The last vote that counted for me in liberal CA was Reagan...twice.
If ...
"...the people that voted for him do hold a measure of culpability in his lawlessness." -- rocketman
You are in trouble.
See Iran-Contra Scandal.
If corruption is the issue what are you doing to change it? Not voting won't get it done..
Are we voting about the corruption? No. Ergo, voting, especially in a rigged system, will not likely end corruption. However, you will be interested to know that there are other forms of civil engagement, political and non-political. What I'm doing specifically is irrelevant. argument is not to say you do not have the right to abstain from voting, liberty says you do but, complaining about the system that you are too apathetic or lazy to take part in seems a bit of a oxymoron.
I wish for a moment you could understand that just because someone doesn't vote it doesn't necessarily mean they are apathetic or lazy, and that just because someone does vote it doesn't necessarily mean that they are not too apathetic or lazy to take part in more meaningful forms of civil engagement that requires more than just pushing a candidate and then pushing a button.
Freedom of speech gives you the right to complain but, if you are not exercising that same right to invoke change than what is the point of complaining? you are not vested in stemming the tide of corruption with the one tool in your bag to begin with. Are you understanding my POV at all? I am just as frustrated as anyone with the corruption in our government but, not giving the one voice I do have makes complaining rather pointless.
You want me to use a broken tool that only one of us seems to understand is broken. If you understood the tool was broken, you wouldn't ask me to use it, and you would not tell me I had no right to complain the tool is broken unless I used it.
Change can happen but, it certainly won't if people just complain but do not voice it through their one vote.
When do you expect your vote will end abortion, and do you think I have a right to complain about abortion if I don't vote? I don't believe voting will have any effect on abortion.
Show me a human being which is not corrupt in one fashion or another...we are not voting on a messiah, we are voting to get the men/women we see best fit to lead our towns, cities, states, and nation.
Rather, generally, you are voting in a member of an oligarchy who will use his position for self-enrichment and for the benefit of his or her associates.
What means are you invoking change of leadership except through your one vote?
Do you think going back and forth between two parties is a change in leadership? I don't. So why on earth would I want to engage in a charade as if I do?
But, it was an elected official who's mind was changed, no?
Yes. It matters not who voted for her; she was stopped by activism.
elohiym said:
Women couldn't vote in the U.S. until 1920, right?
And obviously women cared enough about not having their voice heard at the ballot box that it was changed.
Are you missing the point that prior to 1920 they changed the political system without voting?
Don't you see the gift you have been given? to live in a free nation where you even have the right to vote? to have a say in who is representing you? It is a shame that people have fought and died for you to have that right, yet you think it a common thing, people in some countries don't even have a vote.
First, I am a disabled combat veteran, so it is a shame you would use my fallen brothers to disparage me. Second, millions of people
in this country don't have the right to vote. For example, citizens in U.S. territories do not have representation in Congress and do not have electoral votes for President.
Read the preamble to the Declaration Of Independence..."That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed"
I've read the entire document. Have you read Romans 13:1-7?
What you have today is government controlled by an oligarchy, deriving unjust powers by manipulating and exploiting the citizens. Whether you vote donkey or elephant, you're getting a pig.