Should the government take away my children if I deliberately involve them in ...


Teenage Adaptive Ninja Turtle
Hall of Fame
Oh really, oh Bible expert?

Over in the ETC Forum, the MADs prove with just about their every reply to just about every one of your posts that you often haven't a clue as to the whole of a picture on one thing or another in Scripture.

Wow. Danoh hates MAD, huh? :chuckle:

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New member
Danoh;5249185]Oh really, oh Bible expert?

Over in the ETC Forum, the MADs prove with just about their every reply to just about every one of your posts that you often haven't a clue as to the whole of a picture on one thing or another in Scripture.

You have shown yourself gullible and easily led by error as your stance on error ( MAD ) proves over and over and over. Par for the course every time one in MAD is given scripture proving MAD to be in error they go into their routine and pat answer of the scripture doesn't mean what it says because it doesn't fall into the MAD errors. Your loss not mine.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
...what your kind would have referred to as "a brown skinned wet back..."

You have shown yourself gullible and easily led by error as your stance on error ( MAD ) proves over and over and over. Par for the course every time one in MAD is given scripture proving MAD to be in error they go into their routine and pat answer of the scripture doesn't mean what it says because it doesn't fall into the MAD errors. Your loss not mine.

danoh sure does like labelling the people he disagrees with

as well as making unsupportable claims


Well-known member
Perhaps you don't know what "hypocrite" means. I'm suggesting that your accusation needs to be substantiated or retracted.


It's a conclusion based on Trump's legal problems from years ago. He's got some racist baggage that gives her reason to think so.

Stupid conclusions manufactured by the left when Trump decided to run for office. Nary a word about the The Ellis Island Medal of Honor he was awarded in 1986. No a mention by you lefties of the hundreds of personal testimonies he has received from minorities.

On the other hand, I don't see any substance at all to accusations that she wants children sold for sex. If you have it, now would be a good time to show us.

If you and Rusha ever bothered to read anything except the biased main stream media, you would know how many thousands of children were released into the hands of sex traffickers during the Obama era. You don't even know that the "camps" were used by Obama long before they were used by Trump.

And there's the definition for hypocrisy.

Indeed. There is the definition of hypocrisy. I rest my case.

The Barbarian

Barbarian suggests:
Perhaps you don't know what "hypocrite" means. I'm suggesting that your accusation needs to be substantiated or retracted.

(no substantiation forthcoming)

Pity. I did think you were better than that. I gather you realize that everyone knows the accusation is false; Rusha does not advocate what you claimed she does. I'm being kind by not bringing up what you claimed she did.

Hopefully, you'll learn from this.


New member
danoh doesn't seem to have a very good handle on the whole concept of discernment :idunno:


Yep - unlike you, I'm not stuck in the "put on the blindfold of ignorance as to ALL that Scripture has said on a thing, spin around six times really fast, and then attempt to proceed to pin the tail on the donkey of the superstition that is - oh wow, the Lord works in mysterious ways!"

In this, yours is nothing more than the exact pagan superstition repeatedly warned against in Scripture.

Ephesians 4:17 This I say therefore, and testify in the Lord, that ye henceforth walk not as other Gentiles walk, in the vanity of their mind, 4:18 Having the understanding darkened, being alienated from the life of God through the ignorance that is in them, because of the blindness of their heart:

Ephesians 5:15 See then that ye walk circumspectly, not as fools, but as wise, 5:16 Redeeming the time, because the days are evil. 5:17 Wherefore be ye not unwise, but understanding what the will of the Lord is.

Rom. 5:6-8.


New member
danoh sure does like labelling the people he disagrees with

as well as making unsupportable claims


You remain...amusing.

Try logging on here absent of labels for things.

Try running a kitchen absent of labels for things.

Try shopping absent of labels for things.

Just as well, try either of those, absent of - appropriate - labels for things.

Trump-Pence supporters have earned their appropriate labels.

Just as you and "your kind" believe yourselves warranted in your labels towards those of us not blind to the ever obvious that "you and yours" are.

But again, I am not attempting to reason with you.

You have consistently proven yours is far too often the wilful attitude of "nobody home" when it comes to pointing out an obvious but to you and, yeah "your kind."



New member
You have shown yourself gullible and easily led by error as your stance on error ( MAD ) proves over and over and over. Par for the course every time one in MAD is given scripture proving MAD to be in error they go into their routine and pat answer of the scripture doesn't mean what it says because it doesn't fall into the MAD errors. Your loss not mine.

As ALL MADs on here (Hybrids and or otherwise, and from the obviously more knowledgeable on one thing or another, to the obviously less so on one thing or another) have CONSISTENTLY proven in just about their every post to "your kind" - you are EVER posting a conclusion on one thing or another based on what is ALWAYS a crystal clear evidence you ONCE MORE failed to consider a thing in light of its WHOLE picture.

You are ever clueless...that you are ever clueless.

Makes for great amusement, though: I'm ever grateful for that much from ya.



New member

Stupid conclusions manufactured by the left when Trump decided to run for office. Nary a word about the The Ellis Island Medal of Honor he was awarded in 1986. No a mention by you lefties of the hundreds of personal testimonies he has received from minorities.

If you and Rusha ever bothered to read anything except the biased main stream media, you would know how many thousands of children were released into the hands of sex traffickers during the Obama era. You don't even know that the "camps" were used by Obama long before they were used by Trump.

Indeed. There is the definition of hypocrisy. I rest my case.


Glazed is still buying Trump's misrepresentations of that Ellis Island "award."

But, what can one expect of a Trump drone who once posted her admiration for her false idol's having been (at least from within her sef-delusion) just an average blue collar guy who through hard work became wealthy...

That deserves another...



New member
As ALL MADs on here (Hybrids and or otherwise, and from the obviously more knowledgeable on one thing or another, to the obviously less so on one thing or another) have CONSISTENTLY proven in just about their every post to "your kind" - you are EVER posting a conclusion on one thing or another based on what is ALWAYS a crystal clear evidence you ONCE MORE failed to consider a thing in light of its WHOLE picture.

You are ever clueless...that you are ever clueless.

Makes for great amusement, though: I'm ever grateful for that much from ya.


Those in Christ trying to get others out of gross error are never amused by the error of others.
Yet you lecture others about how to behave as a christian. You might want to take a long hard look in a mirror. I believe the word that describes you is hypocrite.

The only thing done by Madist is yank scripture out of context, ignore Jesus and promote Paul. The gospels are ignored, and Jesus is removed from His own gospel,sadly.


Well-known member

Glazed is still buying Trump's misrepresentations of that Ellis Island "award."

But, what can one expect of a Trump drone who once posted her admiration for her false idol's having been (at least from within her sef-delusion) just an average blue collar guy who through hard work became wealthy...

That deserves another...


Still can't tell the truth about anything, can ya? I'd be embarrassed if I were you.

Alas, you are your own greatest fan. :nono:


Well-known member
Exactly what you can not but have to resort to - your often two plus two in such a manner that they equal your self-decieved five.


Ah, look how Eddie Haskell laughs at his own jokes.

Over and over and over and over again.


New member
If you and Rusha ever bothered to read anything except the biased main stream media, you would know how many thousands of children were released into the hands of sex traffickers during the Obama era. You don't even know that the "camps" were used by Obama long before they were used by Trump.

Non Sequitur. Because children were released to human traffickers during the Obama era that means that "Rusha would prefer to send those children off with the alleged parents so they can be sold to the sex traders." That's really your argument?

Since Trump is an adulterer and you defend Trump that makes you an adulterer. Is that a good argument?

Indeed. There is the definition of hypocrisy. I rest my case.

Because you feel that Trump was falsely and unfairly accused you falsely and unfairly accuse someone else. Is that hypocrisy?