ECT Speaking in tongues


New member
Jeremiah 7:16
Therefore pray not thou for this people,
neither lift up cry nor prayer for them,
neither make intercession to me:
for I will not hear thee.

Jeremiah 11:14
Therefore pray not thou for this people,
neither lift up a cry or prayer for them:
for I will not hear them
in the time that they cry unto me for their trouble.

Jeremiah 14:11
Then said the LORD unto me,
Pray not for this people for their good.

Maybe you're looking at the mirror as you take that these are for you?


New member
Yeah I agree.

Katherine Khulman would be 117 years old now, and Oral Roberts would be 98. I hate it when they don't live for ever.

They probably do too. I am sure the last thing on their minds [literally] was that their teachings were an epic fail. You can throw Dad Hagin into that mix as well - oh, and William Branham, etc.


New member
How do you distinguish the difference
between the will of God and all else?

First, I open the Bible.
Second, e.g., I would not pray 'Lord, make me a millionaire' because I do not see an example of such or even an implication of such prayer in the Bible.
Third, I ask the Holy Spirit to direct my prayers the way they're supposed to be.

But that's just me.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
Jeremiah 7:16
Therefore pray not thou for this people,
neither lift up cry nor prayer for them,
neither make intercession to me:
for I will not hear thee.

Jeremiah 11:14
Therefore pray not thou for this people,
neither lift up a cry or prayer for them:
for I will not hear them
in the time that they cry unto me for their trouble.

Jeremiah 14:11
Then said the LORD unto me,
Pray not for this people for their good.

We are now living, in what Paul says is, "The Dispensation of Grace." Both Jew and Gentile are under "The Grace Gospel."


Well-known member
So do you believe that Peter understood the language that the gentiles spoke in?

Wouldn't be much of a sign if they didn't. If the circumcised believers in Cornelius' house hadn't heard at least one actual, identifiable language that those Gentiles otherwise would not have spoken, they wouldn't have had reason to believe it was of God, now would they.

Likewise, if people never hear actual, identifiable languages from you, they have no reason to believe you're anything more than a vain lying boaster.

Of course you could fix all that tonight. Got a camera and mic built into your computer?


New member
They probably do too. I am sure the last thing on their minds [literally] was that their teachings were an epic fail. You can throw Dad Hagin into that mix as well - oh, and William Branham, etc.

Where's a puddy tat when you need one?


New member
No one would think that faith in healing leads to healing. Faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.

Which has to do with salvation, not getting healed.

Who is this tweety twit? Never seen him, before.

The one who said, "I tawt I taw a puddy tat"

Do you remember when Peter denied Jesus three times, after healing and casting out spirits?

Is that just a random thought or did you have point?
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Well-known member

Is that just a random thought or did you have point?[/QUOTE]

He's like many here, throwing out every possible distraction and rabbit trail to avoid the real issue: no proof for his boasting.


New member
Wouldn't be much of a sign if they didn't. If the circumcised believers in Cornelius' house hadn't heard at least one actual, identifiable language that those Gentiles otherwise would not have spoken, they wouldn't have had reason to believe it was of God, now would they.

Likewise, if people never hear actual, identifiable languages from you, they have no reason to believe you're anything more than a vain lying boaster.

Of course you could fix all that tonight. Got a camera and mic built into your computer?

1 Corinthians 14:14 For if I pray in a tongue, my spirit prays, but my understanding is unfruitful.


If Paul's spirit is praying to God, why does he need a specific earthly language that he doesn't understand in order to pray to God?

You have to remember that his Spirit is communicating to God, not men.

Now musty, spend a few minutes thinking about this. Don't just respond with nonsense like usual.


New member
Which has to do with salvation, not getting healed.

Without a word there can be no hope.

Tbe one who said, "I tawt I taw a puddy tat"

Do you remember when Peter denied Jesus three times, after healing and casting out spirits?

Is that just a random thought or did you have point?

I think it went over your head.


New member
Yes, but that does not mean that He ceased healing in these modern times, IMO.

Who says God is not healing today? God has healed and done miracles since creation. Surely you don't think that non-Pentecostals do not believe in the miraculous power of God? :shocked::confused:


Well-known member
Who says God is not healing today? God has healed and done miracles since creation. Surely you don't think that non-Pentecostals do not believe in the miraculous power of God? :shocked::confused:

I'm convinced God still heals directly, as He chooses. There's just no miraculous sign gift of healing given to healers.