I did... apathy is apathy... and indifference is indifference how does service to ones country end? By deciding that you don't care any more?
You really double-stepped in it, now. :doh:
You think not voting is not caring or making a difference?
You really think the passive lever pulling you do is passionate and makes a difference? LOL It's pretty apathetic, especially considering your vote happens in a vote rigged system.
( :sam: to let us steal your vote.)
I am not the one that is proudly proclaiming my apathy...for shame indeed!
Non-voting is hardly that, especially when (without it coming to a vote) you now automatically are registered to vote.
... to say you have checked out on this nation because it just does not matter anyway is by definition apathy.
But that's not what's going on. Do you think people can't have a voice if they can't vote? As if.
Why do you want to use a rigged system?
Why assume people who don't vote don't want to. Maybe they do but know better than to right now. Ever thought of that??
So your answer is to give up, do absolutely nothing, to allow evil to prevail without dissent from the citizenry at all?
Absolutely not.
But voting isn't fixing our problems they are only getting worse.
Sorry 1PM, I cannot just give up...not in my nature.
Neither can I. I'm just moving on a different strategy.
Even if my vote is an exercise in futility which seems to be your assertion, I will stand for what is right & good till I take my last breath.
Then stand by what is right and good. How can you call a stolen vote good? I don't know... but do what you must.