Silicon Valley Leaders’ Plea to Democrats: Anyone but Sanders


Well-known member
"It's hard to imagine how stupid you would have to be to want inexpensive, quality universal healthcare, a right to a good paying job and a habitable planet."

Yeah. You'd have to be really stupid to want those things. #sarcasm

"Wanting" and 'getting' aren't quite the same thing. Every veteran stuck with VA health benefits would love, they tell me, to opt out for capitalist health options.

Above you say "inexpensive" and "quality" but they didn't receive either with Obama nor is such, at this time possible. Rather, it is banking on the 'promise' but it can be demonstrated that 1) it isn't true as yet and 2) that it is a lie regardless. Who wants a politician that will lie to them just for the quick fix? Answer: (obvious and you've said it - somebody of a certain frame of mind, but 'not me.')


"Wanting" and 'getting' aren't quite the same thing. Every veteran stuck with VA health benefits would love, they tell me, to opt out for capitalist health options.

What is it with right wingers and the VA?

Nobody is proposing VA for all.

It's literally called medicare for all.

If you are going to criticize the proposal, then at least criticize what is actually being proposed.

But of course you can't do that, because medicare is widely popular and it works just fine.

Above you say "inexpensive" and "quality" but they didn't receive either with Obama nor is such, at this time possible. Rather, it is banking on the 'promise' but it can be demonstrated that 1) it isn't true as yet and 2) that it is a lie regardless. Who wants a politician that will lie to them just for the quick fix? Answer: (obvious and you've said it - somebody of a certain frame of mind, but 'not me.')

We already have medicare. It's far more efficient than the private sector.

And again, I'll repeat this:


That is a FACT.


Well-known member
What is it with right wingers and the VA?

Nobody is proposing VA for all.

It's literally called medicare for all.

If you are going to criticize the proposal, then at least criticize what is actually being proposed.

But of course you can't do that, because medicare is widely popular and it works just fine.
You have a romanticized unrealistic view. Did Obamacare work? Was it better or worse than VA healthcare? I can give you a clue, but your 'rosey-colored' lenses are preventing you from seeing reality.

We already have medicare. It's far more efficient than the private sector.

And again, I'll repeat this:


That is a FACT.
So, and what? In the U.S. every (EVERY) person that calls 911 with health risk goes to the hospital. EVERY one of them has a payment plan. I'm not opposed to ideas. I am opposed to a romanticized version of what is possible and plausible. You've gone that extra mile and advocated Communism or pretty much anything but capitalism so I cannot expect much in the way of reasonable from you. You just do NOT deal in realities. The next generation doesn't either and you will be at the mercy of every poor decision. Jesus said "You will always (ALWAYS) have the poor among you. Watch a few of the videos in your "Stay Home Oldies!" thread. You MAY wake up a bit more than you seem able to be here.

Trump Gurl

Credo in Unum Deum
Silicon Valley Leaders’ Plea to Democrats: Anyone but Sanders

SAN FRANCISCO — The Silicon Valley enterprise capitalist Keith Rabois, onstage in January at a tech convention, mentioned his first selection for president was a Democrat, Pete Buttigieg.

And, certain, it will be a detailed name for Joseph R. Biden Jr. over President Trump. But Bernie Sanders?

At that, Mr. Rabois, who has been a prime government at or invested in LinkedIn, Sq., Yelp and PayPal, balked. Talking to the gang, he drew the road at democratic socialism. (Mr. Buttigieg ended his marketing campaign on Sunday evening.)

“I would definitely vote for Trump over Sanders,” Mr. Rabois declared

He would definitely vote for Trump over Sanders. Sanders will destroy that party and the economy. Even liberals know that, except for a few pure idiots.

NYT: Big Tech Executives Tell Dems ‘Anyone but Sanders

The New York Times writes in an article titled “Silicon Valley Leaders’ Plea to Democrats: Anyone but Sanders,” that following the departure of Silicon Valley’s preferred candidate from the Democratic presidential nomination race, Silicon Valley leaders are panicking. Pete Buttigieg was heavily favored by many in Silicon Valley as explained by Breitbart Tech senior reporter Allum Bokhari, but after the candidate dropped out this week, tech executives had just one request of the Democrats: “nominate anyone except Bernie Sanders, please.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
NYT: Big Tech Executives Tell Dems ‘Anyone but Sanders

The New York Times writes in an article titled “Silicon Valley Leaders’ Plea to Democrats: Anyone but Sanders,” that following the departure of Silicon Valley’s preferred candidate from the Democratic presidential nomination race, Silicon Valley leaders are panicking. Pete Buttigieg was heavily favored by many in Silicon Valley as explained by Breitbart Tech senior reporter Allum Bokhari, but after the candidate dropped out this week, tech executives had just one request of the Democrats: “nominate anyone except Bernie Sanders, please.





What I said is that Adolf Hitler pursued economic policies which resulted in close to 100% male employment rates and built the autobahn.

Are you not a fan of nearly universal male employment rates and building large scale interstate systems?


Well-known member
What I said is that Adolf Hitler pursued economic policies which resulted in close to 100% male employment rates and built the autobahn.

Are you not a fan of nearly universal male unemployment rates and building large scale interstate systems?

Psalm 20: 1 May the Lord answer you when you are in distress;
may the name of the God of Jacob protect you.
2 May he send you help from the sanctuary
and grant you support from Zion.
3 May he remember all your sacrifices
and accept your burnt offerings.[b]
4 May he give you the desire of your heart
and make all your plans succeed.
5 May we shout for joy over your victory
and lift up our banners in the name of our God.

May the Lord grant all your requests.

6 Now this I know:
The Lord gives victory to his anointed.
He answers him from his heavenly sanctuary
with the victorious power of his right hand.
7 Some trust in chariots and some in horses,
but we trust in the name of the Lord our God.
8 They are brought to their knees and fall,
but we rise up and stand firm.
9 Lord, give victory to the king!
Answer us when we call!


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
Also, don't forget.

Bernie Sanders IS the compromise candidate.

I want to see the billionaires and corporate CEOs thrown in jail, the nationalization of many industries and corporations and the total confiscation of all wealth of the billionaire/owner class. translation: I want to be a perpetual adolescent! I would be surprised if a lot of people my age don't agree with me.

Bernie Sanders is proposing a modest wealth tax and a milquetoast social democratic economic agenda.

Bernie sanders IS TOO OLD to be president and he is too dumb to be a serious senator. He is an old old man and should get himself a rocking chair and get out is everyone's' way.

Someone else who is TOO OLD, Joe Biden! He is senile, anyone awake can see it. He is an old old man and should get himself a rocking chair and get out is everyone's' way.

Donald Trump needs to finish his presidency then go play golf. In four more year he will be an old old man and should get himself a rocking char and get out is everyone's' way.

The rest of that gab you have written?
:listen: The natural order of things is the powerful are the rich and this is something one comes to accept as a sign of maturity. All kids hate rich people, yet the strongest and smartest grow rich and look back and laugh at themselves.:wave:


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
When a person CHOOSES to buy insurance, that is legit.

When a person is FORCED to buy insurance, that is WRONG!

He's right.
Forced car and medical insurance is a nanny state mentality. :sheep:I hate a nanny state! If someone chooses to drive without insurance, that person has the right to do so, but if he wrecks my car, then I have the right to his money, or if he hasn't money, the profit of his labor. The nanny state is the result of a permissive :loser:society, which refuses to properly punish wrongdoers, so that the state behaviour-manages people by creating sheltered mandates like forced insurance where a more wealthy entity takes care of a less well off citizen. Truth be known if anyone has the wealth they can post bond and choose legally not to have insurance. Therefore, in a nanny state, people are punished for not being wealthy!

Anyone who supports the working class should hate the nanny state!

Trump Gurl

Credo in Unum Deum
He's right.
Forced car and medical insurance is a nanny state mentality. :sheep:I hate a nanny state! If someone chooses to drive without insurance, that person has the right to do so, but if he wrecks my car, then I have the right to his money, or if he hasn't money, the profit of his labor. The nanny state is the result of a permissive :loser:society, which refuses to properly punish wrongdoers, so that the state behaviour-manages people by creating sheltered mandates like forced insurance where a more wealthy entity takes care of a less well off citizen. Truth be known if anyone has the wealth they can post bond and choose legally not to have insurance. Therefore, in a nanny state, people are punished for not being wealthy!

Anyone who supports the working class should hate the nanny state!

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