Ted Cruz is the best man for the job


New member
Not sure what this word salad means. The guy's a buffoon and a mouth, nothing more. He's good at rabble rousing a select chunk of the electorate. But he's no leader, he's not qualified to be president, and he's not going to be.

geez... your malice is disgusting

he is an attorney who has presented cases b4 the US Supreme court... and WON

but you ,liberals.. you just hate the conservati ves SOO much t hat you just can't control yourself.. your vitriol. You can't come up with REAL arguments so you just start slinging derogatory names..

so boring

so immature



[There, i sling some of my own, but mine are more accurate--and i have proof (your post)]



New member
Hall of Fame
You're kind of a half-literate nutter, aren't you?:think:

The guy's a fool and not qualified to run a Wal-Mart, let alone a country.


Well-known member
This is quite possibly one of the worst posts you have ever made. Get your brains out of neutral.

Are there differences? Sure, just minor ones like how to get to the same destination via different routes. Let's look at them as they stagger to the bar and have a few drinks on the American people's stupidity.

Is there any real difference between Hillary Clinton and a Republican on foreign policy? No.

Is there any real difference between Hillary Clinton and a Republican on the welfare state? No

Is there any real difference between Hillary Clinton and a Republican on health care? No

Is there any real difference between Hillary Clinton and a Republican on foreign aid? No

Is there any real difference between Hillary Clinton and a Republican on education? No

Is there any real difference between Hillary Clinton and a Republican on the drug war? No

Is there any real difference between Hillary Clinton and a Republican on the military? No

Is there any real difference between Hillary Clinton and a Republican on taxes? No

Is there any real difference between Hillary Clinton and a Republican on the national security state? No

Almost forgot, both parties want to put regulations upon Gun ownership.

Seems the Republican argument with her is how to get these things accomplished. Not to rid ourselves of this evil. Abortion is probably the only issue where there is this fundamental argument. I have a reason to believe what I believe Ted Cruz is an idiot. And Jeb Bush, and Rand Paul right now. And Ben Carson etc...


Resident Rocket Surgeon
Hall of Fame
You're kind of a half-literate nutter, aren't you?:think:

The guy's a fool and not qualified to run a Wal-Mart, let alone a country.

Yet they have let him run the country for almost two terms now...you were talking about our current nutter, amateur hour flop running the country weren't you?


Resident Rocket Surgeon
Hall of Fame
Obstructionism, grandstanding, bloviation, and demagoguery are not leadership.

Yet we have dealt with it for almost 8 years now...you are really good at this Granite, your quips easily define the current presidential disaster.

I am just curious, who is your pick to hold the Oval Office? Please share...


Resident Rocket Surgeon
Hall of Fame
Politificact generally reviews claims that raise a controversy. Not a lot of what he said in the campaign was all that controversial.

Politifact is able to define claims when they are actual and in context but, it tries to define hyperbole, sarcasm, and in many cases uses out of context remarks to make it's assumptions of true vs false. Perfect example was the claim of a fib on Cruz's part for calling Glogal warming a hoax and it is a hoax except for those that cherry pick agenda driven junk science data and have built a religion from it, global warming is more of a religion for suckers. They also picked on the man for Hyperbole that he used saying the "Iranians have a death to America day" context is everything because everyone knows that every day is "death to America day" in Iran, they say it regularly enough. Here is some of what has been said about Politifact:

PolitiFact.com has faced criticisms and assertions of bias from political commentators across the political spectrum.

A Wall Street Journal editorial in December 2010 called PolitiFact "part of a larger journalistic trend that seeks to recast all political debates as matters of lies, misinformation and 'facts,' rather than differences of world view or principles".[20]

Mark Hemingway of The Weekly Standard criticized all fact-checking projects by news organizations, including PolitiFact, the Associated Press and the Washington Post, writing that they "aren’t about checking facts so much as they are about a rearguard action to keep inconvenient truths out of the conversation".[21]

In February 2011, research associate Ostermeier with University of Minnesota, wrote a study showing that PolitiFact has a selection bias targeting Republican politicians more often than Democrat politicians.[22] The study was criticized by PolitiFact and MinnPost.[23] In December 2011, Northeastern University journalism professor Dan Kennedy wrote in the Huffington Post that the problem with fact-checking projects was "there are only a finite number of statements that can be subjected to thumbs-up/thumbs-down fact-checking".[24]

Matt Welch, in the February 2013 issue of Reason magazine, criticized PolitiFact and other media fact-checkers for focusing much more on statements by politicians about their opponents, rather than statements by politicians and government officials about their own policies, thus serving as "a check on the exercise of rhetoric" but not "a check on the exercise of power".[25]

Quotes courtesy of Wikipedia

So much for the validity of Politifact...certainly not a "go to" to get the straight facts on the things said and/or the context in which they are said.


New member
Hall of Fame
Yet we have dealt with it for almost 8 years now...you are really good at this Granite, your quips easily define the current presidential disaster.

I am just curious, who is your pick to hold the Oval Office? Please share...

I don't know if I really have one.


New member
Hall of Fame
Yet they have let him run the country for almost two terms now...you were talking about our current nutter, amateur hour flop running the country weren't you?

"They" being the majority of the American people elected him twice, whether we like it or not. And newsflash: Our lives haven't really changed since he's been elected.

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
BTW, what is Ted Cruz's signature legislative achievement? What law has his name on it?
The Bupkis Act?

the only thing worse than a lib is someone who claims not to be one
No, someone who will only credit people who agree with them with honesty is worse.

Ted Cruz is the best man for the job
If you like inexperienced heads of government. It's not a deal breaker, but as so many have pointed out, it would be funny to see a party push someone who so easily lines up with much of the criticism aimed at the current President in his first bid.

He's a very smart fellow. Best? No, but a solid choice if you want an appellate lawyer. It's a tough gig and he was an excellent one by all accounts. Also excelled as a law clerk. Having been both I can attest to the fact that they're very demanding, challenging accomplishments. He has my respect for that, but his position as a textualist is simply incompatible with my view of a republic. And he really is a smarter version of Wallace when it comes to political rhetoric with goofy but populist "death to the IRS" variations being front and center in that regard.


Resident Rocket Surgeon
Hall of Fame
"They" being the majority of the American people elected him twice, whether we like it or not. And newsflash: Our lives haven't really changed since he's been elected.

Our lives have not changed? Do you believe that the state of the world has changed? I believe what this man has done on the foreign affairs front is disastrous. Here on the home front I have seen my health care balloon 35% from what it was, the national debt is twice what it was when the man entered office. These things may not affect you now but, the ripple will get here, it always does, lets just hope it is not a tsunami.


Well-known member
Right now the ONLY person I would consider for my vote would be Liz Warren (D) MA. We got to get her to run.

patrick jane

geez... your malice is disgusting

he is an attorney who has presented cases b4 the US Supreme court... and WON

but you ,liberals.. you just hate the conservati ves SOO much t hat you just can't control yourself.. your vitriol. You can't come up with REAL arguments so you just start slinging derogatory names..

so boring

so immature



[There, i sling some of my own, but mine are more accurate--and i have proof (your post)]


View attachment 19523


New member
Right now the ONLY person I would consider for my vote would be Liz Warren (D) MA. We got to get her to run.

then you lied when you said you were more R than L?

but then, that doesn't surprise me one bit

now you are More VC [how apropos those letters are] than L (as in: More Virtual-Communist)
