ECT Speaking in tongues


New member
I can show you from scripture that tongues shall cease when that which is perfect is come, but you've denied it over and over. You have never approved of a more excellent way. Today would be no different.

Obviously you'll assume that that which is perfect is a bible, which people starting to be able to buy and read a few hundred years ago, yes?


New member
Yep; I get the same great feeling from jogging.

Adrenal high is all that is and it is based on a happening in the flesh of one sort or another.

But it "feels like" so it must be..

They are so busy walking by sight; the Scripture ends up of no use to such other than for their reading their emotional high into the passages.

Notions of the fleshly mind is what this foolishness of theirs is.

1 Corinthians 12:1 Now concerning spiritual gifts, brethren, I would not have you ignorant. 12:2 Ye know that ye were Gentiles, carried away unto these dumb idols, even as ye were led.


1 Corinthians 14:1 Pursue love, and desire spiritual gifts, but especially that you may prophesy.

You're welcome to hate the gifts.


New member
Hi and MUSTERION brought it to you BUT you will never make a video and put it lon TOL as your PROOF !!

At least my mother had the nerve to say to me , it was the FLESH and always very Emotional !!

dan p

Paul explained that no one understands the tongue except God, so how will it help you.
I can't help it if your mum didn't know her bible.


New member
Look back earlier in your day - honestly - you built yourself up both in your own, and in the eyes of your fellow, confused, walk by sighters :chuckle:

I put zero value on your opinion, because its in denial of scripture.

"FELT closer to god" didn't you?

Yes, but you won't understand that.


New member
Yes, if we could get them to fess up and be honest, we will find out the stats below:

Tongue Talking- 100% of the time
Prophesying- 0%
Interpreting tongues- 0%
Healing- 0%

Why? Cause tongue talking makes THEM feel good and helps no one else.

Wrong, I've moved in all those gifts. Tongues is a part of private worship, and is a powerful aid t prayer, so at home I speak in tongues a LOT.
But think about this, if tongues was useless nonsense that accomplished nothing, no one would bother with it.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
Paul explained that no one understands the tongue except God, so how will it help you.
I can't help it if your mum didn't know her bible.

Poor ole Andycnotruth, your ignorance has gotten the best of you, my friend. You're caught up in the Charismatic movement and can't see a way out. I feel for ya, Andy. You've been listening to the wrong people and they've convinced you that you're on the right path. Instead, you're hung up in a "web of deceit." You're a victim of your own emotions.


New member
It's his private prayer language, so he doesn't need an interpreter!

God knows all languages, yet andy's spirit prayeth in this jumbled up vernacular...wonder why andy's spirit doesn't just pray in English?

Explained further back in the thread.
How can your spirit pray in English if your mind is uncertain of what the situation is (Rom 8:26)?

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
Wrong, I've moved in all those gifts. Tongues is a part of private worship, and is a powerful aid t prayer, so at home I speak in tongues a LOT.
But think about this, if tongues was useless nonsense that accomplished nothing, no one would bother with it.

Yeah, they would, if they convinced themselves it's something outside of their control. I'm afraid there's a possibility your own mind is playing tricks on you.


New member
At Pentecost, the assembled Jews heard them speak each in his own language. .

But were not edified by it. Instead they mock, as Paul said they would. It was Peter's sermon that got their serious attention.

That happens today only anecdotally, never on video.

That alone proves modern "tongues" is a sham.

Unless you're so emotionally invested in the high that admitting you're wrong is not an option.

Once again, Paul said that NO ONE understands the tongue except God. You really don't want to accept this fact.

Ex-charismatics, WHO CAN STILL DO IT PERFECTLY, will tell you that's what it's really all about (and as soon as they do, they're written off as "never were REAL tongues talkers").

That suggests one of two things: either all tongues talkers are deliberate liars, or they are gravely deluded to the point on irrationality. Take yer pick

Do what perfectly?

When a person prays in a tongue, their spirit prays. An unbeliever could pray in English, and it might seem sincere, but it isn't.


New member


The majority of Pentecostals would condemn this kind of showy stuff, and you wouldn't see it in the vast majority of Pentecostal churches.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
Yeah, they would, if they convinced themselves it's something outside of their control. I'm afraid there's a possibility your own mind is playing tricks on you.

Personally, I don't believe the sign gifts exist today in this Dispensation of Grace. Why, because, we have the Bible (the written word of God) and we have the indwelling Holy Spirit. Therefore, there are a few possibilities for the presence of these, so-called "gifts" today:

1) They are created in one's own mind.
2) They are created when people get together in a group and mass Hypnosis takes place.
3) They are created counterfeit gifts coming from demonic sources.

These are but three possibilities that must be taken into consideration.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
I've observed a myriad of Charismatic shenanigans and I've yet to see a blind man healed, a man crippled all his life walk, a withered up hand or foot made whole, a person with a terminal disease healed, etc. In fact, there isn't ANY proof afterward that ANY good was shown by any of these "Healers." They never provide adequate Doctor reports, after the fact. Guys like Benny Hinn and several other so-called "Healers" are complete and utter "Charlatans." They bring in tons of cash and give back only empty promises.


New member
So andyc has not posted a video of him preaching to Sudanese where they understand him in their own tongue, and I hear it in English?

11 Cretans and Arabs—we hear them speaking in our own tongues the wonderful works of God.”

Therefore tongues are for a sign, not to those who believe but to unbelievers; but prophesying is not for unbelievers but for those who believe.

OK for a third time, lets educate you ignoramuses.

Paul said in verse 23 - "if the whole church comes together in one place, and all speak with tongues, and there come in those who are uninformed or unbelievers, will they not say that you are out of your mind?"

And so speaking in tongues is negative where unbelievers are concerned. It's the same issue that the 120 had when they all spoke in tongues on the day of Pentecost. No one was impressed, they all mocked.
And so when Paul states that tongues are a sign for unbelievers, he's talking about a negative sign. And this is the reason why people should not be speaking in tongues when there are unbelievers unless there is an interpretation.

Paul quotes Isaiah 28.....
11 For with stammering lips and another tongue He will speak to this people, 12 To whom He said, "This is the rest with which You may cause the weary to rest," And, "This is the refreshing"; Yet they would not hear. 13 But the word of the LORD was to them, "Precept upon precept, precept upon precept, Line upon line, line upon line, Here a little, there a little," That they might go and fall backward, and be broken And snared and caught.

Paul is quoting Isaiah to explain the fact that the Holy Spirit was to bring rest to those who accepted the word of God, but because the Israelites previously rejected the word, other tongues were a sign of judgement. The Assyrians and Babylonians speaking in other tongues were a sign that their unbelief was being judged.
This is why Paul told the church not to speak in another tongue in the church with unbelievers, because the negative sign to them was unnecessary, because the time was right for judgement.


New member
What's the most serious illness you have healed? And was it immediate healing?

It's not people who can heal. We simply pray the prayer of faith. I personally do not lay hands on people unless they specifically ask me, but I saw a drug addict healed immediately after prayer, a person in bondage to depression for years, I myself told chronic asthma to leave while I was in hospital in the emergency ward. It left and never came back. I have cast out spirits. One night they manifested in a person's apartment, and I cast them out. This person then slept for the first time in peace after a long time of fear and torment.

None of this matters to you guys cause you don't believe it. So no point asking, is there?