Should the government take away my children if I deliberately involve them in ...


New member
If anybody is abusing anybody is the government from where all these children are escaping from.

It is them. It is NOT us.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
If anybody is abusing anybody is the government from where all these children are escaping from.

It is them. It is NOT us.

not a peep from the left about that, eh?

although, the CBC was covering some nonsense going on in Venezuela this morning


like marbles on glass


like marbles on glass
George Takei: 'At Least During the Internment ...' Are Words I Thought I'd Never Utter
I was sent to a camp at just five years old — but even then, they didn't separate children from families
BY GEORGE TAKEI | JUNE 19, 2018, 9:00 AM

Imagine this scene: Tens of thousands of people, mostly families with children, are labeled by the government as a threat to our nation, used as political tools by opportunistic politicians, and caught in a vast gray zone where their civil and human rights are erased by the presumption of universal guilt. Thousands are moved around to makeshift detention centers and sites, where camps are thrown together with more regard to the bottom line than the humanity of the new residents.

That is America today, at our southern border, which asylum-seekers and undocumented migrants alike are seeking to cross. But it is also America in late 1941, in the aftermath of Pearl Harbor, when overnight my community, my family, and I became the enemy because we happened to look like those who had dropped the bombs. And yet, in one core, horrifying way this is worse. At least during the internment of Japanese-Americans, I and other children were not stripped from our parents. We were not pulled screaming from our mothers’ arms. We were not left to change the diapers of younger children by ourselves.

At least during the internment, when I was just five years old, I was not taken from my parents. My family was sent to a racetrack for several weeks to live in a horse stall, but at least we had each other. At least during the internment, my parents were able to place themselves between the horror of what we were facing and my own childish understanding of our circumstances. They told us we were “going on a vacation to live with the horsies.” And when we got to Rohwer camp, they again put themselves between us and the horror, so that we would never fully appreciate the grim reality of the mosquito-infested swamp into which we had been thrown. At least during the internment, we remained a family, and I credit that alone for keeping the scars of our unjust imprisonment from deepening on my soul.

I cannot for a moment imagine what my childhood would have been like had I been thrown into a camp without my parents. That this is happening today fills me with both rage and grief: rage toward a failed political leadership who appear to have lost even their most basic humanity, and a profound grief for the families affected.


The Barbarian

Fox & Friends host Brian Kilmeade came to the defense of President Trump on Friday for his policy of forced family separation at the border between the U.S. and Mexico. Trump ended the policy with an executive order Wednesday, but the horror for many separated families is not going to end soon.

In his comments, Kilmeade defended Trump’s “zero tolerance” immigration policy as a way to send a message to would-be migrants in other countries. As for the separation of families, which could do real and lasting damage to many parents and children, Kilmeade brushed it off because the children aren’t Americans.

“Like it or not, these aren’t our kids,” Kilmeade said. “Show them compassion, but it’s not like he’s doing this to the people of Idaho or Texas. These are people from another country.”

And this wreck of a human being still has a job at FOX.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
Fox & Friends host Brian Kilmeade came to the defense of President Trump on Friday for his policy of forced family separation at the border between the U.S. and Mexico. Trump ended the policy with an executive order Wednesday, but the horror for many separated families is not going to end soon.

In his comments, Kilmeade defended Trump’s “zero tolerance” immigration policy as a way to send a message to would-be migrants in other countries. As for the separation of families, which could do real and lasting damage to many parents and children, Kilmeade brushed it off because the children aren’t Americans.

“Like it or not, these aren’t our kids,” Kilmeade said. “Show them compassion, but it’s not like he’s doing this to the people of Idaho or Texas. These are people from another country.

And this wreck of a human being still has a job at FOX.

at least he recognizes that they are people, unlike that racist trump


New member
Guatemala, Honduras and El Salvador which are the source of most of these refugees, experienced civil wars during the 1980's has now resulted in "failed states" where gang violence has spiralled out of control!
The FACTS show that Mexico is the source of most of these ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS.
Top 10 Countries of Origin (2000-2012) of Immigrants Living in the United States Illegally
Country Population
1. Mexico 4,680,000
2. El Salvador 430,000
3. Guatemala 290,000
7. Honduras 160,000

Country Population
1. Mexico 5,970,000
2. El Salvador 470,000
3. Guatemala 370,000
8. Honduras 180,000

Country Population
1. Mexico 7,030,000
2. El Salvador 570,000
3. Guatemala 430,000
5. Honduras 300,000

Country Population
1. Mexico 6,720,000
2. El Salvador 690,000
3. Guatemala 560,000
4. Honduras 360,000