Should the government take away my children if I deliberately involve them in ...

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
Guatemala, Honduras and El Salvador which are the source of most of these refugees, experienced civil wars during the 1980's has now resulted in "failed states" where gang violence has spiralled out of control!

Given that none of us has any control over where we are born, we could all be placed in those situations where we are forced to escape the horrendous conditions that are forcing these families to flee!

seems to me that once they've made it into mexico, they've escaped the "horrendous conditions" that are making them flee


New member
Trump drones ? Trump has done more for america in 15 months than the last three presidents combined. Could be your hate has simply blinded you to the facts.

Yeah, I tend to have a huge problem with anyone able to impact the lives of that many children for the positive who claims otherwise, goes off to the golf course, and is then forced to prove what a liar he's been, once more.

Or doesn't your false idol's claim to live by the law of God not actually apply to him?

You're supposedly big on James.

James 2:10 For whosoever shall keep the whole law, and yet offend in one point, he is guilty of all.

What point might that be, in this case?

Exodus 22:21 Thou shalt neither vex a stranger, nor oppress him: for ye were strangers in the land of Egypt.

It is ever telling how you Trump supporters pick and choose your morals in accordance with Trump's fraud as your "moral compass."


seems to me that once they've made it into mexico, they've escaped the "horrendous conditions" that are making them flee


Mexico may be marginally safer by comparison, it only has the 20th highest murder rate in the world - but it also lacks the resources to absorb this influx and like the rest of Central America, large areas remain under the control of gangs and drug cartels!

Homicide Rates per 100 000 (2016)
Americas 16.3
Africa 12.5
World 6.2
Europe 3.0
Oceania 3.0
Asia 2.9

Countries With the 10 Highest Murder Rates
1. El Salvador (108.64 per 100,000)

El Salvador has the highest homicide rate in the world at 108.64 murders per 100,000 individuals. Estimates indicate that approximately 60% of these incidents are related to gang activity. Additionally, El Salvador still experiences instability, much of which is a remnant of a destructive civil war which lasted from 1979 until 1992.

2. Honduras (63.75 per 100,000)

Honduras has the world's second highest murder rate, with 63.75 homicides per 100,000 people. San Pedro Sula, in the northwest of the country, is at the center of much of this small Central American country's violence. Unfortunately, Honduras also has the highest incidence of firearm-related deaths in the world.

3. Venezuela (57.15 per 100,000)

Venezuela has the third highest murder rate in the world. The country loses 57.15 people per 100,000 each year to homicide. Caracas, the capital of Venezuela, is known as one of the most dangerous cities in the world. In fact, it is considered the second most murderous city in the world. With increasing political turmoil, this number has been increasing.

6. Belize (34.4 per 100,00)

Although Belize is a popular destination for tourists, it does have one of the highest murder rates in the world, at 34.4 per 100,000 people. Aside from murder, general petty crime is also a concern in Belize.

9. Guatemala (31.21 per 100,000)

Guatemala has 31.21 murders per every 100,000 inhabitants. Gang violence is a big concern in the country. The trafficking of illegal drugs, and a high rate of firearm both are contributing factors to the high crime rate.

20. Mexico (16.35 per 100,000)

81. United States (4.88 per 100,000)

140. Canada (1.68 per 100,000)
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ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
strong catholic history, smelly people who don't bathe or shave, speak funny language

more similarities than you might think :)



I've been to Canada

is that close?
Mexico's homicide rate ranks 20th (16.35 per 100,000) in the world,
the US is 81st (4.88 per 100,000) which is high for a developed country and Canada ranks 140th (1.68 per 100,000).

strong catholic history, smelly people who don't bathe or shave, speak funny language

more similarities than you might think :)
According to "ok doser's" logic, Americans are more Catholic, smellier, take few baths, shave less and speak English with a "funny" accent when compared to their Canadian counterparts who rank 59 nations lower on the homicide list!
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New member
Yeah, I tend to have a huge problem with anyone able to impact the lives of that many children for the positive who claims otherwise, goes off to the golf course, and is then forced to prove what a liar he's been, once more.

Or doesn't your false idol's claim to live by the law of God not actually apply to him?

You're supposedly big on James.

James 2:10 For whosoever shall keep the whole law, and yet offend in one point, he is guilty of all.

What point might that be, in this case?

Exodus 22:21 Thou shalt neither vex a stranger, nor oppress him: for ye were strangers in the land of Egypt.

It is ever telling how you Trump supporters pick and choose your morals in accordance with Trump's fraud as your "moral compass."

As the US murders babies wholesale I really don't care about paying for others babies. They aren't strangers they are ILLEGAL immigrants who brought babies to scam the system.

Sorry to see you have TDS ( Trump derangement syndrome ).

FYI, I am not under the law I am under grace,



As the US murders babies wholesale I really don't care about paying for others babies. They aren't strangers they are ILLEGAL immigrants who brought babies to scam the system.

Sorry to see you have TDS ( Trump derangement syndrome ).

FYI, I am not under the law I am under grace,
How Christian of you - which verse in the Bible limits God's definition of "neighbour" to only those that share the same nationality!

During the New Testament times, Jews and Samaritans literally despised each other - which makes the "Parable of the Good Samaritan" all the more relevant because he was showing compassion towards a stranger left for dead that he had been taught to hate!


Well-known member
You guys can comfort yourselves in any way you like. America won. Pressure does matter, and decent people can have an effect even with someone like Trump.

You understand, don't you, that there will be no more catch and release as things stand now? And that's what the Dems are demanding. This is why the Dems are still complaining. Trump is still holding to his "zero tolerance" policy. As he has stated...Congress needs to act, and since the Dems refuse to act, no one has won anything at this point.


Well-known member
:think: I disagree. The abuse used towards these children IS intentional. He sees them as disposable due to their skin color.

Another false accusation from the left. Of course, Rusha would prefer to send those children off with the alleged parents so they can be sold to the sex traders. Sin color never matters in the sex trade.

You folks are so's downright disgusting.