The Late Great Urantia Revelation

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You chose and throw away and have made for yourself a fictional book with parts stolen from God.

You chose what tickled your ears, which were the things you learned in the best times of your life. It is still wrong, and for wrong reasons.

Your pop phycology isn't working. And the Jews likely said the same things to the apostles about Jesus "tickling their ears"'s called truth that sound more true than iron chariots that God can't defeat.

God's Truth

New member
Your pop phycology isn't working. And the Jews likely said the same things to the apostles about Jesus "tickling their ears"'s called truth that sound more true than iron chariots that God can't defeat.

You are not saying what the Bible says.


Eclectic Theosophist
pause for reflection....

pause for reflection....


For those who've been following the discussion or those newer to it,...this is quite a long thread, referring back to the OP (excellent intro and resource links) and reading as much as possible is helpful for newbies, and at least as many pages back to catch up on the dialogue. Also one can use the 'thread search' feature to pin-point subjects of interest if so far covered.

Unfortunately not a lot of helpful or constructive dialogue has ensued here since many are quick to judge, demean or ridicule the UB without giving it further consideration or research (let alone reading at least the first few papers, up to the first 12 papers which presents the fundamental theology on the nature of God, his relationships within the Paradise Trinity, individual souls, and the Universe of universes. Index here.

I've served as an expounder/expositor of some of the principles and concepts described in the papers, yet remain very 'eclectic' being a student of many schools, a student of comparative religions, metaphysics and philosophy, when I share my insights on the papers relating such to religious principles and philosophy in general and in particular...these are being cross-woven with similar and corresponding information from a university of knowledge, since all religious traditions and cultures contain some truth from the original, ultimate source of all reality. There is one Great Central SUN, and its many rays....just like there is one Infinite Ocean, and many rivers.

Here, we're reflecting upon an epochal revelation (claimed to be the 5th to this planet) of great interest and magnitude, worth investigating, whether one decides not to believe it wholly, or draws insight from some parts while rejecting others, or just keeps the UB in his religious library to consult from time to time in his studies (I sometimes come from all these points of view at times). With a resource like this, a student can study both texts (bible and ub), among many other religious texts and go where the Spirit leads, since that all we can do anyways....while various factors condition or influence our direction. So with those reflections,...let us continue......



Eclectic Theosophist
The good news of divine providence is universal......

The good news of divine providence is universal......

You do not believe what is plainly written, so you found something else to believe in, another book, another gospel.

As shared before,.....Its not about wholly rejecting one book to only accept another in its place,...its about recognizing whatever truth or value is in any given text, while also accepting writings that provide more light, revelation or insight upon important subjects. The good news of Jesus preaching the kingdom of God, under the foundational truth of the 'Fatherhood of God and Brotherhood of Man' is gladly proclaimed in the papers, with all the laws, principles, value and meaning that is included in such a 'kingdom' relationship. Remember, truth is truth wherever it is found,....some books have more and better knowledge to share than others, no matter how they are arranged or compiled. Seek from the best sources, allowing the spirit of God to guide you. - as far as individual 'navigation' goes,...this is the 'prime directive'.


God's Truth

New member
As shared before,.....Its not about wholly rejecting one book to only accept another in its place,...its about recognizing whatever truth or value is in any given text, while also accepting writings that provide more light, revelation or insight upon important subjects. The good news of Jesus preaching the kingdom of God, under the foundational truth of the 'Fatherhood of God and Brotherhood of Man' is gladly proclaimed in the papers, with all the laws, principles, value and meaning that is included in such a 'kingdom' relationship. Remember, truth is truth wherever it is found,....some books have more and better knowledge to share than others, no matter how they are arranged or compiled. Seek from the best sources, allowing the spirit of God to guide you. - as far as individual 'navigation' goes,...this is the 'prime directive'.


It is about you rejecting the Holy Bible the written Word of God.


Eclectic Theosophist
The erroroneous concept of 'inerrancy' of scripture......

The erroroneous concept of 'inerrancy' of scripture......

It is about you rejecting the Holy Bible the written Word of God.

I don't think so. You're missing the forest for the trees.

We've shared a narrative here previously of Jesus discussing the OT scriptures with Nathaniel, see here (audio reading as well). Its quite illuminating. I challenge you to seriously read and consider this chapter...if you have the courage. I agree with much of what is shared.


God's Truth

New member
I don't think so. You're missing the forest for the trees.

We've shared a narrative here previously of Jesus discussing the OT scriptures with Nathaniel, see here (audio reading as well). Its quite illuminating. I challenge you to seriously read and consider this chapter...if you have the courage. I agree with much of what is shared.


I do not go to other books and other gospels for God's Truth.


Eclectic Theosophist
I do not go to other books and other gospels for God's Truth.

Thats an easy cop-out. Such a stance limits our discussion and dialogue here, when you could read Jesus discussion with Nathaniel and respond to it. Such would challenge your current belief and force you to rsearch your position. You stalemate yourself.


God's Truth

New member
Thats an easy cop-out. Such a stance limits our discussion and dialogue here, when you could read Jesus discussion with Nathaniel and respond to it. Such would challenge your current belief and force you to rsearch your position. You stalemate yourself.


I believe in the Holy Bible. It is not a cop-out.

God's Truth

New member
You sound like you are hypnotizing yourself saying that over and over. The bible was written by holy men and they made mistakes.

It is not as you say...not what you say about me, or the Bible.

Your book was written by men and they made mistakes.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
Thats an easy cop-out. Such a stance limits our discussion and dialogue here, when you could read Jesus discussion with Nathaniel and respond to it. Such would challenge your current belief and force you to rsearch your position. You stalemate yourself.


But, but you're a "Cultist" in the first degree? Can you help us ordinary
old fashioned, Christians? Can you help us learn something new besides,
UFOs, human conduit's, and cosmic beings that rule the universe?

God's Truth

New member
You're a run of the mill "Worker" type.You Urantians won't understand
what I'm saying there. And, Freelight and Caino are Cultists (Non-Christian mystics)

You both do not believe that what Jesus says while he walked the earth, as stated in the Holy Bible is true for everyone to obey and believe. So far that is a major agreement with the both of you.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
You both do not believe that what Jesus says while he walked the earth, as stated in the Holy Bible is true for everyone to obey and believe. So far that is a major agreement with the both of you.

Matthew 15:24 Jesus states: "But he answered and said, I am not sent but unto the lost sheep of the house of Israel."
His earthly Message was the "Kingdom Message" and it was only for Israel, not the gentiles.


Matthew 15:24 Jesus states: "But he answered and said, I am not sent but unto the lost sheep of the house of Israel."
His earthly Message was the "Kingdom Message" and it was only for Israel, not the gentiles.

That was written by a Jew, they have a rather high opinion of themselves. All men and women of the earth are Gods children. The Zionist are just another arrogant bunch deluded by the "chosen people" syndrome, but you can kiss their back side if it pleases you, I don't.


It is not as you say...not what you say about me, or the Bible.

Your book was written by men and they made mistakes.

The Urantia Book doesn't claim to be the Word of God, neither did the Bible authors, that was an institutional claim. The UB says God is the Word, and the Word is Living. When we petrify living truth it dies.
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