The Heretics Message to the World:Be Baptized to be Saved! (HOF thread)

Jerry Shugart

Well-known member

You say that if someone performs an act on the Lord Jesus Christ´s instruction,then it is not a work.

But Scripture proves that you are wrong.

James calls the act whereby Abraham offered Isaac upon the altar an "act",and we know that he did this on the instruction of the Lord.

And you say that the sins of an unrepentant person are not forgiven no matter if he is baptized in water.In that case,why does your church teach that babies who are baptized have their sins taken away?It is obvious that a baby cannot be repentant.
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Jerry Shugart

Well-known member

How can anyone be washed by the blood of Jesus Christ by being water baptized?

Does the water change into blood?

Since you say that we must obey Him to be saved,may I ask if you have you done ALL the Lord´s commandments?

James says that if you fail in one,then you are guilty of failing in all (Jms.2:10).

If we are saved by faith plus obeying Him by keeping HIs commandments,then we are all doomed.No one obeys Him perfectly.

Do you believe that you have obeyed Him perfctly?

In His grace,--Jerry
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New member
Hey Jerry,

Allow me! You asked Kevin, "How can anyone be washed by the blood of Jesus Christ by being water baptized?" Then you asked if the water can be changed into blood.

Then let me ask you a question, please: When Jesus was with His disciples at the table and had broke the bread in their presence, He said, "Take, eat; this is My body" (Matt. 26:26).

Then He took the cup and gave it to them and said, "Drink from it, all of you; for this is My blood of the covenant" (Matt. 26:27-28).

Jesus DID NOT say that the bread and the cup
represented His body and blood; He gave the bread to them and said that it was His "body" and then gave the cup to them and said that it was his "blood."

Question: Was the bread "changed" (as you yourself put it) into Jesus' literal, physical body and the cup into His literal, physical blood at the moment the disciples took them????????


New member

You say that if someone performs an act on the Lord Jesus Christ´s instruction,then it is not a work.

But Scripture proves that you are wrong.

James calls the act whereby Abraham offered Isaac upon the altar an "act",and we know that he did this on the instruction of the Lord.
If complying with a commandment is a 'work', then I assume you must do 'works' all the time then, right?


New member
Where's your feedback Jerry???

Where's your feedback Jerry???

Jerry -

You need to ANSWER some of the points and arguments being made here instead of your perpetual question asking.

You point to me 2 posts ago was - God could not "associate" with sinners, therefore for Cornelius to receive HS baptism, he MUST have had his sins forgiven, and therefore water baptism was not essential.

I have shown the REASON Cornelius received HS baptism - a miracle to confirm to all, especially the Jews, that it was God's will that the GENTILES receive repentance unto life. HS baptsim was NOT for the remission of sins!!

I then showed that AFTER HS baptism, Peter (by inspiration of the HS) COMMANDED that they be (water) baptized in the name of the Lord Jesus.
WHY did Peter do this???

Jerry, you said NOTHING! Before you ask me now if I truly believe "water" can remit sins, why don't you participate? (Although I have already answered that question not too long ago!)

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Jerry Shugart

Well-known member

The Lord Jesus Christ also said,"I am the Door;by Me if any man enter in,he shall be saved..."(Jn.10:9).

Does that mean that the Lord Jesus was saying that He was literally a "door"?

Of course not!

And when the Lord said,"For this is My blood of the new testament...",it is equally clear that He was not saying that the wine had been turned into His blood.

And how do we know that?

In His very next sentence He says:

"But I say unto you,I will not drink henceforth of THIS FRUIT OF THE VINE,until the day when I drink it new with you in My Father´s kingdom"(Mt.26:29).

In His grace,--Jerry

Jerry Shugart

Well-known member

Yes,I perform "works" quite often,but I know that I am not saved by these "works",but instead I am saved by His mercy.

The "works" that I do are a part of my "reasonable service":

"I beseech you,therefore,brethren,by the mercies of God,that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice,holy,acceptable unto God,which is your reasonable service"(Ro.12:1).

Jerry Shugart

Well-known member

I said that the Holy Spirit could not indwell anyone as long as they remain in their sins.I did not say that the Holy Spirit would not associate with anyone while they remained in their sins.

You say that you gave a reason why Cornelius received HS baptism,and you say that it was to show that it "was God´s will that the GENTILES receive repentance unto life."

Yes,but you did not explain why they received the Holy Spirit BEFORE they were baptized with water.

God could have shown that it was God´s will that the Gentiles were to be saved by having the Holy Spirit fall on them AFTER the water baptism,as it had happened in the past.

But since the Lord has a reason for all the things He does,we can see that He was demonstrating that the "water baptism" has nothing whatsoever to do with receiving the Holy Spirit or of having sins remitted.

And we know that it is the Holy Spirit Who "sanctifies" by the "blood of Christ":

"Elect,according to the foreknowledge of God,the Father,through SANCTIFICATION OF THE SPIRIT,unto obedience and SPRINKLING OF THE BLOOD OF JESUS CHRIST"(1Pet.1:2).

If "water baptism" is essential for salvation,why didn´t Peter say so on the day of Pentecost?Here are hiswords:

"Repent,therefore,and be converted,that your sins may be blotted out..."(Acts3:19).

If "water baptism" is ESSENTIAL for salvation,why did Paul not say so in response to the question of the Philipian jailer when he asked,"What must I do to be saved?"

Instead of saying,you must believe on the Lord Jesus Christ AND BE BAPTIZED,he said:

"Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ,and thou shalt be saved,and thy house"(Acts16:31).

In His grace,--Jerry


New member
it makes no difference which of these names used in a baptism because you and I know this fact who Jesus really is, so your understanding of only using the name of the Lord is the new baptism is out of order, unless you change and say that the Lord is not God.

You said:Kevin

No, I'm not going to say that the Lord is not God. This is not a Trinity issue. What I've been trying to emphasize is that baptism in the name of the Lord (which baptizes you in the name of all three), was not instituted until AFTER the death on the cross (Matt. 28:19-20). AFTER the cross. This baptism DID NOT EXIST before the death on the cross. So if you are still trying to argue that John the baptist baptized people in the name of the Lord, you are wrong, because it didn't exist then. And again, Acts 19:1-5 clearly shows that John's baptism and baptism in the name of the Lord are different baptism, because they were rebaptized.

Also, baptism in the name of the Lord is what baptizes us into Christ's death. Christ hadn't died when John the baptist was baptizing people, so how could John baptize people into a death that had not happened yet?.

The only reason that I continually say baptism "in the name of the Lord" is because that's the example we are given when the apostles baptized people with the baptism that was commanded of them in the great commission. They baptized people in the name of the Lord. This is what they did, and this is what I preach. What is your hang up about that?

Quote c.moore
My hang up is that you put this baptism before believing , and trusting Jesus as their salvation,and becoming disciples , and sons and daughter before the baptismal and is completly backwards.
You keep putting the cart before the horses, and that can`t work.

let look at your scriptures you gave in your new water baptismal.

Ac:19:1: And it came to pass, that, while Apollos was at Corinth, Paul having passed through the upper coasts came to Ephesus: and finding certain disciples,

We see here that these people are believers and workers for God because they are disciples already praise God.

Ac:19:2: He said unto them, Have ye received the Holy Ghost since ye believed? And they said unto him, We have not so much as heard whether there be any Holy Ghost.

A question is ask about the Holy Ghost but notice they are already believer, because they believed which is pass tence, so also the order of getting saved was first believing not baptism

Ac:19:3: And he said unto them, Unto what then were ye baptized? And they said, Unto John's baptism.
Ac:19:4: Then said Paul, John verily baptized with the baptism of repentance, saying unto the people, that they should believe on him which should come after him, that is, on Christ Jesus.

We see that here John baptism was about repentance.
They also learned about Jesus Christ and accepted Jesus now in thier baptism, so they wanted to be baptized in Jesus who they follow as His disciples.

Ac:19:5: When they heard this, they were baptized in the name of the Lord Jesus.

Know i see they was baptized in repentance by John and know they are baptized in Jesus name or under the authority of Jesus Christ.

Ac:19:6: And when Paul had laid his hands upon them, the Holy Ghost came on them; and they spake with tongues, and prophesied.

In thier circumstance Paul layed hand on the disciple and they recieved the Baptism of the Holy Spirit, but they were baptized twice because they lacked knowledge that they can be baptized in Jesus.


I know we don`t die like Jesus on a cross but I know we die in the spiritual unseen way,and we don`t need a water baptismal ritual to help the Holy Spirit.

The examples of people in the Bible getting baptized in His name are done so with WATER (Acts 10:47-48). The people were baptized in water in Acts 2:38. The eunuch was baptized with water after being preached Jesus. WATER is the example that we are given on how baptism in His name is perform, and therefore that is how it is to be done. What is your hang up about following the inspired example? The Lord Himself said that unless one is born of WATER and the Spirit, that one cannot enter heaven (John 3:5).

Quote c.moore
First of all in this circumstance these believed first , look in verse43 and 45 in Acts 10 .
So this time some people believed and was filled with the Holy Ghost before they got wet in the name of the LOrd.

So the hang up I have is your backward teaching , that first water baptism and then you believe and get saved and last get filled with the Spirit.
You keep putting the cart before the horses, and that can`t work.

The next thing which you interpretate wrong is this verse John 3:5 , you think water in this verse is your water baptismal for the Lord, but the water is the word of God , or our instructions and the word of God has many attributes like the bread and THE WATER, the living word,aand many other words.
Look how the people in Acts first came to believe ,and that is by hearing the Word of God and the rest came afterwards.
even in Matt 28:19 Jesus says first teach all nation, or give them the water and washing of the word.

You always say I have no scriptures to back up what I say but when I show you the verses you have the false interpretation of the scripture any how.
Even satan tryed to use the Word of God on jesus when he wanted Jesus to jumple from the temple he used Psalms 91 , but Jesus knew the real spiritual context of the Word not to jump and how the devil was using what is true words of God , but the deep understanding Jesus knew because the Holy Spirit was in Him.

That why I advise you get more involved in the spirital things rather than put your faith more on the visible things.
Look at Elisha servant who saw the armies getting ready to attack them and there was only two of them but the servant was afraid until Elisha let him see into the spiritual world, and you need to see into the spirit thing Kevin, and until then it don`t even make no sence talking to you, and it?s just a waste of time giving spiritual information to a carnal fleshly person.
I pray one day you will see the spiritual things and be more led by the spirit than by this carnal world.

Jerry Shugart

Well-known member

How do you merit for yourself all the graces needed to attain eternal life if you do not do "works"?

You believe that the only way that you can have your sins removed is by taking part in the sacraments of the church at Rome,do you not?

You do believe that these "sacraments" were commanded by God do you not?

Well,taking part of these "sacraments" ordered by God fall under the category of "works", just as the things that Abraham did in obedience to God are called "works".

So whether or not you realize that you are attempting to be saved by "works",in reality you are.


New member

How do you merit for yourself all the graces needed to attain eternal life if you do not do "works"?

You believe that the only way that you can have your sins removed is by taking part in the sacraments of the church at Rome,do you not?
I do not. And neither does the Catholic Church. We consider the Protestant churches our brothers in Christ and we know God uses those churches to bring souls to salvation without the sacraments. That's why Catholics pray every day for the divisions in Christianity to be healed, so we can all be as one according to Christ's wishes.
You do believe that these "sacraments" were commanded by God do you not?
I don't believe God ever said, 'Thou shalt be baptized, etc...', so if that;s what you mean by commanded, my answer is NO. I believe they were gifts to the Church, through which graces are conferred on those who partake of the sacraments, graces that help us to lead a holy life and persevere in the faith.
Well,taking part of these "sacraments" ordered by God fall under the category of "works", just as the things that Abraham did in obedience to God are called "works".
You already clarified that YOU do works all the time by being obedient to God. So what? If you're saying being obedient to God is not necessary for salvation, I will disagree with that. Jesus said if we loved Him we would follow His commandments. If we don't love Him, I doubt we'll be going to heaven.
So whether or not you realize that you are attempting to be saved by "works",in reality you are.
Wrong again! I do not believe you can 'work' your way to heaven. Do you not remember that YOU and I have already agreed that repentance is necessary for the forgiveness of sins, that the merits of the Blood of Jesus Christ washes those sins away, etc... Knowing that I believe these things, how can you say that I am trying to be saved by 'works'?

Whether you realize it or not, all the anti-Catholic rhetoric you have been deluged with, probably since you were a child, is just not true. Because you have these prejudices ingrained in you, you can't see the truth about Catholicism. So, you go looking for anything you can find to embarass or degrade the Church with, whether it is true or not. You constantly insult the Church with all this 'Pagan' nonsense, and 'the Church at Rome.'

You remind me of the old folks I grew up around in Georgia during the desegregation days. Some of those folks honestly believed that black people were 'devils', had tails, and all sorts of other nonsense. Why? Because it was ingrained in them as children. Most of those people could never get past the prejudices they had lived with all their lives, and therefore never saw the truth. I hope you can.

God Bless,


PS - I don't have a tail or horns, and I read the Bible every day.


New member
Originally posted by Jerry Shugart

How can anyone be washed by the blood of Jesus Christ by being water baptized?

Does the water change into blood?

Jerry, my point, in citing in citing Matt. 26:26-28 was -- You asked, How can anyone be washed by the blood of Jesus Christ by being water baptized?" And the answer is - by the very same way that we can take, today in 2002, bread and the cup and obey the command of Christ to eat of His body and drink of His blood, both of which perished from the earth 2000 years ago - by the power of God to "reckon" it as such. Jesus said, "With God all things are possible." So when I eat the bread and drink the cup, I am NOT merely eating bread as I do when I'm eating a sandwich at lunch time. And when I am drinking the cup, the "fruit of the vine," in the context that the Lord Jesus said to in Matt. 26, I am NOT merely drinking "grape juice" as I might if I were sitting in front of the TV watching a movie and sipping on a bottle of grape juice.


In the same way, we may not know how the waters of baptism work in conjunction with the blood of Christ to wash away our sins, but when the scriptures say - "Arise, and be baptized and wash away your sins, calling on the name of the Lord" (Acts 22:16) - I don't have to know HOW they do that. Nor do I have to reason in my mind that since the scriptures say that the blood of Christ washes away my sin, then that means NOTHING ELSE can accomplish this - EVEN IF THE SCRIPTURES STATE SOMETHING ELSE DOES!!!!

I have enough faith in God to believe that when He says the blood of Christ washes away my sin, that they are washed away - AND - that when the scriptures say that BAPTISM also washes away my sins, that they are washed away by that means, too! Why? BECAUSE THE WORD OF GOD SAYS SO, THAT'S WHY!!!!!

Since you say that we must obey Him to be saved,may I ask if you have you done ALL the Lord´s commandments?

James says that if you fail in one,then you are guilty of failing in all (Jms.2:10).

If we are saved by faith plus obeying Him by keeping HIs commandments,then we are all doomed.No one obeys Him perfectly.

Do you believe that you have obeyed Him perfctly?

In His grace,--Jerry


New member

You mentioned to "Kevin" that it is not faith plus obeying God's commandments that saves us, then you go to the extreme position of saying that we must obey all of God's commandments to be saved if we are going to be saved by obedience at all.

But this is NOT the case. Heb. 5:9 says that Christ became "the source of eternal salvation for all who obey Him."

It does NOT say "for all who perfectly obey all of His commandments," as your view holds. You ADD that part to the scriptures.

How can you possibly believe, Jerry, that one is saved by faith apart from obedience, when Heb. 5:9 so PERFECTLY CLEAR states that we ARE saved by our obedience to Christ?

Moreover, consider this: Jesus says that the first and greatest commandment is that we are to "Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind" (Matt. 22:37)

Now watch this - He said we are to love God with "ALL" of our heart, soul, and mind. But what does it mean to "love" God?

It is NOT defined by human wisdom or knowledge, but by the word of GOD:

"And this is love: that we walk in obedience to His commands" (2 John 6).

In other words, to love God as JESUS has commanded all of us to do - with "ALL" of our heart, soul, and mind - and love is equated with "walk[ing] in obedience to His commands," this means that in order for us to obey Jesus' command in Matt. 22:37, we MUST walk in obedience to God's commands with "ALL" of our heart, soul, and mind!!!!!

This view emanating from the scriptures is diametrically opposed to your "faith only" - "obedience-less" salvation!!!


New member

Regarding water baptism and the blood of Christ washing away sins...

There are 2 separate aspects to focus on concerning baptism and its relation to sins of an individual:

One is the "washing away" of sins, which you do not believe the waters of baptism do. OK, let's just suppose for the moment that you are correct in this view - the waters of baptism do NOT wash away a person's sins.

That takes care of Acts 22:16. But what about Acts 2:38?

And if you think that the baptism in Acts 2:38 is Holy Spirit baptism then let's put it to the test and see if it is or not:

Peter gave a two-part command to the multitude: "Repent" and "be baptized." The apostles present there at that occasion were baptized with the Holy Spirit (Acts 2:1-4). This occurred only minutes before Peter commanded the multitude to "be baptized."

But when the apostles received Holy Spirit baptism, the Spirit came "suddenly" (v. 2) on them WITHOUT THEIR BEING GIVEN A COMMAND TO OBEY TO RECEIVE IT. The picture is perfectly clear that the baptism of the Holy Spirit they received occurred ENTIRELY by the will of God - AS HE DIRECTED IT.

But Peter commanded the multitude to "be baptized" in v. 38. Question: If this was Holy Spirit baptism and not water baptism, then how were they to obey that command if they had to wait on GOD to baptize them with the Holy Spirit, and it was UP TO HIM to administer that baptism at whatever time HE chose to send the Spirit upon them????????

If those people were baptized with Holy Spirit baptism instead of water baptism, then it made no sense whatsoever for Peter to command them to "be baptized." In such a case, Peter would be actually giving an order to GOD to baptize those people with the Holy Spirit!!

No sir, the baptism those Jews were commanded to obey was exactly the same one that the Ethiopian eunuch received when Philip "preached Jesus" to him, and they came upon "a certain water"; whereupon the scripture says they "went DOWN INTO the water" and then they " came UP OUT OF the water (Acts 8:38-39).

And regardless of whatever you might believe about water baptism washing away sins - you cannot get around the plain and simple truth that Acts 2:38 says that repentance - AND BAPTISM - is "for the forgiveness of your sins."

And it has already been shown that this baptism is NOT Holy Spirit baptism, which leaves, therefore, only WATER baptism as the remaining alternative.


New member

My hang up is that you put this baptism before believing , and trusting Jesus as their salvation,and becoming disciples , and sons and daughter before the baptismal and is completly backwards.
You keep putting the cart before the horses, and that can`t work.

Show me one post where I put baptism before belief. Just one will do. I emphasize baptism because you try to take it out of the requirements for salvation that Jesus laid out in Mark 16:16. Jesus says that whoever believes and is baptized will be saved. It takes BOTH belief and baptism, and I have NEVER put baptism before belief. I've often said takes both belief AND baptism.

A question is ask about the Holy Ghost but notice they are already believer, because they believed which is pass tence, so also the order of getting saved was first believing not baptism

Wrong. I want you to explain to me how one is supposedly saved without dying with Christ. How can one be saved while he is still alive to sin and dead to God? Dying to sin (being freed from sin) and being alive to God are attributed to a believer when they are baptized (Romans 6:1-11), not before baptism. It those who die with Christ through baptism who will live with Christ (2 Tim. 2:11). Those people in Acts 19:1-5 didn't die with Christ and put away their old man of sin, making them alive to God and dead to sin, UNTIL they were baptized in the name of the Lord.

You have YET to show me where it says that water baptism in the name of the Lord is for the edification of other Christians. Funny how the apostle Peter agrees with me that it's for the REMISSION OF SINS (Acts 2:38). C'mon c.moore, where the scripture that shows that baptism is for the edification of other Christians. How long will you duck this question?

Quote c.moore
First of all in this circumstance these believed first , look in verse43 and 45 in Acts 10 .
So this time some people believed and was filled with the Holy Ghost before they got wet in the name of the LOrd.

Again, I don't put baptism before belief. I've NEVER done that. I know that belief comes first because it wouldn't make sense to be baptized into something that you don't believe in.

Also, I've already shown you that the that the falling of the HS does not happen to every believer upon hearing the gospel as it did to the Gentiles in Acts 10:44. Acts 8:5-16 shows this. Spirit baptism is NOT the baptism commanded of us. Baptism in the name of the Lord is, which is why the Gentiles in Acts 10:44 were commanded to be batptized in the name of the Lord AFTER the HS fell upon them.

So the hang up I have is your backward teaching , that first water baptism and then you believe and get saved

I have never, EVER said this. I've just been showing that baptism is necessary for salvation just like belief is. I wouldn't emphasize baptism so much if people would only accept what Jesus clearly said: "He who believes and is baptized will be saved." Of COURSE belief comes before baptism. It wouldn't make sense to get baptized into something you don't believe in. :rolleyes: I have NEVER taught that baptism comes before belief.

You keep putting the cart before the horses, and that can`t work.

No, you just aren't paying close enough attention to what I've been trying to tell you.

The next thing which you interpretate wrong is this verse John 3:5 , you think water in this verse is your water baptismal for the Lord, but the water is the word of God

It is you who has it wrong. This IS speaking of water baptism. Jesus is answering how one is reborn. When you read Romans 6, which is speaking of BAPTISM, it spells out that when one is baptized, they crucify their old man of sin and walk in the newness of life. If somebody is walking in the NEWNESS of LIFE, they are walking in a NEW LIFE - being REBORN, just as Jesus is speaking about.

And if you are going to say that Romans 6 isn't speaking about WATER baptism, then you need to explain why you tried to use Romans 6:5 to show that WATER baptism is an outward show of faith for other Christians. Also you would need to explain why Paul would preach baptism in the name of the Lord, which uses water (Acts 10:47-48), and then say in Romans 6 that Spirit baptism is what makes us alive to God when Spirit baptism was never commanded of us. Why was the eucnuch baptized in WATER after being preached Jesus in Acts 8:38?

You always say I have no scriptures to back up what I say

That's because you don't have scriptures to back up certain things you say. Where is the scripture that says baptism is for the edification of other Christians? WHERE? I and the apostle Peter say it's for the remission of sins (Acts 2:38). Where's your scripture?!

You said in your previous post that a person dies with Christ when they accept Jesus, and not in any baptism. I showed you scriptures that literally SPELLS OUT that a person dies with Christ through baptism (Romans 6:4), and then I asked you to provide scripture that shows that we die with Christ by another means than baptism. Your response? A big nothing. So, this yet ANOTHER incident where you can't back your man-made doctrine with scripture.

There is one thing I'd like to clarify and correct of myself. I said in my earlier posts that baptism is symbolic of what is actually happening to the believer upon being baptized. That can make it sound like what happens so the believer is symbolic, and that's not what I was trying to communicate.

Baptism is symbolic of Christ's death, burial, and resurrection. It has to be symbolic because we are baptized into His death, yet we aren't Christ and can't go through His actual death, burial, and resurrection. That being said, what happens to the believer upon the point of baptism is not symbolic, but actual and literal. So, in Romans 6:4-11 says that he who is united in the likeness of His death, through baptism, will put away his old man of sin and walk in the newness of life, being alive to God and dead to sin. This is what baptism does for us. IF we have died with Christ, we shall also live with Christ (2 Tim. 2:11).
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New member

How can anyone be washed by the blood of Jesus Christ by being water baptized?

Because baptism is how we are forgiven of our sins (Acts 2:38, Romans 6:7). Upon this act of obedience, Christ's blood does indeed cover all sins - but it's only going to cover the sins of those who obey the gospel. We have a clear example of how the gospel is obeyed in Acts 2:38-41. Upon being preached Jesus, the those people who believed were baptized for the remission of their sins.

Does the water change into blood?

No. :rolleyes: I've said that we are forgiven of our sins through water baptism and by the blood of Christ. Two different things.

Since you say that we must obey Him to be saved,may I ask if you have you done ALL the Lord´s commandments?

James says that if you fail in one,then you are guilty of failing in all (Jms.2:10).

Whether or not my obedience is sufficient for my salvation is irrelevent. That's between me and God. In the end, the truth still stands... that those who claim to know Christ, yet do not keep His commandments, are liars, and the truth is NOT in them (1 John2:4). Liars will be in hell.

If we are saved by faith plus obeying Him by keeping HIs commandments,then we are all doomed.

But that's just not true, because we have Christ to forgive us when we stumble. 1John 1:9 clearly says that Christ is faithful to forgive our sins if we confess them to Him.

It is those who do His commandments that have rights to the tree of life (Rev. 22:14).


New member
By the way Jerry, are you ever going to answer the questions of:

  • What or who was the eunuch baptized into, if not into Christ Jesus?
  • Why did Christ come and die for our sins if there was supposedly already forgiveness of sins?
  • Do you believe the verse in Hebrews that shows that the blood of bulls and goats cannot forgive sins (Heb 10:4)?

If you're not going to answer, at least tell us.
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New member
Hello Kevin you said:
Show me one post where I put baptism before belief. Just one will do. I emphasize baptism because you try to take it out of the requirements for salvation that Jesus laid out in Mark 16:16. Jesus says that whoever believes and is baptized will be saved. It takes BOTH belief and baptism, and I have NEVER put baptism before belief. I've often said takes both belief AND baptism.

Quote c.moore
I hope you can repent after looking at your post?
I`ll give you more than one so you don`t try to queeze out and hide from lieing.
Now read and reap!

Quotes by Kevin
Again it's LIKE Jesus's death, burial, and resurrection because if it was exactly like it, we would physically die upon baptism, which doesn't happen. But what you don't seem to get is that we are spiritually reborn ONLY if we are baptized into His death.

And again, I'M the one who has been trying to show you that baptsim in the name of the Lord has a spiritual purpose, despite the fact that it uses water. When we die with Christ through baptism, we are reborn SPIRITUALLY. This will NOT happen unless one is baptized (see verse 5 -- IF).

quote: c.moore

When does the spiritual baptism comes into place ,when you first go into the water or when you come out of the water????

Quote kevin
When you come up out of the water, you are a new creature walking in the spririt, not in the flesh. What is so hard to understand about that?

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c.moore, quote: When does the spiritual baptism comes into place ,when you first go into the water or when you come out of the water???? When you come up out of the water, you are a new creature walking in the spririt, not in the flesh. What is so hard to understand about that? quote: Which baptism is more important the water baptism or the Spiritual baptism or which one allows us to put away our old man of sin ????? It is water baptism in the name of the Lord which allows up to put away our old man of sin and walk in the newness of life with Christ. To support this, I'm going to borrow some of Evangelion's work, because he did an absolutely magnificant job of illustrating why the baptism that saves is water baptism. See if you can answer his points. Here is the quote from him: "only water baptism can truly represent the death, burial and resurrection of a believer. Observe: · You descend into the water (death.) · You remain under the water for a moment (burial.) · You rise from the water (resurrection.)

notice you mention nothing about believe or believing, only baptism is needed for salvation only .:confused:
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