The Clock Ticks (Ahmed Mohamed's clock bomb)


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Hall of Fame
I don't have one, but it isn't uncommon to see schools shut down for what they believe to be threats but turn out to be false alarms.

You specifically mentioned things in the news so I was wondering if you had anything in mind.


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Hall of Fame
Nah, this could be a textbook case of confirmation bias on my part. "It happened once, so it must happen all the time."

Well be sure to let bybee know, the poor dear took offense and piped up when big bad Granite started picking on you.:chuckle:

Nathon Detroit

It was in an old pencil box and he didn't KNOW it looked like a bomb doser, that's your assertion. The school ENGLISH teacher should have reacted less and used his brain or got another teacher who KNOWS electronics to look at it. Yes I think his own teacher should have known him well enough to take him at his word, of course to a lot of them it is only a job and they feign interest when they actually don't have any. I found most teachers were power trippers, not only in my day but also when my kids went to school. I don't think much has changed.
Other teachers did look at it and told him not to show to anyone else because it looked suspicious.

Ahmed didn't like that answer and showed to every other teacher he could find.

Nathon Detroit

And lets be honest..... he didn't even build a clock. He took apart an existing clock and stuck it in a suitcase.

Furthermore.... he did an incredibly crappy job. Heck my 10 year daughter could have made a better clock from existing clock pieces.


New member
Hall of Fame
And lets be honest..... he didn't even build a clock. He took apart an existing clock and stuck it in a suitcase.

Furthermore.... he did an incredibly crappy job. Heck my 10 year daughter could have made a better clock from existing clock pieces.

Eh. Beats heck out of a foaming volcano.:chuckle:


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Nathon Detroit



Well-known member
There'd be reason to be impressed if the kid had Radio Shacked the components himself. He didn't, as Knight points out. He gutted an existing clock, removed it from its original case and put it into another. One could call that clever or utilitarian, but it is not genuine inventiveness by any stretch.

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
A conversation I had with a friend. I'll call him "Bill".

Bill: Why are so many people determined to have something on this kid?

Me: Seems like his religion makes some people nervous.

Bill: Why? Don't they know most Muslims aren't any more violent then they are?

Me: Maybe that's what scares them. :plain:


New member
The real account?? That story is almost a week old. More info is coming out about this hoax Stan.... ya gotta keep up with the times.

Well then feel free to post where you're getting your info. I think CNN is pretty reliable.


New member
There'd be reason to be impressed if the kid had Radio Shacked the components himself. He didn't, as Knight points out. He gutted an existing clock, removed it from its original case and put it into another. One could call that clever or utilitarian, but it is not genuine inventiveness by any stretch.

and do you have a RELIABLE source for this claim?