Ted Cruz is the best man for the job


New member
Ted Cruz is a better candidate, in a lot of ways, than the governors running, even though I do think, generally speaking, the president should be a governor... at least NORMALLY I would say that.

Cruz has, unlike Walker, been in WA for some time. He knows how the system works.

And he has not, unlike many other Senators, incessantly CAVED to the Ds... and their agenda

He pushed the issue of the Shutdown despite that not being popular

Amazingly, he cares more about what is right than what is popular

I think it's pathetic there aren't more like him in WA... or anywhere, for that matter

Mocking You

New member
Cruz was not born in the United States. He is a freshman senator that has held elective office for barely two years. He has not released his college transcripts.


New member
Cruz was not born in the United States. He is a freshman senator that has held elective office for barely two years. He has not released his college transcripts.

how dum

he was born to a US citizen

and of course, you do not comment on the fact that he has that rare (in WA... but maybe anywhere) quality called Integrity


I think a lot of people on TOL just think they are above everyone else... even people like Cruz and others in the national media...

have to put down everyone, even those of the same party (supposedly)

weird... Freudian

time for a psych evaluation or something



New member
He hasn't governed a thing. He's inexperienced.

he is smart enough to know when to consult others who have that experience he doesn't, just like most normal presidents would do

he also has had to work with Congress.. and i doubt he would be like the pres who thinks he can reign w/ o them... and of course, seeks to do so...

Cruz actually likes our American system... You know, the three branches, division of powers... etc..


Mocking You

New member
Most "normal" presidents have had executive experience, either as governors, Vice Presidents, or generals. Obama had nothing. Cruz has nothing.


In August 2013, after the Dallas Morning News pointed out that Cruz had dual Canadian-American citizenship, he applied to formally renounce his Canadian citizenship and ceased being a citizen of Canada, on May 14, 2014.

Either Ted Cruz was too incompetent to realize that he had dual Canadian citizenship or he knew and tried to keep it under "the radar" while the "birthers" were attacking Obama.

Given that he graduated magna *** laude in 1995 with a Juris Doctor degree from Harvard Law School and served as a law clerk to
Chief Justice of the United States William Rehnquist, it seems inconceivable that with the "birther" controversy and being born in Calgary Alberta, Cruz wouldn't have reseached his citizenship status.

Either way the fact remains that up until May 14, 2014, Cruz held Canadian citizenship.

Nick M

Black Rifles Matter
Hall of Fame
Cruz was not born in the United States. He is a freshman senator that has held elective office for barely two years. He has not released his college transcripts.



New member
Most "normal" presidents have had executive experience, either as governors, Vice Presidents, or generals. Obama had nothing. Cruz has nothing.


you have nothing either

don't criticize others if you yourself have not attempted to do what they do

besides, anyone can do better than the far left..

you people who want perfection... well, anything looks perfect after the far left have been in control for so many yrs...



New member
Hey, you've got your new signature.

Start living it out. Don't complain about Obama or any other Dem until you get elected to an office.

you compare criticism of the inept ones to criticism of the normal ones?

ha ha...


it's like you are saying "you can't criticize Hitler"



New member
Cruz has, unlike Walker, been in WA for some time. He knows how the system works.

And he's made so many friends there...

And he has not, unlike many other Senators, incessantly CAVED to the Ds... and their agenda

He's a divider, not a uniter. It surely sells, in some camps. But you're mistaking confident bravado for actually knowing what he's talking about.

He pushed the issue of the Shutdown despite that not being popular

It's very popular, with the people who elect him. But it's bad for the country.

Amazingly, he cares more about what is right than what is popular

Keep in mind that the people who vote for him are Texans. And he is a finely-tuned Texas conservative populist. He has very little mainstream appeal, even within the GOP.

I think it's pathetic there aren't more like him in WA... or anywhere, for that matter[/B][/FONT]

He's a liar and a demagogue.