The earth is flat and we never went to the moon

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You're going to have to be more specific then, because I'm still not seeing any inconsistencies.

No, Dave, it does not.

The string is what is pulling on the ball, changing it's direction when you swing it around your head. That's what centripetal force is. If the string were to suddenly let go, then that ball would go flying off in a straight line.

In the same way, if the earth were to suddenly disappear, the moon would go flying off into space (into orbit around the sun, unless the sun disappeared, because the earth is in orbit around the sun). Dave, the string is only an analogy of what gravity is, it doesn't explain everything about it, but it's used to give you an idea of how it works.

How about their momentum from when God first made the universe? You know, the creation week?

For in six days the Lord made the heavens and the earth, the sea, and all that is in them, and rested the seventh day. Therefore the Lord blessed the Sabbath day and hallowed it. - Exodus 20:11

He stretches out the north over empty space; He hangs the earth on nothing. - Job 26:7

The force that made them move is GOD HIMSELF.

And they've been orbiting ever since, without any need for supernatural intervention.

Dave, what happens when you push a child in a swing? They start to move, yes? What happens when you start to swing the ball around? It starts to orbit your hand, right? When God created the earth, He hung it in orbit around the sun, and he hung it on nothing. There's no physical hook that the earth is attached to, like a mobile. It's "floating" in space. But that doesn't preclude the existence of gravity. If anything, it reinforces it, because you can't have an orbit around a star or planet or moon without gravity.

No response to the above, Dave?


patrick jane

[h=1]The Strong Delusion, NASA, Star Trek, JFK, the Firmament, 666 and a most peculiar Timeline[/h]
Amazing and eerie connections - 33 minutes - well worth it

Overview From Video Description: There are many more connections than this overview describes


patrick jane

I share the wishes of others that we could still edit posts. To see full screen on previous post, click on the link. Here is the overview of the video not wriiten by me.

In this segment from the second presentation I gave at the Beaumont, Declaring the End From the Beginning conference, I discuss the Biblical Strong Delusion and ask if the globe could in fact be a major part of that. I also address issues with the "blue marbles" we've been given, showing how one of them in particular always seems to show up in movies and TV shows (such as Star Trek). From there, I lay out what I believe to be a very peculiar timeline of events, including some bizarre statements by JFK and bombing the Fishbowl (of the Lord).



For [MENTION=16629]patrick jane[/MENTION] and [MENTION=4980]DFT_Dave[/MENTION]

Please watch this one and let me know your thoughts.[/QUOTE]

First the cutting of the orange does just the opposite of what the video is saying. Cutting the orange creates a flat earth perspective, it's not an example for a globe perspective. Anyone who uses a flat surface to explain why the earth is not a flat surface is mentally ill or thinks everyone else is.

There is video that clearly shows the sun getting smaller as is moves toward and away from us. Those video are time lapse and I have posted them before and will post them again. The sun in the flat earth model appears and rises then descends and disappears as it should being close to the earth and being much smaller than the earth. This is consistent with perspective even though it is at the same height above the earth as it moves across the sky. These pictures below show the perspective of the sun as it moves away from us the other shows the true distance of the sun is close and not far away from us as in the globe model.

View attachment 26140 View attachment 26141

The Chicago skyline either shows the earth is flat or it's a mirage. The skyline is said to be a mirage because it's to far away from the Michigan shore line and too far over the curve to be actually visible. A superior, or above, mirage is usually an upside down image that is connected to the actual image. Both the actual ship and its mirage are visible in the following pic.

View attachment 26142

The Chicago skyline has been seen as a superior mirage. In the pic below you can see both the actual city skyline and the superior mirage above it and upside down.

View attachment 26143

The other indicator that the earth is flat in all these distant skyline pics is that not one of them shows the buildings tilted away from the point of view. The buildings would not appear perpendicular at that far a distance away if the earth were curved as this diagram below illustrates. How much of the Chicago skyline is visible depends on the height of the waves on Lake Michigan and the amount of fog.

View attachment 26144

Ships that seem to float in air are actually beyond the visible horizon and are located on an extended horizon line beyond our ability to see the waves and the water now acts like a mirror that reflects the ship. We never see the extended horizon until a ship goes beyond the the one that is visible to us. This reflection is upside down and attached under the ship as shown below. At times the ship that seems to be floating on air does not have a reflection as in the other pic. See my last post on how ships, go beyond the visible horizon to an extended horizon, then disappear beyond our ability to see it. Ships disappear not because of a curved earth but because they become to small to be visible.

View attachment 26146 View attachment 26145



No response to the above, Dave?

Your string analogy, is good if the earth is a spinning, orbiting planet. But gravity does not tell me the earth is a globe if it's merely the reason why the moon orbits a globed earth. We all agree that the moon is moving not the earth in its relationship to it. The geocentric model had a motionless globe earth with moon circling it. The flat earth model has the moon circling a flat motionless earth. The problem with gravity in the atheistic sense is that it's a natural explanation for what is moving planets and particles together with a natural big bang that moves planets and particles away from each other. That makes for two forces that are the cause of things that can only move in one direction. Saying that these two forces both can act on nature at the same time is a contradiction. When as a theist you substitute supernatural God for the natural big bang and then accept natural gravity you are being inconsistent. Why not have God responsible for both kinds of movement?

As Biblical theists we have compromised with non Biblical cosmologies for far too long. These non Biblical cosmologies deny empirical evidence and reason. That God sits above the "circle of the earth" is not a picture of a globe. There is no heavenly place above the earth in the Copernican heliocentric model.



Get your armor ready!
Hall of Fame
If one believes in the literal 6 day creation, it seems reasonable to believe in an enclosed flat earth.
That is one of the arguments.

Science has presented to us tons of data that the earth and all in it could not have been created in 6 days.
The data from Scripture tells us it was.

Science tell us the sun and moon could not have stood still for a day.
The data from Scripture says it did.

Right Divider

Body part
Potential Freemason Astronaut/Actor Argues Against Flat Earth

11 minutes - click link to ensure full screen view

Instead of fluttering around like a butterfly from one thing to another, why don't you concentrate on one thing until you understand it.

Stick with Polaris until you realize that it, by itself, shows that the earth is not flat.

(Secondarily, you were also shown that the moon is NOT visible from Sydney and Nashville at the same time).

patrick jane

Instead of fluttering around like a butterfly from one thing to another, why don't you concentrate on one thing until you understand it.

Stick with Polaris until you realize that it, by itself, shows that the earth is not flat.

(Secondarily, you were also shown that the moon is NOT visible from Sydney and Nashville at the same time).
Yes thanks, I realize the moon in Australia video was probably wrong. I'm not really fluttering around and many flat earthers go through rejection and ridicule. I knew that before I started because I thought they were crazy. The jury is still out for me.

I appreciate your input because it helps me think rationally, for the most part. I don't really trust all the math of the earth and space for many reasons including how some equipment works. In addition, you may not have seen the video where Rob shows the numbers on circumference and many other earth and space measurements that all show 666 66,660 and many measurements with 6's etc. Very interesting. you'd have to watch to see, it's at the very beginning of it.

I don't mind being refuted and allegedly "proven" wrong and I'm trying to be a troll. Again, I'm brand new to whole concept so forgive me for my stupidity. :chuckle:


Get your armor ready!
Hall of Fame
For the Christian, is not the biblical perspective the one you should have?
Or must the biblical perspective only be considered if it agrees with the science data?

Not being too familiar with all the science theories, I could not confirm or deny them.
But I know what scripture says.

So if you take scripture at it's word, what sort of picture of the earth would you come up with?
Why should we mix anything science says with it?

Right Divider

Body part
Yes thanks, I realize the moon in Australia video was probably wrong.
Not probably. It is 100% incorrect as you were clearly shown.

The moon cannot be visible at 11:47 AM when the moon is only visible from 9:19 PM to 6:37 AM.

Why do you still not accept this simple and plain truth?

I'm not really fluttering around and many flat earthers go through rejection and ridicule.
There is a reason for that.

I knew that before I started because I thought they were crazy. The jury is still out for me.
Well if you'd accept a couple of clear truths that you're being show, the jury would convict flat earth as the fraud that it is.

I appreciate your input because it helps me think rationally, for the most part. I don't really trust all the math of the earth and space for many reasons including how some equipment works. In addition, you may not have seen the video where Rob shows the numbers on circumference and many other earth and space measurements that all show 666 66,660 and many measurements with 6's etc. Very interesting. you'd have to watch to see, it's at the very beginning of it.
Like I keep saying, stick with a couple of simple and clear things and you won't need to check a thousand other things. Polaris is visible directly overhead at the north pole but is on the horizon at the equator (and not visible at all from the southern hemisphere). That is extremely simple and does not require any complex understanding to prove that the earth is a sphere and not flat.

That in addition to the moon not being visible from both side of the globe at the same time is more than enough evidence to prove the issue once and for all that the earth is not flat.

I don't mind being refuted and allegedly "proven" wrong and I'm trying to be a troll. Again, I'm brand new to whole concept so forgive me for my stupidity. :chuckle:
I hope that you meant "not trying to be a troll".....

Just stick to the two things above for the moment: Polaris at different angles from 0 to 90 degrees in the northern hemisphere and the moon not visible in Sydney but is from Nashville.

If you can understand those two very simple things, you'll know that the earth is not flat.

patrick jane

Not probably. It is 100% incorrect as you were clearly shown.

The moon cannot be visible at 11:47 AM when the moon is only visible from 9:19 PM to 6:37 AM.

Why do you still not accept this simple and plain truth?

There is a reason for that.

Well if you'd accept a couple of clear truths that you're being show, the jury would convict flat earth as the fraud that it is.

Like I keep saying, stick with a couple of simple and clear things and you won't need to check a thousand other things. Polaris is visible directly overhead at the north pole but is on the horizon at the equator (and not visible at all from the southern hemisphere). That is extremely simple and does not require any complex understanding to prove that the earth is a sphere and not flat.

That in addition to the moon not being visible from both side of the globe at the same time is more than enough evidence to prove the issue once and for all that the earth is not flat.

I hope that you meant "not trying to be a troll".....

Just stick to the two things above for the moment: Polaris at different angles from 0 to 90 degrees in the northern hemisphere and the moon not visible in Sydney but is from Nashville.

If you can understand those two very simple things, you'll know that the earth is not flat.
Yes, not trying to be. There are explanations for polaris in the flat earth model as well as the sun and moon.

So far the best I can find on polaris for flat earth is this link that I already posted. Maybe you proved it wrong already and I didn't see it.

[h=3]The Atlantean Conspiracy: Polaris Proves the Flat Earth[/h]

Right Divider

Body part
Yes, not trying to be. There are explanations for polaris in the flat earth model as well as the sun and moon.

So far the best I can find on polaris for flat earth is this link that I already posted. Maybe you proved it wrong already and I didn't see it.

The Atlantean Conspiracy: Polaris Proves the Flat Earth
PJ, that page contains all kinds of silliness that I am not going waste my time on.

Please quit spending your time Googling and look at the facts.... the simple facts.

How can someone at the equator see a star at 0 degrees relative to the earth while another observers sees the SAME star directly overhead? Look at the crappy picture that I drew.... or draw one yourself. It's simple geometry.

Look at this picture and explain how the observer on the equator can see the star in the PERPENDICULAR angel to the observer at the north pole.

View attachment 26147
As I explained to you, the only way that this would be even close to possible is if the star is on the earth (or maybe ten feet above).

Use your head and stop posting silly FE nonsense.

While you're at it, explain why the moon is NOT visible in Sydney while it IS visible in Nashville. There is NO flat earther that can explain that problem.
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