Should homosexuals be given the death penalty?

Should homosexuals be given the death penalty?

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New member
Yeah, it is called second hand AIDS and who is responsible, anyone? Or is there no responsibility when someone gets AIDS, when millions have died from it including innocent people?
So people who infectious diseases should be killed? That is your position across the board or are you singling out people with AIDS in general or just those who are also homosexuals?
If someone knows they have tuberculosis and are flying all over the world and people contract it from him then he is responsible.
If someone is being irresponsible to the point of negligence then they should be punished even if no one gets hurt, like catching a drunk driver before the accident.
There you getting into some tricky territority. Should the punishment for drunk driving be the same as for vehicular homicide? Who decides what constitutes negligence? I certainly don't think anyone should punished for having a disease. For knowlingly spreading it, yes- but not for simply having contracted it.
People who participate in destructive and negligent behavior should be punished.
It really shows your stupidity and ignorance when you say that the spreading of a deadly disease is none of my beeswax!

No, it showcases yours like a gaudy fool's promise on the Vegas strip. You are laboring under so many false pretenses it is hard to know where to start. You equate being gay with having AIDS, which is laughable. You want to punish not only those guilty of spreading disease but also those who are only potentially guilty by virtue of having it but not spreading it and those who are potentially guilty only because they belong to a sub-group that has a higher than average infection rate than normal and therefore might get the disease and also might then spread it. THIS IS COMPLETE BALONEY!!!! Here's a quarter. Go buy a clue.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
So people who infectious diseases should be killed? That is your position across the board or are you singling out people with AIDS in general or just those who are also homosexuals?


There you getting into some tricky territority. Should the punishment for drunk driving be the same as for vehicular homicide? Who decides what constitutes negligence? I certainly don't think anyone should punished for having a disease. For knowlingly spreading it, yes- but not for simply having contracted it.

No, it showcases yours like some gaudy promise on the Vegas strip. You are laboring under so many false pretenses it is hard to know where to start. You equate being gay with having AIDS, which is laughable. You want to punish not only those guilty of spreading disease but also those who are only potentially guilty by virtue of having it but not spreading it and those who are potentially guilty only because they belong to a sub-group that has a higher than average infection rate than normal and therefore might get the disease and also might then spread it. THIS IS COMPLETE BALONEY!!!! Go and buy a clue.

I agree that not everyone who has a contagious disease should be killed; otherwise I would think my having HCV means I should be killed.

Too many people equate having HCV with using IV drugs and for me that is contemptible, as I have never used any illegal drugs. Not that it makes me better than those who have or worse, just not from the era and place where one might be introduced to illegal drugs.

Why do I feel insulted by the idea that someone might think I became infected by hepatitis C from drug use, well, from my perception and by my upbringing, using drugs is wrong, so it bothers me.


New member
I agree that not everyone who has a contagious disease should be killed; otherwise I would think my having HCV means I should be killed.

Too many people equate having HCV with using IV drugs and for me that is contemptible, as I have never used any illegal drugs. Not that it makes me better than those who have or worse, just not from the era and place where one might be introduced to illegal drugs.

Why do I feel insulted by the idea that someone might think I became infected by hepatitis C from drug use, well, from my perception and by my upbringing, using drugs is wrong, so it bothers me.

Completely understandable. Knowledge is the tonic for ignorant sterotypes. The more people understand the true face of disease the fewer people will suffer an undeserved social stigma on top of the onerous effects of illness.


Well-known member
Legal consent. A child is not qualified to make informed sexual decisions nor is a sheep. I think 18 years is actually a pretty good age for consent.

The legal age of consent in the UK is 16.. I was sleeping around with other guys long before I was 16, and as far as I was concerned, I was consenting.

It makes me :vomit: to think of now.. but I can't change the past. God has forgiven me for my past behaviour however.

What I'm saying is that the law may have an age of consent, but in the real world, there are many underage kids who are sleeping around, and you are the one making the issue out of consent.


New member
So one consents to the sin, whilst the other does not. They're both still sin which the Bible calls a capital crime.

Well the victim of a murder certainly doesnt consent and its a massive part of the equation, do you equate murder with being as bad as homosexuality? Where apart from Leviticus - does the Bible say that people should be put to death, and that law seemed to apply for a set people at set time, nowhere in the NT does Jesus even mention homosexuality let alone how it should be dealt with in society, why is that? For something that gets sooooo much attention on this forum its mighty strange that Jesus himself didnt see fit to call these people 'stinkin homos' and call for their executions......

The sad fact is that the image of Christianity that is reflected so often on here is one of self righteous pious judgementalism, one would think that Christians would be more concerned with the issues that affect people in this world, misery, poverty, suffering etc etc, instead it seems more important to bring back barbaric forms of punishment and putting people to death..... :rain:


Well-known member
You cannot be a Christian and kill or murder anyone. Jesus was clear on that. So to run away from their own hypocrisy over war, violence and the death penalty, some believers have began to re-interpret words such as "killing" and/or "murder." If the Ten Commandments mandates that one "shalt not kill," you"d better start splitting hairs and protecting yourself from contradictions by totally "re-defining" basic words so that they do not mean what they mean within a certain context.

Hmm.. why did God flood the earth and destroy nearly all of mankind, except Noah and his family? Was that a reprehensible act? God saw evil in the hearts of man so great that he decided to kill every man, woman and child. And you say that a Christian should never advocate the death penalty!

Also, read what God said to Noah after the flood, in Genesis 9:6 .. ''Whoever sheds the blood of man, by man shall his blood be shed; for in the image of God has God made man.''

So, I think we pretty well have the death penalty covered there. Yes, God IS love, but God is also a God of Judgement.. and He will judge the wicked. He commanded the death penalty from the time of Noah. Check your theology and get back to me.

How many time does it also have to be re-iterated.. no true Christian would ever advocate murder. I do not, and neither does any of the 30% on this thread who voted 'yes'.


New member
Hmm.. why did God flood the earth and destroy nearly all of mankind, except Noah and his family? Was that a reprehensible act? God saw evil in the hearts of man so great that he decided to kill every man, woman and child. And you say that a Christian should never advocate the death penalty!

Also, read what God said to Noah after the flood, in Genesis 9:6 .. ''Whoever sheds the blood of man, by man shall his blood be shed; for in the image of God has God made man.''

So, I think we pretty well have the death penalty covered there. Yes, God IS love, but God is also a God of Judgement.. and He will judge the wicked. He commanded the death penalty from the time of Noah. Check your theology and get back to me.

How many time does it also have to be re-iterated.. no true Christian would ever advocate murder. I do not, and neither does any of the 30% on this thread who voted 'yes'.

No, the 30% who voted yes want to advocate a system that would kill people that would presently be unlawful, noone believes that these people advocate the random slaughter of homosexuals, the blood would have to be on the hands of a delegated government, this of course would be "civilised"..... :rolleyes:


Well-known member
Well the victim of a murder certainly doesnt consent and its a massive part of the equation, do you equate murder with being as bad as homosexuality? Where apart from Leviticus - does the Bible say that people should be put to death, and that law seemed to apply for a set people at set time, nowhere in the NT does Jesus even mention homosexuality let alone how it should be dealt with in society, why is that? For something that gets sooooo much attention on this forum its mighty strange that Jesus himself didnt see fit to call these people 'stinkin homos' and call for their executions......

Jesus didn't mention beastiality either, or incest, or pedophilia.. but I am quite sure that you don't advocate these behaviours. In fact, I do believe that the only prohibitions to these behaviours come from the Old Testament. Funny that.

No, I don't equate murder with homosexuality. I am simply making the point that one cannot pick half a verse and ignore the other half.

The sad fact is that the image of Christianity that is reflected so often on here is one of self righteous pious judgementalism, one would think that Christians would be more concerned with the issues that affect people in this world, misery, poverty, suffering etc etc, instead it seems more important to bring back barbaric forms of punishment and putting people to death..... :rain:

The Bible calls us to judge with righteous judgement. Christians are concerned with what is going on in the world.. the sinfulness and evil.. and do not decieve yourself, homosexuality is evil.

I see the suffering going on around me, which is why I am doing Christian work with homeless people, drug addicts and alcoholics in my town, so yes, I am concerned with more than just homosexuality.


Well-known member
No, the 30% who voted yes want to advocate a system that would kill people that would presently be unlawful, noone believes that these people advocate the random slaughter of homosexuals, the blood would have to be on the hands of a delegated government, this of course would be "civilised"..... :rolleyes:

The Bible says in Leviticus 20:13 that the blood will be on the heads of the homosexuals..



New member
Jesus didn't mention beastiality either, or incest, or pedophilia.. but I am quite sure that you don't advocate these behaviours. In fact, I do believe that the only prohibitions to these behaviours come from the Old Testament. Funny that.

No, I don't equate murder with homosexuality. I am simply making the point that one cannot pick half a verse and ignore the other half.

You're using a verse that applied to an ancient time, for a set people, many things were more barbaric back then, there is such a thing as progress, Jesus came to bring us a new covenant, a way to live which encourages humility, mercy and compassion towards our fellow being, not to go around calling for blood, unless you want to reduce Jesus's words to a bloodthirsty mob ready to stone a woman to death as mere legalism for the pharisees benefit I do not remotely believe he would advocate the manner of 'phelps' style preaching that goes on....

The Bible calls us to judge with righteous judgement. Christians are concerned with what is going on in the world.. the sinfulness and evil.. and do not decieve yourself, homosexuality is evil.

I see the suffering going on around me, which is why I am doing Christian work with homeless people, drug addicts and alcoholics in my town, so yes, I am concerned with more than just homosexuality.

In that case i applaud your work with the homeless and those who are suffering addictions :thumb: That should take major priority over this issue....


Well-known member
The Bible calls us to judge with righteous judgement. Christians are concerned with what is going on in the world.. the sinfulness and evil.. and do not decieve yourself, homosexuality is evil.

I see the suffering going on around me, which is why I am doing Christian work with homeless people, drug addicts and alcoholics in my town, so yes, I am concerned with more than just homosexuality.

James 2:10 For whoever keeps the whole law and yet stumbles at just one point is guilty of breaking all of it.

Romans 3:23 for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God

Aka you are just as guilty of evil as those homosexuals you so despise.


Well-known member
You're using a verse that applied to an ancient time, for a set people, many things were more barbaric back then, there is such a thing as progress, Jesus came to bring us a new covenant, a way to live which encourages humility, mercy and compassion towards our fellow being, not to go around calling for blood, unless you want to reduce Jesus's words to a bloodthirsty mob ready to stone a woman to death as mere legalism for the pharisees benefit I do not remotely believe he would advocate the manner of 'phelps' style preaching that goes on....

What did Jesus say to the woman caught in adultery? You tell me.. remind me of every word he said to her.

In that case i applaud your work with the homeless and those who are suffering addictions :thumb: That should take major priority over this issue....

Yes, I decided to get involved with a Christian ministry to these people, and it has been highly rewarding. I'm only able to volunteer a few hours a week, but it's better than nothing.. and I really enjoy it.


Well-known member
James 2:10 For whoever keeps the whole law and yet stumbles at just one point is guilty of breaking all of it.

Romans 3:23 for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God

Aka you are just as guilty of evil as those homosexuals you so despise.

You have obviously not come across me before on this website. Read my opening few post on this thread, and then you will see what happened. I have a somewhat unique perspective on the subject matter of homosexuality.


Patron Saint of SMACK
Hall of Fame
So if you are murdered or killed by a sociopath, what does that imply? Guilt is a feeling that you have when you have crossed your own boundaries of morality. Sociopaths apparently don't have that.
That is weak! Just because a sociopath doesn't feel guilty, you claim he is not guilty! You don't even believe that!
So what in the heck are you saying? This is not the road taken by any native speaker of English that I know of. Is this a neoChristian slant so that you can kill by lethal injection or kill in battle but according to God you aren't really transgressing any moral law?
In the 10 commandments it says you shall not murder (some bad translations say kill). Just a few chapters later it is commanded that murderers be put to death. Does the context not make it obvious that putting a person, who is guilty of a capital crime, to death is not considered murder? Or do you somehow think that the God of the Bible was suggesting that every time a murder is convicted the government needs to appoint a new executioner, and than another to execute the executioner... and than another... and then another...


New member
What did Jesus say to the woman caught in adultery? You tell me.. remind me of every word he said to her.

"have none of your accusers condemned thee? then neither do I condemn thee, go and sin no more", can you tell me what Jesus said to the mob that convicted them to leave?

Yes, I decided to get involved with a Christian ministry to these people, and it has been highly rewarding. I'm only able to volunteer a few hours a week, but it's better than nothing.. and I really enjoy it.

that is true practical christianity :up:


Well-known member
"have none of your accusers condemned thee? then neither do I condemn thee, go and sin no more", can you tell me what Jesus said to the mob that convicted them to leave?

I have just highlighted the key phrase in that.

The accusers all felt guilty of their own sin.. they were the self-righteous pharasees. However, Jesus told the woman to go and sin no more. In which case, the homosexual should go and sin no more. That isn't happening, so they are bringing condemnation upon themselves.


New member
I have just highlighted the key phrase in that.

The accusers all felt guilty of their own sin.. they were the self-righteous pharasees. However, Jesus told the woman to go and sin no more. In which case, the homosexual should go and sin no more. That isn't happening, so they are bringing condemnation upon themselves.

They were all of us, no matter when or where that crowd was convicted or who was actualy in it is moot, those words apply to everybody - unless there is anyone who claims that they have no sin? They were no beter than the woman who they so self righteously wanted to kill, its no different in this matter....

Edit: its unlikely that the woman led a blameless life from that moment on and is irrelevant to her being spared from the mob, we're all still people and we all make mistakes in the flesh no matter who we are....