Should the government take away my children if I deliberately involve them in ...


Well-known member
I sincerely doubt there is a "sadly" in your above.

You're a Trump supporter, after all. No such thing as a "sadly" in such.

And it is amusing that on this Forum here, you and some of them are just as rabid as you are over in the ECT Forum, albeit rabidly blind, Trump supporters.

It remains a fascinating thing, this duplicity you share in common.

This bickering back and forth on ECT over what supposedly is the right moral compass, only for both of you to prove over here that all you have been doing over there has been nothing more than what the Apostle Paul had described as meremy a hollow, outward form, devoid of any actual inner substance...

2 Timothy 3:5 Having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof: from such turn away.

Danoh is one of those Lefties who are a danger to all red blooded Americans. Not only does he personally attack those who disagree, but he adds the additional element of "religion". His religion is PROGRESSIVISM and filled with "elite" thinkers who consider themselves better than others. This is how they work to stop free speech. The lack of patriotism is on full display right here.


New member
You claim to have read the bible correct ? Doesn't scripture say the powers that be are ordained of God, and yet YOU rail against the president , which makes you a hypocrite on many levels.

Though I read through it often, I have never claimed to do so.

And studying it is often a different thing altogether, o clueless one.

It is one thing to watch a movie.

Totally another, to study it.

And totally yet another, to learn how to did that right.


And I already adressed the balance of your fool post - in my post of those examples from Matthew 2, and the opening of Matthew 23, etc., where Scripture depicts God Himself directing various people to go against Romans 13's "the powers that be" - a phrase you are clearly clueless of the full context of. ball.


ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
You've yet to prove you'd even know what the last part of a passage like that even means.

It means don't condone such, don't cater to their way - call them out on it: just as he is doing "dosed."


"from such turn away" really means "call them out on it"? :freak:


good one!

you and squeaky should take your acts on the road

a heavily trafficked road :eek:

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Danoh is one of those Lefties who are a danger to all red blooded Americans. Not only does he personally attack those who disagree, but he adds the additional element of "religion". His religion is PROGRESSIVISM and filled with "elite" thinkers who consider themselves better than others. This is how they work to stop free speech. The lack of patriotism is on full display right here.

Oh come on. He's not a danger to anyone, just like you and I aren't whatever our positions are on subjects. I'm saying this as someone who profoundly disagrees with the guy on plenty, just to add...


New member
Danoh is one of those Lefties who are a danger to all red blooded Americans. Not only does he personally attack those who disagree, but he adds the additional element of "religion". His religion is PROGRESSIVISM and filled with "elite" thinkers who consider themselves better than others. This is how they work to stop free speech. The lack of patriotism is on full display right here.

Absolute, rabid blind, Trump supporting garbage on your part.

Fact is I hold Conservatives views.

And your false idol is a fraud who throughout his life has often switched from party to party on a corrupt politician by corrupt politician basis, no matter which party has been in power.

The man is a proven fraud and you are a blind fool.


New member
Oh come on. He's not a danger to anyone, just like you and I aren't whatever our positions are on subjects. I'm saying this as someone who profoundly disagrees with the guy on plenty, just to add...

Not to worry, I'm well aware that such ever see a demon behind every bush, a conspiracy in the words of anyone refusing to be as blind as they are.


New member
"from such turn away" really means "call them out on it"? :freak:


good one!

you and squeaky should take your acts on the road

a heavily trafficked road :eek:

Watch it, when Glazed turns on ya, she'll be revealing her true colors and call you on your laughing in your own posts.



Well-known member
Oh come on. He's not a danger to anyone, just like you and I aren't whatever our positions are on subjects. I'm saying this as someone who profoundly disagrees with the guy on plenty, just to add...

Of course YOU wouldn't recognize his danger, but I highlighted his bringing religion into it for a reason. This is a great danger to the faith.


Well-known member
Absolute, rabid blind, Trump supporting garbage on your part.

Fact is I hold Conservatives views.

And your false idol is a fraud who throughout his life has often switched from party to party on a corrupt politician by corrupt politician basis, no matter which party has been in power.

The man is a proven fraud and you are a blind fool.

Here ya go.....he's getting nasty. Simply can't help himself, but his attempt to keep me from my right to speak freely will fail. Why? Because this forum will not permit him to go to the extremes those like him are so wont to do.

Thank you TOL.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Of course YOU wouldn't recognize his danger, but I highlighted his bringing religion into it for a reason. This is a great danger to the faith.

I think the pair of you are very zealous and often melodramatic and full of exaggeration. Neither of you are exactly sterling advertisements for "The faith"...


Well-known member
You backed off a little but not much. So instead of saying she wants kids to be given to sex traffickers, you're now saying she just doesn't care? Show us that.

First, I haven't backed off anything. Since you can't even see that, then there's no reason to show you ANYTHING. You see what you want to see, and hear what you want to hear. That's part of being on the Left. It's known as being in La La Land.


Hall of Fame
You backed off a little but not much. So instead of saying she wants kids to be given to sex traffickers, you're now saying she just doesn't care? Show us that.

Meh, don't hold your breath waiting for a sincere answer accompanied by proof. Everyone knows that sticking babies, toddlers, children and teens into cages had nothing whatsoever to do with protecting them. Those kids were used and abused by Trump and his enablers in the GOP because of their skin color. They were not a threat. It is a FACT that Trump has the reputation of a racist going back for decades (Central Park Five, Charlottesville, Muslim Ban, sued by the 1973 Justice Dept. for violation of the Fair Housing Act, birtherism, etc.) ...


Well-known member
Meh, don't hold your breath waiting for a sincere answer accompanied by proof. Everyone knows that sticking babies, toddlers, children and teens into cages had nothing whatsoever to do with protecting them. Those kids were used and abused by Trump and his enablers in the GOP because of their skin color. They were not a threat. It is a FACT that Trump has the reputation of a racist going back for decades (Central Park Five, Charlottesville, Muslim Ban, sued by the 1973 Justice Dept. for violation of the Fair Housing Act, birtherism, etc.) ...

There we go....Rusha doubles down on her false accusations. :rotfl:

NOTE.......The "cages" were Obama's.

"Skin color" says the racist, Rusha.

"Used and Abused" says the Democrat mouth piece, Rusha.


New member
Though I read through it often, I have never claimed to do so.

And studying it is often a different thing altogether, o clueless one.

It is one thing to watch a movie.

Totally another, to study it.

And totally yet another, to learn how to did that right.


And I already adressed the balance of your fool post - in my post of those examples from Matthew 2, and the opening of Matthew 23, etc., where Scripture depicts God Himself directing various people to go against Romans 13's "the powers that be" - a phrase you are clearly clueless of the full context of. ball.


Got ya O clueless one everything Jesus taught is subject to whether YOU agree with it or not, and or you pit scripture against scripture. Scripture really does agree with itself not that you can comprehend or receive that truth.


like marbles on glass
Has anyone seen the outrage about the 'permanent separation' of loved ones killed by illegal immigrants?

I have seen the outrage of temporary separation (the Flores agreement guarantees it be temporary), however, I have not seen the outrage about the 'permanent separation' of parents losing their children at the hands of 'illegal' immigrants.

Where is the balance?

Why are you so desperate to find "balance" by saying "I know you are, but what am I?" One outrage doesn't mutually exclude another, and you can't justify the moral wrong perpetrated by the Trump administration.


New member
Why are you so desperate to find "balance" by saying "I know you are, but what am I?" One outrage doesn't mutually exclude another, and you can't justify the moral wrong perpetrated by the Trump administration.

You've got to forgive me annabenedetti, where did I say 'I know you are, but what am I?'

Who is saying that one outrage mutually exclude another.

you can't justify the moral wrong perpetrated by the Trump administration.

You do know that President Obama also followed the Flores agreement, right? Were you outraged then?

The only difference between 'suave' President Obama and 'rude' President Trump is that 'suave' President Obama did things in the darkness of night and no one could see it and 'rude' President Trump simply does things openly and everybody can now see what was going on for decades.

How many times did you annabenedetti, called 'suave' President Obama when he was doing the same thing under the cover of night?

I thank President Trump for bringing to the fore what is going on at the border so that EVERYONE can see it and maybe, just maybe, the ONES that CAN DO something about it will do something about.

CONGRESS should be ashamed of themselves instead of patting themselves on the back for sitting on their hands.
DEMOCRATS should be ashamed of themselves saying that they prefer to talk about President Trump instead of sitting on the table and bringing feasible solutions to the problem.
REPUBLICANS should be ashamed of themselves for being RINOs.