Should voting be mandatory?


Hall of Fame
Yes, and I that is, even though the system may be all the above mentioned but, not voting at all also means you have no right to complain about what you get, given you have shirked your duty out of apathy. Your vote in essence is that you get exactly what you put into it ...nothing, ergo you have waived your right to complain over a process that you freely choose to not take part in. If you have given up that means you concede which also means you should refrain from complaining about it.



Well-known member
...voters have actually earned the right to complain.
This idea that we earn rights through voting is new to me. Perhaps you can elaborate.
Simple ... voting is an activity for responsible grown ups who are concerned about society as a whole rather than just what is going on in their own little world.

That doesn't answer the question. You need to explain how my vote allegedly gives me a right to complain I otherwise don't have. Since you have belligerently conceded the fact that I have a right to free speech, your point fails like your political system.

The rights I am concerned about are inalienable and should be unaffected by voting, and the system I deserve should protect those rights whether I vote or not. Furthermore, the issues I am most concerned about cannot be changed through voting at this time, if ever.

Have you been able to vote abortion out of existence, or is it just a talking point you argue during an election cycle prior to you casting a vote for another corporate lackey and patting yourself on the back for thinking you've made a difference?


Well-known member
Your vote in essence is that you get exactly what you put into it ...nothing, ergo you have waived your right to complain over a process that you freely choose to not take part in. If you have given up that means you concede which also means you should refrain from complaining about it.

What did military service in combat for the U.S. earn me? Do I get to complain about wars but not you? And if I chose to not vote for corporate lackeys, have I somehow lost the rights I believed I was risking my life to defend for the both of us?


Well-known member
... voters as compared to those who stick their heads in the sand and pull it out long enough to complain...

What do you do besides vote? Probably not much.

I could care less who gets in any office because they are all corrupt or corruptible. What I care about is what they do while in office, which can be affected by political action other than voting. :duh:

Obviously you've never written a letter to the government and had them comply with your requests. I have done that more than once because I don't sit with my head in the sand waiting to vote in a fixed election of corporate lackeys.

But if doing that makes you feel superior and keeps you busy, vote away. :thumb:

Simon Baker

This idea that we earn rights through voting is new to me. Perhaps you can elaborate.

Perhaps Only Intelligent, Good People, With High Morals, Values And Wisdom Should Be Mandated To Vote. Only After Being Educated And Informed Of Issues And Candidates.


Resident Rocket Surgeon
Hall of Fame
What did military service in combat for the U.S. earn me?

The thanks & respect of your countryman...:salute:

Do I get to complain about wars but not you?

If you feel you must but, you have all the more right to complain if you voted for or against the persons running the war , no?

And if I chose to not vote for corporate lackeys, have I somehow lost the rights I believed I was risking my life to defend for the both of us?

If you voted against the corporate lackeys, you would have a reason to point out the faults or complain but, if you decided not to vote at get what you get, quit complaining, you didn't complain when you had a chance at the voting booth...savvy?


Well-known member
Perhaps Only Intelligent, Good People, With High Morals, Values And Wisdom Should Be Mandated To Vote. Only After Being Educated And Informed Of Issues And Candidates.

The problem with voting for candidates is the corruption of the candidates and the electoral system; the problem with voting for issues is the loss of privacy through voter registration databases being sold to corporations. The former problem cannot be fixed easily, if ever; the latter problem can be easily fixed to increase voter turnout, myself included.

More can be done to affect change by non-voting political action at this time. For example, we're not going to vote whether voting should be mandatory; this will be settled through political action, like this public discussion. Recently, bills for vaccination mandates were killed in Oregon and Washington due to non-voting political action.


Well-known member
If you feel you must but, you have all the more right to complain if you voted for or against the persons running the war , no?

I think it's more complicated than that. Many questions come to mind, like ... If someone voted for Obama are they culpable for his acts? I wouldn't seek the right to complain if it comes with culpability.

If you chose not to vote against the corporate lackeys, you would have a reason to point out the faults or complain...

Reason and right as a citizen. I did more than cast some votes, I put my life on the line for this nation. But it's not choosing to "not vote against the corporate lackeys." If you've cast a vote in your lifetime, it's always been for a corporate lackey or resulted in the corporate lackey winning. Would you disagree?

but, if you decided not to vote at get what you get, quit complaining, you didn't complain when you had a chance at the voting booth...savvy?

I see that as a non sequitur. Instead of voting for chocolate, vanilla or a woman, I affect change through other means. Do you do more than vote?


Resident Rocket Surgeon
Hall of Fame
I think it's more complicated than that. Many questions come to mind, like ... If someone voted for Obama are they culpable for his acts? I wouldn't seek the right to complain if it comes with culpability.

Maybe not the first time given he was a virtual unknown 2 year senator but, the second time after people knew he was an oppressive ideologue empirical president? I would say yes, the people that voted for him do hold a measure of culpability in his lawlessness.

Reason and right as a citizen. I did more than cast some votes, I put my life on the line for this nation.

Yes, you put your life on the line for this nation, it's people, and your brothers in arms, not for some snake oil salesman politician. Your service to the nation and your vote as a citizen of this nation are mutually exclusive, not related unless you were fighting for the right to have a vote so, your service is really not related to whether you have earned the right to complain about the leaders if you are not even in the tally when the votes for that person are counted.

But it's not choosing to "not vote against the corporate lackeys." If you've cast a vote in your lifetime, it's always been for a corporate lackey or resulted in the corporate lackey winning. Would you disagree?

Yes, I would disagree. Not all the people that aspire to lead this nation are, or have been, bought & sold though I would concede that it is sadly moving that direction. Just look at the candidates that are hated by both RINO's & Democrats alike, and you have probably landed on a person of principle that intends on shaking the status quo, that is why they are hated.

I see that as a non sequitur. Instead of voting for chocolate, vanilla or a woman, I affect change through other means.

Of course you do because you want to justify not being involved in the process whilst retaining the right to complain about it. I get it...

Do you do more than vote?

You bet, If I believe in a candidate I will campaign for them, donate if I feel led but, I can say it has been quite awhile since I have seen anyone that excites me beyond just a vote on election day, that includes local & state races as well. If you don't vote you are essentially saying I don't care, I'll take whatever the citizenry that does vote gives are without voice, power, and your complaints afterwards are essentially without merit.


Hall of Fame
I could care less who gets in any office because they are all corrupt or corruptible.

I couldn't care less that you could care less. It doesn't change the FACT that someone who cares so little or is too lazy to vote is without justification when they whine about the leaders and the policies of the country.


New member
Objectively, I don't think voting should be a mandate but I would like to see who would win if everyone voted. If all the candidates, even non-democratic or republican got similar air time and they all got to take part in nationally televised debates, then I predict the outcome would be very surprising if every U.S. citizen voted.


Well-known member
It doesn't change the FACT that someone who cares so little or is too lazy to vote is without justification when they whine about the leaders and the policies of the country.

Saying it over and over doesn't make it a fact.

And what do you do besides vote? Probably nothing.


Well-known member
Perhaps Only Intelligent, Good People, With High Morals, Values And Wisdom Should Be Mandated To Vote. Only After Being Educated And Informed Of Issues And Candidates.

Basically we've been there, done that. Check out the history of voting in the U.S.