Should homosexuals be given the death penalty?

Should homosexuals be given the death penalty?

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Just Tom said:
Last post,,
I do favor execution for adultery and kidnapping. Not fornication though because God doesn't... Yes I am subject to the moral criminal law not the symbolic laws.. You are so biblically immature...

So you admit that you know nothing about homosexuality.. I knew a guy isn't an answer..

Paul said to be subject to the governing authorities. Under your statement I could say you can't punish me cause I am not a Christian and if you Kill me I would never have a chance to repent. .... Thus you undermine the Gospel and the government since the death penalty is at the heart of the Gospel and at the heart of a government criminal justice system..

I will talk again on Sunday Late night..

Have a Good and GODLY weekend TELL A HOMO TO REPENT....

Can you please show me one verse where Jesus, James, Peter or even Paul clearly advocate for the killing of another person? Growing up Jewish I know the OT allows for the Death Penalty, but being saved I have yet to see a verse where it gives permission to kill another human?

Interestingly even though the Tanach (OT) provides for the death penalty every time I have heard of the death penalty being mentioned in Jewish circles the resounding consensus is against it.... but I have yet to find a Brit Chadasha (NT) case where the death penalty is proposed.... but Christians seem to be overly fond of the death penalty.


Member of the 10 year club on TOL!!
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Adam_Kratt said:
Can you please show me one verse where Jesus, James, Peter or even Paul clearly advocate for the killing of another person? Growing up Jewish I know the OT allows for the Death Penalty, but being saved I have yet to see a verse where it gives permission to kill another human?

Interestingly even though the Tanach (OT) provides for the death penalty every time I have heard of the death penalty being mentioned in Jewish circles the resounding consensus is against it.... but I have yet to find a Brit Chadasha (NT) case where the death penalty is proposed.... but Christians seem to be overly fond of the death penalty.
Wierd isn't it?

By the way, I am still waiting for an answer to your irst question as well. I'm not hopeful.


Mopey said:
Hey, if my son smokes dope, don't even talk to him. Take him out in the yard and shoot him between the eyes. That'll stop that dope smokin'. :bang:

It'll stop your son from being gay, too.


The Dark Knight
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Adam_Kratt said:
Can you please show me one verse where Jesus, James, Peter or even Paul clearly advocate for the killing of another person? Growing up Jewish I know the OT allows for the Death Penalty, but being saved I have yet to see a verse where it gives permission to kill another human?

Interestingly even though the Tanach (OT) provides for the death penalty every time I have heard of the death penalty being mentioned in Jewish circles the resounding consensus is against it.... but I have yet to find a Brit Chadasha (NT) case where the death penalty is proposed.... but Christians seem to be overly fond of the death penalty.
You do realize the OT gives permission to take the life of another human, if that human is not innocent, or if Israel was sent to war, and told not to leave anyone alive, right?

And there is at least one instance where Paul clearly advocates the death penalty for himself, if he is guilty of anything deserving of such a punishment.

Just Tom

New member
Adam_Kratt said:
Can you please show me one verse where Jesus, James, Peter or even Paul clearly advocate for the killing of another person? Growing up Jewish I know the OT allows for the Death Penalty, but being saved I have yet to see a verse where it gives permission to kill another human?

Interestingly even though the Tanach (OT) provides for the death penalty every time I have heard of the death penalty being mentioned in Jewish circles the resounding consensus is against it.... but I have yet to find a Brit Chadasha (NT) case where the death penalty is proposed.... but Christians seem to be overly fond of the death penalty.

Verse where Paul is telling timothy not to follow the symbolic laws of the OT but the moral ones which they would have known carry the DEATH penalty by the government not individuals.

1 Timothy

We know that the law is good if one uses it properly. 9 We also know that law is made not for the righteous but for lawbreakers and rebels, the ungodly and sinful, the unholy and irreligious; for those who kill their fathers or mothers, for murderers, 10 for adulterers and perverts, for slave traders and liars and perjurers—and for whatever else is contrary to the sound doctrine.

Here Jesus advocated killing those who didn't want Him to be their Lord..

Luke 19

26 For I say unto you, That unto every one which hath shall be given; and from him that hath not, even that he hath shall be taken away from him.

27 But those mine enemies, which would not that I should reign over them, bring hither, and slay them before me.

28 And when he had thus spoken, he went before, ascending up to Jerusalem.

Notice he is having others kill them not Himself...

These are just two examples..

We as individuals don't have the right to kill our neighbor unless it is self defense or in defense of someone else's life. Lord knows if that wasn't true there are a few who would have already meet their maker and they would have deserved it..

Kraft and CM,

You are weak immature Christians who mistake your love everyone all the time, there is no law, we are in the age of grace theology, with spiritual maturity and discernment. You give homosexuals a foothold in society so they can seduce and sodomize those who have feeble parents. Didn't Jesus say something about a "millstone" and those who cause one of these little ones to sin.. Well do you think that you will escape Gods notice and judgement for allowing them their foothold in society and treating them as though they are just normal like every other sinner... :bang:


Member of the 10 year club on TOL!!
Hall of Fame
Just Tom said:
Verse where Paul is telling timothy not to follow the symbolic laws of the OT but the moral ones which they would have known carry the DEATH penalty by the government not individuals.

1 Timothy

We know that the law is good if one uses it properly. 9 We also know that law is made not for the righteous but for lawbreakers and rebels, the ungodly and sinful, the unholy and irreligious; for those who kill their fathers or mothers, for murderers, 10 for adulterers and perverts, for slave traders and liars and perjurers—and for whatever else is contrary to the sound doctrine.

Here Jesus advocated killing those who didn't want Him to be their Lord..
Here TIMOTHY (not Jesus) is talking about how the law is good if used properly. Accordin to Paul, the proper use of the law is to covict a sinner of their guilt so that they may understand their need for a savior and accept Christ.

Just Tom said:
Luke 19

26 For I say unto you, That unto every one which hath shall be given; and from him that hath not, even that he hath shall be taken away from him.

27 But those mine enemies, which would not that I should reign over them, bring hither, and slay them before me.

28 And when he had thus spoken, he went before, ascending up to Jerusalem.

Notice he is having others kill them not Himself...
This is taken form the end of the Parable of the Ten Minas. A Parable about being faithful with what Jesus has entrusted to you. The verse you quote deal with the return of Jesus and His judgement. During the end times judgement many will be cast into the lake of fire for their unbeliefe. I have noticed the it is usually immautre christians or deceitful christians trying to push a view point that miss-interpret scripture so badly.

Just Tom said:
These are just two examples..
The first example said nothing of killing transgressors of the law and the second was taken out of context and has no meaning in this discussion... :dizzy:

Just Tom said:
We as individuals don't have the right to kill our neighbor unless it is self defense or in defense of someone else's life. Lord knows if that wasn't true there are a few who would have already meet their maker and they would have deserved it..

Kraft and CM,

You are weak immature Christians who mistake your love everyone all the time, there is no law, we are in the age of grace theology, with spiritual maturity and discernment. You give homosexuals a foothold in society so they can seduce and sodomize those who have feeble parents. Didn't Jesus say something about a "millstone" and those who cause one of these little ones to sin.. Well do you think that you will escape Gods notice and judgement for allowing them their foothold in society and treating them as though they are just normal like every other sinner... :bang:
God has reserved judgement for Himself. I prefer to leave it in His hands as He is far better at it than I am. Jesus has asked me to share the reason for the hope the is within me. I will use the law to guide me away from sin and to convict unbelievers of their need for a savior. That can be a really hard thing to do when so much of the "chrsitian right" is so vocally screaming for the death penalty. How do you convince somebody to listen when the message they hear is God wants me dead because I am a sinner. If I confess my sins, as required for repentance, then they will exicute me.

Just Tom

New member
CabinetMaker said:
Here TIMOTHY (not Jesus) is talking about how the law is good if used properly. Accordin to Paul, the proper use of the law is to covict a sinner of their guilt so that they may understand their need for a savior and accept Christ.

Now Paul is either schizophrenic or nuts.. Since he says that the government is Gods minister..

3For rulers are not a terror to good works, but to the evil. Wilt thou then not be afraid of the power? do that which is good, and thou shalt have praise of the same:

4For he is the minister of God to thee for good. But if thou do that which is evil, be afraid; for he beareth not the sword in vain: for he is the minister of God, a revenger to execute wrath upon him that doeth evil.

5Wherefore ye must needs be subject, not only for wrath, but also for conscience sake.

So if the Law is good if used lawfully! If the government takes and executes those that doeth evil not individuals..

God has reserved judgement for Himself. I prefer to leave it in His hands as He is far better at it than I am. Jesus has asked me to share the reason for the hope the is within me. I will use the law to guide me away from sin and to convict unbelievers of their need for a savior. That can be a really hard thing to do when so much of the "chrsitian right" is so vocally screaming for the death penalty. How do you convince somebody to listen when the message they hear is God wants me dead because I am a sinner. If I confess my sins, as required for repentance, then they will exicute me.

No he hasn't he has reserved the right to send someone to hell if they reject him but he tells us to Judge with righteous judgement. To stop judging by mere appearances and make a righteous judgement. To remove the plank from your eye so you will be able to judge correctly and not like a hypocrite..

You charaterization of "God wants me dead because I'm a sinner" is retarded and you know it.. God wants you dead because you have committed a capital crime not because you are a sinner.. Some sins rise to the level of crimes... With you way of thinking we shouldn't have any laws at all since that might hinder someone from coming to church. Should murder be a crime? How about kidnapping? Or Adultery? No we shouldn't call for those things to be criminal since if they confess their sins they would be punished. So the way in your logic to get people to confess their sins is to tell them that their is no punishment. Yet that is not what Jesus said. He spoke of ETERNAL HELL AND TORMENT for those who don't repent. God has given us the death penalty to show on earth, in the physical realm, to illustrate spiritual truths about certain behaviors. You don't get that though do you.. I can assure you that on judgement day you will be saddened when Jesus shows you all the sorrow that your way has brought..


Member of the 10 year club on TOL!!
Hall of Fame
Just Tom said:
Now Paul is either schizophrenic or nuts.. Since he says that the government is Gods minister..

3For rulers are not a terror to good works, but to the evil. Wilt thou then not be afraid of the power? do that which is good, and thou shalt have praise of the same:

4For he is the minister of God to thee for good. But if thou do that which is evil, be afraid; for he beareth not the sword in vain: for he is the minister of God, a revenger to execute wrath upon him that doeth evil.

5Wherefore ye must needs be subject, not only for wrath, but also for conscience sake.

So if the Law is good if used lawfully! If the government takes and executes those that doeth evil not individuals..

No he hasn't he has reserved the right to send someone to hell if they reject him but he tells us to Judge with righteous judgement. To stop judging by mere appearances and make a righteous judgement. To remove the plank from your eye so you will be able to judge correctly and not like a hypocrite..

You charaterization of "God wants me dead because I'm a sinner" is retarded and you know it.. God wants you dead because you have committed a capital crime not because you are a sinner.. Some sins rise to the level of crimes... With you way of thinking we shouldn't have any laws at all since that might hinder someone from coming to church. Should murder be a crime? How about kidnapping? Or Adultery? No we shouldn't call for those things to be criminal since if they confess their sins they would be punished. So the way in your logic to get people to confess their sins is to tell them that their is no punishment. Yet that is not what Jesus said. He spoke of ETERNAL HELL AND TORMENT for those who don't repent. God has given us the death penalty to show on earth, in the physical realm, to illustrate spiritual truths about certain behaviors. You don't get that though do you.. I can assure you that on judgement day you will be saddened when Jesus shows you all the sorrow that your way has brought..
Telling people the Jesus loves them and will forgive their sins bring sorrow? How?


New member
Just Tom said:
Verse where Paul is telling timothy not to follow the symbolic laws of the OT but the moral ones which they would have known carry the DEATH penalty by the government not individuals.

1 Timothy

We know that the law is good if one uses it properly. 9 We also know that law is made not for the righteous but for lawbreakers and rebels, the ungodly and sinful, the unholy and irreligious; for those who kill their fathers or mothers, for murderers, 10 for adulterers and perverts, for slave traders and liars and perjurers—and for whatever else is contrary to the sound doctrine.

Here Jesus advocated killing those who didn't want Him to be their Lord..

Luke 19

26 For I say unto you, That unto every one which hath shall be given; and from him that hath not, even that he hath shall be taken away from him.

27 But those mine enemies, which would not that I should reign over them, bring hither, and slay them before me.

28 And when he had thus spoken, he went before, ascending up to Jerusalem.

Notice he is having others kill them not Himself...

These are just two examples..

We as individuals don't have the right to kill our neighbor unless it is self defense or in defense of someone else's life. Lord knows if that wasn't true there are a few who would have already meet their maker and they would have deserved it..

Kraft and CM,

You are weak immature Christians who mistake your love everyone all the time, there is no law, we are in the age of grace theology, with spiritual maturity and discernment. You give homosexuals a foothold in society so they can seduce and sodomize those who have feeble parents. Didn't Jesus say something about a "millstone" and those who cause one of these little ones to sin.. Well do you think that you will escape Gods notice and judgement for allowing them their foothold in society and treating them as though they are just normal like every other sinner... :bang:

If you really want to enforce the death penalty on homosexuals because of your understanding of the Bible. then we would also have to enforce the Death Penalty on other Biblical crimes which have a death sentence. Such as adultry, and the rebellious son.. and lets not forget to kill every woman who got married and was not a virgin (Deut 22:21) ... also I can not remember where it is... but there is a verse in the Bible which says if two men are fighting and one of the fighters wife interferes she is to be put to death... so lets enforce that rule..... there is evidence that most of the Anti Homosexual verses in the Bible could be translated and understood differently.. I had talked to a friend of mine about Leviticus and there is a lot of consensus among rabbis and some ministers that the verse is talking about male temple prostitutes. But who know... BUT it is not our place to force our beliefs on others. the NT is clear... if we see someone doing something which we believe is forbidden in the Bible then we are to warn them.. if they are to continue.. then we let them live in their sin. Christianity was never meant to an institutionalized state religion... Jesus for all intents and purposes was anti organized religion. And our walks with God is our walks.... I think when all is said and done.. many self righteous and judgmental Christians will be damned.. while alot of accepting and loving Christians will be with the father.


New member
Just Tom said:
Last post,,
I do favor execution for adultery and kidnapping. Not fornication though because God doesn't... Yes I am subject to the moral criminal law not the symbolic laws.. You are so biblically immature...

So you admit that you know nothing about homosexuality.. I knew a guy isn't an answer..

Paul said to be subject to the governing authorities. Under your statement I could say you can't punish me cause I am not a Christian and if you Kill me I would never have a chance to repent. .... Thus you undermine the Gospel and the government since the death penalty is at the heart of the Gospel and at the heart of a government criminal justice system..

I will talk again on Sunday Late night..

Have a Good and GODLY weekend TELL A HOMO TO REPENT....

I think there is evidence that the Bible does support the death penalty for fornication look at Deut 22:13-21


New member
I don't understand homosexuals and why they are homosexual but they should never recieve the death penalty.
Some say it is a mental disorder why would anyone want to give them the death penalty if it is mental?


New member
Evee said:
I don't understand homosexuals and why they are homosexual but they should never recieve the death penalty.
Some say it is a mental disorder why would anyone want to give them the death penalty if it is mental?

because they hate them.......


New member
Evee said:
Sometimes we do fear the unknown and then some may be afraid it will rub off. :noid:

I think thats part of the problem, fear often causes irrationality which can then lead to hate....


New member
red77 said:
I think thats part of the problem, fear often causes irrationality which can then lead to hate....
We are in a culture based on competition. Competition means that you have to be ahead or better than someone else. Any idea of equality is diametrically opposed to the concept of competition. If someone else is promoted as being equal then it evokes fear in the one who must consider himself superior because of the competitive culture. That fear is that someone else might catch up, or surpass, him. That fear then evokes hatred. The hatred is then focused on knocking down the perceived "opponent" who dared to "compete" with his "superior".
Competition leads to fear which leads to hatred which leads to aggression.


Morpheus said:
We are in a culture based on competition. Competition means that you have to be ahead or better than someone else. Any idea of equality is diametrically opposed to the concept of competition. If someone else is promoted as being equal then it evokes fear in the one who must consider himself superior because of the competitive culture. That fear is that someone else might catch up, or surpass, him. That fear then evokes hatred. The hatred is then focused on knocking down the perceived "opponent" who dared to "compete" with his "superior".
Competition leads to fear which leads to hatred which leads to aggression.

You are an idiot.

Just Tom

New member
Adam_Kratt said:
If you really want to enforce the death penalty on homosexuals because of your understanding of the Bible. then we would also have to enforce the Death Penalty on other Biblical crimes which have a death sentence. Such as adultry, and the rebellious son.. and lets not forget to kill every woman who got married and was not a virgin (Deut 22:21) ... also I can not remember where it is... but there is a verse in the Bible which says if two men are fighting and one of the fighters wife interferes she is to be put to death... so lets enforce that rule..... there is evidence that most of the Anti Homosexual verses in the Bible could be translated and understood differently.. I had talked to a friend of mine about Leviticus and there is a lot of consensus among rabbis and some ministers that the verse is talking about male temple prostitutes. But who know... BUT it is not our place to force our beliefs on others. the NT is clear... if we see someone doing something which we believe is forbidden in the Bible then we are to warn them.. if they are to continue.. then we let them live in their sin. Christianity was never meant to an institutionalized state religion... Jesus for all intents and purposes was anti organized religion. And our walks with God is our walks.... I think when all is said and done.. many self righteous and judgmental Christians will be damned.. while alot of accepting and loving Christians will be with the father.

You Hope!

Infamous Plug

New member
I guess "no" is the answer for nowadays. Mind you to have them marry or other rights they try so hard to get such as adoption. If they can't figure out why they cant have kids well nuff said. But mind you pedofiles , rapists,molesters, and such should be publicly hanged, to keep anyone else from even considering it.

but God did torch 2 cities over that gay type of thing , mind you if he still did that Hollywood would be long gone. LOL