The Gay Pride (Oxymoron) Parade

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Thanks, PB, we all know now what kind of person you are naturally.
Or at least you think you do.
I'm sure that child molesters have the same opinion of themselves and that it has nothing to do with right or wrong, but just how they physically feel about it.
There isn't really any legitmate comparison between an act between consenting adults and an act between a child and an adult. If you have trouble distinguishing the two, I humbly suggest it is YOU who has revealed his "natural" self.
In your "reality", to hell with decency, right?
You don't define "decency" for the rest of us. Neither does your book.
If you want to use children as animals, go for it, right?
I don't reckon I said that or anything close to it. When you assume you make a "donkey" out of "Uma Thurman".
I suggest, you either need to become a human, or go live in a zoo with the rest of the animals.
I suggest you have no idea what you are talking about.


New member
Or at least you think you do.
No one has to guess, or assume anything about what kind of person you really are. You made it quite plain that, just like homos, you have no respect for anyone except to meet your physical lust.

Heterosexual relationships just as often have their roots in lust as gay ones.... I know when I see a good-looking woman my first thoughts aren't, "I bet she is a stable, caring individual who is kind to children and small animals" or something to that effect.

There isn't really any legitmate comparison between an act between consenting adults and an act between a child and an adult.
I realize, that because you're a sick, worthless "animal", you lack the ability to understand my point on a human level, so let's review...

You said..

I don't concern myself with a "right way to be
No need for interpretation here, you clearly believe that there is no such thing as right and wrong, and therefore you have no interest in concerning yourself with such unimportant things.

When I asked you if you understood what it means to sanctify something, it went right over your head. The idea that people have any worth or value that were intended by God means nothing to you, because people are to be used in what ever way that concerns YOU, since you do not see any "right way to be". Instead of looking at women as "caring individuals", you see them as animals to meet your physical lusts. You have the same character of a child molester, who also sees children, not as innocent humans who need nurturing, love, acceptance, but little animals to meet his physical lusts.

There is no difference between you and the child molester. You are both selfish animals.

You don't define "decency" for the rest of us. Neither does your book.
You've made that quite clear. YOU and the child molester have your own code of "decency". :rolleyes:


New member
No one has to guess, or assume anything about what kind of person you really are.
You are. And badly.
You made it quite plain that, just like homos, you have no respect for anyone except to meet your physical lust.
I have a great deal of respect for my fellow human beings. Like I said, you know nothing and fill the void with assumptions and half-baked guesses.

I realize, that because your a sick, worthless "animal", you lack the ability to understand my point on a human level, so let's review...
I realize that as a knuckle-dragging trogladyte you think your grunting has some deep significance so let's do...
You said..

No need for interpretation here, you clearly believe that there is no such thing as right and wrong, and therefore you have no interest in concerning yourself with such unimportant things.
You clearly have no interest in "truth" or "falsehood" if you make that claim. I don't think that an ABSOLUTE standard of right and wrong exist, rather that we must discover within ourselves and understanding of our place in the world and how our actions affect others. That is more important than following dogma.
When I asked you if you understood what it means to sanctify something, it went right over your head.
Not over my head. Past me and into the rubbish bin. I don't believe in God. Therefore the idea of "sanctification" is empty. Even if I did believe, agreement would presuppose belief in the same God.
The idea that people have any worth or value that were intended by God means nothing to you,
Correct. I have no belief in God, so worth and value must be found elsewhere. You are the one who thinks that they can only be bestowed from on high.
because people are to be used in what ever way that concerns YOU,
since you do not see any "right way to be".
Non sequiter.
Instead of looking at women as "caring individuals", you see them as animals to meet your physical lusts.
You sure are full of lies today. When did I say that? Or imply it? You're "points" are nothing but empty accusations.
You have the same character of a child molester, who also sees children, not as innocent humans who need nurturing, love, acceptance, but little animals to meet his physical lusts.
You're presumption begins to bore me, tool. Women are fully capable of deciding whether or not to have a relationship with me or any other man. Children are not. You seem totally unable to grasp this glaringly obvious point. :think:
There is no difference between you and the child molester. You are both selfish animals.
And you are a liar.
You've made that quite clear. YOU and the child molester have your own code of "decency". :rolleyes:
And that means they are the same, somehow? Anyone who disagrees with you and your God is essentially the same? Why stop at child molester, then? Why not say I'm the same as Hitler or Dr. Mengele? Or how about Satan hissownself?


New member
Is it just me or is Door jumping to unfounded conclusions even more than he normally does?

PB specifically said, and I quote,
There is a lot more to human relationships than "she pretty, grunt, grunt".

Nothing that PB has said suggests to me that he views women as objects or that he only enters relationships for selfish reasons. He merely says that physical attraction is one of several factors that initially draws one into considering a relationship. Frankly, I doubt that very many people could honestly deny this.


New member
I have a great deal of respect for my fellow human beings.
No, you don't, and you said you don't. You said that you could care less about women except for how they meet your physical lusts. Attempting to reverse your statements about women being nothing more than animals, just makes you look even more foolish than you already have.

You're a sick pervert, just admit it, and we can move on to getting you some help.

I don't think that an ABSOLUTE standard of right and wrong exist, rather that we must discover within ourselves and understanding of our place in the world and how our actions affect others.
You made that point clear more than once. We understand that you have no respect for women at all, and that you only care about YOU and what YOU think is right and wrong.

I don't believe in God. Therefore the idea of "sanctification" is empty.
The word has menaing outside of God (that is why the illustration you couldn't grasp went right over your head). The inventor of the axe, created it to chop wood, not people. To use it for wood is to sanctify the axe. You use women in the same way homos use each other, and molesters use children. You all have the same perverse way of treating people.

Deny it all you want, continue with your whining like a baby, but you made it quite known what kind of person you are, and that you are no different than a homo or child molester.


New member
No, you don't, and you said you don't.
I NEVER said that. Or implied it.
You said that you could care less about women except for how they meet your physical lusts.
Show me where I said that. Use that quote button NOW!
Attempting to reverse your statements about women being nothing more than animals, just makes you look even more foolish than you already have.
Except I never said it in the first place. :mrt::duh:
You're a sick pervert, just admit it, and we can move on to getting you some help.
Thanks for the offer, Dr. Door, but I'd rather give myself a lobotomy with a sharpened popsicle stick than submit to your "help".
You made that point clear more than once.
I never made it even once.
We understand that you have no respect for women at all, and that you only care about YOU and what YOU think is right and wrong.
Everyone must concern themselves with they think is right and wrong, doorknob.
The word has menaing outside of God (that is why the illustration you couldn't grasp went right over your head). The inventor of the axe, created it to chop wood, not people. To use it for wood is to sanctify the axe. You use women in the same way homos use each other, and molesters use children. You all have the same perverse way of treating people.
Using people as "things" is wrong. On that we can agree. You seem to think I have advocated it. Show me where.
Deny it all you want, continue with your whining like a baby, but you made it quite known what kind of person you are, and that you are no different than a homo or child molester.
Funny that you see only what you want to see, Door. I have done no such thing.


New member
Door, you have once again put words in someone's mouth. You've assumed and even worse you have just stuck your fingers in your ears and started shouting "la la la la... I can't hear you".


New member
Door, you have once again put words in someone's mouth. You've assumed and even worse you have just stuck your fingers in your ears and started shouting "la la la la... I can't hear you".
You're a moron. Who cares what you think? :yawn:

I proved PB to be the pervert he is.


New member
You're a moron. Who cares what you think? :yawn:

I proved PB to be the pervert he is.

No you didn't Door, you did nothing of the kind. You've assumed, jumped to conclusions and out right lied. That's all you've done. Come to think of it, that's about all I've ever seen you do.


New member
No you didn't Door, you did nothing of the kind. You've assumed, jumped to conclusions and out right lied. That's all you've done. Come to think of it, that's about all I've ever seen you do.

The only one between you and I that is a liar, is YOU. PB proved that he has no respect for women at all. He treats them the same way homos treat each other, and child molesters treat children. He looks at them like they are animals for his own personal pleasure.

You must agree with him. You must also be a pervert.


New member
You're a moron. Who cares what you think? :yawn:

took that quote right of "How to win friends and influence people" didn't ya?

I proved PB to be the pervert he is.

You have to "prove" gays to be perverts? :think: :confused:

I always kinda saw it that way and thought trying to get them to be "Not Perverted" was a bit more profitable venture....
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