Has this one been posted?
It's a good one.
I posted it in Hollywood Pedophile thread too.
Warning: Could have an offensive word.
No.So, he thinks rape culture is only a thing in Hollywood,
He thinks it is one of the places, not the ONLY place.He said that.
What they fail to awknowledge is that, this sea of refugees from the middle east and Africa, wouldn't exist if not for the US and its allies, ousting Gaddafi from Libya and turning it into the terrorist playground it is today. A country that once had the highest standard of living in the Muslim world, even rivaling UAE and Qatar, to the quagmire it is today, being run by an American installed puppet government (if we can even call it a government). Libya once acted as a buffer, absorbing a large percentage of African immigrants, seeking a better life. They would migrate to Libya and work the oil fields, as laborers..etc. Now that buffer is gone, thanks to the US/NATO led coup, so you have an unprecedented influx of African immigration pouring into Europe from the Mediterranean sea. You can thank the American Empire and its European cronies for that.
Then we have Syria, another mess that the US created by invading Iraq in 2003 and now funding, training and arming so called "rebels" that are fighting the Assad government to replace it with a Sharia led government. Of course, Patrick conveniently forgets to mention the US and EU government's role in the horrible war in Syria. Muslims and Christians were peacefully co-existing in Syria, living side by side, under Assad's government. Now all of that is gone and we have about a quarter million innocent people dead, including Christians. But Patrick doesn't care and is only concerned with demonizing the victims of American and European foreign policy.
That is not the facts.
The USA had predetermined to destroy 5 governments in the middle east in seven years.
It is all about money and guns.
speak the truth.
If we executed more people in America, perhaps we wouldn't have so many corrupt government officials. We wouldn't have all of these sodomites, adopting children and corrupting them. Parading their shameless filth in the streets of our cities. We wouldn't have all of these thugs selling drugs on the street corner. We wouldn't have millions of unborn babies ripped to pieces in their mother's wombs. Perhaps if the death penalty was broader and easier to execute, we wouldn't have so many prisons and our tax dollars could be used more efficiently and responsibly.
Your standard of morality is arbitrary, especially if you're an atheist.
You have more, because the government of Babylon, the country you've made your god, pillages the world to maintain people like you fat and well fed. Your warmongering empire however is coming to an end, when Jesus Christ returns and establishes His Father's Kingdom (or perhaps when Russia and China nuke you to the stone-age). Learn to serve a King, because soon you're going to become a subject. All that talk about democrazy and freekdom is going to be flushed down the latrine when Jesus returns. There's no democrazy or freekdom in God's Kingdom.
"It's all about money and guns". Is that the truth? :mock: LA
He thinks it is one of the places, not the ONLY place.
I wonder why all you America haters don't move to another country? :think: