Steven Crowder - Popular Right Wing Conservative

patrick jane

THE ERIC SCHNEIDERMAN COVER-UP! What CNN Never Told You… | Louder With Crowder

Steven Crowder uncovers the case of Eric Schneiderman and unveils blatant CNN dishonesty regarding the story. See how far the Democratic Attorney General went in his perversions.
9 minutes - Always Funny


patrick jane

ABORTION DEBATE: Feminist Squirms on Basic Questions (Naomi Wolf Uncut) | Louder With Crowder
Crowder sits down once again with noted feminist, Naomi Wolf to talk abortion, government funded contraception, libertarianism and more. For the full debate with topics including Boy Scouts and “discriminating” safe spaces,
31 minutes

patrick jane

REBUTTAL: John Oliver’s Socialist Venezuela Fallacies! | Louder With Crowder

Steven Crowder provides a full breakdown of EVERYTHING wrong with John Oliver’s condemnation of Venezuela as “mismanaged socialism.” Hint: Venezuela IS a prime example of Socialism!
16 minutes

patrick jane

TRUE STORY: Anne Frank’s Dirty Jokes! Our Favorites… | Louder With Crowde
Steven Crowder and friends list their favorite NAZI punchlines after it was revealed Anne Frank had hidden pages in her journal filled with dirty jokes!
10 minutes

patrick jane

[h=1]TOP 5 Alabama Abortion Lies Debunked! | Louder with Crowder[/h]
As I explained in the OP Steven Crowder is a political commentator and political satirist. This entire thread is videos and this video is about the Alabama Abortion Bill.

Steven Crowder debunks the top five liberal lies about the Alabama abortion ban. Prepare for truth.

15 minutes


patrick jane

[h=1]WE WON! Dr. Trump: Official Music Video (Parody) | Louder with Crowder[/h]

The bogus copyright strikes are OVER, WE WON! Half-Asian Lawyer Bill Richmond and LwC have yet to lose... Celebrate by watching Dr. Trump with us again!
3 minutes


patrick jane

DEBUNKED: Medicare for All MYTHS! | Louder With Crowder

Steven Crowder separates fact from fiction and explains why the Democrat rallying cry of 'Medicare for all' is one of the worst ideas to fix the American healthcare system.

18 minutes


patrick jane

TOP 5: Lessons from Venezuela's Socialism! | Louder with Crowder

Steven Crowder breaks down the lessons we can learn from the implosion of Venezuela's socialism.
13 minutes
