Steven Crowder - Popular Right Wing Conservative


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To them it isn't and their faith is just as devout as yours. Religious extremism is certainly one factor of unrest in the world but then that certainly isn't just Islamist fanatics.
Poor argument for you to make, as you don't hold the same standard to the KKK.
You are quick to judge all of them even though only a very few have ever harmed anyone.


New member
Yes it is.
You are blind if you think the god of Islam is the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, and that Muhammad (piss be upon him) is a prophet of the one true GOD.
No Christian should ever have any respect for Islam at all.
It should always be opposed.

The Jews don't believe in the Trinity either and they nonetheless worship the God of Abraham. So your argument that the Jews or Muslims have to believe in the Trinity or they're worshiping a "pagan god" is ridiculous.


New member
Possessing gates is fine with me.

Genesis 22:17

17indeed I will greatly bless you, and I will greatly multiply your seed as the stars of the heavens and as the sand which is on the seashore; and your seed shall possess the gate of their enemies.

Perhaps you can elaborate.

patrick jane

The Jews don't believe in the Trinity either and they nonetheless worship the God of Abraham. So your argument that the Jews or Muslims have to believe in the Trinity or they're worshiping a "pagan god" is ridiculous.
Anyone and any religion that rejects Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior will perish.

John 8:24 NIV - I told you that you would die in your sins; if you do not believe that I am he, you will indeed die in your sins


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Most people in Westboro Baptist church probably haven't harmed anybody either so that's not much of a counter to make in turn.
When you count them up it does.

There are 1.8 billion Muslims in the world.
Intelligence services world wide have estimated that the radical percent of Muslims ranges from 15-25%.

Take the middle of that number - 20% of 1.8 billion = 360 million that want to dominate the globe and use extreme brutality to enslave or kill any that oppose Islam.
That's 40 million more than the entire population of the United States.

Islam IS a threat to us.
They are a threat to the whole world.


New member
Fool and ingrate!

America isn't warmongering. We don't encourage aggression towards other countries. We help those who are being attacked.

Yeah right, you just invade other countries and conduct your regime change projects, resulting in the deaths of hundreds of thousands of innocent people. So you have no moral high ground upon which to stand and condemn Muslims for anything. You're a warmonger.


New member
When you count them up it does.

There are 1.8 billion Muslims in the world.
Intelligence services world wide have estimated that the radical percent of Muslims ranges from 15-25%.

Take the middle of that number - 20% of 1.8 billion = 360 million that want to dominate the globe and use extreme brutality to enslave or kill any that oppose Islam.
That's 40 million more than the entire population of the United States.

Islam IS a threat to us.
They are a threat to the whole world.

If Muslim extremists are a threat, why are you arming them? What "intelligence service" has come up with such absurd figures? If 15%-25% of Muslims are "extremists" and prone to violence and terrorism, why don't you have 400,000 terrorists going postal right now throughout the United States? There are 3.5 million Muslims in America, and taking the lower figure of 15%, that amounts to almost half a million Muslim ISIS supporters in America! WOW! So where are they genius? Where are all of the bombs going off now in America, from these half a million suicidal Muslim maniacs? You American Evangelicals live in a fantasy world.

You're the real terrorists. Warmongers.


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If Muslim extremists are a threat,
They are.
Tell us the real reason you turn a blind eye to all the barbaric atrocities (and that's just the ones reported) they commit worldwide.
This is not some tiny little group we are talking about.
They are committing barbaric atrocities everywhere.

And you can lay off the pathetic excuse that they are retaliating for being invaded.
The women they maim and beat and throw acid on and kill were not invaders.
The Christians missionaries they behead were not invaders.

One of the tenets of Islam is hatred and rejection of infidels.

They are barbaric and inhumane, all for a religion of violence that worships a fake god started by a drug addict war mongrel and self appointed prophet that spread his fake religion with the sword and force.


New member
They are.
Tell us the real reason you turn a blind eye to all the barbaric atrocities (and that's just the ones reported) they commit worldwide.
This is not some tiny little group we are talking about.
They are committing barbaric atrocities everywhere.

And you can lay off the pathetic excuse that they are retaliating for being invaded.
The women they maim and beat and throw acid on and kill were not invaders.
The Christians missionaries they behead were not invaders.

One of the tenets of Islam is hatred and rejection of infidels.

They are barbaric and inhumane, all for a religion of violence that worships a fake god started by a drug addict war mongrel and self appointed prophet that spread his fake religion with the sword and force.

I don't deny the atrocities of the Islamic terrorists, but unfortunately you deny the US government's role in creating the conditions for these terrorists groups to exist and carry out their terrorism. I've already provided more than ample evidence in previous posts, showing how your government's "regime change projects" in the Muslim world, have led to ISIS and other terrorist groups usurping control of large areas of Iraq, Libya and Syria. In spite of the evidence, all you do is deny it, showing how indifferent you are to your government's own terrorism/warmongering. Why should anyone care if Americans and Europeans get invaded by refugees and attacked by terrorists, when you're creating the refugee problem and destroying people's lives through your "regime change projects"/terrorism/warmongering? Americans like you are just as bad as the Islamic terrorists.


Well-known member
Yeah right, you just invade other countries and conduct your regime change projects, resulting in the deaths of hundreds of thousands of innocent people. So you have no moral high ground upon which to stand and condemn Muslims for anything. You're a warmonger.

The only "bomb" I'm throwing is the truth.

The truth in your own warped little mind is the same truth all fanatics have. Blame the "infidels" for everything. You aren't worth listening to. :down:

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
When you count them up it does.

There are 1.8 billion Muslims in the world.
Intelligence services world wide have estimated that the radical percent of Muslims ranges from 15-25%.

Take the middle of that number - 20% of 1.8 billion = 360 million that want to dominate the globe and use extreme brutality to enslave or kill any that oppose Islam.
That's 40 million more than the entire population of the United States.

Islam IS a threat to us.
They are a threat to the whole world.


Lazy afternoon

Fool and ingrate!

America isn't warmongering. We don't encourage aggression towards other countries. We help those who are being attacked.

That is not the facts.

The USA had predetermined to destroy 5 governments in the middle east in seven years.

It is all about money and guns.

speak the truth.
