The Clock Ticks (Ahmed Mohamed's clock bomb)


Well-known member
A conversation I had with a friend. I'll call him "Bill".

Bill: Why are so many people determined to have something on this kid?

Me: Seems like his religion makes some people nervous.

Bill: Why? Don't they know most Muslims aren't any more violent then they are?

Me: Maybe that's what scares them. :plain:

Cut the Mr. Rogers act.

No, not all Muslims are terrorists but almost all terrorists are Muslims, many of whom have 'snapped' into Sudden Jihadi mode with no warning or provocation from their victims. Fact of life. You and "Bill" has best not ignore it.

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
Cut the Mr. Rogers act.
If I cut Bill a) I'd go to jail and b) he'd be upset with me.

No, not all Muslims are terrorists but almost all terrorists are Muslims,
Accepting your premise for the sake of argument, not all conservatives are racists, but most racists are conservative.

So we should be suspicious of conservatives on account? I don't believe we should. Racists, like terrorists, make up a sliver of a fraction of the larger group. It isn't rational to blame the group or to suggest its inherent in the group when the overwhelming majority don't agree with the group and it fails to represent them in action or restraint.

many of whom have 'snapped' into Sudden Jihadi mode with no warning or provocation from their victims.
I think there are two types of people who do extreme and violent things. The first sort are unhinged and we mostly notice that after the fact, like the fellow who shot up a church not too long ago. The second sort have convinced themselves of an injury and are seeking a pound of flesh, like the idiots who flew into the twin towers or the lowlife that bombed a federal building in the heartland.

You'll rarely see the first kind coming and the second, well, it depends.

Fact of life. You and "Bill" has best not ignore it.
There are all sorts of facts in life. One of them involves fully grown people doing their darndest to make a fourteen year old boy the subject of ridicule and contempt.

Totton Linnet

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The bible says this about the Arabs, "Ishmael is a wild *** of a man, his sword is against every man and every man's sword is against him"

Now I am always amazed at how many times we see the bible in the news.

... I have met Arab Christians though not many


Well-known member
Accepting your premise for the sake of argument

Or because it's valid and factual...

not all conservatives are racists, but most racists are conservative. So we should be suspicious of conservatives on account? I don't believe we should.

Good because that was a bad analogy, counselor, parried with this one:

All leftists are not racists. But most racists are leftists, or left-leaning or left-influenced. Of those, blacks as a group tend to express more racial animosity against non-blacks of all colors than any other group.

See how this doesn't work?

No one can reliably quantify which group is more racist than any other -- everyone can cite evidence that any group (even their own) has the worst racist tendencies, or the least worst. It's meaningless to bring it up in this context and you know we of TOL are too sharp to let that red herring fly because this isn't about race. It's about Islam.

To that end, we CAN reliably quantify which particular grouping has the most members worldwide that engage in terrorism in the name of that grouping. And we're stupid if we don't.

That grouping is Islam.

Racists, like terrorists, make up a sliver of a fraction of the larger group.

Mere racists tend not to slaughter people. We're talking two totally different levels of iniquity here. I would also direct you to the new poll that says 51% of Muslims in the U.S. would support sharia law. If they ever get their way, you're out of a job lest you convert.

It isn't rational to blame the group or to suggest its inherent in the group when the overwhelming majority don't agree with the group and it fails to represent them in action or restraint.

When the core doctrines of that group, taken in context, teach hatred, subjugation and murder of all non-members -- and it does teach precisely that -- it doesn't matter that the majority doesn't (at the moment) obey those instructions. It matters that the instructions exist insofar as they cannot exist in any non-Muslim country that wishes to remain non-Muslim.

I think there are two types of people who do extreme and violent things. The first sort are unhinged and we mostly notice that after the fact, like the fellow who shot up a church not too long ago. The second sort have convinced themselves of an injury and are seeking a pound of flesh, like the idiots who flew into the twin towers or the lowlife that bombed a federal building in the heartland.

Please classify Nidal Malik Hasan for us. Where's he fall on your spectrum?

There are all sorts of facts in life. One of them involves fully grown people doing their darndest to make a fourteen year old boy the subject of ridicule and contempt.

Who, me? All I said was, he did not invent a clock. Does that make me a racist?


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
did Mohamed Elhassan Mohamed know what his son was doing?
he should have

did Mohamed Elhassan Mohamed put him up to it?
he should not have

does Mohamed Elhassan Mohamed have an agenda?


New member
did Mohamed Elhassan Mohamed know what his son was doing?
he should have

did Mohamed Elhassan Mohamed put him up to it?
he should not have

does Mohamed Elhassan Mohamed have an agenda?

What is your issue with this man? The man defended his holy book and now you think what???


New member
Hall of Fame
There'd be reason to be impressed if the kid had Radio Shacked the components himself. He didn't, as Knight points out. He gutted an existing clock, removed it from its original case and put it into another. One could call that clever or utilitarian, but it is not genuine inventiveness by any stretch.

If you want to grade his school work go ahead, but that's unrelated to everything else.


New member
Mohamed Elhassan Mohamed owes everyone an apology for what his son did

Mohamed Elhassan Mohamed should be held responsible for what his son did

You feel you deserve an apology from this man because his son made a clock? My doesn't someone feel entitled. As for being held responsible, for what exactly? His sons interest in engineering and robotics? Held responsible because his son made a clock? It's not against the law you know.

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
...that was a bad analogy, counselor, parried with this one:
It really wasn't and here's the objective truth about why: for many, many years of our nation's life black people were denied simple, basic human rights. They were denied these by the holders of a social status quo. Liberals weren't in that group. Even after being granted basic human right blacks were denied equal status under the law for a very long time, also by the holders of that same social status quo. The holders of status quo during that time were and have always tended to be, politically conservative.

But it doesn't mean that all or even most conservatives are racist in our time, or that racism is an inevitable or inherent part of conservative thinking. I don't believe it is. In fact, I think it's contrary to rational conservative political thinking. But racists aren't rational, they're just angry and in need of some vestige of power. Given that a great deal of tradition is wrapped in conservative thinking, it's no real shock that racists would find other common ground to advance their agenda as best they can.

All leftists are not racists. But most racists are leftists...
See, that's just counter factual as observations go (supra).

No one can reliably quantify which group is more racist than any other
Sure we can. It's not even all that difficult if you know how to put together a valid survey. But ideology itself will give you indicators from the outside of it, given liberal philosophy tends to be progressive and empowering of the other (which is part of the reason conservatives dislike liberals so intensely) while conservatism tends to hold on tightly to tradition and the cultural status quo (which is why liberals tend to dislike conservatives so intensely).

-- everyone can cite evidence that any group (even their own) has the worst racist tendencies, or the least worst.
Anecdotal information is a fine way to illustrate a point, but a horrible way to make it. I'm sure there are racists of any stripe. But the question of where one would find a more traditional home isn't hard to answer. It's especially easy in the South, where most racists abandoned a life long party affiliation when their old adversary became a surer bulwark of that status quo and resistance.

It's meaningless to bring it up in this context and you know we of TOL are too sharp to let that red herring fly because this isn't about race. It's about Islam.
I didn't offer a red herring and I didn't say this was about race. I illustrated a problem with your stereotypical thinking. I do think race feeds some of the irrationality involved in response to this nothing of a story, but I think it's mostly and for most responding about a stereotypical reaction over Islam. Or, if this kid is a Christian the response here would be very, very different.

To that end, we CAN reliably quantify which particular grouping has the most members worldwide that engage in terrorism in the name of that grouping. And we're stupid if we don't.
According to the FBI, between 1980 and 2005, the overwhelming number of terrorist attacks here were committed by non-Muslims. Not even close. How many Islamic terrorist attacks have their been since, here?

Here's an article from the New York Times, June of this year.

"Since Sept. 11, 2001, nearly twice as many people have been killed by white supremacists, antigovernment fanatics and other non-Muslim extremists than by radical Muslims...

A survey to be published this week asked 382 police and sheriff’s departments nationwide to rank the three biggest threats from violent extremism in their jurisdiction. About 74 percent listed antigovernment violence, while 39 percent listed “Al Qaeda-inspired” violence, according to the researchers, Charles Kurzman of the University of North Carolina and David Schanzer of Duke University."​

Mere racists tend not to slaughter people.
When it's in their interests not to. When it wasn't they dumped shiploads of sick into the Atlantic or executed them for social offense, like being impolite or reading. It didn't even go so well for blacks who bucked the system here when racists weren't supposed to have the power. People were murdered over the right to vote, by way of example.

We're talking two totally different levels of iniquity here. I would also direct you to the new poll that says 51% of Muslims in the U.S. would support sharia law. If they ever get their way, you're out of a job lest you convert.
That's not exactly what the Brierbart (however spelled) piece said and the small distinction you're leaving out is important: 51% said MUSLIMS should be able to choose if THEY want to be under Sharia law. Muslims, not me, not you and not their Hindu neighbor. Most Muslims don't believe non Muslims should be under it.

It's also interesting to note that Muslims who have lived under systems where a fairly rigid adoption of Sharia law was in play aren't as enthusiastic about it and there is a large divide in Islam about what Sharia law should be exercised, with a growing number objecting to the more punitive aspects of criminal punishment. So even within that marginally better than half (meaning about half said, "No, thank you.") there's division.

And I suspect that the Sharia half is largely comprised of immigrants suffering culture shock, conservative Muslims, if you will. :eek:

Who, me? All I said was, he did not invent a clock. Does that make me a racist?
Who said saying he didn't make the clock made anyone a racist? What I said was simpler:

"There are all sorts of facts in life. One of them involves fully grown people doing their darndest to make a fourteen year old boy the subject of ridicule and contempt."


Well-known member
Mohamed Elhassan Mohamed owes everyone an apology for what his son did

Mohamed Elhassan Mohamed should be held responsible for what his son did
This whole thread is a lesson in the bottomless pit of absurdity that some people will leap into while they're in "blind auto-defend" mode.


New member
Hall of Fame
If there's something fishy going on or if this was a "test run" or conspiracy for something, then let's ask some more:

a) if they were "testing" a school's response to a potential terrorist attack they've just handed schools the country over lessons in what to do, and what not to do, thereby inadvertently hurting the cause of bad guys everywhere--so what was the end game?
b) if this was a "test run" of some kind, why did they choose a state such as Texas, and not a location more attuned to political correctness or with a larger Muslim population?

Nathon Detroit

If there's something fishy going on or if this was a "test run" or conspiracy for something, then let's ask some more:

a) if they were "testing" a school's response to a potential terrorist attack they've just handed schools the country over lessons in what to do, and what not to do, thereby inadvertently hurting the cause of bad guys everywhere--so what was the end game?
b) if this was a "test run" of some kind, why did they choose a state such as Texas, and not a location more attuned to political correctness or with a larger Muslim population?
I don't think it was a "test run". To me it seems more likely that the activist father wanted to create a story and get attention while mocking and making a fool of those that questioned the clock. He succeeded is some of that but I also think ultimately he will be exposed as a fraud.