Should homosexuals be given the death penalty?

Should homosexuals be given the death penalty?

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Army of One

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Big Mouth Nana said:
Because the death penalty for murderers is in our laws of the land..... which isn't being enforced enough to my thinking. Death for homosexuality isn't a law of the land.
That's irrelevant. You've already admitted that our "laws of the land" are not by definition God's will. We're not talking about what "is", were talking about what "should be".
I see it as mercy and grace that it isn't.
But you wouldn't extend that same "mercy and grace" to the murderer? Again, you're being inconsistent.
Look at it this way, since Jesus died for all, if our laws executed all who sinned and committed crimes, who would be left to save?
Who has advocated the execution of all sinners??? No one. You're building a straw man here.
It's a "grace period."
Again, why is the homo deserving of the "grace period", but not the murderer?
Who's life is a homosexual taking except their own and others they have had "relations" with from Aids? Murderers take innocent lives.
So do homos. Is it only homo's that end up with AIDS? Do not innocent people also get it, second-hand?

You're being completely inconsistent in your reasoning.

Army of One

New member
Big Mouth Nana said:
It would be a homo hunting lynch mob round up. Before they could be jailed, they would be killed.
That's nonsense. Of the crimes that are currently punishable by execution, which ones result in a "lynch mob round up"? None of them.

Big Mouth Nana

New member
Army of One said:
That's nonsense. Of the crimes that are currently punishable by execution, which ones result in a "lynch mob round up"? None of them.
Which one of these is more disgusting to you Army of One? If you had a murderer with a knife in his hand, and a male homo couple standing in front of you holding hands, what would you see in your mind, someone being murdered or say two men getting it on in not the normal way? I have gay male homo's living two doors down from me. If they are outside, that thought crosses my mind in disgust.
The south went through the hatred of blacks, and hunted them down like dirty dogs in their white sheets.The same thing would happen with homosexuals. Since skin color can bring out the evilness and hatred in men's hearts, this is no different. I can see a bunch of red neck yokels, or just those who hate homo's in general hunting them down now....torture...murder...insanity!!
There are a lot of homosexuals in the US alone. How are they going to locate all of them to arrest them? I can tell you how. Neighbors would be turning them in, rewards would be offered, it would be one big greedy "gay hunt".
Mens hearts haven't changed since before the flood, and God said that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only EVIL CONTINUALLY (Gen 6:5)

Big Mouth Nana

New member
kmoney said:
Well I agree that I don't think it'll ever happen.

So you say no, but you also said you are OK with murder being a capital crime. Why do you make a distinction? You seem to have problems with how it would be implemented. Is that it? Or do you have some other reason? Also, lets assume that it wouldn't become a "homo hunting lynch mob round up", would you then be ok with the law?
Because it is not the law of our land for homo's, and I know in my heart that it never will be. I trust God, and I firmly believe that He see's what I see would happen if this did become a law. Not righteousness prevailing, but men's hearts perverting their own brand of justice. I would bet that there are more homo's then murderers, and murderers are generally of the land. If they aren't caught and do not repent, last day judgement. Either way they get judged and sentenced. Same with homo's and ALL who do not repent.
If I walked down a dark street at night all alone, and a homo was on one road that I could take to go home, and a murderer was on another road that I could take...guess which one I would take? The only difference between a homo and a straight person is their sexual orientation. These people love, work, and live the somewhat normal lifestyles that we live. They don't threaten me at all, but a murderer would.


Well-known member
Big Mouth Nana said:
If I walked down a dark street at night all alone, and a homo was on one road that I could take to go home, and a murderer was on another road that I could take...guess which one I would take?
I'd cut through the woods.


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Big Mouth Nana said:
Because it is not the law of our land for homo's, and I know in my heart that it never will be. I trust God, and I firmly believe that He see's what I see would happen if this did become a law. Not righteousness prevailing, but men's hearts perverting their own brand of justice. I would bet that there are more homo's then murderers, and murderers are generally of the land. If they aren't caught and do not repent, last day judgement. Either way they get judged and sentenced. Same with homo's and ALL who do not repent.
If I walked down a dark street at night all alone, and a homo was on one road that I could take to go home, and a murderer was on another road that I could take...guess which one I would take? The only difference between a homo and a straight person is their sexual orientation. These people love, work, and live the somewhat normal lifestyles that we live. They don't threaten me at all, but a murderer would.
Well, I still deny that it would end up being like a lynch mob running around rounding up homosexuals, but....

we're already dealing with a hypothetical so can't you, for the sake of discussion, work within the hypothetical and say that there wouldn't be a lynch mob and that the law would be carried out in a good way. I agree that we probably never will see a law against homosexuality, at least not make it a capital crime.

Now, assuming there isn't a lynch mob: are you still against there ever being a law against homosexuality? and are you against it ever being a capital crime?

oh, and as far as your scenario, I'd take the street with the homosexual too. That's a no-brainer.


New member
Wow. I've never seen so much irrational hysteria/paranoia of a perfectly harmless group of people.

I think people need to relax a little. :sigh:

No Worries

New member
I don't kow if this has been said yet...

The question is,
"Should homosexuals be given the death penalty?"​

My question is, "Who do the homosexuals want to execute?"


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No Worries said:
I don't kow if this has been said yet...

The question is,
"Should homosexuals be given the death penalty?"​

My question is, "Who do the homosexuals want to execute?"
:idunno: Noone?


Well-known member
A Democratic candidate for the U.S. Senate in Ohio wants to make homosexual behavior a capital crime punishable by the death penalty.

Merrill Keiser Jr. is a trucker with no political experience, but he hopes to beat fellow Democrat Rep. Sherrod Brown in the May primary. The winner will try to unseat Republican incumbent Sen. Mike DeWine, assuming he wins the GOP primary.



Well-known member

Aren't you beginning to at least get a glimpse of why God commands governments to put homosexuals to death (Leviticus 20:13)? Or are you still foolishly closing your eyes, ears and hearts to the truth? By having allowed homosexuals to live and function in society, they are proving that homosexuality does indeed do immeasurable and irreparable harm to the proper social order and welfare of humankind. This is clearly seen in their insistence to adopt innocent children and to legalize same sex marriage. The curse of homosexuality is also apparent in many other ways. Because it is such a great curse to humanity, the God who created humans says put homosexuals to death (Leviticus 20:13)! They ought not to be allowed to live!

At no point in American history have there been proper laws against the existence of gays. If any society foolishly allows them to live, they will gradually endeavor to shape society in such a fashion to legitimize their evil and extend to themselves the same rights that society should only extend to worthy citizens. If allowed to live, they will seek to be educated. If allowed to be educated, they will seek employment in key fields of society and positions of public trust so as to enable them to promote their evil and nasty agenda. They will become doctors, psychologists, scientists, senators, congressmen, judges, etc. Once they attain key positions, they will seek to remove all stigma against homosexuality and seek to redefine, reeducate (deceive) and reshape society to accept their depravity. This will bring a greater curse upon America for generations than any harm any foreign enemy has brought upon America. September the 11th is pale compared to the great harm gays are doing to america.

It is clear that homosexuality is not truly a private issue that affects only those willfully involved. But it is an issue that negatively affects the whole of society.

The so-called evangelicals are none other than high hypocrites. They claim they are Christians but refuse to embrace God's prescribed punishment for homosexuality. By trying to give the appearance that they are not extremists and that they have a so-called "Christian" love and mercy for gays, they will not agree that God says homosexuals should be put to death by government. They claim that mercy should be shown to them and that God can save them. It is true that God can save, but He has never promised that He will give grace to any particular gay person, nor has He commanded any person to have a love and mercy for any gay or lesbian person. The responsibility God has given society is to hate homosexuality with a healthy hatred, regard it as a death worthy crime and for government to swiftly and faithfully carry out such a sentence upon gays and lesbians.

Article: Against Homosexuality

Big Mouth Nana

New member
kmoney said:
Well, I still deny that it would end up being like a lynch mob running around rounding up homosexuals, but....

we're already dealing with a hypothetical so can't you, for the sake of discussion, work within the hypothetical and say that there wouldn't be a lynch mob and that the law would be carried out in a good way. I agree that we probably never will see a law against homosexuality, at least not make it a capital crime.

Now, assuming there isn't a lynch mob: are you still against there ever being a law against homosexuality? and are you against it ever being a capital crime?

oh, and as far as your scenario, I'd take the street with the homosexual too. That's a no-brainer.
Okay, I'll go with the "hypothetical" here. My anser is No. We are not under the old covenant, but the new covenant. All of those grievious laws and ordinances that people had to endure in the OT were crucified with Christ. All of those "Leviticus" scriptures that people keep posting were crucified with Christ also. The only thing that it says in the NT regarding those that do these things, that they will not inheriate the kingdom of God and be judged on the last day. It is freewill now, not obeying those laws, and we are saved by grace ONLY.
What irritates me the most about this topic, is that people do not seem to understand the mercy and grace of God, and just what Jesus accomplished on that cross by dying for our sins. He bore EVERY SIN, homosexuality also. Homosexuality is a SIN, not a crime in the NT. Murder, rape, theft etc are crimes, and I thank God that we have laws for that.
People on here seem to have one foot in the OT, wanting all of those laws enforced, and one foot in the NT where it comes to Christ's dying for them. Well folks, He died for the homosexual also who are sinning.. He died for us also who were sinners, but have accepted Jesus. I find it ironic that it is homosexuality that people on here want executions for, and I saw adultry also. That tells me that it is more disgust and hatred of the very act, and people could give a darn about the lost homosexual or the adulterer for that matter. There is so much hate on this site that it amazes me.
God loved us while we were yet sinners. He loves the homosexual also, but not the sin. For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life. We were all "whosoevers" before we accepted Christ. The homosexual that has been freed from this vile sin and saved was a whosoever also. If God loved us all enough to send Jesus to bare our sins, what does that say about you folks who want the homosexual executed that Christ died for when He fulfilled those laws on His body? You are ignoring what He did for us all.


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Big Mouth Nana said:
Okay, I'll go with the "hypothetical" here. My anser is No. We are not under the old covenant, but the new covenant. All of those grievious laws and ordinances that people had to endure in the OT were crucified with Christ. All of those "Leviticus" scriptures that people keep posting were crucified with Christ also. The only thing that it says in the NT regarding those that do these things, that they will not inheriate the kingdom of God and be judged on the last day. It is freewill now, not obeying those laws, and we are saved by grace ONLY.
What irritates me the most about this topic, is that people do not seem to understand the mercy and grace of God, and just what Jesus accomplished on that cross by dying for our sins. He bore EVERY SIN, homosexuality also. Homosexuality is a SIN, not a crime in the NT. Murder, rape, theft etc are crimes, and I thank God that we have laws for that.
People on here seem to have one foot in the OT, wanting all of those laws enforced, and one foot in the NT where it comes to Christ's dying for them. Well folks, He died for the homosexual also who are sinning.. He died for us also who were sinners, but have accepted Jesus. I find it ironic that it is homosexuality that people on here want executions for, and I saw adultry also. That tells me that it is more disgust and hatred of the very act, and people could give a darn about the lost homosexual or the adulterer for that matter. There is so much hate on this site that it amazes me.
God loved us while we were yet sinners. He loves the homosexual also, but not the sin. For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life. We were all "whosoevers" before we accepted Christ. The homosexual that has been freed from this vile sin and saved was a whosoever also. If God loved us all enough to send Jesus to bare our sins, what does that say about you folks who want the homosexual executed that Christ died for when He fulfilled those laws on His body? You are ignoring what He did for us all.
I still do not understand why you make a distinction between murder and homosexuality. You say that homosexuality is a sin in the NT, not a crime, but murder, rape, and theft still are crimes. Does the NT explicitly say those are still crimes?


The Dark Knight
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Big Mouth Nana said:
Okay, I'll go with the "hypothetical" here. My anser is No. We are not under the old covenant, but the new covenant. All of those grievious laws and ordinances that people had to endure in the OT were crucified with Christ. All of those "Leviticus" scriptures that people keep posting were crucified with Christ also. The only thing that it says in the NT regarding those that do these things, that they will not inheriate the kingdom of God and be judged on the last day. It is freewill now, not obeying those laws, and we are saved by grace ONLY.
What irritates me the most about this topic, is that people do not seem to understand the mercy and grace of God, and just what Jesus accomplished on that cross by dying for our sins. He bore EVERY SIN, homosexuality also. Homosexuality is a SIN, not a crime in the NT. Murder, rape, theft etc are crimes, and I thank God that we have laws for that.
People on here seem to have one foot in the OT, wanting all of those laws enforced, and one foot in the NT where it comes to Christ's dying for them. Well folks, He died for the homosexual also who are sinning.. He died for us also who were sinners, but have accepted Jesus. I find it ironic that it is homosexuality that people on here want executions for, and I saw adultry also. That tells me that it is more disgust and hatred of the very act, and people could give a darn about the lost homosexual or the adulterer for that matter. There is so much hate on this site that it amazes me.
God loved us while we were yet sinners. He loves the homosexual also, but not the sin. For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life. We were all "whosoevers" before we accepted Christ. The homosexual that has been freed from this vile sin and saved was a whosoever also. If God loved us all enough to send Jesus to bare our sins, what does that say about you folks who want the homosexual executed that Christ died for when He fulfilled those laws on His body? You are ignoring what He did for us all.
You do realize that not a single person you are arguing against disagrees with you about salvation, don't you? None of us. We want salvation for the homosexuals, the murderers, adulterers, child molesters, and any other sinner, even the ones who commit crimes. And that includes the ones who commit capital crimes. We want them to repent before they are executed. And we would pursue that if this law were in place. We pursue it now, for those who are convicted of capital crimes.

Now, gettting to the rest of this: we were not "whosoevers" until we accepted Christ, because the phrase is "whosoever believeth in Him..."

And if a homosexual has been saved, and has therefore repented, great! And if they did nothing illegal [while the law was in place] then even better! Of course, if they committed those acts while it was not a law, then that's not a good thing, but it certainly isn't going to get them the death penalty if the law is passed. At least, it shouldn't. The law should not be retroactive.:nono:

And, when Jesus was born, and before His death, no one with half a brain can argue that those laws were not the law for Israel. Nor can you argue that they were not the law for converts to Judaism. So, there was a point in the NT that you have to admit homosexuality was a crime. And if you read beyond the gospels, into Acts, you will see that the law was still held to, even the symbolic ordinances, not jsut by those who rejected Jesus, but by the disciples, and their converts as well. It wasn't until Paul was chosen that the law was no longer a requirement for the saved, in order to be a follower of Jesus. However, even Paul believed that certain laws were still right for a nation to have in order to have a civil nation. And laws against murder, theft, perjury, sexual immorality were those laws. Including the death penalty for certain crimes, including murder, adultery and others. Even homosexuality.


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Lighthouse said:
And laws against murder, theft, perjury, sexual immorality were those laws. Including the death penalty for certain crimes, including murder, adultery and others. Even homosexuality.
Does Paul ever explicitly say we should use the death penalty?

Big Mouth Nana

New member
kmoney said:
I still do not understand why you make a distinction between murder and homosexuality. You say that homosexuality is a sin in the NT, not a crime, but murder, rape, and theft still are crimes. Does the NT explicitly say those are still crimes?
Let me ask you something kmoney? Since it says to obey the laws of the land in the NT, do you have enough faith in God to belief that He instituted that we have laws for murder, theft, rape? I do. If we didn't have these laws to incarcerate these people doing these "crimes", none of us would be brave enough to go outside our front doors. There would be murderers, rapists, thieves everywhere....more then now. What is a homosexual going to do but live their lives in sin with their partner? I'm not fearful of going outside my front door to face homo's, lol. Like I stated previously, there are two down the street from me.
Murder, theft, rape are crimes. God gave us enough "brain wave activity" to know that this is so. Therefore we have courts that call them crimes, and juries who do the sentencing. Homosexuality is a sin of the flesh.