The Left has become dangerously unhinged.

The Barbarian

That is what would happen in a just justice system that would swiftly and publically put murderers to death.

The mockery of a justice system that we have will delay execution for 10 or more years, removing most of the deterrence that a swift death penalty would create.

Death-row prisoners in the U.S. typically spend more than a decade awaiting execution. Some prisoners have been on death row for well over 20 years.

And as you know there are over a hundred people alive only because after being wrongly condemned to death, they managed to play the appeals process long enough for someone to get proof that they were innocent.

If you had your way, all those innocent people would have been killed by the state.

Your zeal for killing has overcome your concern for the innocent.


Well-known member
Capital punishment stops a person from committing more crimes.
Folks who believe the above are a special kind of stupid.
A criminal who has committed a crime which attracts the death penalty has nothing to more lose. Such a person can now kill and kill again if it can assist in their escape.

The majority of violent crimes are perpetrated by a small number of persistent violent offenders

Got any links to show this nonsense?

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Here's the kicker, our current system (yours too, over there across the pond) does the same thing. In fact, it's worse. It GUARANTEES that innocents will be caught up, due to sheer numbers of people being processed through the system.

My system, while it recognizes that it's possible, doesn't guarantee that such a high number of innocents will be caught up in it. If anything, it guarantees that the minimal amount of innocent people, if not fewer, will be caught up in it.

Your "system" guarantees no such thing. Your declaring something is just empty assertion.

Soundbite? No.

Nothing in support? Sure it has, just look at Singapore's crime rates for the last few years.

What, you think that's solely due to having the death penalty? In that case, why is it that it hasn't worked everywhere else? Look at Barb's figures again.

You should go read Exodus 18 again. Look at the system Jethro (a pagan, nonetheless, who's idea was good enough to be included by God in His word) came up with for a system of judges.

And then look at the result.

We don't live in ancient times anymore, populations are far bigger and the standards of evidence required are more stringent also. We don't just judge a person on the say so of two to three witnesses by way of.

Stressed out staff, pressure, human error, it's untenable.

Which is why if the judge feels like he would make a mistake, he would appeal the case to a judge above him, who would inherently have more time to weigh all the options before coming to a decision.

And if the judge does not feel like he is capable of taking any responsibility, then he would (hopefully) recognize such and step down as a judge.

What of cases where there's still sufficient doubt no matter who "judges" it? What of cases where the evidence seems to point towards guilt but the person is innocent and the judge makes an erroneous decision? Under your system the defendant is carted off to a swift execution without an appeal and all you've got is holding the judge accountable. Well, any judge is human and if he made the call with the evidence pointing towards guilt then what are you going to hold him accountable for? In the meantime there's an innocent person who's dead and who might still be alive if they'd been allowed time to plead their case through appeal.


There would be one judge over each case, no jury, no lawyers. Just the judge, the accused, and the accuser.

Oh, well there'd be no chance of error at all there then would there?


By the way, have I mentioned that the pressure on someone who's reputation is on the line (as well as the accountability for any wrongful convictions) tends to make even the most wicked judges make the right decision?

Oh, so pressure would result in a "rightful decision" would it? Do you know how stress affects people in general? It's not in a positive sense at all JR and I've suffered from it. It can result in lack of sleep, depression and all manner of things that can affect good judgement. Geez, do you think people are generally convicted on a whim or something under the current process?


I have never said that the judges would make such decisions lightly.

So? There'd still be plenty of cases where the judges made the wrong decision no matter how seriously they took each case. That's inevitable and under your system mistakes couldn't be rectified so innocent people would go to their death.

Give an example. Please. Be sure to present all known evidence.

Oh please, you know as well as I do that mistakes are made. Check out the Guildford four & the Birmingham Six and do your own homework. You know fine well that under any human system there'd be errors but unlike you I don't support a system where innocent people would inevitably die under it.

That is an ad hominem. It's not a valid argument.

Please attack my argument, and not me. Thank you.

Your argument is being attacked and your position is childishly simplistic. You cannot eradicate all cases of wrongful conviction when you rely on humans to make the right decisions at all times, be that the current system or the one you propose. Yours would result in more innocent deaths as you would deny the appeals process to overturn such.

I agree. And yet, consider that with such a system, more resources are available to the authorities (because of less crime, fewer court cases under way, etc.), they can use those resources to be much more thorough in their search for evidence that would lead to a conviction. No stone left unturned.

The current system is hardly keeping up, and have practically legalized lesser crimes to an extent recently because of it.

Your declaring that "there'd be less crime" et al is once again, just empty assertion.

No it won't. (Hitchens' Razor)

Under your system innocent people would die, fact. Something that you admit is evil and yet you obviously tolerate. Why is that?

If someone has stolen a bike, then the evidence, no matter how hard the criminal tries to hide it, will point to them having stolen a bike. If someone beat someone up, then the evidence will point to that person as having beat the other person up. If someone murdered someone, then the evidence, no matter how hard the criminal tries to hide it, will point to them as having murdered that person.

Okay, if you don't want to have your "arguments" called out as being childishly simplistic then please stop making them, else there's reasons why certain cases go to court where evidence is neglible and far from straightforward.

Because no system is perfect (because any system that involves humans in any way is inherently imperfect), there will be mistakes made.

True, which is why I wouldn't support any system that implemented the DP without a 100% proof of guilt for the accused.

The goal is not to eliminate mistakes, but to reduce them to the point where the number is essentially zero.

A 4.1% error rate, with the crime rate we have today, results in a number of innocents being wrongly convicted much, much, much greater than zero.

"Essentially zero" is not zero and if people's lives are at stake then there's no justification for execution even if there's a minutiae of doubt, unless you think that the odd case of wrongful execution isn't so evil after all? Your system doesn't promise a reduction in anything but it does guarantee that innocent people would be put to death.

Oh, and if you're going to make such a long post can you please separate the responses to different posters?



Well-known member
Here I am trying to be nice and even giving you a chance to show how knowledgable you are, and you have nothing to offer but mockery?

And on top of that, you didn't even try to put any effort into compiling a criminal code to make things right, you only mentioned "crazy gun laws" and "locking people up." Both of which are part of the current system, of which I said (rather explicitly) "the one here in the US is only making things worse."

So, could we try again?

Perhaps you could compile a Criminal Code that would reduce crime to almost 0% with minimal effort on the government's part, or perhaps you know of one that someone else compiled and could share it here?

If you can't, then why should I trust you on what we should do, when YOU YOURSELF don't even know what we should do about the crime epidemic?

Huh? You ticked an insulting post.... don't try and tell me how nice you are now. :idunno:

Your apparent answer to a high crime rate is to return to a very few OT laws, mostly (I expect) dishing out corporal and capital punishments. We in the UK once had a high % of corporal and capital punishments and those dark days were rather high-risk ones, for sure.
What you could study is the policies (and politics) of some countries with very low crime rates such as Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Iceland etc.......

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
You have identified the real problem.
The real problem is not with the death penalty, it is with the completely untenable system we are using.

The insistence that there must be a conviction, the use of circumstantial evidence to attain that conviction, and the lack of a substantial penalty for perjury are the biggest reasons that there are too many innocent people being convicted for crimes.

Um, circumstantial evidence is a fair enough basis for arrest in plenty of cases but certainly not for a conviction.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
Here I am trying to be nice and even giving you a chance to show how knowledgable you are, and you have nothing to offer but mockery?

And on top of that, you didn't even try to put any effort into compiling a criminal code to make things right, you only mentioned "crazy gun laws" and "locking people up." Both of which are part of the current system, of which I said (rather explicitly) "the one here in the US is only making things worse."

So, could we try again?

Perhaps you could compile a Criminal Code that would reduce crime to almost 0% with minimal effort on the government's part, or perhaps you know of one that someone else compiled and could share it here?

If you can't, then why should I trust you on what we should do, when YOU YOURSELF don't even know what we should do about the crime epidemic?

Eider is one of those annoying little posters who says something inane and expects to receive kudos. I find his opinions of NO value.


New member
But I did read enough to discover that you don't give a fig for the healthcare, education and welfare of all those little children that you argue so heatedly for up to their birth.
You are a moron, aren't you?

Unhinged, that is. Quite unhinged. Illogical.
Yes, liberals are unhinged and illogical in their desire to murder babies in the womb and then try to accuse conservatives of being heartless for wanting those babies to be born into a nation where 43% of the population is part of the 1% that have the highest income world-wide.


New member
And as you know there are over a hundred people alive only because after being wrongly condemned to death, they managed to play the appeals process long enough for someone to get proof that they were innocent.

If you had your way, all those innocent people would have been killed by the state.

Your zeal for killing has overcome your concern for the innocent.
If I had my way, those innocent people would never have been convicted by circumstantial circumstances because of the demand to get a conviction.
According to the Bible, there must be two or three eyewitnesses to the crime that are willing to be the ones that are first to put the criminal to death.

This is not how our system works.
Our system demands a conviction whether there is an eyewitness or not.
Our system demands that a jury of strangers determine guilt instead of a jury of the convicted person's peers (people that actually know the accused).
Our system demands that a convicted person spends so much time in prison that nobody really knows why they are there.


New member
Capital punishment stops a person from committing more crimes.
Folks who believe the above are a special kind of stupid.
A criminal who has committed a crime which attracts the death penalty has nothing to more lose. Such a person can now kill and kill again if it can assist in their escape.
Maybe you can explain how a dead person can now kill and kill again after being executed?

The 1 % of the population accountable for 63 % of all violent crime convictions

A total of 93,642 individuals (3.9 %) had at least one violent conviction. The distribution of convictions was highly skewed; 24,342 persistent violent offenders (1.0 % of the total population) accounted for 63.2 % of all convictions.

The majority of violent crimes are perpetrated by a small number of persistent violent offenders

Got any links to show this nonsense?
Yes, how did you miss it?

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
If I had my way, those innocent people would never have been convicted by circumstantial circumstances because of the demand to get a conviction.
According to the Bible, there must be two or three eyewitnesses to the crime that are willing to be the ones that are first to put the criminal to death.

This is not how our system works.
Our system demands a conviction whether there is an eyewitness or not.
Our system demands that a jury of strangers determine guilt instead of a jury of the convicted person's peers (people that actually know the accused).
Our system demands that a convicted person spends so much time in prison that nobody really knows why they are there.

How many cases can you cite where people are convicted because of circumstantial evidence alone? The law demands a bit more than that...

The Barbarian

If I had my way, those innocent people would never have been convicted by circumstantial circumstances because of the demand to get a conviction.

But you're perfectly happy taking away appeals that saved them. You'd have killed them all, if you had your way.

According to the Bible, there must be two or three eyewitnesses to the crime that are willing to be the ones that are first to put the criminal to death.

Which would mean that a lot more murderers would never be found guilty. So there would be more injustice on that end as well. Your system would let more killers go free, but if a person was wrongly convicted, would make it nearly impossible for him to later prove himself innocent.

This is not how our system works.

Thank God for that. The purpose of justice is to punish the guilty and to protect the innocent. Your way would do the opposite.

Our system demands a conviction whether there is an eyewitness or not.

Tell that to the family of Nicolle Simpson.

Our system demands that a jury of strangers determine guilt instead of a jury of the convicted person's peers (people that actually know the accused).

That's not what "peers" mean. Maybe you should go and find out?


New member
Cite your own claim first.
Do you find anything except circumstantial evidence in this conviction?

Conviction: Murder in Suburbia review – a perplexing new case for true-crime fans

the case of Glyn Razzell, who was convicted of killing his estranged wife Linda, even though her body was never found. The most damning evidence was the blood – her blood – found in the boot of the car he had been driving. Glyn points out that the blood was found only on the third time of searching, and asks how the police could have missed so many spots on two previous searches. He says the blood could have been planted, and that Linda staged her own disappearance. For the past 15 years he has maintained his innocence.



New member
But you're perfectly happy taking away appeals that saved them. You'd have killed them all, if you had your way.
No, they would never have been convicted if I had my way.

Which would mean that a lot more murderers would never be found guilty.
Yes, it is better for murderers to go free when there are no eyewitnesses than for innocent to be found guilty on nothing more than circumstantial evidence.

That's not what "peers" mean. Maybe you should go and find out?

1. An equal; one of the same rank. A man may be familiar with his peers.
2. An equal in excellence or endowments.
3. A companion; a fellow; an associate.
4. A nobleman; as a peer of the realm; the house of peers, so called because noblemen and barons were originally considered as the companions of the king, like Latin comes, count. In England, persons belonging to the five degrees of nobility are all peers.