Should homosexuals be given the death penalty?

Should homosexuals be given the death penalty?

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Big Mouth Nana

New member
Just Tom said:
So what Laws did Jesus come to fulfill? and when Jesus quoted the scripture he quoted the NEW testament right, of repentance and grace..

How many times in the 4 gospels did Jesus say the word "Grace" since you say that was his message he must have said it a million times..LOL

You further the evidence of your lack of spiritual understanding every time you post here..

You are a real piece of work :loser: The Disciple's and Apostles preached his message of grace all through out the NT:
LUKE 2:40 with wisdom: and the GRACE of God was upon
JOHN 1:14 begotten of the Father,) full of GRACE and truth.
JOHN 1:16 fulness have all we received, and GRACE for GRACE.
JOHN 1:16 fulness have all we received, and GRACE for GRACE.
JOHN 1:17 given by Moses, but GRACE and truth came by
ACTS 4:33 Lord Jesus: and great GRACE was upon them all.
ACTS 11:23 and had seen the GRACE of God, was glad,
ACTS 13:43 persuaded them to continue in the GRACE of God.
ACTS 14:3 the word of his GRACE, and granted signs and
ACTS 14:26 been recommended to the GRACE of God for the
ACTS 15:11 believe that through the GRACE of the LORD Jesus
ACTS 15:40 recommended by the brethren unto the GRACE of God.
ACTS 18:27 come, helped them much which had believed through GRACE:
ACTS 20:24 to testify the gospel of the GRACE of God.
ACTS 20:32 the word of his GRACE, which is able to
ROMANS 1:5 whom we have received GRACE and apostleship, for obedience
ROMANS 1:7 called to be saints: GRACE to you and peace
ROMANS 3:24 justified freely by his GRACE through the redemption that
ROMANS 4:4 the reward not reckoned of GRACE, but of debt.
ROMANS 4:16 it might be by GRACE; to the end the
ROMANS 5:2 by faith into this GRACE wherein we stand, and
ROMANS 5:15 dead, much more the GRACE of God, and the
ROMANS 5:15 and the gift by GRACE, which is by one
ROMANS 5:17 which receive abundance of GRACE and of the gift
ROMANS 5:20 But where sin abounded, GRACE did much more abound:
ROMANS 5:21 death, even so might GRACE reign through righteousness unto
ROMANS 6:1 Shall we continue in sin, that GRACE may abound?
ROMANS 6:14 ye are not under the law, but under GRACE.
ROMANS 6:15 not under the law, but under GRACE? God forbid.
ROMANS 11:5 is a remnant according to the election of GRACE.
ROMANS 11:6 And if by GRACE, then is it no more
ROMANS 11:6 more of works: otherwise GRACE is no more GRACE.
ROMANS 11:6 GRACE is no more GRACE. But if it be
ROMANS 11:6 it is no more GRACE: otherwise work is no
ROMANS 12:3 I say, through the GRACE given unto me, to
ROMANS 12:6 differing according to the GRACE that is given to
ROMANS 15:15 mind, because of the GRACE that is given to
ROMANS 16:20 your feet shortly. The GRACE of our Lord Jesus
ROMANS 16:24 The GRACE of our Lord Jesus Christ be with
1 CORINTHIANS 1:3 GRACE be unto you, and peace, from God our
1 CORINTHIANS 1:4 your behalf, for the GRACE of God which is
1 CORINTHIANS 3:10 According to the GRACE of God which is given
1 CORINTHIANS 10:30 For if I by GRACE be a partaker, why
1 CORINTHIANS 15:10 But by the GRACE of God I am what
1 CORINTHIANS 15:10 I am: and his GRACE which was bestowed upon
1 CORINTHIANS 15:10 not I, but the GRACE of God which was
1 CORINTHIANS 16:23 The GRACE of our Lord Jesus Christ be with
2 CORINTHIANS 1:2 GRACE be to you and peace from God our
2 CORINTHIANS 1:12 wisdom, but by the GRACE of God, we have
2 CORINTHIANS 4:15 sakes, that the abundant GRACE might through the thanksgiving
2 CORINTHIANS 6:1 ye receive not the GRACE of God in vain.
2 CORINTHIANS 8:1 to wit of the GRACE of God bestowed on
2 CORINTHIANS 8:6 would also finish in you the same GRACE also.
2 CORINTHIANS 8:7 us, see that ye abound in this GRACE also.
2 CORINTHIANS 8:9 For ye know the GRACE of our Lord Jesus
2 CORINTHIANS 8:19 with us with this GRACE, which is administered by
2 CORINTHIANS 9:8 able to make all GRACE abound toward you; that
2 CORINTHIANS 9:14 you for the exceeding GRACE of God in you.
2 CORINTHIANS 12:9 said unto me, My GRACE is sufficient for thee:
2 CORINTHIANS 13:14 The GRACE of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the
GALATIANS 1:3 GRACE be to you and peace from God the
GALATIANS 1:6 called you into the GRACE of Christ unto another
GALATIANS 1:15 my mother's womb, and called me by his GRACE,
GALATIANS 2:9 be pillars, perceived the GRACE that was given unto
GALATIANS 2:21 do not frustrate the GRACE of God: for if
GALATIANS 5:4 justified by the law; ye are fallen from GRACE.
GALATIANS 6:18 Brethren, the GRACE of our Lord Jesus Christ be
EPHESIANS 1:2 GRACE be to you, and peace, from God our
EPHESIANS 1:6 the glory of his GRACE, wherein he hath made
EPHESIANS 1:7 of sins, according to the riches of his GRACE;
EPHESIANS 2:5 us together with Christ, (by GRACE ye are saved;
EPHESIANS 2:7 exceeding riches of his GRACE in his kindness toward
EPHESIANS 2:8 For by GRACE are ye saved through faith; and
EPHESIANS 3:2 the dispensation of the GRACE of God which is
EPHESIANS 3:7 the gift of the GRACE of God given unto
EPHESIANS 3:8 all saints, is this GRACE given, that I should
EPHESIANS 4:7 of us is given GRACE according to the measure
EPHESIANS 4:29 edifying, that it may minister GRACE unto the hearers.
EPHESIANS 6:24 GRACE be with all them that love our Lord
PHILIPPIANS 1:2 GRACE be unto you, and peace, from God our
PHILIPPIANS 1:7 the gospel, ye all are partakers of my GRACE.
PHILIPPIANS 4:23 The GRACE of our Lord Jesus Christ be with
COLOSSIANS 1:2 which are at Colosse: GRACE be unto you, and
COLOSSIANS 1:6 it, and knew the GRACE of God in truth:
COLOSSIANS 3:16 spiritual songs, singing with GRACE in your hearts to
COLOSSIANS 4:6 speech be alway with GRACE, seasoned with salt, that
COLOSSIANS 4:18 Paul. Remember my bonds. GRACE be with you. Amen.
1 THESSALONIANS 1:1 the Lord Jesus Christ: GRACE be unto you, and
1 THESSALONIANS 5:28 The GRACE of our Lord Jesus Christ be with
2 THESSALONIANS 1:2 GRACE unto you, and peace, from God our Father
2 THESSALONIANS 1:12 him, according to the GRACE of our God and
2 THESSALONIANS 2:16 given us everlasting consolation and good hope through GRACE,
2 THESSALONIANS 3:18 The GRACE of our Lord Jesus Christ be with
1 TIMOTHY 1:2 son in the faith: GRACE, mercy, and peace, from
1 TIMOTHY 1:14 And the GRACE of our Lord was exceeding abundant
1 TIMOTHY 6:21 erred concerning the faith. GRACE be with thee. Amen.
2 TIMOTHY 1:2 my dearly beloved son: GRACE, mercy, and peace, from
2 TIMOTHY 1:9 his own purpose and GRACE, which was given us
2 TIMOTHY 2:1 be strong in the GRACE that is in Christ
2 TIMOTHY 4:22 be with thy spirit. GRACE be with you. Amen.
TITUS 1:4 after the common faith: GRACE, mercy, and peace, from
TITUS 2:11 For the GRACE of God that bringeth salvation hath
TITUS 3:7 being justified by his GRACE, we should be made
TITUS 3:15 us in the faith. GRACE be with you all.
PHILEMON 1:3 GRACE to you, and peace, from God our Father
PHILEMON 1:25 The GRACE of our Lord Jesus Christ be with
HEBREWS 2:9 that he by the GRACE of God should taste
HEBREWS 4:16 unto the throne of GRACE, that we may obtain
HEBREWS 4:16 obtain mercy, and find GRACE to help in time
HEBREWS 10:29 and hath done despite unto the Spirit of GRACE?
HEBREWS 12:15 man fail of the GRACE of God; lest any
HEBREWS 12:28 moved, let us have GRACE, whereby we may serve
HEBREWS 13:9 heart be established with GRACE; not with meats, which
HEBREWS 13:25 GRACE be with you all. Amen.
JAMES 1:11 thereof falleth, and the GRACE of the fashion of
JAMES 4:6 But he giveth more GRACE. Wherefore he saith, God
JAMES 4:6 resisteth the proud, but giveth GRACE unto the humble.
1 PETER 1:2 blood of Jesus Christ: GRACE unto you, and peace,
1 PETER 1:10 who prophesied of the GRACE that should come unto
1 PETER 1:13 the end for the GRACE that is to be
1 PETER 3:7 heirs together of the GRACE of life; that your
1 PETER 4:10 as good stewards of the manifold GRACE of God.
1 PETER 5:5 resisteth the proud, and giveth GRACE to the humble.
1 PETER 5:10 the God of all GRACE, who hath called us
1 PETER 5:12 this is the true GRACE of God wherein ye
2 PETER 1:2 GRACE and peace be multiplied unto you through the
2 PETER 3:18 But grow in GRACE, and in the knowledge of
2 JOHN 1:3 GRACE be with you, mercy, and peace, from God
JUDE 1:4 ungodly men, turning the GRACE of our God into
REVELATION 1:4 which are in Asia: GRACE be unto you, and
Take your pick Dufus. You need to change your signature, it makes you look redundant!!!
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Just Tom

New member
Big Mouth Nana said:
You are a real piece of work :loser: The Disciple's and Apostles preached his message of grace all through out the NT:
LUKE 2:40 with wisdom: and the GRACE of God was upon
JOHN 1:14 begotten of the Father,) full of GRACE and truth.
JOHN 1:16 fulness have all we received, and GRACE for GRACE.
JOHN 1:16 fulness have all we received, and GRACE for GRACE.
JOHN 1:17 given by Moses, but GRACE and truth came by
ACTS 4:33 Lord Jesus: and great GRACE was upon them all.
ACTS 11:23 and had seen the GRACE of God, was glad,
ACTS 13:43 persuaded them to continue in the GRACE of God.
ACTS 14:3 the word of his GRACE, and granted signs and
ACTS 14:26 been recommended to the GRACE of God for the
ACTS 15:11 believe that through the GRACE of the LORD Jesus
ACTS 15:40 recommended by the brethren unto the GRACE of God.
ACTS 18:27 come, helped them much which had believed through GRACE:
ACTS 20:24 to testify the gospel of the GRACE of God.
ACTS 20:32 the word of his GRACE, which is able to
ROMANS 1:5 whom we have received GRACE and apostleship, for obedience
ROMANS 1:7 called to be saints: GRACE to you and peace
ROMANS 3:24 justified freely by his GRACE through the redemption that
ROMANS 4:4 the reward not reckoned of GRACE, but of debt.
ROMANS 4:16 it might be by GRACE; to the end the
ROMANS 5:2 by faith into this GRACE wherein we stand, and
ROMANS 5:15 dead, much more the GRACE of God, and the
ROMANS 5:15 and the gift by GRACE, which is by one
ROMANS 5:17 which receive abundance of GRACE and of the gift
ROMANS 5:20 But where sin abounded, GRACE did much more abound:
ROMANS 5:21 death, even so might GRACE reign through righteousness unto
ROMANS 6:1 Shall we continue in sin, that GRACE may abound?
ROMANS 6:14 ye are not under the law, but under GRACE.
ROMANS 6:15 not under the law, but under GRACE? God forbid.
ROMANS 11:5 is a remnant according to the election of GRACE.
ROMANS 11:6 And if by GRACE, then is it no more
ROMANS 11:6 more of works: otherwise GRACE is no more GRACE.
ROMANS 11:6 GRACE is no more GRACE. But if it be
ROMANS 11:6 it is no more GRACE: otherwise work is no
ROMANS 12:3 I say, through the GRACE given unto me, to
ROMANS 12:6 differing according to the GRACE that is given to
ROMANS 15:15 mind, because of the GRACE that is given to
ROMANS 16:20 your feet shortly. The GRACE of our Lord Jesus
ROMANS 16:24 The GRACE of our Lord Jesus Christ be with
1 CORINTHIANS 1:3 GRACE be unto you, and peace, from God our
1 CORINTHIANS 1:4 your behalf, for the GRACE of God which is
1 CORINTHIANS 3:10 According to the GRACE of God which is given
1 CORINTHIANS 10:30 For if I by GRACE be a partaker, why
1 CORINTHIANS 15:10 But by the GRACE of God I am what
1 CORINTHIANS 15:10 I am: and his GRACE which was bestowed upon
1 CORINTHIANS 15:10 not I, but the GRACE of God which was
1 CORINTHIANS 16:23 The GRACE of our Lord Jesus Christ be with
2 CORINTHIANS 1:2 GRACE be to you and peace from God our
2 CORINTHIANS 1:12 wisdom, but by the GRACE of God, we have
2 CORINTHIANS 4:15 sakes, that the abundant GRACE might through the thanksgiving
2 CORINTHIANS 6:1 ye receive not the GRACE of God in vain.
2 CORINTHIANS 8:1 to wit of the GRACE of God bestowed on
2 CORINTHIANS 8:6 would also finish in you the same GRACE also.
2 CORINTHIANS 8:7 us, see that ye abound in this GRACE also.
2 CORINTHIANS 8:9 For ye know the GRACE of our Lord Jesus
2 CORINTHIANS 8:19 with us with this GRACE, which is administered by
2 CORINTHIANS 9:8 able to make all GRACE abound toward you; that
2 CORINTHIANS 9:14 you for the exceeding GRACE of God in you.
2 CORINTHIANS 12:9 said unto me, My GRACE is sufficient for thee:
2 CORINTHIANS 13:14 The GRACE of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the
GALATIANS 1:3 GRACE be to you and peace from God the
GALATIANS 1:6 called you into the GRACE of Christ unto another
GALATIANS 1:15 my mother's womb, and called me by his GRACE,
GALATIANS 2:9 be pillars, perceived the GRACE that was given unto
GALATIANS 2:21 do not frustrate the GRACE of God: for if
GALATIANS 5:4 justified by the law; ye are fallen from GRACE.
GALATIANS 6:18 Brethren, the GRACE of our Lord Jesus Christ be
EPHESIANS 1:2 GRACE be to you, and peace, from God our
EPHESIANS 1:6 the glory of his GRACE, wherein he hath made
EPHESIANS 1:7 of sins, according to the riches of his GRACE;
EPHESIANS 2:5 us together with Christ, (by GRACE ye are saved;
EPHESIANS 2:7 exceeding riches of his GRACE in his kindness toward
EPHESIANS 2:8 For by GRACE are ye saved through faith; and
EPHESIANS 3:2 the dispensation of the GRACE of God which is
EPHESIANS 3:7 the gift of the GRACE of God given unto
EPHESIANS 3:8 all saints, is this GRACE given, that I should
EPHESIANS 4:7 of us is given GRACE according to the measure
EPHESIANS 4:29 edifying, that it may minister GRACE unto the hearers.
EPHESIANS 6:24 GRACE be with all them that love our Lord
PHILIPPIANS 1:2 GRACE be unto you, and peace, from God our
PHILIPPIANS 1:7 the gospel, ye all are partakers of my GRACE.
PHILIPPIANS 4:23 The GRACE of our Lord Jesus Christ be with
COLOSSIANS 1:2 which are at Colosse: GRACE be unto you, and
COLOSSIANS 1:6 it, and knew the GRACE of God in truth:
COLOSSIANS 3:16 spiritual songs, singing with GRACE in your hearts to
COLOSSIANS 4:6 speech be alway with GRACE, seasoned with salt, that
COLOSSIANS 4:18 Paul. Remember my bonds. GRACE be with you. Amen.
1 THESSALONIANS 1:1 the Lord Jesus Christ: GRACE be unto you, and
1 THESSALONIANS 5:28 The GRACE of our Lord Jesus Christ be with
2 THESSALONIANS 1:2 GRACE unto you, and peace, from God our Father
2 THESSALONIANS 1:12 him, according to the GRACE of our God and
2 THESSALONIANS 2:16 given us everlasting consolation and good hope through GRACE,
2 THESSALONIANS 3:18 The GRACE of our Lord Jesus Christ be with
1 TIMOTHY 1:2 son in the faith: GRACE, mercy, and peace, from
1 TIMOTHY 1:14 And the GRACE of our Lord was exceeding abundant
1 TIMOTHY 6:21 erred concerning the faith. GRACE be with thee. Amen.
2 TIMOTHY 1:2 my dearly beloved son: GRACE, mercy, and peace, from
2 TIMOTHY 1:9 his own purpose and GRACE, which was given us
2 TIMOTHY 2:1 be strong in the GRACE that is in Christ
2 TIMOTHY 4:22 be with thy spirit. GRACE be with you. Amen.
TITUS 1:4 after the common faith: GRACE, mercy, and peace, from
TITUS 2:11 For the GRACE of God that bringeth salvation hath
TITUS 3:7 being justified by his GRACE, we should be made
TITUS 3:15 us in the faith. GRACE be with you all.
PHILEMON 1:3 GRACE to you, and peace, from God our Father
PHILEMON 1:25 The GRACE of our Lord Jesus Christ be with
HEBREWS 2:9 that he by the GRACE of God should taste
HEBREWS 4:16 unto the throne of GRACE, that we may obtain
HEBREWS 4:16 obtain mercy, and find GRACE to help in time
HEBREWS 10:29 and hath done despite unto the Spirit of GRACE?
HEBREWS 12:15 man fail of the GRACE of God; lest any
HEBREWS 12:28 moved, let us have GRACE, whereby we may serve
HEBREWS 13:9 heart be established with GRACE; not with meats, which
HEBREWS 13:25 GRACE be with you all. Amen.
JAMES 1:11 thereof falleth, and the GRACE of the fashion of
JAMES 4:6 But he giveth more GRACE. Wherefore he saith, God
JAMES 4:6 resisteth the proud, but giveth GRACE unto the humble.
1 PETER 1:2 blood of Jesus Christ: GRACE unto you, and peace,
1 PETER 1:10 who prophesied of the GRACE that should come unto
1 PETER 1:13 the end for the GRACE that is to be
1 PETER 3:7 heirs together of the GRACE of life; that your
1 PETER 4:10 as good stewards of the manifold GRACE of God.
1 PETER 5:5 resisteth the proud, and giveth GRACE to the humble.
1 PETER 5:10 the God of all GRACE, who hath called us
1 PETER 5:12 this is the true GRACE of God wherein ye
2 PETER 1:2 GRACE and peace be multiplied unto you through the
2 PETER 3:18 But grow in GRACE, and in the knowledge of
2 JOHN 1:3 GRACE be with you, mercy, and peace, from God
JUDE 1:4 ungodly men, turning the GRACE of our God into
REVELATION 1:4 which are in Asia: GRACE be unto you, and
Take your pick Dufus. You need to change your signature, it makes you look redundant!!!

So the answer to my question would be zero then wouldn't it..

Jesus never spoke the word or preached on GRACE did he according to the scripture..

Paul did Peter did,, But Jesus never once spoke the word GRACE like peter or paul.. Funny how that is since you seem to think that it is the central them of his ministry..


He taught the LAW, what law? the mosaic law that taught that homos should be executed..

You are so funny because you just can't answer a question..

So we know know that you have a concordance...

Big Mouth Nana

New member
immivik said:
isnt homosexuality called an abomination in the New Testament?
No. These are the only abomination scriptures in the NT:
MATTHEW 24:15 therefore shall see the ABOMINATION of desolation, spoken of
MARK 13:14 ye shall see the ABOMINATION of desolation, spoken of
LUKE 16:15 esteemed among men is ABOMINATION in the sight of
REVELATION 21:27 defileth, neither whatsoever worketh ABOMINATION, or maketh a lie:

Big Mouth Nana

New member
Just Tom said:
So the answer to my question would be zero then wouldn't it..

Jesus never spoke the word or preached on GRACE did he according to the scripture..

Paul did Peter did,, But Jesus never once spoke the word GRACE like peter or paul.. Funny how that is since you seem to think that it is the central them of his ministry..


He taught the LAW, what law? the mosaic law that taught that homos should be executed..

You are so funny because you just can't answer a question..

So we know know that you have a concordance...
Are you retarded by any chance?? That is the only reason that I can think of that you are so blind. Do you actually believe that the Diciples and Apostles preached lies??? Let's throw the bible away then shall we?

Just Tom

New member
Big Mouth Nana said:
Are you retarded by any chance?? That is the only reason that I can think of that you are so blind. Do you actually believe that the Diciples and Apostles preached lies??? Let's throw the bible away then shall we?

14When I saw that they were not acting in line with the truth of the gospel, I said to Peter in front of them all, "You are a Jew, yet you live like a Gentile and not like a Jew. How is it, then, that you force Gentiles to follow Jewish customs?

Is this not an example of one of the disciples preaching a lie...

Why would Peter teach them to do such a thing? He was with Jesus for 3 years he should have known better than anyone that Jesus' message was GRACE right?

Wrong it was follow the law and put your faith in God,,REPENT..

Paul brought the message of Grace...

And he also taught that homos deserve death by the government since it is GODS minster to bring wrath on evil doers.. You know those people who have all those different spirits like the spirit of adultery or fornication or murder or stealing. Heck I think that all the church needs is just a good exorcism that will get rid of all those spirits that are controlling us and then we can be a homo advocate like you and love the law of the land and we will all have the true knowledge and wisdom of the great depth of spirituality that you have..

And the world will be as one... :cheers:

Big Mouth Nana

New member
Just Tom said:
14When I saw that they were not acting in line with the truth of the gospel, I said to Peter in front of them all, "You are a Jew, yet you live like a Gentile and not like a Jew. How is it, then, that you force Gentiles to follow Jewish customs?
It would have helped if you had put the book instead of just the chapter number. Is this about following the Jewish custom of circumcision?

Is this not an example of one of the disciples preaching a lie?
Why would Peter teach them to do such a thing? He was with Jesus for 3 years he should have known better than anyone that Jesus' message was GRACE right?
Wrong it was follow the law and put your faith in God,,REPENT..
Jesus hadn't been crucified yet, so Jesus didn't preach grace. There couldn't have been grace until He arose, ascended and went through the veil....John 1:14~ And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us, (and we beheld his glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father,) full of grace and truth.
John 1:16 ~ And of his fulness have all we received, and grace for grace.
John 1:17 ~ For the law was given by Moses, but grace and truth came by Jesus Christ.

Paul brought the message of Grace...

And he also taught that homos deserve death by the government since it is GODS minster to bring wrath on evil doers..
Scripture on this Just Tom.
Heck I think that all the church needs is just a good exorcism that will get rid of all those spirits that are controlling us and then we can be a homo advocate like you and love the law of the land and we will all have the true knowledge and wisdom of the great depth of spirituality that you have..
The church is full of demonic spirits, although I don't believe that true born again Christians can be demonized if they keep their armor on. I am not an advocate of homosexuality, and I can't believe that you are this stupid to make this remark....then again, I have read your posts. Homosexuality is a horrible abomination that will be dealt with by God on the last day. Jesus died for the homo's also, and by grace He is giving them, and anyone else lost time to repent. There is no more OT law. It is all grace now through Jesus Christ who didn't abolish the laws, but FULFILLED THEM by His shed blood.
As far as my Spirituality, it's not mine, but His. He is my teacher...NOT MAN.


New member
Hall of Fame
Big Mouth Nana, I just have one question, sorry if it's already been asked: Are you against the death penalty completely? or are you just arguing against it for homosexuality?

Army of One

New member
Big Mouth Nana said:
It would have helped if you had put the book instead of just the chapter number. Is this about following the Jewish custom of circumcision?
It's Galations.

Jesus hadn't been crucified yet, so Jesus didn't preach grace. There couldn't have been grace until He arose, ascended and went through the veil.
And after He rose??? He told the disciples to go and teach what He had already taught them, not "Oh, forget all that Law stuff, go teach Grace".


The Dark Knight
Gold Subscriber
Hall of Fame
Big Mouth Nana said:
:idunno: Sorry to disappoint you Lighthouse :crackup: De-rep me all that you want to. How childish :doh:
I neg repped you because what you posted was unGodly.

Big Mouth Nana

New member
kmoney said:
Big Mouth Nana, I just have one question, sorry if it's already been asked: Are you against the death penalty completely? or are you just arguing against it for homosexuality?
No, I'm not against the death penalty. Jesus said to obey the laws of the land. We have the death penalty for some degree anyway. I am against the death penalty for homosexuality. They are lost like anyone else who is lost, and homo's have been set free and saved. I think that it is a horrible sin, but not deserving of death. Like anyone else who doesn't repent, they will be judged accordingly by God on the last day.


New member
Hall of Fame
Big Mouth Nana said:
No, I'm not against the death penalty. Jesus said to obey the laws of the land. We have the death penalty for some degree anyway. I am against the death penalty for homosexuality. They are lost like anyone else who is lost, and homo's have been set free and saved. I think that it is a horrible sin, but not deserving of death. Like anyone else who doesn't repent, they will be judged accordingly by God on the last day.
You are OK with the DP for murder, but not homosexuality, even though God instituted it for both in the Mosaic Law. Again, this has probably been covered, but why do you make a distinction between the two?
You say that we are under grace now, but why don't you apply it to murder also and say murderers shouldn't be executed also?

Army of One

New member
Big Mouth Nana said:
No, I'm not against the death penalty. Jesus said to obey the laws of the land. We have the death penalty for some degree anyway. I am against the death penalty for homosexuality. They are lost like anyone else who is lost, and homo's have been set free and saved. I think that it is a horrible sin, but not deserving of death. Like anyone else who doesn't repent, they will be judged accordingly by God on the last day.
A bit inconsistent of you, isn't it?

*Murder is a horrible abomination that will be dealt with by God on the last day. Jesus died for the murderer also, and by grace He is giving them, and anyone else lost time to repent. There is no more OT law. It is all grace now through Jesus Christ who didn't abolish the laws, but FULFILLED THEM by His shed blood.*

So why does the above argument (your exact words, with "murder" replacing "homosexual") work for homosexuality, but not for murder? Who are you to cut short a murderer's time to repent? Don't you know that Christ died for that murderer? How judgmental of you.

Big Mouth Nana

New member
kmoney said:
You are OK with the DP for murder, but not homosexuality, even though God instituted it for both in the Mosaic Law. Again, this has probably been covered, but why do you make a distinction between the two?
You say that we are under grace now, but why don't you apply it to murder also and say murderers shouldn't be executed also?
Because the death penalty for murderers is in our laws of the land....which isn't being enforced enough to my thinking. Death for homosexuality isn't a law of the land. I see it as mercy and grace that it isn't. Look at it this way, since Jesus died for all, if our laws executed all who sinned and committed crimes, who would be left to save? It's a "grace period." Who's life is a homosexual taking except their own and others they have had "relations" with from Aids? Murderers take innocent lives.


New member
Hall of Fame
Big Mouth Nana said:
Because the death penalty for murderers is in our laws of the land....which isn't being enforced enough to my thinking. Death for homosexuality isn't a law of the land. I see it as mercy and grace that it isn't. Look at it this way, since Jesus died for all, if our laws executed all who sinned and committed crimes, who would be left to save? It's a "grace period." Who's life is a homosexual taking except their own and others they have had "relations" with from Aids? Murderers take innocent lives.
Well just to clear this up, NO ONE is saying homosexuals should be executed without it being legislated.

Now, having said that.....If the US were to create a law making homosexuality a capital crime, would you support it? If no, why?
and if no, why are you ok with murder being a capital crime but not ok with homosexuality becoming a capital crime?

Big Mouth Nana

New member
kmoney said:
Well just to clear this up, NO ONE is saying homosexuals should be executed without it being legislated.

Now, having said that.....If the US were to create a law making homosexuality a capital crime, would you support it? If no, why?
and if no, why are you ok with murder being a capital crime but not ok with homosexuality becoming a capital crime?
Well, seeing as how this will never happen in the US kmoney, I can't even fathom having to be put into the position of where I would stand. Right now I would have to say no, because man tends to pervert laws that God intended for good. It would be a homo hunting lynch mob round up. Before they could be jailed, they would be killed.


New member
Hall of Fame
Big Mouth Nana said:
Well, seeing as how this will never happen in the US kmoney, I can't even fathom having to be put into the position of where I would stand. Right now I would have to say no, because man tends to pervert laws that God intended for good. It would be a homo hunting lynch mob round up. Before they could be jailed, they would be killed.
Well I agree that I don't think it'll ever happen.

So you say no, but you also said you are OK with murder being a capital crime. Why do you make a distinction? You seem to have problems with how it would be implemented. Is that it? Or do you have some other reason? Also, lets assume that it wouldn't become a "homo hunting lynch mob round up", would you then be ok with the law?