Silicon Valley Leaders’ Plea to Democrats: Anyone but Sanders


You're just taking back what's yours.

If workers seize the means of production and confiscate the wealth of the owner class, they would simply be taking back the excess value that they produced which the bourgeoisie appropriated from them.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
... the excess value that they produced ...

sorry - that "excess value" doesn't exist absent the bourgeoisie that you claim appropriated it

if you think it does, go create it on your own, without them

Open your own co-operatively owned pizza parlor and run it so well that all the capitalist pizza parlors are driven out of business. Let your workers draw from the pot what they think they are worth. Let your customers pay you what they think your pizzas are worth.

Nobody is stopping you from putting your beliefs into action. Go for it!

Trump Gurl

Credo in Unum Deum
He would definitely vote for Trump over Sanders.[/U] Sanders will destroy that party and the economy. Even liberals know that, except for a few pure idiots.
It is hard to imagine how utterly stupid someone would have to be to like that dictator loving communist. Trump destroying that man utterly will be the best thing that could happen to America

Everything I see in this thread only confirms and reaffirms those two quotes.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
Come crying to me about morals when the capitalists voluntarily pay their workers a living wage out of the kindness of their hearts.

Do you really think the capitalists are going belly up over Bernie Sanders? Do you really think they are just walking away from what they have because of a politician?

User Name

Greatest poster ever
No... are you anywhere near having a point?

Perhaps you are beginning to see why it is so ridiculous to call social security, Medicare, etc., "theft." They are basically all forms of insurance. As such, they are there for you if/when you need them. They are not "theft."