Shooting at SC Church During Bible Study - Suspect still at large


It's a vile word you flaming tard.

I watch Chris Rock a lot. When he uses the N word, the audience (which is usually 99% white) thinks it's pretty funny.

I don't know one white person that is offended when a black person uses the N word on another black person.


New member
Yes, the Confederate Flag reminds people not only of lynchings, but slavery, segregation, and other racial hatred that whites had for blacks in the South.

I don't know why this is so hard for you to understand?

Tet the N word is an ugly term, blacks may have taken it like women have taken the B word but things as you have pointed out have taken a direction that could provide healing.

You have said repeatedly that I wanted the flag to stay because I have argued over so many points said.
But see, if all you can comprehend if I argue points is I must have wanted the flag to stay, then you should easily get that a hateful word is inherently hurtful, no matter how one uses it. The N word will always be a derogatory word, no matter how many blacks use it, they can never make it what it is not. Just like women know when they use the B word. The N word needs to go. Just like the confederate flag did, because of what it meant.


Well-known member
From twitter

Next idea: Affix Confederate flag insignia to the Affordable Care Act, requiring its repeal.



Well-known member
From Twitter

AL Gov removes Confederate flag bc doesn't want it to be a distraction: "I have taxes to raise, we have work to do."

Alabama's governor is in complete YOLO mode.


Just shows you the respect they have for one another. Which isn't much if any.

Well, here's the deal. Most blacks just want equal treatment.

However, the really Liberal blacks want revenge, reparations, and want to overtake the white man and be in control of everything.

It's these blacks who call each other the N word. It's these blacks that the Rev. Al and Jessie Jackson cater to. These blacks "race bait" just so they can defeat the white man at something, and gain power.

I'm a Conservative. I could easily argue that the NAACP is racist, that Affirmative Action is racist, that Obama is racist, that Black History Month is racist, etc. I am well aware that blacks commit way more homicides and rape against whites then whites do against blacks. I'm well aware that "Hands up don't shoot" is a total lie.

However, the Confederate Flag is racist, and needs to come down.

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
Thanks for posting in this thread.
De nada.

I was hoping you would make it hear. I wasn't 100% sure what your thoughts on the Confederate Flag would be, since I know you're a huge Alabama fan, and I assume from either Alabama, or some other Southern state. However, I had a hunch you would be against the flag, you don't seem like the Rebel type.
I'm a descendant of Robert on my mother's side and English war dogs on my father's. We lost people on both sides of that war. I don't find much noble in it, though I do see the moral necessity of it.

There are two types of Alabama fan. The first is a graduate of the undergraduate or graduate programs and/or law school, or someone with a similar ability and often married/grafted in. Then there is the larger fan base, having no association with the university other than a general geography (and that stretched for some) and desire to associate with it for any number of reasons. The second sort contains the idiots who poison trees and obsess over wins and losses. The first appreciate the whole of the university and celebrate and support the athletic accomplishments, but don't confuse them with self-worth or the better part of what that university has to offer.

I'm a native Floridian, but I've spent a great deal of my life in southern Alabama, a family tradition as we have generational holdings here. Jack is the first native, despite that.


I couldn't agree more with your friend!!
He's a good egg, if a little too colorful with language from time to time.


I'm a native Floridian, but I've spent a great deal of my life in southern Alabama,

Lynyrd Skynyrd were from Florida, and sang "Sweet Home Alabama".

When I heard Walmart is going to stop selling Lynyrd Skynyrd albums, and Warner Bros. is going to stop selling The General Lee toy cars, I had mixed emotions.

I was in 8th grade when Lynyrd Skynyrd's plane crashed, and 9th grade for the Dukes of Hazard's first season. I loved them both.

Oh well....."The Only Thing That Is Constant Is Change"


New member
The south started shooting? Peace treaties were attempted but none succeeded. The south couldn't just leave the north alone or settle things through treaty, they felt the need to carve out a country with blood.

And what nation (the north) is going to stand by and capitulate to another group that's shooting at you?
Well I saved this post for last Alate One, was going to post tomorrow but I can't sleep.

I'm let down by many answers I got here on this thread but yours came the closest to scaring me.
I asked Granite early on if he still felt self righteous and replied he wasn't. Later he would call me names and insult me and I bet never once did it occur to him he was simply indignant like any self righteous person might be..

But you Alate One, you told pieces of facts but I wondered if you were taught what you said and simply believed it or had worked with it your self?
May I please just post a couple things?

A web site claiming to be devoted to the subject posted this:

"The war began when the Confederates bombarded Union soldiers at Fort Sumter, South Carolina on April 12, 1861."

Ok? Ok.
But would you please note the date South Carolina seceded:

South Carolina - December 20, 1860
Mississippi - January 9, 1861
Florida - January 10, 1861
Alabama - January 11, 1861
Georgia - January 19, 1861
Louisiana - January 26, 1861
Texas - February 1, 1861
Virginia - April 17, 1861
Arkansas - May 6, 1861
North Carolina - May 20, 1861
Tennessee - June 8, 1861

So on April 12 South Carolina attacked North Eastern soldiers in their state after being seceded for what - about three months?
At the time it was not illegal to secede either, that was ruled after the war.

The problem getting anyone to tell the truth is hard for me to understand.
But some loose tidbits would be cotton was a high dollar crop. I don't know if tea was but I suspect it was. Cotton needed many hands, as you prolly know. But farmers who grew corn or wheat did not need many hands, however, these were considered cheap crops anyway and having slaves was very expensive. But they did not want the competition from plantation spreads since they were small farms in the corn belt and that is where the train was going to go through.
The South had train transport built to ships and this was one of the first things the North wanted to interfere with, but they themselves were going to build a railroad all the way to San Francisco. The only wrestling I can see is the South wanted to be able to have more area for plantations to have big cash crops in the New Territories but others did not want that to happen. And slaves were the key.

Any way. This horse must be dead by now I know and if not at least no one really knew what the war was about anyway or cared. And lies seem to serve as well as truth when the opportunity for humans to get all wound up arrives, it seems.
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Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
Lynyrd Skynyrd were from Florida, and sang "Sweet Home Alabama".
Dwight Yokum grew up in Ohio. Go figure. And Florida is a bit like California. Which part you're talking about makes a difference. Oakland is not San Diego, by way of. And Jacksonville (especially when that ban formed) was not Miami or even Pensacola.


New member
Rusha, I'm sorry I can't get back to see your last post to me and I had forgotten I wanted to reply to it. I was also very uncomfortable with hearing anyone especially if friends or family said the N word. I think now many people feel that way - and I'm thankful for that. I'm also thankful that slavery is out lawed. I only hated what looked like false representations to me.
Rusha, on the side, I also got onto a bit of trouble when years ago on my first forum experience people were talking about women, marriage and divorce.
I do think now is better for women than it was but in the Old Testament times
If men did marry more than once they had laws to keep the first wife cared for even sexually - not put a way if he went after a younger woman for his new wife. I only brought up I knew a man who was a deacon in a church - until he left his older wife who had bore him sons and married his young somewhat silly secretary. It was despicable and I thought I could see how the OT Law would have kept her from being alone in her old age. I offended a few on that topic but now I think maybe being alone would be better than putting up with that man, so there ya go, I changed.

I never approved of slavery - ever. But I do know personally of at least one cotton farmer who was good to those who lived on his property and worked his field with him or the women who helped fix the dinner (lunch) for them all with the wife on all work days. The pictures of those lynchings reminded me he didn't just hide them if necessary, but around the time those pics were supposedly taken he was still loading up all who wanted to go to celebrate Juneteenth - as many as could pile up in the back on his truck - to go to the lake where there would be picnicking BBQ swimming drinking and a bunch of fun.
I say that like I was there but only because I heard his granddaughter remember early childhood memories when he would take her too, sitting up next to him in the truck. I do not know of any Northerners who do not think what they offer is better across the board than what care at least some I know of in reality got in the South even after the war. I just wanted you to know why I argued like I did since I do care what you think.


New member
One of the few good things to come from the Charleston tragedy is an opportunity like this for the masks of a few to finally slip and expose themselves. That's something, I guess. There's a reason certain people defend the rebel flag so vigorously.

I am ready for your masks to come off.

However, since you may not have noticed several including myself tried to say that flag did not motivate a terribly young killer to steal the lives of nine believers.
But he did use it to communicate part of what had him deceived, had him feeling self justified in hating and ultimately in killing others.
I posted earlier that the woman of South Carolina who spoke so graciously about taking it down tried to speak as a woman who wanted the best for all of us. Which is pretty good since liars and horrid ugly hypocrites don't do that, and many of them have lied and criminally blamed her state wrongly.


New member
Yes ... from my over forty years in N. California. Co-workers, the best boss I ever had, many of my son's friends, Little League, the owner of the bookstore I frequented, my hairdresser's husband, etc.

What of it?

Good Morning Rusha,
Hope this finds you well and fine.

Just a little thing here to clear the air.
I was looking at some demographics and came across some census information on the number of blacks in metropolitan cities of Northern
California in 2010. It reminded me that you had spoken of enjoying a life full of good relationships... There were relatively few blacks in the area. A very small percent.

Of course I know you didn't bring any one with you from W Virginia, I mean unwillingly. And I know you wouldn't have gone around the area kidnapping people and holding them in your basement. And you wouldn't have been blackmailing anyone just to have friendships, good grief! And I'm sure you don't have all those people still today, right, Rusha? All is right and well?

But if there is anything amiss, R, just start small - let the hairdressers husband go...


Hall of Fame
Good Morning Rusha,
Hope this finds you well and fine.

Just a little thing here to clear the air.
I was looking at some demographics and came across some census information on the number of blacks in metropolitan cities of Northern
California in 2010. It reminded me that you had spoken of enjoying a life full of good relationships... There were relatively few blacks in the area. A very small percent..

Oh. Because I never went through or to the surrounding areas such as Oakland, Berkley, Richmond, San Francisco, etc...

Of course I know you didn't bring any one with you from W Virginia, I mean unwillingly. And I know you wouldn't have gone around the area kidnapping people and holding them in your basement. And you wouldn't have been blackmailing anyone just to have friendships, good grief! And I'm sure you don't have all those people still today, right, Rusha? All is right and well?.

I am not sure how else to reply to this other than ... huh? What on earth are you talking about?

But if there is anything amiss, R, just start small - let the hairdressers husband go...

Go where exactly. Should I tell him to quit coaching Little League and quit attending his children's games? OR was I suppose to tell him and my hairdresser that if she dared allow HER husband in HER shop, she would no longer have me as a paying customer?


New member
Which history includes the whole country at one time or other. As Tets pics kind of demonstrated. But I hope we can keep the Stars and Stripes flag, regardless, don't you?

There's no question of that. The American Flag has had a complex relationship with slavery, and it flew with the armies that ended up abolishing the institution. The Confederate flag has no such complexity. It was flown for slavery. It was revived for segregation. There's no time in its history that it stood for something worthy or noble. So can we stop repeating that tired straw man please?