Should homosexuals be given the death penalty?

Should homosexuals be given the death penalty?

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Big Mouth Nana

New member
Clete said:
And yes, generally I ignore homos but when that is not possible I try my best to form a strong social stigma against them. The only message they need to hear from anyone who is of God is that they are filthy digusting vermin who deserve death. (Galatians 3:24)
No, they need to hear that Jesus loves them and died to set them free. You talk to a homosexual in your have lost them because of your attitude...which SUCKS big time. If you came up to me and I was a homosexual, and you said that I was a filthy disgusting vermin, I would tell you to take your Jesus and hit the road.

By the way, I no longer care about whether or not you approve (not that ever did really). It has become clear that you like homos more than you like the God of Scripture. Unfortunately many will go to hell that wouldn't have otherwise because your attitude is the norm.
Yes, I love the person who is bound by homosexuality, just like I love anyone who is lost and needs the Lord. Actually, I love them with the love that God gave me. As far as hell, you may be joining them because of your "loveless" heart.


New member
Big Mouth Nana said:
No, they need to hear that Jesus loves them and died to set them free. You talk to a homosexual in your have lost them because of your attitude...which SUCKS big time. If you came up to me and I was a homosexual, and you said that I was a filthy disgusting vermin, I would tell you to take your Jesus and hit the road.

Yes, I love the person who is bound by homosexuality, just like I love anyone who is lost and needs the Lord. Actually, I love them with the love that God gave me. As far as hell, you may be joining them because of your "loveless" heart.

I do think that this is a dicey issue. I agree with Clete that we cannot give "aid and comfort" to homosexuals or others whose life choices are clearly leading them to hell. By the same token, I also think that, taken too far, condemantions can simply function to push a person farther away. I am not sure that this latter matter is bad, however. I do beleive that a person usually has to "bottom out" before they can get better.

All this supports why I think criminalization is a good thing. It maintains the stigma, while not having to have Christians beat the homosexual over the head all the time. It might, in fact, lead people to seek Christ as a last resort, if nothing else.


New member
So what would be a proper way of telling a homosexual?
Has anyone here had to tell anyone their homosexual lifestyle will send them to hell?
In real life not on the internet.
Some are addicted to porn will this send them to hell to?
Is sexual sins worse than other sins?
I think so because it would be the hardest to stop.
Would a drug addict go to hell too?
What if you are saved but still struggling with your sin?

Big Mouth Nana

New member
docrob57 said:
I do think that this is a dicey issue. I agree with Clete that we cannot give "aid and comfort" to homosexuals or others whose life choices are clearly leading them to hell. By the same token, I also think that, taken too far, condemantions can simply function to push a person farther away. I am not sure that this latter matter is bad, however. I do beleive that a person usually has to "bottom out" before they can get better.
These people need support...and not comfort for their sin. Would you leave a drowning man in the ocean and tell him, good luck fella, you are on your own??? It amounts to the same thing. These people need Spiritual help and support on their way to restoration. Can you see Jesus walking up to a homosexual and telling him, you are filthy disgusting vermin? I can't. I see him acting the same as the woman who was caught in adultry. He told her to go and sin no more. Jesus isn't going to beat someone over the head for their sins. He gave us His Word, choices, and freewill, but the homosexuals need to hear those choices instead of extermination..and not be ignored because they are homo. The government, the church, and most Christians do not want to be bothered with the homosexual. Jesus ate with sinners, but nowadays, people would be afraid of getting aids from them. They need help from the churches, NOT the government anyway. The government doesn't offer God...if anything, they are having His name removed.
All this supports why I think criminalization is a good thing. It maintains the stigma, while not having to have Christians beat the homosexual over the head all the time. It might, in fact, lead people to seek Christ as a last resort, if nothing else.
Did you know that the prisons are full of homosexual activity? Now it makes a lot of sense to throw them into prison with a bunch of other homo's now doesn't it? Like giving booze to an alcoholic.

Big Mouth Nana

New member
Evee said:
So what would be a proper way of telling a homosexual?
Has anyone here had to tell anyone their homosexual lifestyle will send them to hell?
In real life not on the internet.
Some are addicted to porn will this send them to hell to?
Is sexual sins worse than other sins?
I think so because it would be the hardest to stop.
Would a drug addict go to hell too?
What if you are saved but still struggling with your sin?
Hi Sissie. What I have done is make friends with them like at the bowling alley, or I have worked with them. There are subtle ways to get the conversation going. I have a t-shirt with a picture of Christ on the cross that says. His Pain, Your Gain. They see that all of the time that they are around me. How about reading your bible in front of them, or singing a Christian song. There are creative ways to get your foot in the door. I have quoted scripture to them when the conversation would get going in that direction. They have actually asked me questions!!! HELLO..OPEN DOOR!!! Gods Word is a seed, and when it is used, it is planted.. Isaiah 55:11 ~ So shall my word be that goeth forth out of my mouth: it shall not return unto me void, but it shall accomplish that which I please, and it shall prosper in the thing whereto I sent it. Since it "goeth forth" out of His mouth, it "goeth forth" out of ours. He lives on the inside of us, and He gave us His Word.
Porn will send you to hell....1st John 2:16 ~ For all that is in the world, the LUST of the flesh, and the LUST of the eyes, and the pride of life, is not of the Father, but is of the world. Personnally, I believe that there are degrees of sin by what Jesus stated about being sent to stand before Pilate...John 19:11 ~ Jesus answered, Thou couldest have no power at all against me, except it were given thee from above: therefore he that delivered me unto thee (Judas) hath the GREATER SIN. I think that a drug addict will go to hell. The bible states that drunkards will not inherit the kingdom of God, so why would a drug addict, LOL?

Just Tom

New member
No Worries said:
thats your favourite soundbite isn't it.

They don't consider themselves perverts. They don't do it to make others feel uncomfortable. They may feel like going on gay marches because people look on them as second class citizens or choose to ignore them. They want equality not superiority. You make it sound like they choose to be gay. Even if you don't sleep with men but still find them sexually attractive you are still gay. Maybe this is where you are coming from. If you denounce them then you cannot be gay. Sorry doesn't work that way.

But they're not perverts and they accept it so there is no internal conflict. The only conflict is between you and them and it is you that makes this conflict. Again I wonder why all the emotional expense? It must be to compensate for something.

No I don't read gay literature and so my conclusions I came to myself. There's nothing wrong with being gay. Sociologists now think they actually have a role in society. Apparently it makes heterosexuals more attentive to their mates and aids the alpha male as there is another male presence which is not a threat. Of course your upbringing has created a threat. Why you have created this imaginary threat leads me to certain conclusions.... :think:

Put me down for number two. I don't know about sharing the same values but I certainly don't see a problem. What problem do you see?

But they don't consider themselves perverts....So WHAT!!!!!! if a child molester doesn't consider themselves a pervert does that make them less of a pervert NO!!!

Yes they choose to have sex with people of the same sex....

But they're not perverts and they accept it so there is no internal conflict. The only conflict is between you and them and it is you that makes this conflict. Again I wonder why all the emotional expense? It must be to compensate for something.

Of couse there is no more internal conflict they have hardened their hearts and seared their conscience. The conflict between me and them is based on values and morality. Did you know that when a homo comes out of the closet that their HETEROSEXUAL self dies.... Yes THEIR HETEROSEXUAL SELF... So that would mean that they are heterosexual by birth and they create the homo (same) sexual self... They are in love with themselves, sexually...Sounds like to much playing with themselves...So if what you think, that the person who apposes homos is conflicted, and is really gay. Wouldn't that be the heterosexual SELF of the closeted person... THUS wouldn't this mean that it is heterosexual to appose homos and be disgusted with them. Since homos aren't disgusted with themselves and you aren't disgusted with them then I can rationally deduce that you are probably a homo... Thus if the homosexual self of a closeted homo died wouldn't he be totally anti homo. Since that was what kept him from becoming a homo.. This is the internal conflict that you talk about.. Thus as Christains we should model this behavior to help those conflicted and show them that being disgusted by homosexuality it good and normal and healthy and that homosexuality is wrong and perverse..

BTW I was rasied in a liberal house, Both my parents are pro homo democrats.

I make this conflict? they choose to come out of the closet and place the burden to change on me.

They aren't second class you are right they are barely human. Vile dogs, perverts who suppress the truth in all unrighteoussness.

Your knowledge of this subject is so classic homo indoctrination it is laughable.

You can be sucure in your sexuality and think that makes you not a homo but you are wrong since homosexuality is a value system and you have the same one.

Romans 1 32 Who knowing the judgment of God, that they which commit such things are worthy of death, not only do the same, but have pleasure in them that do them.

You are them that have pleasure in them that do.. And you will get the same punishment it hell as them... You better repent...


New member
A Parable From Real Life-

From time to time I have the opportunity to communicate with addicts and alcoholics. This is because I myself, as many here know, am a recovering addict and alcoholic.

A while back, a cocaine addict was telling me of his struggles to try and keep clean. He said that he really, really wants to stop, but he just can't seem to. His addiction, he told me, was hurting his wife and child a lot. He was so grateful that his wife had not left him. He was disgusted with himself for not quitting. In fact, he just hated himself!!

I told him that he should hate himself and that I hated him too. I told him that he obviously didn't really want to quit, and didn't care who he hurt if he could continue using. I told him that his wife should leave him, and that, in general, he was full of :pureX:.

Two days later, he contacted me, thanked me for what I told him, and told me that later that afternoon he was entering rehab.

Being nice to people who are sick from their own behavior, desires etc. simply does not work. We (us right wing religious fanatics) believe homosexuality to be a disease. We believe that the only real effective way of helping a person with this disease, at least one who is clearly not serious about getting better, is an "in your face," tough love approach. Does it always work? Sadly, no. In fact, in the majority of the cases it does not. This is just as true for addicts and alcoholics. The thing is, that the "nice" approach is an enabling approach, and it is even less effective. The "nice" approach makes us feel good, it typically does little or nothing for the person in need of help.

Maintaining the illegality of homosexuality, or restoring the illegality, is part of a tough love approach. Nobody (well, almost nobody) wants homosexuals to die. We want them, for their benefit, to repent.

Just Tom

New member
Why are you conflicted?

Why would you think that I am? :loser:

I am not conflicted since I don't consider them normal or healthy, no conflict here... :wave2:

The psycho mumbo jumbo that if one loves themself and is comfortable with their sin they are healthy is ruining soceity.

So a lack of conscience is what makes one healthy in no worries book. I knew a homo who always said "no worries" when he would screw something up. It was part of his psycho conditioning are you him?

Big Mouth Nana

New member
docrob57 said:
I told him that he should hate himself and that I hated him too. I told him that he obviously didn't really want to quit, and didn't care who he hurt if he could continue using. I told him that his wife should leave him, and that, in general, he was full of :pureX:.
I agree with you telling him that he should hate himself. I do not agree with you telling him that you hated him to. Did Jesus ever tell anyone that He hated them? No. He did rebuke their sinful ways though and tell them to repent.

Two days later, he contacted me, thanked me for what I told him, and told me that later that afternoon he was entering rehab.
He told you that, but it remains to be seen if he followed through :think: I pray to God that he did!!!

Being nice to people who are sick from their own behavior, desires etc. simply does not work. We (us right wing religious fanatics) believe homosexuality to be a disease. We believe that the only real effective way of helping a person with this disease, at least one who is clearly not serious about getting better, is an "in your face," tough love approach. Does it always work? Sadly, no. In fact, in the majority of the cases it does not. This is just as true for addicts and alcoholics. The thing is, that the "nice" approach is an enabling approach, and it is even less effective. The "nice" approach makes us feel good, it typically does little or nothing for the person in need of help.
I don't agree on the tough love approach at all. What is more powerful, the addiction or the tough love?
Maintaining the illegality of homosexuality, or restoring the illegality, is part of a tough love approach. Nobody (well, almost nobody) wants homosexuals to die. We want them, for their benefit, to repent.
I have a step-sister who is a drug addict, and because of her drug addiction, she robbed my dad and step-mother of $32,000 from their bank account. She was supposed to be their caretaker, and also clean from the drugs. The folks both had dementia. She took my dad to the bank and had him put her on as POA on their accounts...all behind me and my sisters back....I already had POA filed with the county recorders office, but hadn't gone to the bank yet. She had a hi-ho time on this money treating herself and her drug addict friends on this money. She went to prison for one year for grand theft and parole violation, and this was her second strike. Now to say all of this, since our courts are only slapping the hands of thieves, and drug addicts, do you honestly think that they are going to house a bunch of homo's for abnormal sex?? No Way. The prisons in California are releasing child molesters, and anyone else they deem worthy now because they are over crowded. California is known as the prison capital of the US. We have several. These "diseased" folk just have to register in their county as child molesters. Prison is not the answer for homosexuality...God is the ONLY answer for ALL the diseased.
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No Worries

New member
Just Tom said:
Why would you think that I am? :loser:

See like I said again you're conflicted and rather than deal with it you project it.

I am not conflicted since I don't consider them normal or healthy, no conflict here... :wave2:
This is how you project it.

The psycho mumbo jumbo that if one loves themself and is comfortable with their sin they are healthy is ruining soceity.
This is you creating an external conflict to detract from the internal one that you experience.

So a lack of conscience is what makes one healthy in no worries book. I knew a homo who always said "no worries" when he would screw something up. It was part of his psycho conditioning are you him?

And now you're getting angry and lashing out. If you've read any of my posts then you would have seen that I am actually a supporter of one's own morallity over that of an external influence. Rather than coming to terms with why homosexuality as right or wrong or indifferent you defer judgement to your 'book' which removes the responsibility from yourself. And radicalised in your self inflicted warped perception you assume the balanced ( and majority holding position of acceptance) are without conscience. It would be much easier if one would just seek out a counsellor and talk through your angst rather than creating a need to drive wedges into society to compensate for your feelings. Your hours up, same time next week?

Get well soon.
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New member
Big Mouth Nana said:
I agree with you telling him that he should hate himself. I do not agree with you telling him that you hated him to. Did Jesus ever tell anyone that He hated them? No. He did rebuke their sinful ways though and tell them to repent.

...God is the ONLY answer for ALL the diseased.

Okay, I didn't really say I hated him. I was just trying to sound tough. The rest is true though.

Noone here will disagree with you on God being the only answer. The actions we support are intended to drive people to God.

No Worries

New member
docrob57 said:
Okay, I didn't really say I hated him. I was just trying to sound tough. The rest is true though.

Noone here will disagree with you on God being the only answer. The actions we support are intended to drive people to God.

I think its a case of horses for courses. In this case it sounds like you hit the nail on the head and told the man what he needed to hear. People are different though and I would speculate that the same approach may have an adverse reaction with somebody else. It sounds like the man had some backbone and with your help summoned enough resolve to take the scrap on, so to speak. Had he not had that backbone then who knows it may have been the push over the edge.

Either way sounds like in this case it was a good judgement call.


New member
No Worries said:
I think its a case of horses for courses. In this case it sounds like you hit the nail on the head and told the man what he needed to hear. People are different though and I would speculate that the same approach may have an adverse reaction with somebody else. It sounds like the man had some backbone and with your help summoned enough resolve to take the scrap on, so to speak. Had he not had that backbone then who knows it may have been the push over the edge.

Either way sounds like in this case it was a good judgement call.

I know the analogy is not exact. And I do agree that some discretion is required. By and large, though, I do think that being too easy on distructive behavior is more enabling than anything else.

I understand that you do not agree that homosexuality is destructive. But this is the perspective I am coming from anyway.


Truth Smacker
Silver Subscriber

Would you agree that what would be just is for the homo to be executed and that therefore even the harshest thing you could possibly say would not be as harsh as what would be just?

Resting in Him,

Army of One

New member
Big Mouth Nana said:
...since our courts are only slapping the hands of thieves, and drug addicts, do you honestly think that they are going to house a bunch of homo's for abnormal sex?? No Way. The prisons in California are releasing child molesters, and anyone else they deem worthy now because they are over crowded. California is known as the prison capital of the US. We have several. These "diseased" folk just have to register in their county as child molesters. Prison is not the answer for homosexuality...God is the ONLY answer for ALL the diseased.
I don't think anyone here has any high hopes of actually instituting the Death Penalty for homosexuality. We're merely stating how it should be. As you mentioned, even Child Molesters go virtually unpunished in the U.S., so I see very little hope of ever recriminalizing homosexuality (at least for the near future). But that doesn't mean that Christians (and others that know right from wrong) should stop speaking up. Again, the title of this thread is "Should homosexuals be given the death penalty?", not "Will homosexuals....".

No Worries

New member
Clete said:

Would you agree that what would be just is for the homo to be executed and that therefore even the harshest thing you could possibly say would not be as harsh as what would be just?

Clete is your homosexual vendetta because you believe what you interpret in the bible or is it more of a political thing?

I know you justify execution and may argue it from the bible but why do you think that the punishment should be execution and not something more lenient?

Just Tom

New member
No Worries said:
See like I said again you're conflicted and rather than deal with it you project it.

And your evidence for me being conflicted is..?

This is how you project it.

Oh yeah it is that I oppose homos....

This is you creating an external conflict to detract from the internal one that you experience.

And the reason I oppose them? Oh yeah cause I am conflicted...

and the evidence that proves I am conflicited,,,Oh yeah...cause I oppose homos..

See if you had bothered to read any of my posts I have already explained your circular reasoning. You get your information, not as you have said, by thinking for yourself. It is what the homos have feed you and you gooble it up. Homos are confused and obviously you are too since your reasoning is flawed and circular

I am calling the AMA and the APA to have your quack licence revoked...

Have a nice Delusion...
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