Should homosexuals be given the death penalty?

Should homosexuals be given the death penalty?

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Big Mouth Nana

New member
Army of One said:
I don't think anyone here has any high hopes of actually instituting the Death Penalty for homosexuality. We're merely stating how it should be. As you mentioned, even Child Molesters go virtually unpunished in the U.S., so I see very little hope of ever recriminalizing homosexuality (at least for the near future). But that doesn't mean that Christians (and others that know right from wrong) should stop speaking up. Again, the title of this thread is "Should homosexuals be given the death penalty?", not "Will homosexuals....".
Something like this has to be 50/50 on the delivery. One half give them the truth, and the other half tell them that there is a very loving God just waiting to hear from them. I know that this topic is intitled should homosexuals be given the death penalty.....NO. If they do not repent and turn around, they will get the death penalty anyway. God has already given the judgment for this sin. The gavel is already raised so to speak, but in His mercy, He doesn't want anyone to go to hell....2nd Peter 3:9 ~ The Lord is not slack concerning his promise, as some men count slackness; but is longsuffering to us-ward, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance. , even homosexuals, who some want executed :shocked:

Big Mouth Nana

New member
No Worries said:
Clete is your homosexual vendetta because you believe what you interpret in the bible or is it more of a political thing?

I know you justify execution and may argue it from the bible but why do you think that the punishment should be execution and not something more lenient?
It's called hatred.

Army of One

New member
Big Mouth Nana said:
Something like this has to be 50/50 on the delivery. One half give them the truth, and the other half tell them that there is a very loving God just waiting to hear from them.
I agree. But until they know that they are condemned, all talk of a loving and forgiving God is meaningless to them. But we're not really talking about evangelism here, we're discussing the criminal justice system.
I know that this topic is intitled should homosexuals be given the death penalty.....NO. If they do not repent and turn around, they will get the death penalty anyway.
Yes, as will all sinners. Yet God saw fit to classify some sins as crimes, which should be punished by the governing authorities.
God has already given the judgment for this sin. The gavel is already raised so to speak
Yes He has, and part of that judgment includes punishment by the govenment (which is why Paul refers to them as God's minister to execute wrath and vengeance- Rom. 13)
, but in His mercy, He doesn't want anyone to go to hell....2nd Peter 3:9 ~ The Lord is not slack concerning his promise, as some men count slackness; but is longsuffering to us-ward, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance. ,
But clearly God's patience and mercy has limits. We see examples throughout the Bible, from Genesis through Revelation, of God cutting people's lives short. It was not His mercy that opened up the earth and swallowed Korah and his followers alive. Nor will it be His patience that pours out judgment during the end times.
even homosexuals, who some want executed :shocked:
Or murderers, or rapists, or child molesters, or kidnappers. This line of reasoning is in error. When someone uses the argument that capital punishment is unjust because it limits the criminals chance to repent, they (either knowingly or unknowningly) malign God. Because it was He who instituted the death penalty in Gen. 9, and later expanded the application of it in the Mosaic Law. It was God that placed the Death Penalty at the heart of the Gospel, and inspired Paul to confirm the government's authority to execute criminals. Didn't He realize that those poor criminals would now have less time to repent? Is He unjust for not guaranteeing that the offender has another 30 or 40 years in which to become a Christian? Of course not.


Well-known member
I dreamt death came the other night,
And heaven's gates stood open wide,
An Angel with a halo bright,
Ushered me inside.
And there to my astonishment,
Were folks I'd judged and labelled,
of little use, little worth,
And spiritually disabled.
Indignant words rose to my lips,
But never were set free,
For every face showed stunned surprise,
No-one expected me.

No Worries

New member
Just Tom said:
And your evidence for me being conflicted is..?
Oh yeah it is that I oppose homos....
And the reason I oppose them? Oh yeah cause I am conflicted...

and the evidence that proves I am conflicited,,,Oh yeah...cause I oppose homos..

See if you had bothered to read any of my posts I have already explained your circular reasoning. You get your information, not as you have said, by thinking for yourself. It is what the homos have feed you and you gooble it up. Homos are confused and obviously you are too since your reasoning is flawed and circular

Its not circular at all.

(Internal conflict)<----------------->(anger + bigotry/sentiment)<----------------->(external conflict)

We can see that you are causing conflict. We can understand this is because of anger. Which means there is a reason for that anger.

So either justify the external conflict which you create and fuel, or come out of the closet.

Just Tom

New member
No Worries said:
Its not circular at all.

(Internal conflict)<----------------->(anger + bigotry/sentiment)<----------------->(external conflict)

We can see that you are causing conflict. We can understand this is because of anger. Which means there is a reason for that anger.

So either justify the external conflict which you create and fuel, or come out of the closet.

Now you are really loosing it...

Now I am causing conflict. Why because I oppose perverts..Oh that is right they don't consider themselves perverts so they aren't..I forgot reality is self created in your little world..

We can see that you are causing conflict. We can understand this is because of anger. Which means there is a reason for that anger.

So because I oppose perverts it is because of anger which is not a righteous anger based on a knowledge of homosexuals, what they are, how they are created, and the social and psychological, and spritual trap they are perpetrating on those who are doing what is natural and resisting the inversion, and society at large, but an anger that is resided in my own internal conflict with my homosexual desires. So the only way to resolve this conflict is to be a homo right? Or to stop seeing them for what they are which is pervert.. So to not have the anger I have to live in a delusional state of denial..

You never answered my question..

What happens to the closeted person whos HETEROSEXUAL/NORMAL/HEATHY self image wins the internal conflict and the HOMOSEXUAL/PERVERTED/UNHEALTHY is the one that dies..

Oh I suppose that isn't possible in your world. Since you talk about this internal conflict all the time. In conflict there is a winner and a looser and to the winner goes the spoils..

I am out of the closet, I have declared I am HOMOPHOBIC and I am fine with that. So why are you so opposed to my lifestyle choice? Are you really conflicted in your conscience and you are afraid the others will treat you different if you are open about your homophobia. I know it can be scary coming out, loss of friends and family, but you will find a strenght and a pride by embracing your heterosexuality that you can't even imagne. You will be able to rid yourself of all internalized homosexual propoganda and find a freedom to be yourself. No longer controled by society and their pressures or by hate groups like ACTUP and GLAAD of the Human RIghts Campaign. Just addmit who you are and you will find freedom and you won't manifest this open hatred with those who have rid themselves of all vestiges of homosexual thinking.

Come out, Come out, where ever you are!!!

I'm here,
not queer,
Get use to it!

We can understand this is because of anger.

We can understand? who is this WE? Is that your heterosexual self image talking to you again? embrace it! don't fight it! Be who God made you to be a homophobe who hates all wickedness and unrighteousness...

Good luck with that battle you got going on....

Just Tom

New member
CRASH said:
I am really digging that avatar!

Got another animated one that I made that says

don't let

You can use it if you would like..

If anyone needs or would like an animated one let me know what they want it to do or say and I will make it.

No Worries

New member
Why do you consider homosexual behaviour perverse and wrong? Not what is said in the bible, but why is it said?

JustTom said:
What happens to the closeted person whos HETEROSEXUAL/NORMAL/HEATHY self image wins the internal conflict and the HOMOSEXUAL/PERVERTED/UNHEALTHY is the one that dies..

He goes away and marries a woman and has a family. Sometimes he goes into the mountains with his 'fishing friend' and things happen; like nominations for Oscars and stuff.

If you have sexual feelings for men then you may choose to not act on them and act only on those for women then you are bisexual. If the sexual attraction for women is never there but you maintain a heterosexual lifestyle then you are in denial. You can't choose to be a heterosexual personal but you can choose a heterosexual lifestyle. But why would you if it does nothing for yopu and does not make you happy? Just like why would a heterosexual marry a woman he did not like.

If you have had to convince yourself that you are heterosexual then I'm sorry, you're not. The idea that you think people have to wrestle with homosexual feelings or that a man's heterosexuality can win through (your question) is very telling. Heterosexuals do not feel this way.


New member
No Worries said:
Why do you consider homosexual behaviour perverse and wrong? Not what is said in the bible, but why is it said?

He goes away and marries a woman and has a family. Sometimes he goes into the mountains with his 'fishing friend' and things happen; like nominations for Oscars and stuff.

If you have sexual feelings for men then you may choose to not act on them and act only on those for women then you are bisexual. If the sexual attraction for women is never there but you maintain a heterosexual lifestyle then you are in denial. You can't choose to be a heterosexual personal but you can choose a heterosexual lifestyle. But why would you if it does nothing for yopu and does not make you happy? Just like why would a heterosexual marry a woman he did not like.

If you have had to convince yourself that you are heterosexual then I'm sorry, you're not. The idea that you think people have to wrestle with homosexual feelings or that a man's heterosexuality can win through (your question) is very telling. Heterosexuals do not feel this way.
I have sexual attraction to men unfortunately I can't act on it... :sigh:
I could not resist.:granite:


New member
No Worries said:
Why should you resist?
Actually I have to resist sexual temptations if I was tempted.
Christians in my opinion are not free to act on every whim when tempted.
If someone is homosexual if they are striving to follow God they should not act on a circumstance either.

No Worries

New member
Evee said:
Actually I have to resist sexual temptations if I was tempted.
Christians in my opinion are not free to act on every whim when tempted.
If someone is homosexual if they are striving to follow God they should not act on a circumstance either.

No-one's saying act on every whim. And its only temptation when there is something there stopping you from wanting to act on it. If there is no reason not to act on it, it doesn't hurt anyone else and it makes you and an other happy then go for it.

Why is homosexuality wrong? Not where does it say it is wrong but why does it say it is so?

Big Mouth Nana

New member
I was in thought this morning about this topic, and everyones comments. I do, NOT see hoping that homosexuals come to salvation, but hate. I see still wanting a deterant put into place, but salvation if they come to repentance. I see total stupidity from those who will go nameless, and I see more good thoughts coming from Agnostics then so called Christians. At least the Agnostics aren't screaming execution, but my prayer is that God will reveal Himself to the Agnostics, and I don't wish execution on you :thumb: These scriptures came to mind this AM
John 3:17-20 ~ For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved.
18) He that believeth on him is not condemned: but he that believeth not is condemned already, because he hath not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God.19) And this is the condemnation, that light is come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil.
20) For every one that doeth evil hateth the light, neither cometh to the light, lest his deeds should be reproved. It says reproved, not executed. This once again does not include murderers, rapists and child molesters. I do believe in certain sins being more heinous then others, but still sin is sin.
John 8:10-11 ~ When Jesus had lifted up himself, and saw none but the woman, he said unto her, Woman, where are those thine accusers? hath no man condemned thee?
11 She said, No man, Lord. And Jesus said unto her, Neither do I condemn thee: go, and sin no more.
The whole crux of this topic that is missing is burdened hearts for the bound, replaced by murdereous hearts for the lost. Makes me sick!!!

No Worries

New member
BM Nana,

When I first appeared on TOL my profile said protestant. It then changed to 'christian (other)' as I was not wanting to be associated with the TOL concept of protestant. I was told regularly that I was not a protestant. I was then told by some that though I was a christian but foolish, and by others that I was not. Others even went that little bit further and said I was a demon :chuckle: . It was as the 'christians' voiced such opinions that I expressed an even clearer desire to distance myself further. Whilst I still believe in exactly what I believed pre-TOL I feel anyone reading my profile and trying to get a handle on me is better served by me naming myself 'agnostic' than christian for it is they that time and time again show reasoning, maturity and respect.

I was once told here on TOL that a christian should not use their own morallity! It is with this in mind that I am still left unanswered when asking 'why is homosexuality wrong?'. Not where, why.

Big Mouth Nana

New member
No Worries said:
BM Nana,

When I first appeared on TOL my profile said protestant. It then changed to 'christian (other)' as I was not wanting to be associated with the TOL concept of protestant. I was told regularly that I was not a protestant. I was then told by some that though I was a christian but foolish, and by others that I was not. Others even went that little bit further and said I was a demon :chuckle: . It was as the 'christians' voiced such opinions that I expressed an even clearer desire to distance myself further. Whilst I still believe in exactly what I believed pre-TOL I feel anyone reading my profile and trying to get a handle on me is better served by me naming myself 'agnostic' than christian for it is they that time and time again show reasoning, maturity and respect.

I was once told here on TOL that a christian should not use their own morallity! It is with this in mind that I am still left unanswered when asking 'why is homosexuality wrong?'. Not where, why.
Thanks for the explanation No Worries. Well, the only reasoning that I can give why homosexuality is wrong, is because God said that it is. Since God said it, I believe it. After the flood when God had destroyed the wicked folks off of the earth, he told Noah to be "fruitful" and multiply, not "be a fruit" and multiply, because that is genetically impossible, lol. It is quite evident that God gave men and women different genitalia for a reason..procreation being number # 1...all else is "pleasure" :crackup: He also took Adams rib and created woman..He didn't take Adams rib and create Steve, but Eve :think:


Big Mouth Nana said:
Thanks for the explanation No Worries. Well, the only reasoning that I can give why homosexuality is wrong, is because God said that it is. Since God said it, I believe it. After the flood when God had destroyed the wicked folks off of the earth, he told Noah to be "fruitful" and multiply. Not "be a fruit" and multiply, because that is genetically impossible, lol. It is quite evident that God gave men and women different genitalia for a reason..procreation being number #...all else is "pleasure" :crackup: He also took Adams rib and created woman..He didn't take Adams rib and create Steve, but Eve :think:
:rotfl: :BRAVO:

No Worries

New member
Ok so we've established that procreation requires a male and a female and that it says in the bible that it is wrong: so I know the where but what I want now is the why. Why is it wrong? You say the only reason is God allegedly says so in the bible. Why do you suppose He allegedly said such a thing?

Please anyone else join in:

Why is it socially wrong to be gay?
Why is it biblically wrong to be gay?

Big Mouth Nana

New member
No Worries said:
Ok so we've established that procreation requires a male and a female and that it says in the bible that it is wrong: so I know the where but what I want now is the why. Why is it wrong? You say the only reason is God allegedly says so in the bible. Why do you suppose He allegedly said such a thing?

Please anyone else join in:

Why is it socially wrong to be gay?
Why is it biblically wrong to be gay?
1st Cor 2:16 ~ For who hath known the MIND of the Lord, that he may instruct him? But we have the mind of Christ. He is God, and we are not. I think that sometimes people try to go "to deep" with questions, instead of trusting God on His wisdom on how He wanted things done. I have enough confusion just thinking that God has always been. It's enough for me to know that he put two of every animal on the ark..male and female, created a man and a woman, male and female, and He said that homosexuality is an abomination. When you find out why God said "such a thing" let me know. I'll go with His senerio...two different kinds, and the same kind together makes His plan out of balance.


Big Mouth Nana said:
1st Cor 2:16 ~ For who hath known the MIND of the Lord, that he may instruct him? But we have the mind of Christ. He is God, and we are not. I think that sometimes people try to go "to deep" with questions, instead of trusting God on His wisdom on how He wanted things done. I have enough confusion just thinking that God has always been. It's enough for me to know that he put two of every animal on the ark..male and female, created a man and a woman, male and female, and He said that homosexuality is an abomination. When you find out why God said "such a thing" let me know. I'll go with His senerio...two different kinds, and the same kind together makes His plan out of balance.
Well said, Nana!:thumb: