Sexual Orientation is not a Choice


Member of the 10 year club on TOL!!
Hall of Fame
What the world understands as "sexual orientation" is a lie created to excuse a small percentage of people for their sexual perversions.
Its not an excuse for anything, it is a descriptive term used to facilitate conversation.

Consider: I am heterosexual. That is my sexual orientation. Does that make it okay for me to have sex with any woman I want?


New member
I've heard that too. This is far beyond that. The stories I have read indicate that the child is not doing it out of spite towards their parent. What makes them choose something that they know is wrong before God?

Many children commit adultery, but are not doing it out of spite towards their parents.


New member
I am just stating flat out that I know I didn't choose to be attracted to the opposite sex. I can remember as far back as when I was five thinking little boys at school or at Sunday school were cute.
Have your preferences changed to someone older than the boys you thought were cute when you were five?


Well-known member
Are people who commit adultery acting in accordance with their sexual orientation?

No. Because there is no orientation. There is only the choice of sexual partner. There are moral choices and immoral choices.

That would be an example of an immoral choice.


Member of the 10 year club on TOL!!
Hall of Fame
No. Because there is no orientation. There is only the choice of sexual partner. There are moral choices and immoral choices.

That would be an example of an immoral choice.
As I have already rejected your attempt to redefine terms, your reply is meaningless.


New member
Get over yourself! Some things are hard wired and cannot be changed. However, behavior can be controlled.

The ONLY thing hard wired is our carnal nature, which Jesus CAN change if we let Him. That includes ALL things.


New member
Was the problem because the physical traits of your partner did not match your preferred physical traits in a sexual partner?

I married someone that only viewed me as a meal ticket to have the family she wanted and raise the kids the way she wanted.

After she got pregnant with our first child... i was put in my place and only my pay check mattered. I was not allowed to teach and/or discipline the kids, not allowed to manage our money under the threat of her leaving and her never allowing me to see the child again.

Some women/people are just plain evil... I was the victim of a masterful con job.

To this day, my divorce is the only divorce the christian law firm I used has ever taken part in.


Well-known member
1 Corinthians 7:8 "Sexuality" itself is a choice so 'preference' concerning it must necessarily be a choice...


New member
The preferences you refer to are developed over time. I am speaking about the attractions we first feel when we enter puberty. Generally, that is the first point in our lives were we start to be attracted sexually to somebody. We are either attracted to the opposite sex or the same sex.

Tell us GO, when did you make a choice to be heterosexual. Or was it something that always just knew?

Actually, science paints a different picture. Sexual attraction can change on it's own over time and it generally does toward OSA. The claim that "once gay, always gay" is a myth propagated by the gay lobby. There are plenty of studies that demonstrate this.


Member of the 10 year club on TOL!!
Hall of Fame
Actually, science paints a different picture. Sexual attraction can change on it's own over time and it generally does toward OSA. The claim that "once gay, always gay" is a myth propagated by the gay lobby. There are plenty of studies that demonstrate this.
That's all fine and dandy but does absolutely nothing to address orientation at puberty.


Well-known member
They can be suppressed for a while, but they cannot be changed.


There is what we are born with and there is what we learn to accept as we go through life.

So a heterosexual person and a homosexual person could be influenced to "accept" bisexuality?

Some could, most probably wouldn't.

yet possible for an adult to change their orientation?

Anything is possible. It is possible to change an adult but it is not highly probable that you will.


New member
The preferences you refer to are developed over time. I am speaking about the attractions we first feel when we enter puberty. Generally, that is the first point in our lives were we start to be attracted sexually to somebody.
Those first sexual attractions also developed over time, which is why they appear to bloom as fully-developed attractions at puberty. A person's first sexual attractions are towards people the physical traits similar to people they knew when they were growing up because of the emotional (non-sexual) feelings they had towards the people they knew with those physical traits.

We are either attracted to the opposite sex or the same sex.
False dichotomy.

Tell us GO, when did you make a choice to be heterosexual. Or was it something that always just knew?

You know, you will not get far in a debate if you can only think in terms of a false dichotomy.