Silicon Valley Leaders’ Plea to Democrats: Anyone but Sanders

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Credo in Unum Deum
Silicon Valley Leaders’ Plea to Democrats: Anyone but Sanders

SAN FRANCISCO — The Silicon Valley enterprise capitalist Keith Rabois, onstage in January at a tech convention, mentioned his first selection for president was a Democrat, Pete Buttigieg.

And, certain, it will be a detailed name for Joseph R. Biden Jr. over President Trump. But Bernie Sanders?

At that, Mr. Rabois, who has been a prime government at or invested in LinkedIn, Sq., Yelp and PayPal, balked. Talking to the gang, he drew the road at democratic socialism. (Mr. Buttigieg ended his marketing campaign on Sunday evening.)

“I would definitely vote for Trump over Sanders,” Mr. Rabois declared

He would definitely vote for Trump over Sanders. Sanders will destroy that party and the economy. Even liberals know that, except for a few pure idiots.

The Sanders Campaign Needs to End, Now
The risks of continuing outweigh the rewards.
MARCH 18, 2020