blanked-y-blank lucky they are, to be receiving such blanked-y-blank mercy, when they are guilty of raping and murdering a baby, for example, unless we break some of them on the wheel, and put em out for the birds. To remind the rest of them. The rest of the child rapists + murderers. The scum of the earth, that which the earth cries out to us, to extinguish them.
Please provide the scripture where God says to torture criminals before killing them.

You can't, because He doesn't authorize it. In fact, God is against drawn out punishments.

Because the sentence against an evil work is not executed speedily, therefore the heart of the sons of men is fully set in them to do evil. - Ecclesiastes 8:11


"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
Please provide the scripture where God says to torture criminals before killing them.

You can't, because He doesn't authorize it. In fact, God is against drawn out punishments.

Because the sentence against an evil work is not executed speedily, therefore the heart of the sons of men is fully set in them to do evil. - Ecclesiastes 8:11
This counsel tells us that if criminals are not punished in a timely manner, then other criminals will become emboldened to commit more crimes themselves. It's one of the reasons I support the Second Amendment so hard, because there is no quicker justice than when an innocent person performs a defensive gun use (DGU) to protect their loved ones, friends, or neighbors, from a predator. When predators know there's a decent chance an innocent bystander will produce a weapon and apply lethal force against them (DGU), they don't choose to commit so many crimes as when there's no chance that a DGU will happen.

And on torture---you've got me. The Catholic Church does not teach that torture is ever warranted, no matter how horrific and barbaric and Nazi-like the crime, and I agree with her on that, if reluctantly. Perhaps we could, as concession, just FORCE any such predators to WATCH a realistic animation movie, where we video-edit in that predator's likeness, and show him being processed on the breaking wheel. And then, after they watch that, only then, do we punch their meal ticket for life.

I do of course, still support . . . capital punishment. I'll compromise on torture, but only because the Church says to forbid it. Like she does abortion and pornography.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
You opened this can of worms, not me.

Yes, and as with the murderer, I would voluntarily (though taking plenty more precautions not to get any of their bodily fluids on me) execute the homo.

Well, thank goodness for the separation of church and state laws to protect society from religious crackpots and zealots.



Well-known member
Even a broken clock is right twice a day. That doesn't make them correct in all things though.

How about what God's law says?

Already addressed this, but I'll repeat it:

God did not authorize torture for any reason.

If he had committed a capital crime, yes.

Yes, and I would even volunteer to perform the execution myself.

You opened this can of worms, not me.

Yes, and as with the murderer, I would voluntarily (though taking plenty more precautions not to get any of their bodily fluids on me) execute the homo.

A wise man’s heart is at his right hand, But a fool’s heart at his left. - Ecclesiastes 10:2

God is a "right wing" God.

As I said above, politics has nothing to do with this. But no, I'm (as my profile says) what you would call a right-wing zealot...

[JESUS]“I know your works, that you are neither cold nor hot. I could wish you were cold or hot.So then, because you are lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will vomit you out of My mouth.[/JESUS] - Revelation 3:15-16

One last question:- Would you agree with the thread title, that the left is dangerously unhinged?


Well-known member
A rapist murderer should be stoned to death. Not tortured.

There's a reason God said "up to forty lashes," for certain crimes. It's because going beyond forty lashes runs the risk of killing the criminal, which would be unjust for a non-capital crime.

OK......... so would you consider a person who could not take part in a stoning or a whipping to be a pacifist?


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One last question:- Would you agree with the thread title, that the left is dangerously unhinged?
Anyone who rejects reality is dangerously unhinged, and that includes people on both sides.


Well-known member
If it's justice, absolutely. How else can criminals possibly understand how merciful we are being to them, when we grant them 'life in prison,' which is, for the rest of their life, WE pay ALL their expenses, in exchange for them committing an egregious crime against an innocent person. They can't possibly understand how blanked-y-blank lucky they are, to be receiving such blanked-y-blank mercy, when they are guilty of raping and murdering a baby, for example, unless we break some of them on the wheel, and put em out for the birds. To remind the rest of them. The rest of the child rapists + murderers. The scum of the earth, that which the earth cries out to us, to extinguish them.

You have mentioned child rapist-murderers several times now. Have there been many such convictions lately. or at all?

You mention paying all the expenses for 'lifers', how do you feel about the expenses of executions? I understand that each execution (in the USA) can cost millions of dollars..... ? Would you charge such expenses to a convict's family like the Nazis did?

Oh, and one last question: Do you agree with this thread's title?


Well-known member
If it's justice, absolutely.

I had to return to your post........
On the News (UK) this evening it was reported that a Nurse in a UK hospital in the county of Cheshire, England, has been arrested over the unexplained deaths of several babies that were being cared for there.

In such a situation, if a murder conviction might be found, would you support a public torture/death sentence?